# # Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # from __future__ import annotations def _configure_argument_parser(): import argparse # No help because it conflicts with general Python scripts argument parsing parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Cycles Addon argument parser", add_help=False) parser.add_argument("--cycles-print-stats", help="Print rendering statistics to stderr", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--cycles-device", help="Set the device to use for Cycles, overriding user preferences and the scene setting." "Valid options are 'CPU', 'CUDA', 'OPTIX', or 'HIP'" "Additionally, you can append '+CPU' to any GPU type for hybrid rendering.", default=None) return parser def _parse_command_line(): import sys argv = sys.argv if "--" not in argv: return parser = _configure_argument_parser() args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(argv[argv.index("--") + 1:]) if args.cycles_print_stats: import _cycles _cycles.enable_print_stats() if args.cycles_device: import _cycles _cycles.set_device_override(args.cycles_device) def init(): import bpy import _cycles import os.path path = os.path.dirname(__file__) user_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(bpy.utils.user_resource('CONFIG', path=''))) temp_path = bpy.app.tempdir _cycles.init(path, user_path, temp_path, bpy.app.background) _parse_command_line() def exit(): import _cycles _cycles.exit() def create(engine, data, region=None, v3d=None, rv3d=None, preview_osl=False): import _cycles import bpy data = data.as_pointer() prefs = bpy.context.preferences.as_pointer() screen = 0 if region: screen = region.id_data.as_pointer() region = region.as_pointer() if v3d: screen = screen or v3d.id_data.as_pointer() v3d = v3d.as_pointer() if rv3d: screen = screen or rv3d.id_data.as_pointer() rv3d = rv3d.as_pointer() engine.session = _cycles.create(engine.as_pointer(), prefs, data, screen, region, v3d, rv3d, preview_osl) def free(engine): if hasattr(engine, "session"): if engine.session: import _cycles _cycles.free(engine.session) del engine.session def render(engine, depsgraph): import _cycles if hasattr(engine, "session"): _cycles.render(engine.session, depsgraph.as_pointer()) def render_frame_finish(engine): if not engine.session: return import _cycles _cycles.render_frame_finish(engine.session) def draw(engine, depsgraph, space_image): if not engine.session: return depsgraph_ptr = depsgraph.as_pointer() space_image_ptr = space_image.as_pointer() screen_ptr = space_image.id_data.as_pointer() import _cycles _cycles.draw(engine.session, depsgraph_ptr, screen_ptr, space_image_ptr) def bake(engine, depsgraph, obj, pass_type, pass_filter, width, height): import _cycles session = getattr(engine, "session", None) if session is not None: _cycles.bake(engine.session, depsgraph.as_pointer(), obj.as_pointer(), pass_type, pass_filter, width, height) def reset(engine, data, depsgraph): import _cycles import bpy prefs = bpy.context.preferences if prefs.experimental.use_cycles_debug and prefs.view.show_developer_ui: _cycles.debug_flags_update(depsgraph.scene.as_pointer()) else: _cycles.debug_flags_reset() data = data.as_pointer() depsgraph = depsgraph.as_pointer() _cycles.reset(engine.session, data, depsgraph) def sync(engine, depsgraph, data): import _cycles _cycles.sync(engine.session, depsgraph.as_pointer()) def view_draw(engine, depsgraph, region, v3d, rv3d): import _cycles depsgraph = depsgraph.as_pointer() v3d = v3d.as_pointer() rv3d = rv3d.as_pointer() # draw render image _cycles.view_draw(engine.session, depsgraph, v3d, rv3d) def available_devices(): import _cycles return _cycles.available_devices() def with_osl(): import _cycles return _cycles.with_osl def system_info(): import _cycles return _cycles.system_info() def list_render_passes(scene, srl): crl = srl.cycles # Combined pass. yield ("Combined", "RGBA", 'COLOR') # Data passes. if srl.use_pass_z: yield ("Depth", "Z", 'VALUE') if srl.use_pass_mist: yield ("Mist", "Z", 'VALUE') if srl.use_pass_position: yield ("Position", "XYZ", 'VECTOR') if srl.use_pass_normal: yield ("Normal", "XYZ", 'VECTOR') if srl.use_pass_vector: yield ("Vector", "XYZW", 'VECTOR') if srl.use_pass_uv: yield ("UV", "UVA", 'VECTOR') if srl.use_pass_object_index: yield ("IndexOB", "X", 'VALUE') if srl.use_pass_material_index: yield ("IndexMA", "X", 'VALUE') # Light passes. if srl.use_pass_diffuse_direct: yield ("DiffDir", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_diffuse_indirect: yield ("DiffInd", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_diffuse_color: yield ("DiffCol", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_glossy_direct: yield ("GlossDir", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_glossy_indirect: yield ("GlossInd", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_glossy_color: yield ("GlossCol", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_transmission_direct: yield ("TransDir", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_transmission_indirect: yield ("TransInd", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_transmission_color: yield ("TransCol", "RGB", 'COLOR') if crl.use_pass_volume_direct: yield ("VolumeDir", "RGB", 'COLOR') if crl.use_pass_volume_indirect: yield ("VolumeInd", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_emit: yield ("Emit", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_environment: yield ("Env", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_shadow: yield ("Shadow", "RGB", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_ambient_occlusion: yield ("AO", "RGB", 'COLOR') if crl.use_pass_shadow_catcher: yield ("Shadow Catcher", "RGB", 'COLOR') # Debug passes. if crl.pass_debug_render_time: yield ("Debug Render Time", "X", 'VALUE') if crl.pass_debug_sample_count: yield ("Debug Sample Count", "X", 'VALUE') # Cryptomatte passes. crypto_depth = (srl.pass_cryptomatte_depth + 1) // 2 if srl.use_pass_cryptomatte_object: for i in range(0, crypto_depth): yield ("CryptoObject" + '{:02d}'.format(i), "RGBA", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_cryptomatte_material: for i in range(0, crypto_depth): yield ("CryptoMaterial" + '{:02d}'.format(i), "RGBA", 'COLOR') if srl.use_pass_cryptomatte_asset: for i in range(0, crypto_depth): yield ("CryptoAsset" + '{:02d}'.format(i), "RGBA", 'COLOR') # Denoising passes. if scene.cycles.use_denoising and crl.use_denoising: yield ("Noisy Image", "RGBA", 'COLOR') if crl.use_pass_shadow_catcher: yield ("Noisy Shadow Catcher", "RGBA", 'COLOR') if crl.denoising_store_passes: yield ("Denoising Normal", "XYZ", 'VECTOR') yield ("Denoising Albedo", "RGB", 'COLOR') # Custom AOV passes. for aov in srl.aovs: if aov.type == 'VALUE': yield (aov.name, "X", 'VALUE') else: yield (aov.name, "RGB", 'COLOR') def register_passes(engine, scene, view_layer): for name, channelids, channeltype in list_render_passes(scene, view_layer): engine.register_pass(scene, view_layer, name, len(channelids), channelids, channeltype)