/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef RANGE_TREE_DEBUG_PRINT_FUNCTION # define RANGE_TREE_DEBUG_PRINT_FUNCTION 0 #endif template struct RangeTree { struct Range { Range(T min_, T max_) : min(min_), max(max_), single(min_ == max_) { assert(min_ <= max_); } Range(T t) : min(t), max(t), single(true) {} bool operator<(const Range& v) const { return max < v.min; } const T min; const T max; const bool single; }; typedef std::set Tree; typedef typename Tree::iterator TreeIter; typedef typename Tree::reverse_iterator TreeIterReverse; typedef typename Tree::const_iterator TreeIterConst; /* Initialize with a single range from 'min' to 'max', inclusive. */ RangeTree(T min, T max) { tree.insert(Range(min, max)); } /* Initialize with a single range from 0 to 'max', inclusive. */ RangeTree(T max) { tree.insert(Range(0, max)); } RangeTree(const RangeTree& src) { tree = src.tree; } /* Remove 't' from the associated range in the tree. Precondition: a range including 't' must exist in the tree. */ void take(T t) { #if RANGE_TREE_DEBUG_PRINT_FUNCTION std::cout << __func__ << "(" << t << ")\n"; #endif /* Find the range that includes 't' and its neighbors */ TreeIter iter = tree.find(Range(t)); assert(iter != tree.end()); Range cur = *iter; TreeIter prev = iter; TreeIter next = iter; --prev; ++next; /* Remove the original range (note that this does not invalidate the prev/next iterators) */ tree.erase(iter); /* Construct two new ranges that together cover the original range, except for 't' */ if (t > cur.min) tree.insert(Range(cur.min, t - 1)); if (t + 1 <= cur.max) tree.insert(Range(t + 1, cur.max)); } /* Take the first element out of the first range in the tree. Precondition: tree must not be empty. */ T take_any() { #if RANGE_TREE_DEBUG_PRINT_FUNCTION std::cout << __func__ << "()\n"; #endif /* Find the first element */ TreeIter iter = tree.begin(); assert(iter != tree.end()); T first = iter->min; /* Take the first element */ take(first); return first; } /* Return 't' to the tree, either expanding/merging existing ranges or adding a range to cover it. Precondition: 't' cannot be in an existing range. */ void release(T t) { #if RANGE_TREE_DEBUG_PRINT_FUNCTION std::cout << __func__ << "(" << t << ")\n"; #endif /* TODO: these cases should be simplified/unified */ TreeIter right = tree.upper_bound(t); if (right != tree.end()) { TreeIter left = right; if (left != tree.begin()) --left; if (left == right) { /* 't' lies before any existing ranges */ if (t + 1 == left->min) { /* 't' lies directly before the first range, resize and replace that range */ const Range r(t, left->max); tree.erase(left); tree.insert(r); } else { /* There's a gap between 't' and the first range, add a new range */ tree.insert(Range(t)); } } else if ((left->max + 1 == t) && (t + 1 == right->min)) { /* 't' fills a hole. Remove left and right, and insert a new range that covers both. */ const Range r(left->min, right->max); tree.erase(left); tree.erase(right); tree.insert(r); } else if (left->max + 1 == t) { /* 't' lies directly after 'left' range, resize and replace that range */ const Range r(left->min, t); tree.erase(left); tree.insert(r); } else if (t + 1 == right->min) { /* 't' lies directly before 'right' range, resize and replace that range */ const Range r(t, right->max); tree.erase(right); tree.insert(r); } else { /* There's a gap between 't' and both adjacent ranges, add a new range */ tree.insert(Range(t)); } } else { /* 't' lies after any existing ranges */ right = tree.end(); right--; if (right->max + 1 == t) { /* 't' lies directly after last range, resize and replace that range */ const Range r(right->min, t); tree.erase(right); tree.insert(r); } else { /* There's a gap between the last range and 't', add a new range */ tree.insert(Range(t)); } } } bool has(T t) const { TreeIterConst iter = tree.find(Range(t)); return (iter != tree.end()) && (t <= iter->max); } bool has_range(T min, T max) const { TreeIterConst iter = tree.find(Range(min, max)); return (iter != tree.end()) && (min == iter->min && max == iter->max); } bool empty() const { return tree.empty(); } int size() const { return tree.size(); } void print() const { std::cout << "RangeTree:\n"; for (TreeIterConst iter = tree.begin(); iter != tree.end(); ++iter) { const Range& r = *iter; if (r.single) std::cout << " [" << r.min << "]\n"; else std::cout << " [" << r.min << ", " << r.max << "]\n"; } if (empty()) std::cout << " "; std::cout << "\n"; } unsigned int allocation_lower_bound() const { return tree.size() * sizeof(Range); } private: Tree tree; };