/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Copyright 2009-2011 Jörg Hermann Müller * * This file is part of AudaSpace. * * Audaspace is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * AudaSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Audaspace; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file audaspace/intern/AUD_C-API.cpp * \ingroup audaspaceintern */ // needed for INT64_C #ifndef __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS #endif // quiet unudef define warning #ifdef __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS // pass #endif #ifdef WITH_PYTHON # include "AUD_PyInit.h" # include "AUD_PyAPI.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "AUD_NULLDevice.h" #include "AUD_I3DDevice.h" #include "AUD_I3DHandle.h" #include "AUD_FileFactory.h" #include "AUD_FileWriter.h" #include "AUD_StreamBufferFactory.h" #include "AUD_DelayFactory.h" #include "AUD_LimiterFactory.h" #include "AUD_PingPongFactory.h" #include "AUD_LoopFactory.h" #include "AUD_RectifyFactory.h" #include "AUD_EnvelopeFactory.h" #include "AUD_LinearResampleFactory.h" #include "AUD_LowpassFactory.h" #include "AUD_HighpassFactory.h" #include "AUD_AccumulatorFactory.h" #include "AUD_SumFactory.h" #include "AUD_SquareFactory.h" #include "AUD_ChannelMapperFactory.h" #include "AUD_Buffer.h" #include "AUD_ReadDevice.h" #include "AUD_IReader.h" #include "AUD_SequencerFactory.h" #include "AUD_SequencerEntry.h" #include "AUD_SilenceFactory.h" #include "AUD_MutexLock.h" #ifdef WITH_SDL #include #include "AUD_SDLDevice.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENAL #include "AUD_OpenALDevice.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_JACK #include "AUD_JackDevice.h" #include "AUD_JackLibrary.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_FFMPEG extern "C" { #include } #endif #include typedef boost::shared_ptr AUD_Sound; typedef boost::shared_ptr AUD_Device; typedef boost::shared_ptr AUD_Handle; typedef boost::shared_ptr AUD_SEntry; #define AUD_CAPI_IMPLEMENTATION #include "AUD_C-API.h" #ifndef NULL # define NULL (void *)0 #endif static boost::shared_ptr AUD_device; static AUD_I3DDevice *AUD_3ddevice; void AUD_initOnce() { #ifdef WITH_FFMPEG av_register_all(); #endif #ifdef WITH_JACK AUD_jack_init(); #endif } void AUD_exitOnce() { #ifdef WITH_JACK AUD_jack_exit(); #endif } AUD_Device* AUD_init(const char* device, AUD_DeviceSpecs specs, int buffersize, const char* name) { boost::shared_ptr dev; if (AUD_device.get()) { AUD_exit(NULL); } std::string dname = device; try { if(dname == "Null") { dev = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_NULLDevice()); } #ifdef WITH_SDL else if(dname == "SDL") { dev = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_SDLDevice(specs, buffersize)); } #endif #ifdef WITH_OPENAL else if(dname == "OpenAL") { dev = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_OpenALDevice(specs, buffersize)); } #endif #ifdef WITH_JACK else if(dname == "Jack") { #ifdef __APPLE__ struct stat st; if (stat("/Library/Frameworks/Jackmp.framework", &st) != 0) { printf("Warning: Jack Framework not installed\n"); return NULL; } else #endif if (!AUD_jack_supported()) { printf("Warning: Jack cllient not installed\n"); return NULL; } else { dev = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_JackDevice(name, specs, buffersize)); } } #endif else { return NULL; } AUD_device = dev; AUD_3ddevice = dynamic_cast(AUD_device.get()); return (AUD_Device*)1; } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } void AUD_exit(AUD_Device* device) { AUD_device = boost::shared_ptr(); AUD_3ddevice = NULL; } #ifdef WITH_PYTHON static PyObject *AUD_getCDevice(PyObject *self) { if (AUD_device.get()) { Device *device = (Device *)Device_empty(); if (device != NULL) { device->device = new boost::shared_ptr(AUD_device); return (PyObject *)device; } } Py_RETURN_NONE; } static PyMethodDef meth_getcdevice[] = { {"device", (PyCFunction)AUD_getCDevice, METH_NOARGS, "device()\n\n" "Returns the application's :class:`Device`.\n\n" ":return: The application's :class:`Device`.\n" ":rtype: :class:`Device`"} }; extern "C" { extern void *BKE_sound_get_factory(void *sound); } static PyObject *AUD_getSoundFromPointer(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { long int lptr; if (PyArg_Parse(args, "l:_sound_from_pointer", &lptr)) { if (lptr) { boost::shared_ptr* factory = (boost::shared_ptr*) BKE_sound_get_factory((void *) lptr); if (factory) { Factory *obj = (Factory *)Factory_empty(); if (obj) { obj->factory = new boost::shared_ptr(*factory); return (PyObject *) obj; } } } } Py_RETURN_NONE; } static PyMethodDef meth_sound_from_pointer[] = { {"_sound_from_pointer", (PyCFunction)AUD_getSoundFromPointer, METH_O, "_sound_from_pointer(pointer)\n\n" "Returns the corresponding :class:`Factory` object.\n\n" ":arg pointer: The pointer to the bSound object as long.\n" ":type pointer: long\n" ":return: The corresponding :class:`Factory` object.\n" ":rtype: :class:`Factory`"} }; PyObject *AUD_initPython() { PyObject *module = PyInit_aud(); PyModule_AddObject(module, "device", (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(meth_getcdevice, NULL)); PyModule_AddObject(module, "_sound_from_pointer", (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(meth_sound_from_pointer, NULL)); PyDict_SetItemString(PyImport_GetModuleDict(), "aud", module); return module; } void *AUD_getPythonSound(AUD_Sound *sound) { if (sound) { Factory *obj = (Factory *) Factory_empty(); if (obj) { obj->factory = new boost::shared_ptr(*sound); return (PyObject *) obj; } } return NULL; } AUD_Sound *AUD_getSoundFromPython(void *sound) { Factory *factory = checkFactory((PyObject *)sound); if (!factory) return NULL; return new boost::shared_ptr(*reinterpret_cast*>(factory->factory)); } #endif void AUD_Device_lock(AUD_Device* device) { AUD_device->lock(); } void AUD_Device_unlock(AUD_Device* device) { AUD_device->unlock(); } AUD_Channels AUD_Device_getChannels(AUD_Device* device) { return AUD_device->getSpecs().channels; } AUD_SampleRate AUD_Device_getRate(AUD_Device* device) { return AUD_device->getSpecs().rate; } AUD_SoundInfo AUD_getInfo(AUD_Sound *sound) { assert(sound); AUD_SoundInfo info; info.specs.channels = AUD_CHANNELS_INVALID; info.specs.rate = AUD_RATE_INVALID; info.length = 0.0f; try { boost::shared_ptr reader = (*sound)->createReader(); if (reader.get()) { info.specs = reader->getSpecs(); info.length = reader->getLength() / (float) info.specs.rate; } } catch(AUD_Exception &ae) { std::cout << ae.str << std::endl; } return info; } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_file(const char *filename) { assert(filename); return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_FileFactory(filename)); } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_bufferFile(unsigned char *buffer, int size) { assert(buffer); return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_FileFactory(buffer, size)); } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_cache(AUD_Sound *sound) { assert(sound); try { return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_StreamBufferFactory(*sound)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_rechannel(AUD_Sound *sound, AUD_Channels channels) { assert(sound); try { AUD_DeviceSpecs specs; specs.channels = channels; specs.rate = AUD_RATE_INVALID; specs.format = AUD_FORMAT_INVALID; return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_ChannelMapperFactory(*sound, specs)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_delay(AUD_Sound *sound, float delay) { assert(sound); try { return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_DelayFactory(*sound, delay)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_limit(AUD_Sound *sound, float start, float end) { assert(sound); try { return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_LimiterFactory(*sound, start, end)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_pingpong(AUD_Sound *sound) { assert(sound); try { return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_PingPongFactory(*sound)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_loop(AUD_Sound *sound) { assert(sound); try { return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_LoopFactory(*sound)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } int AUD_Handle_setLoopCount(AUD_Handle *handle, int loops) { assert(handle); try { return (*handle)->setLoopCount(loops); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { } return false; } AUD_Sound *AUD_rectifySound(AUD_Sound *sound) { assert(sound); try { return new AUD_Sound(new AUD_RectifyFactory(*sound)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } void AUD_Sound_free(AUD_Sound *sound) { assert(sound); delete sound; } AUD_Handle *AUD_Device_play(AUD_Device* device, AUD_Sound *sound, int keep) { assert(sound); try { AUD_Handle handle = AUD_device->play(*sound, keep); if (handle.get()) { return new AUD_Handle(handle); } } catch(AUD_Exception&) { } return NULL; } int AUD_Handle_pause(AUD_Handle *handle) { assert(handle); return (*handle)->pause(); } int AUD_Handle_resume(AUD_Handle *handle) { assert(handle); return (*handle)->resume(); } int AUD_Handle_stop(AUD_Handle *handle) { assert(handle); int result = (*handle)->stop(); delete handle; return result; } void AUD_Device_stopAll(void* device) { AUD_device->stopAll(); } int AUD_Handle_setKeep(AUD_Handle *handle, int keep) { assert(handle); return (*handle)->setKeep(keep); } int AUD_Handle_setPosition(AUD_Handle *handle, float seekTo) { assert(handle); return (*handle)->seek(seekTo); } float AUD_Handle_getPosition(AUD_Handle *handle) { assert(handle); return (*handle)->getPosition(); } AUD_Status AUD_Handle_getStatus(AUD_Handle *handle) { assert(handle); return (*handle)->getStatus(); } int AUD_Device_setListenerLocation(const float location[3]) { if (AUD_3ddevice) { AUD_Vector3 v(location[0], location[1], location[2]); AUD_3ddevice->setListenerLocation(v); return true; } return false; } int AUD_Device_setListenerVelocity(const float velocity[3]) { if (AUD_3ddevice) { AUD_Vector3 v(velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]); AUD_3ddevice->setListenerVelocity(v); return true; } return false; } int AUD_Device_setListenerOrientation(const float orientation[4]) { if (AUD_3ddevice) { AUD_Quaternion q(orientation[3], orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2]); AUD_3ddevice->setListenerOrientation(q); return true; } return false; } int AUD_Device_setSpeedOfSound(void* device, float speed) { if (AUD_3ddevice) { AUD_3ddevice->setSpeedOfSound(speed); return true; } return false; } int AUD_Device_setDopplerFactor(void* device, float factor) { if (AUD_3ddevice) { AUD_3ddevice->setDopplerFactor(factor); return true; } return false; } int AUD_Device_setDistanceModel(void* device, AUD_DistanceModel model) { if (AUD_3ddevice) { AUD_3ddevice->setDistanceModel(model); return true; } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setLocation(AUD_Handle *handle, const float location[3]) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { AUD_Vector3 v(location[0], location[1], location[2]); return h->setSourceLocation(v); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setVelocity(AUD_Handle *handle, const float velocity[3]) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { AUD_Vector3 v(velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]); return h->setSourceVelocity(v); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setOrientation(AUD_Handle *handle, const float orientation[4]) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { AUD_Quaternion q(orientation[3], orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2]); return h->setSourceOrientation(q); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setRelative(AUD_Handle *handle, int relative) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setRelative(relative); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setVolumeMaximum(AUD_Handle *handle, float volume) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setVolumeMaximum(volume); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setVolumeMinimum(AUD_Handle *handle, float volume) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setVolumeMinimum(volume); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setDistanceMaximum(AUD_Handle *handle, float distance) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setDistanceMaximum(distance); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setDistanceReference(AUD_Handle *handle, float distance) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setDistanceReference(distance); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setAttenuation(AUD_Handle *handle, float factor) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setAttenuation(factor); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setConeAngleOuter(AUD_Handle *handle, float angle) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setConeAngleOuter(angle); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setConeAngleInner(AUD_Handle *handle, float angle) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setConeAngleInner(angle); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setConeVolumeOuter(AUD_Handle *handle, float volume) { assert(handle); boost::shared_ptr h = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*handle); if (h.get()) { return h->setConeVolumeOuter(volume); } return false; } int AUD_Handle_setVolume(AUD_Handle *handle, float volume) { assert(handle); try { return (*handle)->setVolume(volume); } catch(AUD_Exception&) {} return false; } int AUD_Handle_setPitch(AUD_Handle *handle, float pitch) { assert(handle); try { return (*handle)->setPitch(pitch); } catch(AUD_Exception&) {} return false; } AUD_Device *AUD_openReadDevice(AUD_DeviceSpecs specs) { try { return new AUD_Device(new AUD_ReadDevice(specs)); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } AUD_Handle *AUD_playDevice(AUD_Device *device, AUD_Sound *sound, float seek) { assert(device); assert(sound); try { AUD_Handle handle = (*device)->play(*sound); if (handle.get()) { handle->seek(seek); return new AUD_Handle(handle); } } catch(AUD_Exception&) { } return NULL; } int AUD_setDeviceVolume(AUD_Device *device, float volume) { assert(device); try { (*device)->setVolume(volume); return true; } catch(AUD_Exception&) {} return false; } int AUD_Device_read(AUD_Device *device, data_t *buffer, int length) { assert(device); assert(buffer); try { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*device)->read(buffer, length); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return false; } } void AUD_Device_free(AUD_Device *device) { try { if(device != &AUD_device) delete device; } catch(AUD_Exception&) { } } float *AUD_readSoundBuffer(const char *filename, float low, float high, float attack, float release, float threshold, int accumulate, int additive, int square, float sthreshold, double samplerate, int *length) { AUD_Buffer buffer; AUD_DeviceSpecs specs; specs.channels = AUD_CHANNELS_MONO; specs.rate = (AUD_SampleRate)samplerate; boost::shared_ptr sound; boost::shared_ptr file = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_FileFactory(filename)); int position = 0; try { boost::shared_ptr reader = file->createReader(); AUD_SampleRate rate = reader->getSpecs().rate; sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_ChannelMapperFactory(file, specs)); if (high < rate) sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_LowpassFactory(sound, high)); if (low > 0) sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_HighpassFactory(sound, low)); sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_EnvelopeFactory(sound, attack, release, threshold, 0.1f)); sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_LinearResampleFactory(sound, specs)); if (square) sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_SquareFactory(sound, sthreshold)); if (accumulate) sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_AccumulatorFactory(sound, additive)); else if (additive) sound = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_SumFactory(sound)); reader = sound->createReader(); if (!reader.get()) return NULL; int len; bool eos; do { len = samplerate; buffer.resize((position + len) * sizeof(float), true); reader->read(len, eos, buffer.getBuffer() + position); position += len; } while(!eos); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } float * result = (float *)malloc(position * sizeof(float)); memcpy(result, buffer.getBuffer(), position * sizeof(float)); *length = position; return result; } static void pauseSound(AUD_Handle *handle) { assert(handle); (*handle)->pause(); } AUD_Handle *AUD_pauseAfter(AUD_Handle *handle, float seconds) { boost::shared_ptr silence = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_SilenceFactory); boost::shared_ptr limiter = boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_LimiterFactory(silence, 0, seconds)); AUD_MutexLock lock(*AUD_device); try { AUD_Handle handle2 = AUD_device->play(limiter); if (handle2.get()) { handle2->setStopCallback((stopCallback)pauseSound, handle); return new AUD_Handle(handle2); } } catch(AUD_Exception&) { } return NULL; } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sequence_create(float fps, int muted) { // specs are changed at a later point! AUD_Specs specs; specs.channels = AUD_CHANNELS_STEREO; specs.rate = AUD_RATE_44100; AUD_Sound *sequencer = new AUD_Sound(boost::shared_ptr(new AUD_SequencerFactory(specs, fps, muted))); return sequencer; } void AUD_Sequence_free(AUD_Sound *sequencer) { delete sequencer; } void AUD_Sequence_setMuted(AUD_Sound *sequencer, int muted) { dynamic_cast(sequencer->get())->mute(muted); } void AUD_Sequence_setFPS(AUD_Sound *sequencer, float fps) { dynamic_cast(sequencer->get())->setFPS(fps); } AUD_SEntry *AUD_Sequence_add(AUD_Sound *sequencer, AUD_Sound *sound, float begin, float end, float skip) { if (!sound) return new AUD_SEntry(((AUD_SequencerFactory *)sequencer->get())->add(AUD_Sound(), begin, end, skip)); return new AUD_SEntry(((AUD_SequencerFactory *)sequencer->get())->add(*sound, begin, end, skip)); } void AUD_Sequence_remove(AUD_Sound *sequencer, AUD_SEntry *entry) { dynamic_cast(sequencer->get())->remove(*entry); delete entry; } void AUD_SequenceEntry_move(AUD_SEntry *entry, float begin, float end, float skip) { (*entry)->move(begin, end, skip); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setMuted(AUD_SEntry *entry, char mute) { (*entry)->mute(mute); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setSound(AUD_SEntry *entry, AUD_Sound *sound) { if (sound) (*entry)->setSound(*sound); else (*entry)->setSound(AUD_Sound()); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setAnimationData(AUD_SEntry *entry, AUD_AnimateablePropertyType type, int frame, float *data, char animated) { AUD_AnimateableProperty *prop = (*entry)->getAnimProperty(type); if (animated) { if (frame >= 0) prop->write(data, frame, 1); } else { prop->write(data); } } void AUD_Sequence_setAnimationData(AUD_Sound *sequencer, AUD_AnimateablePropertyType type, int frame, float *data, char animated) { AUD_AnimateableProperty *prop = dynamic_cast(sequencer->get())->getAnimProperty(type); if (animated) { if (frame >= 0) { prop->write(data, frame, 1); } } else { prop->write(data); } } void AUD_Sequence_setDistanceModel(AUD_Sound* sequence, AUD_DistanceModel value) { assert(sequence); dynamic_cast(sequence->get())->setDistanceModel(static_cast(value)); } void AUD_Sequence_setDopplerFactor(AUD_Sound* sequence, float value) { assert(sequence); dynamic_cast(sequence->get())->setDopplerFactor(value); } void AUD_Sequence_setSpeedOfSound(AUD_Sound* sequence, float value) { assert(sequence); dynamic_cast(sequence->get())->setSpeedOfSound(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setAttenuation(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setAttenuation(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setConeAngleInner(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setConeAngleInner(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setConeAngleOuter(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setConeAngleOuter(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setConeVolumeOuter(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setConeVolumeOuter(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setDistanceMaximum(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setDistanceMaximum(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setDistanceReference(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setDistanceReference(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setRelative(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, int value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setRelative(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setVolumeMaximum(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setVolumeMaximum(value); } void AUD_SequenceEntry_setVolumeMinimum(AUD_SEntry* sequence_entry, float value) { assert(sequence_entry); (*sequence_entry)->setVolumeMinimum(value); } void AUD_setSequencerDeviceSpecs(AUD_Sound *sequencer) { dynamic_cast(sequencer->get())->setSpecs(AUD_device->getSpecs().specs); } void AUD_Sequence_setSpecs(AUD_Sound *sequencer, AUD_Specs specs) { dynamic_cast(sequencer->get())->setSpecs(specs); } void AUD_seekSynchronizer(AUD_Handle *handle, float time) { #ifdef WITH_JACK AUD_JackDevice *device = dynamic_cast(AUD_device.get()); if (device) { device->seekPlayback(time); } else #endif { assert(handle); (*handle)->seek(time); } } float AUD_getSynchronizerPosition(AUD_Handle *handle) { #ifdef WITH_JACK AUD_JackDevice *device = dynamic_cast(AUD_device.get()); if (device) { return device->getPlaybackPosition(); } else #endif { assert(handle); return (*handle)->getPosition(); } } void AUD_playSynchronizer() { #ifdef WITH_JACK AUD_JackDevice *device = dynamic_cast(AUD_device.get()); if (device) { device->startPlayback(); } #endif } void AUD_stopSynchronizer() { #ifdef WITH_JACK AUD_JackDevice *device = dynamic_cast(AUD_device.get()); if (device) { device->stopPlayback(); } #endif } #ifdef WITH_JACK void AUD_setSynchronizerCallback(AUD_syncFunction function, void *data) { AUD_JackDevice *device = dynamic_cast(AUD_device.get()); if (device) { device->setSyncCallback(function, data); } } #endif int AUD_isSynchronizerPlaying() { #ifdef WITH_JACK AUD_JackDevice *device = dynamic_cast(AUD_device.get()); if (device) { return device->doesPlayback(); } #endif return -1; } int AUD_readSound(AUD_Sound *sound, sample_t *buffer, int length, int samples_per_second, short *interrupt) { AUD_DeviceSpecs specs; sample_t *buf; AUD_Buffer aBuffer; specs.rate = AUD_RATE_INVALID; specs.channels = AUD_CHANNELS_MONO; specs.format = AUD_FORMAT_INVALID; boost::shared_ptr reader = AUD_ChannelMapperFactory(*sound, specs).createReader(); specs.specs = reader->getSpecs(); int len; float samplejump = specs.rate / samples_per_second; float min, max, power, overallmax; bool eos; overallmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { len = floor(samplejump * (i+1)) - floor(samplejump * i); if (*interrupt) { return 0; } aBuffer.assureSize(len * AUD_SAMPLE_SIZE(specs)); buf = aBuffer.getBuffer(); reader->read(len, eos, buf); max = min = *buf; power = *buf * *buf; for (int j = 1; j < len; j++) { if (buf[j] < min) min = buf[j]; if (buf[j] > max) max = buf[j]; power += buf[j] * buf[j]; } buffer[i * 3] = min; buffer[i * 3 + 1] = max; buffer[i * 3 + 2] = sqrt(power) / len; if (overallmax < max) overallmax = max; if (overallmax < -min) overallmax = -min; if (eos) { length = i; break; } } if (overallmax > 1.0f) { for (int i = 0; i < length * 3; i++) { buffer[i] /= overallmax; } } return length; } AUD_Sound *AUD_Sound_copy(AUD_Sound *sound) { return new boost::shared_ptr(*sound); } void AUD_Handle_free(AUD_Handle *handle) { delete handle; } const char *AUD_mixdown(AUD_Sound *sound, unsigned int start, unsigned int length, unsigned int buffersize, const char *filename, AUD_DeviceSpecs specs, AUD_Container format, AUD_Codec codec, unsigned int bitrate) { try { AUD_SequencerFactory *f = dynamic_cast(sound->get()); f->setSpecs(specs.specs); boost::shared_ptr reader = f->createQualityReader(); reader->seek(start); boost::shared_ptr writer = AUD_FileWriter::createWriter(filename, specs, format, codec, bitrate); AUD_FileWriter::writeReader(reader, writer, length, buffersize); return NULL; } catch(AUD_Exception& e) { return e.str; } } const char *AUD_mixdown_per_channel(AUD_Sound *sound, unsigned int start, unsigned int length, unsigned int buffersize, const char *filename, AUD_DeviceSpecs specs, AUD_Container format, AUD_Codec codec, unsigned int bitrate) { try { AUD_SequencerFactory *f = dynamic_cast(sound->get()); f->setSpecs(specs.specs); std::vector > writers; int channels = specs.channels; specs.channels = AUD_CHANNELS_MONO; for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) { std::stringstream stream; std::string fn = filename; size_t index = fn.find_last_of('.'); size_t index_slash = fn.find_last_of('/'); size_t index_backslash = fn.find_last_of('\\'); if ((index == std::string::npos) || ((index < index_slash) && (index_slash != std::string::npos)) || ((index < index_backslash) && (index_backslash != std::string::npos))) { stream << filename << "_" << (i + 1); } else { stream << fn.substr(0, index) << "_" << (i + 1) << fn.substr(index); } writers.push_back(AUD_FileWriter::createWriter(stream.str(), specs, format, codec, bitrate)); } boost::shared_ptr reader = f->createQualityReader(); reader->seek(start); AUD_FileWriter::writeReader(reader, writers, length, buffersize); return NULL; } catch(AUD_Exception& e) { return e.str; } } AUD_Device *AUD_openMixdownDevice(AUD_DeviceSpecs specs, AUD_Sound *sequencer, float volume, float start) { try { AUD_ReadDevice *device = new AUD_ReadDevice(specs); device->setQuality(true); device->setVolume(volume); dynamic_cast(sequencer->get())->setSpecs(specs.specs); AUD_Handle handle = device->play(*sequencer); if (handle.get()) { handle->seek(start); } return new AUD_Device(device); } catch(AUD_Exception&) { return NULL; } } AUD_Device *AUD_Device_getCurrent(void) { return &AUD_device; } int AUD_isJackSupported(void) { #ifdef WITH_JACK return AUD_jack_supported(); #else return 0; #endif }