/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "blender/blender_image.h" #include "blender/blender_session.h" #include "blender/blender_util.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Packed Images */ BlenderImageLoader::BlenderImageLoader(BL::Image b_image, int frame) : b_image(b_image), frame(frame), free_cache(!b_image.has_data()) { } bool BlenderImageLoader::load_metadata(const ImageDeviceFeatures &, ImageMetaData &metadata) { metadata.width = b_image.size()[0]; metadata.height = b_image.size()[1]; metadata.depth = 1; metadata.channels = b_image.channels(); if (b_image.is_float()) { if (metadata.channels == 1) { metadata.type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (metadata.channels == 4) { metadata.type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4; } else { return false; } /* Float images are already converted on the Blender side, * no need to do anything in Cycles. */ metadata.colorspace = u_colorspace_raw; } else { if (metadata.channels == 1) { metadata.type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE; } else if (metadata.channels == 4) { metadata.type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_BYTE4; } else { return false; } } return true; } bool BlenderImageLoader::load_pixels(const ImageMetaData &metadata, void *pixels, const size_t pixels_size, const bool associate_alpha) { const size_t num_pixels = ((size_t)metadata.width) * metadata.height; const int channels = metadata.channels; const int tile = 0; /* TODO(lukas): Support tiles here? */ if (b_image.is_float()) { /* image data */ float *image_pixels; image_pixels = image_get_float_pixels_for_frame(b_image, frame, tile); if (image_pixels && num_pixels * channels == pixels_size) { memcpy(pixels, image_pixels, pixels_size * sizeof(float)); } else { if (channels == 1) { memset(pixels, 0, num_pixels * sizeof(float)); } else { const size_t num_pixels_safe = pixels_size / channels; float *fp = (float *)pixels; for (int i = 0; i < num_pixels_safe; i++, fp += channels) { fp[0] = 1.0f; fp[1] = 0.0f; fp[2] = 1.0f; if (channels == 4) { fp[3] = 1.0f; } } } } if (image_pixels) { MEM_freeN(image_pixels); } } else { unsigned char *image_pixels = image_get_pixels_for_frame(b_image, frame, tile); if (image_pixels && num_pixels * channels == pixels_size) { memcpy(pixels, image_pixels, pixels_size * sizeof(unsigned char)); } else { if (channels == 1) { memset(pixels, 0, pixels_size * sizeof(unsigned char)); } else { const size_t num_pixels_safe = pixels_size / channels; unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *)pixels; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pixels_safe; i++, cp += channels) { cp[0] = 255; cp[1] = 0; cp[2] = 255; if (channels == 4) { cp[3] = 255; } } } } if (image_pixels) { MEM_freeN(image_pixels); } if (associate_alpha) { /* Premultiply, byte images are always straight for Blender. */ unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *)pixels; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++, cp += channels) { cp[0] = (cp[0] * cp[3]) >> 8; cp[1] = (cp[1] * cp[3]) >> 8; cp[2] = (cp[2] * cp[3]) >> 8; } } } /* Free image buffers to save memory during render. */ if (free_cache) { b_image.buffers_free(); } return true; } string BlenderImageLoader::name() const { return BL::Image(b_image).name(); } bool BlenderImageLoader::equals(const ImageLoader &other) const { const BlenderImageLoader &other_loader = (const BlenderImageLoader &)other; return b_image == other_loader.b_image && frame == other_loader.frame; } /* Point Density */ BlenderPointDensityLoader::BlenderPointDensityLoader(BL::Depsgraph b_depsgraph, BL::ShaderNodeTexPointDensity b_node) : b_depsgraph(b_depsgraph), b_node(b_node) { } bool BlenderPointDensityLoader::load_metadata(const ImageDeviceFeatures &, ImageMetaData &metadata) { metadata.channels = 4; metadata.width = b_node.resolution(); metadata.height = metadata.width; metadata.depth = metadata.width; metadata.type = IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT4; return true; } bool BlenderPointDensityLoader::load_pixels(const ImageMetaData &, void *pixels, const size_t, const bool) { int length; b_node.calc_point_density(b_depsgraph, &length, (float **)&pixels); return true; } void BlenderSession::builtin_images_load() { /* Force builtin images to be loaded along with Blender data sync. This * is needed because we may be reading from depsgraph evaluated data which * can be freed by Blender before Cycles reads it. * * TODO: the assumption that no further access to builtin image data will * happen is really weak, and likely to break in the future. We should find * a better solution to hand over the data directly to the image manager * instead of through callbacks whose timing is difficult to control. */ ImageManager *manager = session->scene->image_manager; Device *device = session->device; manager->device_load_builtin(device, session->scene, session->progress); } string BlenderPointDensityLoader::name() const { return BL::ShaderNodeTexPointDensity(b_node).name(); } bool BlenderPointDensityLoader::equals(const ImageLoader &other) const { const BlenderPointDensityLoader &other_loader = (const BlenderPointDensityLoader &)other; return b_node == other_loader.b_node && b_depsgraph == other_loader.b_depsgraph; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END