// Copyright Matt Overby 2020. // Distributed under the MIT License. #include "admmpd_solver.h" #include "admmpd_energy.h" #include "admmpd_collision.h" #include "admmpd_linsolve.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "BLI_task.h" // threading #include "BLI_assert.h" namespace admmpd { using namespace Eigen; template using RowSparseMatrix = SparseMatrix; typedef struct ThreadData { const Options *options; SolverData *data; } ThreadData; bool Solver::init( const Eigen::MatrixXd &V, const Eigen::MatrixXi &T, const Eigen::VectorXd &m, const Options *options, SolverData *data) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); BLI_assert(V.rows() > 0); BLI_assert(V.cols() == 3); BLI_assert(T.rows() > 0); BLI_assert(T.cols() == 4); data->x = V; data->v.resize(V.rows(),3); data->v.setZero(); data->tets = T; data->m = m; if (!compute_matrices(options,data)) return false; printf("Solver::init:\n\tNum tets: %d\n\tNum verts: %d\n",T.rows(),V.rows()); return true; } // end init int Solver::solve( const Options *options, SolverData *data, Collision *collision) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); BLI_assert(data->x.cols() == 3); BLI_assert(data->x.rows() > 0); BLI_assert(data->A.nonZeros() > 0); BLI_assert(options->max_admm_iters > 0); // Init the solve which computes // quantaties like M_xbar and makes sure // the variables are sized correctly. init_solve(options,data); // Begin solver loop int iters = 0; for (; iters < options->max_admm_iters; ++iters) { // Update ADMM z/u solve_local_step(options,data); // Perform collision detection and linearization update_constraints(options,data,collision); // Solve Ax=b s.t. Kx=l solve_conjugate_gradients(options,data); //GaussSeidel().solve(options,data); } // end solver iters // Update velocity (if not static solve) double dt = options->timestep_s; if (dt > 0.0) data->v.noalias() = (data->x-data->x_start)*(1.0/dt); return iters; } // end solve void Solver::init_solve( const Options *options, SolverData *data) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); int nx = data->x.rows(); BLI_assert(nx > 0); if (data->M_xbar.rows() != nx) data->M_xbar.resize(nx,3); // velocity and position double dt = std::max(0.0, options->timestep_s); data->x_start = data->x; for (int i=0; iv.row(i) += dt*options->grav; RowVector3d xbar_i = data->x.row(i) + dt*data->v.row(i); data->M_xbar.row(i) = data->m[i]*xbar_i; data->x.row(i) = xbar_i; // initial geuss } // ADMM variables data->Dx.noalias() = data->D * data->x; data->z = data->Dx; data->u.setZero(); } // end init solve static void parallel_zu_update( void *__restrict userdata, const int i, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { ThreadData *td = (ThreadData*)userdata; Lame lame; lame.set_from_youngs_poisson(td->options->youngs,td->options->poisson); EnergyTerm().update( td->data->indices[i][0], lame, td->data->rest_volumes[i], td->data->weights[i], &td->data->x, &td->data->Dx, &td->data->z, &td->data->u ); } // end parallel zu update void Solver::solve_local_step( const Options *options, SolverData *data) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); data->Dx.noalias() = data->D * data->x; int ne = data->indices.size(); BLI_assert(ne > 0); ThreadData thread_data = {.options=options, .data = data}; TaskParallelSettings settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&settings); BLI_task_parallel_range(0, ne, &thread_data, parallel_zu_update, &settings); } // end local step void Solver::update_constraints( const Options *options, SolverData *data, Collision *collision) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); if (collision==NULL) return; collision->detect(&data->x_start, &data->x); std::vector l_coeffs; std::vector > trips_x; std::vector > trips_y; std::vector > trips_z; // TODO collision detection collision->jacobian( &data->x, &trips_x, &trips_y, &trips_z, &l_coeffs); // Check number of constraints. // If no constraints, clear Jacobian. int nx = data->x.rows(); int nc = l_coeffs.size(); if (nc==0) { data->l.setZero(); for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) data->K[i].setZero(); return; } // Otherwise update the data. data->l.resize(nc); for (int i=0; il[i] = l_coeffs[i]; data->K[0].resize(nc,nx); data->K[0].setFromTriplets(trips_x.begin(),trips_x.end()); data->K[1].resize(nc,nx); data->K[1].setFromTriplets(trips_y.begin(),trips_y.end()); data->K[2].resize(nc,nx); data->K[2].setFromTriplets(trips_z.begin(),trips_z.end()); } // end update constraints typedef struct LinSolveThreadData { SolverData *data; MatrixXd *ls_x; MatrixXd *ls_b; } LinSolveThreadData; static void parallel_lin_solve( void *__restrict userdata, const int i, const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls)) { LinSolveThreadData *td = (LinSolveThreadData*)userdata; td->ls_x->col(i) = td->data->ldltA.solve(td->ls_b->col(i)); } // end parallel lin solve void Solver::solve_conjugate_gradients( const Options *options, SolverData *data) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); int nx = data->x.rows(); BLI_assert(nx > 0); BLI_assert(data->A.rows() == nx); BLI_assert(data->A.cols() == nx); BLI_assert(data->b.rows() == nx); BLI_assert(data->K[0].cols() == nx); BLI_assert(data->K[1].cols() == nx); BLI_assert(data->K[2].cols() == nx); BLI_assert(data->l.rows() > 0); BLI_assert(data->K[0].rows() == data->l.rows()); BLI_assert(data->K[1].rows() == data->l.rows()); BLI_assert(data->K[2].rows() == data->l.rows()); // Compute RHS data->b.noalias() = data->M_xbar + data->DtW2*(data->z-data->u); // Solve Ax = b in parallel auto solve_Ax_b = []( SolverData *data_, MatrixXd *x_, MatrixXd *b_) { LinSolveThreadData thread_data = {.data=data_, .ls_x=x_, .ls_b=b_}; TaskParallelSettings settings; BLI_parallel_range_settings_defaults(&settings); BLI_task_parallel_range(0, 3, &thread_data, parallel_lin_solve, &settings); }; // If we don't have any constraints, // we don't need to perform CG if (std::max(std::max( data->K[0].nonZeros(), data->K[1].nonZeros()), data->K[2].nonZeros())==0) { solve_Ax_b(data,&data->x,&data->b); return; } // Inner product of matrices interpreted // if they were instead vectorized auto mat_inner = []( const MatrixXd &A, const MatrixXd &B) { double dot = 0.0; int nr = std::min(A.rows(), B.rows()); for( int i=0; icgdata; double eps = options->min_res; cgdata->b = data->b; if (cgdata->r.rows() != nx) { cgdata->r.resize(nx,3); cgdata->z.resize(nx,3); cgdata->p.resize(nx,3); cgdata->Ap.resize(nx,3); } for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) { RowSparseMatrix Kt = data->K[i].transpose(); cgdata->A[i] = data->A + data->spring_k*RowSparseMatrix(Kt*data->K[i]); cgdata->b.col(i).noalias() += data->spring_k*Kt*data->l; cgdata->r.col(i).noalias() = cgdata->b.col(i) - cgdata->A[i]*data->x.col(i); } solve_Ax_b(data,&cgdata->z,&cgdata->r); cgdata->p = cgdata->z; for (int iter=0; itermax_cg_iters; ++iter) { for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) cgdata->Ap.col(i).noalias() = cgdata->A[i]*cgdata->p.col(i); double p_dot_Ap = mat_inner(cgdata->p,cgdata->Ap); if (p_dot_Ap==0.0) break; double zk_dot_rk = mat_inner(cgdata->z,cgdata->r); if (zk_dot_rk==0.0) break; double alpha = zk_dot_rk / p_dot_Ap; data->x.noalias() += alpha * cgdata->p; cgdata->r.noalias() -= alpha * cgdata->Ap; if (cgdata->r.lpNorm() < eps) break; solve_Ax_b(data,&cgdata->z,&cgdata->r); double beta = mat_inner(cgdata->z,cgdata->r) / zk_dot_rk; cgdata->p = cgdata->z + beta*cgdata->p; } } // end solve conjugate gradients bool Solver::compute_matrices( const Options *options, SolverData *data) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); int nx = data->x.rows(); BLI_assert(nx > 0); BLI_assert(data->x.cols() == 3); // Allocate per-vertex data data->x_start = data->x; data->M_xbar.resize(nx,3); data->M_xbar.setZero(); data->Dx.resize(nx,3); data->Dx.setZero(); if (data->v.rows() != nx) { data->v.resize(nx,3); data->v.setZero(); } // Add per-element energies to data std::vector > trips; append_energies(options,data,trips); if (trips.size()==0) { printf("**admmpd::Solver Error: No reduction coeffs\n"); return false; } int n_row_D = trips.back().row()+1; double dt2 = options->timestep_s * options->timestep_s; if (options->timestep_s <= 0) dt2 = 1.0; // static solve, use dt=1 to not scale matrices // Diagonal weight matrix RowSparseMatrix W2(n_row_D,n_row_D); VectorXi W_nnz = VectorXi::Ones(n_row_D); W2.reserve(W_nnz); int ne = data->indices.size(); for (int i=0; iindices[i]; for (int j=0; jweights[i]*data->weights[i]; } // Mass weighted Laplacian data->D.resize(n_row_D,nx); data->D.setFromTriplets(trips.begin(), trips.end()); data->DtW2 = dt2 * data->D.transpose() * W2; data->A = data->DtW2 * data->D; for (int i=0; iA.coeffRef(i,i) += data->m[i]; data->ldltA.compute(data->A); data->b.resize(nx,3); data->b.setZero(); // Constraint data data->spring_k = options->mult_k*data->A.diagonal().maxCoeff(); data->l = VectorXd::Zero(1); for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) data->K[i].resize(1,nx); // ADMM dual/lagrange data->z.resize(n_row_D,3); data->z.setZero(); data->u.resize(n_row_D,3); data->u.setZero(); return true; } // end compute matrices void Solver::append_energies( const Options *options, SolverData *data, std::vector > &D_triplets) { BLI_assert(data != NULL); BLI_assert(options != NULL); int nt = data->tets.rows(); BLI_assert(nt > 0); data->indices.reserve(nt); data->rest_volumes.reserve(nt); data->weights.reserve(nt); Lame lame; lame.set_from_youngs_poisson(options->youngs, options->poisson); int energy_index = 0; for (int i=0; itets.row(i); data->rest_volumes.emplace_back(); data->weights.emplace_back(); int energy_dim = EnergyTerm().init_tet( energy_index, lame, ele, &data->x, data->rest_volumes.back(), data->weights.back(), D_triplets ); // Error in initialization if( energy_dim <= 0 ){ data->rest_volumes.pop_back(); data->weights.pop_back(); continue; } data->indices.emplace_back(energy_index, energy_dim); energy_index += energy_dim; } } // end append energies } // namespace admmpd