/* * Verse routines for big integer operations. * Handy in heavy encryption done during connect. */ #include #include "v_randgen.h" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef unsigned short VBigDig; /* Type used to hold one digit of a bignum. */ typedef unsigned int VBigDigs; /* Should hold precisely two digits. */ #define V_BIGBITS (CHAR_BIT * sizeof (VBigDig)) /* Use this macro to initialize big number variables, like so: * VBigDig BIGNUM(foo, 128), BIGNUM(bar, 256); * Creates automatic variables 'foo' of 128 bits, and 'bar' of 256. * * Note that 'bits' must be a multiple of V_BIGBITS, completely * arbitrary number sizes are not supported by this module. */ #define VBIGNUM(n, bits) n[1 + (bits / V_BIGBITS)] = { bits / V_BIGBITS } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Import/export numbers from raw bits. The number x must have been allocated * with the desired number of bits to read/write. */ extern void v_bignum_raw_import(VBigDig *x, const void *bits); extern void v_bignum_raw_export(const VBigDig *x, void *bits); /* Initializers. */ extern void v_bignum_set_zero(VBigDig *x); extern void v_bignum_set_one(VBigDig *x); extern void v_bignum_set_digit(VBigDig *x, VBigDig y); extern void v_bignum_set_string(VBigDig *x, const char *string); /* Decimal. */ extern void v_bignum_set_string_hex(VBigDig *x, const char *string); extern void v_bignum_set_bignum(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y); /* x = most significant bits of , starting at . Right- * adjusted in x, so that e.g. y=0xcafebabec001 msb=47 bits=16 gives x=0xcafe. */ extern void v_bignum_set_bignum_part(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y, unsigned int msb, unsigned int bits); extern void v_bignum_set_random(VBigDig *x, VRandGen *gen); /* Handy during debugging. */ extern void v_bignum_print_hex(const VBigDig *x); extern void v_bignum_print_hex_lf(const VBigDig *x); /* Bit operators. */ extern void v_bignum_not(VBigDig *x); extern int v_bignum_bit_test(const VBigDig *x, unsigned int bit); extern void v_bignum_bit_set(VBigDig *x, unsigned int bit); extern int v_bignum_bit_msb(const VBigDig *x); extern int v_bignum_bit_size(const VBigDig *x); extern void v_bignum_bit_shift_left(VBigDig *x, unsigned int count); extern void v_bignum_bit_shift_left_1(VBigDig *x); extern void v_bignum_bit_shift_right(VBigDig *x, unsigned int count); /* Comparators. */ extern int v_bignum_eq_zero(const VBigDig *x); /* x == 0. */ extern int v_bignum_eq_one(const VBigDig *x); /* x == 1. */ extern int v_bignum_eq(const VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y); /* x == y. */ extern int v_bignum_gte(const VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y); /* x >= y. */ /* Number vs single-digit arithmetic. */ extern void v_bignum_add_digit(VBigDig *x, VBigDig y); /* x += y. */ extern void v_bignum_sub_digit(VBigDig *x, VBigDig y); /* x -= y. */ extern void v_bignum_mul_digit(VBigDig *x, VBigDig y); /* x *= y. */ /* Arithmetic. */ extern void v_bignum_add(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y); /* x += y. */ extern void v_bignum_sub(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y); /* x -= y. */ extern void v_bignum_mul(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y); /* x *= y. */ extern void v_bignum_div(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y, VBigDig *remainder); extern void v_bignum_mod(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y); /* x %= y. */ /* Barrett reducer for fast x % m computation. Requires precalcing step. */ extern const VBigDig * v_bignum_reduce_begin(const VBigDig *m); extern void v_bignum_reduce(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *m, const VBigDig *mu); extern void v_bignum_reduce_end(const VBigDig *mu); /* Compute x *= x, assuming x only uses half of its actual size. */ extern void v_bignum_square_half(VBigDig *x); /* Compute pow(x, y, n) == (x raised to the y:th power) modulo n. */ extern void v_bignum_pow_mod(VBigDig *x, const VBigDig *y, const VBigDig *n);