/* * SOLID - Software Library for Interference Detection * * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Dtecta. All rights reserved. * * This library may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License * (QPL) as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file * LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. * * This library may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the * GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 as published by the Free Software * Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the * packaging of this file. * * This library is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE * WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Commercial use or any other use of this library not covered by either * the QPL or the GPL requires an additional license from Dtecta. * Please contact info@dtecta.com for enquiries about the terms of commercial * use of this library. */ #include "DT_PenDepth.h" #include "MT_Vector3.h" #include "MT_Point3.h" #include "MT_Quaternion.h" #include "DT_Convex.h" #include "DT_GJK.h" #include "DT_Facet.h" //#define DEBUG const int MaxSupportPoints = 1000; const int MaxFacets = 2000; static MT_Point3 pBuf[MaxSupportPoints]; static MT_Point3 qBuf[MaxSupportPoints]; static MT_Vector3 yBuf[MaxSupportPoints]; static DT_Facet facetBuf[MaxFacets]; static int freeFacet = 0; static DT_Facet *facetHeap[MaxFacets]; static int num_facets; class DT_FacetComp { public: bool operator()(const DT_Facet *face1, const DT_Facet *face2) { return face1->getDist2() > face2->getDist2(); } } facetComp; inline DT_Facet *addFacet(int i0, int i1, int i2, MT_Scalar lower2, MT_Scalar upper2) { assert(i0 != i1 && i0 != i2 && i1 != i2); if (freeFacet < MaxFacets) { DT_Facet *facet = new(&facetBuf[freeFacet++]) DT_Facet(i0, i1, i2); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Facet " << i0 << ' ' << i1 << ' ' << i2; #endif if (facet->computeClosest(yBuf)) { if (facet->isClosestInternal() && lower2 <= facet->getDist2() && facet->getDist2() <= upper2) { facetHeap[num_facets++] = facet; std::push_heap(&facetHeap[0], &facetHeap[num_facets], facetComp); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << " accepted" << std::endl; #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << " rejected, "; if (!facet->isClosestInternal()) { std::cout << "closest point not internal"; } else if (lower2 > facet->getDist2()) { std::cout << "facet is closer than orignal facet"; } else { std::cout << "facet is further than upper bound"; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif } return facet; } } return 0; } inline bool originInTetrahedron(const MT_Vector3& p1, const MT_Vector3& p2, const MT_Vector3& p3, const MT_Vector3& p4) { MT_Vector3 normal1 = (p2 - p1).cross(p3 - p1); MT_Vector3 normal2 = (p3 - p2).cross(p4 - p2); MT_Vector3 normal3 = (p4 - p3).cross(p1 - p3); MT_Vector3 normal4 = (p1 - p4).cross(p2 - p4); return normal1.dot(p1) > MT_Scalar(0.0) != normal1.dot(p4) > MT_Scalar(0.0) && normal2.dot(p2) > MT_Scalar(0.0) != normal2.dot(p1) > MT_Scalar(0.0) && normal3.dot(p3) > MT_Scalar(0.0) != normal3.dot(p2) > MT_Scalar(0.0) && normal4.dot(p4) > MT_Scalar(0.0) != normal4.dot(p3) > MT_Scalar(0.0); } bool penDepth(const DT_GJK& gjk, const DT_Convex& a, const DT_Convex& b, MT_Vector3& v, MT_Point3& pa, MT_Point3& pb) { int num_verts = gjk.getSimplex(pBuf, qBuf, yBuf); switch (num_verts) { case 1: // Touching contact. Yes, we have a collision, // but no penetration. return false; case 2: { // We have a line segment inside the Minkowski sum containing the // origin. Blow it up by adding three additional support points. MT_Vector3 dir = (yBuf[1] - yBuf[0]).normalized(); int axis = dir.furthestAxis(); static MT_Scalar sin_60 = MT_sqrt(MT_Scalar(3.0)) * MT_Scalar(0.5); MT_Quaternion rot(dir[0] * sin_60, dir[1] * sin_60, dir[2] * sin_60, MT_Scalar(0.5)); MT_Matrix3x3 rot_mat(rot); MT_Vector3 aux1 = dir.cross(MT_Vector3(axis == 0, axis == 1, axis == 2)); MT_Vector3 aux2 = rot_mat * aux1; MT_Vector3 aux3 = rot_mat * aux2; pBuf[2] = a.support(aux1); qBuf[2] = b.support(-aux1); yBuf[2] = pBuf[2] - qBuf[2]; pBuf[3] = a.support(aux2); qBuf[3] = b.support(-aux2); yBuf[3] = pBuf[3] - qBuf[3]; pBuf[4] = a.support(aux3); qBuf[4] = b.support(-aux3); yBuf[4] = pBuf[4] - qBuf[4]; if (originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[2], yBuf[3], yBuf[4])) { pBuf[1] = pBuf[4]; qBuf[1] = qBuf[4]; yBuf[1] = yBuf[4]; } else if (originInTetrahedron(yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[3], yBuf[4])) { pBuf[0] = pBuf[4]; qBuf[0] = qBuf[4]; yBuf[0] = yBuf[4]; } else { // Origin not in initial polytope return false; } num_verts = 4; break; } case 3: { // We have a triangle inside the Minkowski sum containing // the origin. First blow it up. MT_Vector3 v1 = yBuf[1] - yBuf[0]; MT_Vector3 v2 = yBuf[2] - yBuf[0]; MT_Vector3 vv = v1.cross(v2); pBuf[3] = a.support(vv); qBuf[3] = b.support(-vv); yBuf[3] = pBuf[3] - qBuf[3]; pBuf[4] = a.support(-vv); qBuf[4] = b.support(vv); yBuf[4] = pBuf[4] - qBuf[4]; if (originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[4])) { pBuf[3] = pBuf[4]; qBuf[3] = qBuf[4]; yBuf[3] = yBuf[4]; } else if (!originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[3])) { // Origin not in initial polytope return false; } num_verts = 4; break; } } // We have a tetrahedron inside the Minkowski sum containing // the origin (if GJK did it's job right ;-) if (!originInTetrahedron(yBuf[0], yBuf[1], yBuf[2], yBuf[3])) { // assert(false); return false; } num_facets = 0; freeFacet = 0; DT_Facet *f0 = addFacet(0, 1, 2, MT_Scalar(0.0), MT_INFINITY); DT_Facet *f1 = addFacet(0, 3, 1, MT_Scalar(0.0), MT_INFINITY); DT_Facet *f2 = addFacet(0, 2, 3, MT_Scalar(0.0), MT_INFINITY); DT_Facet *f3 = addFacet(1, 3, 2, MT_Scalar(0.0), MT_INFINITY); if (!f0 || f0->getDist2() == MT_Scalar(0.0) || !f1 || f1->getDist2() == MT_Scalar(0.0) || !f2 || f2->getDist2() == MT_Scalar(0.0) || !f3 || f3->getDist2() == MT_Scalar(0.0)) { return false; } f0->link(0, f1, 2); f0->link(1, f3, 2); f0->link(2, f2, 0); f1->link(0, f2, 2); f1->link(1, f3, 0); f2->link(1, f3, 1); if (num_facets == 0) { return false; } // at least one facet on the heap. DT_EdgeBuffer edgeBuffer(20); DT_Facet *facet = 0; MT_Scalar upper_bound2 = MT_INFINITY; do { facet = facetHeap[0]; std::pop_heap(&facetHeap[0], &facetHeap[num_facets], facetComp); --num_facets; if (!facet->isObsolete()) { assert(facet->getDist2() > MT_Scalar(0.0)); if (num_verts == MaxSupportPoints) { #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "Ouch, no convergence!!!" << std::endl; #endif assert(false); break; } pBuf[num_verts] = a.support(facet->getClosest()); qBuf[num_verts] = b.support(-facet->getClosest()); yBuf[num_verts] = pBuf[num_verts] - qBuf[num_verts]; int index = num_verts++; MT_Scalar far_dist2 = yBuf[index].dot(facet->getClosest()); // Make sure the support mapping is OK. assert(far_dist2 > MT_Scalar(0.0)); GEN_set_min(upper_bound2, far_dist2 * far_dist2 / facet->getDist2()); if (upper_bound2 <= DT_Accuracy::depth_tolerance * facet->getDist2() #define CHECK_NEW_SUPPORT #ifdef CHECK_NEW_SUPPORT || yBuf[index] == yBuf[(*facet)[0]] || yBuf[index] == yBuf[(*facet)[1]] || yBuf[index] == yBuf[(*facet)[2]] #endif ) { break; } // Compute the silhouette cast by the new vertex // Note that the new vertex is on the positive side // of the current facet, so the current facet is will // not be in the convex hull. Start local search // from this facet. facet->silhouette(yBuf[index], edgeBuffer); if (edgeBuffer.empty()) { return false; } DT_EdgeBuffer::const_iterator it = edgeBuffer.begin(); DT_Facet *firstFacet = addFacet((*it).getTarget(), (*it).getSource(), index, facet->getDist2(), upper_bound2); if (!firstFacet) { break; } firstFacet->link(0, (*it).getFacet(), (*it).getIndex()); DT_Facet *lastFacet = firstFacet; ++it; for (; it != edgeBuffer.end(); ++it) { DT_Facet *newFacet = addFacet((*it).getTarget(), (*it).getSource(), index, facet->getDist2(), upper_bound2); if (!newFacet) { break; } if (!newFacet->link(0, (*it).getFacet(), (*it).getIndex())) { break; } if (!newFacet->link(2, lastFacet, 1)) { break; } lastFacet = newFacet; } if (it != edgeBuffer.end()) { break; } firstFacet->link(2, lastFacet, 1); } } while (num_facets > 0 && facetHeap[0]->getDist2() <= upper_bound2); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << "#facets left = " << num_facets << std::endl; #endif v = facet->getClosest(); pa = facet->getClosestPoint(pBuf); pb = facet->getClosestPoint(qBuf); return true; }