/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "render/mesh.h" #include "render/object.h" #include "render/scene.h" #include "render/camera.h" #include "blender/blender_sync.h" #include "blender/blender_session.h" #include "blender/blender_util.h" #include "subd/subd_patch.h" #include "subd/subd_split.h" #include "util/util_algorithm.h" #include "util/util_foreach.h" #include "util/util_logging.h" #include "util/util_math.h" #include "mikktspace.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Per-face bit flags. */ enum { /* Face has no special flags. */ FACE_FLAG_NONE = (0 << 0), /* Quad face was split using 1-3 diagonal. */ FACE_FLAG_DIVIDE_13 = (1 << 0), /* Quad face was split using 2-4 diagonal. */ FACE_FLAG_DIVIDE_24 = (1 << 1), }; /* Get vertex indices to create triangles from a given face. * * Two triangles has vertex indices in the original Blender-side face. * If face is already a quad tri_b will not be initialized. */ inline void face_split_tri_indices(const int num_verts, const int face_flag, int tri_a[3], int tri_b[3]) { if(face_flag & FACE_FLAG_DIVIDE_24) { tri_a[0] = 0; tri_a[1] = 1; tri_a[2] = 3; if(num_verts == 4) { tri_b[0] = 2; tri_b[1] = 3; tri_b[2] = 1; } } else /*if(face_flag & FACE_FLAG_DIVIDE_13)*/ { tri_a[0] = 0; tri_a[1] = 1; tri_a[2] = 2; if(num_verts == 4) { tri_b[0] = 0; tri_b[1] = 2; tri_b[2] = 3; } } } /* Tangent Space */ struct MikkUserData { MikkUserData(const BL::Mesh& mesh_, BL::MeshTextureFaceLayer *layer_, int num_faces_) : mesh(mesh_), layer(layer_), num_faces(num_faces_) { tangent.resize(num_faces*4); } BL::Mesh mesh; BL::MeshTextureFaceLayer *layer; int num_faces; vector tangent; }; static int mikk_get_num_faces(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context) { MikkUserData *userdata = (MikkUserData*)context->m_pUserData; return userdata->num_faces; } static int mikk_get_num_verts_of_face(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, const int face_num) { MikkUserData *userdata = (MikkUserData*)context->m_pUserData; BL::MeshTessFace f = userdata->mesh.tessfaces[face_num]; int4 vi = get_int4(f.vertices_raw()); return (vi[3] == 0)? 3: 4; } static void mikk_get_position(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, float P[3], const int face_num, const int vert_num) { MikkUserData *userdata = (MikkUserData*)context->m_pUserData; BL::MeshTessFace f = userdata->mesh.tessfaces[face_num]; int4 vi = get_int4(f.vertices_raw()); BL::MeshVertex v = userdata->mesh.vertices[vi[vert_num]]; float3 vP = get_float3(v.co()); P[0] = vP.x; P[1] = vP.y; P[2] = vP.z; } static void mikk_get_texture_coordinate(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, float uv[2], const int face_num, const int vert_num) { MikkUserData *userdata = (MikkUserData*)context->m_pUserData; if(userdata->layer != NULL) { BL::MeshTextureFace tf = userdata->layer->data[face_num]; float3 tfuv; switch(vert_num) { case 0: tfuv = get_float3(tf.uv1()); break; case 1: tfuv = get_float3(tf.uv2()); break; case 2: tfuv = get_float3(tf.uv3()); break; default: tfuv = get_float3(tf.uv4()); break; } uv[0] = tfuv.x; uv[1] = tfuv.y; } else { int vert_idx = userdata->mesh.tessfaces[face_num].vertices()[vert_num]; float3 orco = get_float3(userdata->mesh.vertices[vert_idx].undeformed_co()); float2 tmp = map_to_sphere(make_float3(orco[0], orco[1], orco[2])); uv[0] = tmp.x; uv[1] = tmp.y; } } static void mikk_get_normal(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, float N[3], const int face_num, const int vert_num) { MikkUserData *userdata = (MikkUserData*)context->m_pUserData; BL::MeshTessFace f = userdata->mesh.tessfaces[face_num]; float3 vN; if(f.use_smooth()) { int4 vi = get_int4(f.vertices_raw()); BL::MeshVertex v = userdata->mesh.vertices[vi[vert_num]]; vN = get_float3(v.normal()); } else { vN = get_float3(f.normal()); } N[0] = vN.x; N[1] = vN.y; N[2] = vN.z; } static void mikk_set_tangent_space(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, const float T[], const float sign, const int face, const int vert) { MikkUserData *userdata = (MikkUserData*)context->m_pUserData; userdata->tangent[face*4 + vert] = make_float4(T[0], T[1], T[2], sign); } static void mikk_compute_tangents(BL::Mesh& b_mesh, BL::MeshTextureFaceLayer *b_layer, Mesh *mesh, const vector& nverts, const vector& face_flags, bool need_sign, bool active_render) { /* setup userdata */ MikkUserData userdata(b_mesh, b_layer, nverts.size()); /* setup interface */ SMikkTSpaceInterface sm_interface; memset(&sm_interface, 0, sizeof(sm_interface)); sm_interface.m_getNumFaces = mikk_get_num_faces; sm_interface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace = mikk_get_num_verts_of_face; sm_interface.m_getPosition = mikk_get_position; sm_interface.m_getTexCoord = mikk_get_texture_coordinate; sm_interface.m_getNormal = mikk_get_normal; sm_interface.m_setTSpaceBasic = mikk_set_tangent_space; /* setup context */ SMikkTSpaceContext context; memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context)); context.m_pUserData = &userdata; context.m_pInterface = &sm_interface; /* compute tangents */ genTangSpaceDefault(&context); /* create tangent attributes */ Attribute *attr; ustring name; if(b_layer != NULL) name = ustring((string(b_layer->name().c_str()) + ".tangent").c_str()); else name = ustring("orco.tangent"); if(active_render) attr = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_UV_TANGENT, name); else attr = mesh->attributes.add(name, TypeDesc::TypeVector, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER); float3 *tangent = attr->data_float3(); /* create bitangent sign attribute */ float *tangent_sign = NULL; if(need_sign) { Attribute *attr_sign; ustring name_sign; if(b_layer != NULL) name_sign = ustring((string(b_layer->name().c_str()) + ".tangent_sign").c_str()); else name_sign = ustring("orco.tangent_sign"); if(active_render) attr_sign = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_UV_TANGENT_SIGN, name_sign); else attr_sign = mesh->attributes.add(name_sign, TypeDesc::TypeFloat, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER); tangent_sign = attr_sign->data_float(); } for(int i = 0; i < nverts.size(); i++) { int tri_a[3], tri_b[3]; face_split_tri_indices(nverts[i], face_flags[i], tri_a, tri_b); tangent[0] = float4_to_float3(userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_a[0]]); tangent[1] = float4_to_float3(userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_a[1]]); tangent[2] = float4_to_float3(userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_a[2]]); tangent += 3; if(tangent_sign) { tangent_sign[0] = userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_a[0]].w; tangent_sign[1] = userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_a[1]].w; tangent_sign[2] = userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_a[2]].w; tangent_sign += 3; } if(nverts[i] == 4) { tangent[0] = float4_to_float3(userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_b[0]]); tangent[1] = float4_to_float3(userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_b[1]]); tangent[2] = float4_to_float3(userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_b[2]]); tangent += 3; if(tangent_sign) { tangent_sign[0] = userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_b[0]].w; tangent_sign[1] = userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_b[1]].w; tangent_sign[2] = userdata.tangent[i*4 + tri_b[2]].w; tangent_sign += 3; } } } } /* Create Volume Attribute */ static void create_mesh_volume_attribute(BL::Object& b_ob, Mesh *mesh, ImageManager *image_manager, AttributeStandard std, float frame) { BL::SmokeDomainSettings b_domain = object_smoke_domain_find(b_ob); if(!b_domain) return; Attribute *attr = mesh->attributes.add(std); VoxelAttribute *volume_data = attr->data_voxel(); bool is_float, is_linear; bool animated = false; volume_data->manager = image_manager; volume_data->slot = image_manager->add_image( Attribute::standard_name(std), b_ob.ptr.data, animated, frame, is_float, is_linear, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, EXTENSION_CLIP, true); } static void create_mesh_volume_attributes(Scene *scene, BL::Object& b_ob, Mesh *mesh, float frame) { /* for smoke volume rendering */ if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_DENSITY)) create_mesh_volume_attribute(b_ob, mesh, scene->image_manager, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_DENSITY, frame); if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_COLOR)) create_mesh_volume_attribute(b_ob, mesh, scene->image_manager, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_COLOR, frame); if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_FLAME)) create_mesh_volume_attribute(b_ob, mesh, scene->image_manager, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_FLAME, frame); if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_HEAT)) create_mesh_volume_attribute(b_ob, mesh, scene->image_manager, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_HEAT, frame); if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_VELOCITY)) create_mesh_volume_attribute(b_ob, mesh, scene->image_manager, ATTR_STD_VOLUME_VELOCITY, frame); } /* Create vertex color attributes. */ static void attr_create_vertex_color(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, BL::Mesh& b_mesh, const vector& nverts, const vector& face_flags, bool subdivision) { if(subdivision) { BL::Mesh::vertex_colors_iterator l; for(b_mesh.vertex_colors.begin(l); l != b_mesh.vertex_colors.end(); ++l) { if(!mesh->need_attribute(scene, ustring(l->name().c_str()))) continue; Attribute *attr = mesh->subd_attributes.add(ustring(l->name().c_str()), TypeDesc::TypeColor, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER_BYTE); BL::Mesh::polygons_iterator p; uchar4 *cdata = attr->data_uchar4(); for(b_mesh.polygons.begin(p); p != b_mesh.polygons.end(); ++p) { int n = p->loop_total(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float3 color = get_float3(l->data[p->loop_start() + i].color()); *(cdata++) = color_float_to_byte(color_srgb_to_scene_linear_v3(color)); } } } } else { BL::Mesh::tessface_vertex_colors_iterator l; for(b_mesh.tessface_vertex_colors.begin(l); l != b_mesh.tessface_vertex_colors.end(); ++l) { if(!mesh->need_attribute(scene, ustring(l->name().c_str()))) continue; Attribute *attr = mesh->attributes.add(ustring(l->name().c_str()), TypeDesc::TypeColor, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER_BYTE); BL::MeshColorLayer::data_iterator c; uchar4 *cdata = attr->data_uchar4(); size_t i = 0; for(l->data.begin(c); c != l->data.end(); ++c, ++i) { int tri_a[3], tri_b[3]; face_split_tri_indices(nverts[i], face_flags[i], tri_a, tri_b); uchar4 colors[4]; colors[0] = color_float_to_byte(color_srgb_to_scene_linear_v3(get_float3(c->color1()))); colors[1] = color_float_to_byte(color_srgb_to_scene_linear_v3(get_float3(c->color2()))); colors[2] = color_float_to_byte(color_srgb_to_scene_linear_v3(get_float3(c->color3()))); if(nverts[i] == 4) { colors[3] = color_float_to_byte(color_srgb_to_scene_linear_v3(get_float3(c->color4()))); } cdata[0] = colors[tri_a[0]]; cdata[1] = colors[tri_a[1]]; cdata[2] = colors[tri_a[2]]; if(nverts[i] == 4) { cdata[3] = colors[tri_b[0]]; cdata[4] = colors[tri_b[1]]; cdata[5] = colors[tri_b[2]]; cdata += 6; } else cdata += 3; } } } } /* Create uv map attributes. */ static void attr_create_uv_map(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, BL::Mesh& b_mesh, const vector& nverts, const vector& face_flags, bool subdivision, bool subdivide_uvs) { if(subdivision) { BL::Mesh::uv_layers_iterator l; int i = 0; for(b_mesh.uv_layers.begin(l); l != b_mesh.uv_layers.end(); ++l, ++i) { bool active_render = b_mesh.uv_textures[i].active_render(); AttributeStandard std = (active_render)? ATTR_STD_UV: ATTR_STD_NONE; ustring name = ustring(l->name().c_str()); /* UV map */ if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, name) || mesh->need_attribute(scene, std)) { Attribute *attr; if(active_render) attr = mesh->subd_attributes.add(std, name); else attr = mesh->subd_attributes.add(name, TypeDesc::TypePoint, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER); if(subdivide_uvs) { attr->flags |= ATTR_SUBDIVIDED; } BL::Mesh::polygons_iterator p; float3 *fdata = attr->data_float3(); for(b_mesh.polygons.begin(p); p != b_mesh.polygons.end(); ++p) { int n = p->loop_total(); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { *(fdata++) = get_float3(l->data[p->loop_start() + j].uv()); } } } } } else if(b_mesh.tessface_uv_textures.length() != 0) { BL::Mesh::tessface_uv_textures_iterator l; for(b_mesh.tessface_uv_textures.begin(l); l != b_mesh.tessface_uv_textures.end(); ++l) { bool active_render = l->active_render(); AttributeStandard std = (active_render)? ATTR_STD_UV: ATTR_STD_NONE; ustring name = ustring(l->name().c_str()); /* UV map */ if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, name) || mesh->need_attribute(scene, std)) { Attribute *attr; if(active_render) attr = mesh->attributes.add(std, name); else attr = mesh->attributes.add(name, TypeDesc::TypePoint, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER); BL::MeshTextureFaceLayer::data_iterator t; float3 *fdata = attr->data_float3(); size_t i = 0; for(l->data.begin(t); t != l->data.end(); ++t, ++i) { int tri_a[3], tri_b[3]; face_split_tri_indices(nverts[i], face_flags[i], tri_a, tri_b); float3 uvs[4]; uvs[0] = get_float3(t->uv1()); uvs[1] = get_float3(t->uv2()); uvs[2] = get_float3(t->uv3()); if(nverts[i] == 4) { uvs[3] = get_float3(t->uv4()); } fdata[0] = uvs[tri_a[0]]; fdata[1] = uvs[tri_a[1]]; fdata[2] = uvs[tri_a[2]]; fdata += 3; if(nverts[i] == 4) { fdata[0] = uvs[tri_b[0]]; fdata[1] = uvs[tri_b[1]]; fdata[2] = uvs[tri_b[2]]; fdata += 3; } } } /* UV tangent */ std = (active_render)? ATTR_STD_UV_TANGENT: ATTR_STD_NONE; name = ustring((string(l->name().c_str()) + ".tangent").c_str()); if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, name) || (active_render && mesh->need_attribute(scene, std))) { std = (active_render)? ATTR_STD_UV_TANGENT_SIGN: ATTR_STD_NONE; name = ustring((string(l->name().c_str()) + ".tangent_sign").c_str()); bool need_sign = (mesh->need_attribute(scene, name) || mesh->need_attribute(scene, std)); mikk_compute_tangents(b_mesh, &(*l), mesh, nverts, face_flags, need_sign, active_render); } } } else if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_UV_TANGENT)) { bool need_sign = mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_UV_TANGENT_SIGN); mikk_compute_tangents(b_mesh, NULL, mesh, nverts, face_flags, need_sign, true); } } /* Create vertex pointiness attributes. */ /* Compare vertices by sum of their coordinates. */ class VertexAverageComparator { public: VertexAverageComparator(const array& verts) : verts_(verts) { } bool operator()(const int& vert_idx_a, const int& vert_idx_b) { const float3 &vert_a = verts_[vert_idx_a]; const float3 &vert_b = verts_[vert_idx_b]; if(vert_a == vert_b) { /* Special case for doubles, so we ensure ordering. */ return vert_idx_a > vert_idx_b; } const float x1 = vert_a.x + vert_a.y + vert_a.z; const float x2 = vert_b.x + vert_b.y + vert_b.z; return x1 < x2; } protected: const array& verts_; }; static void attr_create_pointiness(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, BL::Mesh& b_mesh, bool subdivision) { if(!mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_POINTINESS)) { return; } const int num_verts = b_mesh.vertices.length(); if(num_verts == 0) { return; } /* STEP 1: Find out duplicated vertices and point duplicates to a single * original vertex. */ vector sorted_vert_indeices(num_verts); for(int vert_index = 0; vert_index < num_verts; ++vert_index) { sorted_vert_indeices[vert_index] = vert_index; } VertexAverageComparator compare(mesh->verts); sort(sorted_vert_indeices.begin(), sorted_vert_indeices.end(), compare); /* This array stores index of the original vertex for the given vertex * index. */ vector vert_orig_index(num_verts); for(int sorted_vert_index = 0; sorted_vert_index < num_verts; ++sorted_vert_index) { const int vert_index = sorted_vert_indeices[sorted_vert_index]; const float3 &vert_co = mesh->verts[vert_index]; bool found = false; for(int other_sorted_vert_index = sorted_vert_index + 1; other_sorted_vert_index < num_verts; ++other_sorted_vert_index) { const int other_vert_index = sorted_vert_indeices[other_sorted_vert_index]; const float3 &other_vert_co = mesh->verts[other_vert_index]; /* We are too far away now, we wouldn't have duplicate. */ if((other_vert_co.x + other_vert_co.y + other_vert_co.z) - (vert_co.x + vert_co.y + vert_co.z) > 3 * FLT_EPSILON) { break; } /* Found duplicate. */ if(len_squared(other_vert_co - vert_co) < FLT_EPSILON) { found = true; vert_orig_index[vert_index] = other_vert_index; break; } } if(!found) { vert_orig_index[vert_index] = vert_index; } } /* Make sure we always points to the very first orig vertex. */ for(int vert_index = 0; vert_index < num_verts; ++vert_index) { int orig_index = vert_orig_index[vert_index]; while(orig_index != vert_orig_index[orig_index]) { orig_index = vert_orig_index[orig_index]; } vert_orig_index[vert_index] = orig_index; } sorted_vert_indeices.free_memory(); /* STEP 2: Calculate vertex normals taking into account their possible * duplicates which gets "welded" together. */ vector vert_normal(num_verts, make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); /* First we accumulate all vertex normals in the original index. */ for(int vert_index = 0; vert_index < num_verts; ++vert_index) { const float3 normal = get_float3(b_mesh.vertices[vert_index].normal()); const int orig_index = vert_orig_index[vert_index]; vert_normal[orig_index] += normal; } /* Then we normalize the accumulated result and flush it to all duplicates * as well. */ for(int vert_index = 0; vert_index < num_verts; ++vert_index) { const int orig_index = vert_orig_index[vert_index]; vert_normal[vert_index] = normalize(vert_normal[orig_index]); } /* STEP 3: Calculate pointiness using single ring neighborhood. */ vector counter(num_verts, 0); vector raw_data(num_verts, 0.0f); vector edge_accum(num_verts, make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); BL::Mesh::edges_iterator e; EdgeMap visited_edges; int edge_index = 0; memset(&counter[0], 0, sizeof(int) * counter.size()); for(b_mesh.edges.begin(e); e != b_mesh.edges.end(); ++e, ++edge_index) { const int v0 = vert_orig_index[b_mesh.edges[edge_index].vertices()[0]], v1 = vert_orig_index[b_mesh.edges[edge_index].vertices()[1]]; if(visited_edges.exists(v0, v1)) { continue; } visited_edges.insert(v0, v1); float3 co0 = get_float3(b_mesh.vertices[v0].co()), co1 = get_float3(b_mesh.vertices[v1].co()); float3 edge = normalize(co1 - co0); edge_accum[v0] += edge; edge_accum[v1] += -edge; ++counter[v0]; ++counter[v1]; } for(int vert_index = 0; vert_index < num_verts; ++vert_index) { const int orig_index = vert_orig_index[vert_index]; if(orig_index != vert_index) { /* Skip duplicates, they'll be overwritten later on. */ continue; } if(counter[vert_index] > 0) { const float3 normal = vert_normal[vert_index]; const float angle = safe_acosf(dot(normal, edge_accum[vert_index] / counter[vert_index])); raw_data[vert_index] = angle * M_1_PI_F; } else { raw_data[vert_index] = 0.0f; } } /* STEP 3: Blur vertices to approximate 2 ring neighborhood. */ AttributeSet& attributes = (subdivision)? mesh->subd_attributes: mesh->attributes; Attribute *attr = attributes.add(ATTR_STD_POINTINESS); float *data = attr->data_float(); memcpy(data, &raw_data[0], sizeof(float) * raw_data.size()); memset(&counter[0], 0, sizeof(int) * counter.size()); edge_index = 0; visited_edges.clear(); for(b_mesh.edges.begin(e); e != b_mesh.edges.end(); ++e, ++edge_index) { const int v0 = vert_orig_index[b_mesh.edges[edge_index].vertices()[0]], v1 = vert_orig_index[b_mesh.edges[edge_index].vertices()[1]]; if(visited_edges.exists(v0, v1)) { continue; } visited_edges.insert(v0, v1); data[v0] += raw_data[v1]; data[v1] += raw_data[v0]; ++counter[v0]; ++counter[v1]; } for(int vert_index = 0; vert_index < num_verts; ++vert_index) { data[vert_index] /= counter[vert_index] + 1; } /* STEP 4: Copy attribute to the duplicated vertices. */ for(int vert_index = 0; vert_index < num_verts; ++vert_index) { const int orig_index = vert_orig_index[vert_index]; data[vert_index] = data[orig_index]; } } /* Create Mesh */ static void create_mesh(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, BL::Mesh& b_mesh, const vector& used_shaders, bool subdivision = false, bool subdivide_uvs = true) { /* count vertices and faces */ int numverts = b_mesh.vertices.length(); int numfaces = (!subdivision) ? b_mesh.tessfaces.length() : b_mesh.polygons.length(); int numtris = 0; int numcorners = 0; int numngons = 0; bool use_loop_normals = b_mesh.use_auto_smooth() && (mesh->subdivision_type != Mesh::SUBDIVISION_CATMULL_CLARK); BL::Mesh::vertices_iterator v; BL::Mesh::tessfaces_iterator f; BL::Mesh::polygons_iterator p; if(!subdivision) { for(b_mesh.tessfaces.begin(f); f != b_mesh.tessfaces.end(); ++f) { int4 vi = get_int4(f->vertices_raw()); numtris += (vi[3] == 0)? 1: 2; } } else { for(b_mesh.polygons.begin(p); p != b_mesh.polygons.end(); ++p) { numngons += (p->loop_total() == 4)? 0: 1; numcorners += p->loop_total(); } } /* allocate memory */ mesh->reserve_mesh(numverts, numtris); mesh->reserve_subd_faces(numfaces, numngons, numcorners); /* create vertex coordinates and normals */ for(b_mesh.vertices.begin(v); v != b_mesh.vertices.end(); ++v) mesh->add_vertex(get_float3(v->co())); AttributeSet& attributes = (subdivision)? mesh->subd_attributes: mesh->attributes; Attribute *attr_N = attributes.add(ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL); float3 *N = attr_N->data_float3(); for(b_mesh.vertices.begin(v); v != b_mesh.vertices.end(); ++v, ++N) *N = get_float3(v->normal()); N = attr_N->data_float3(); /* create generated coordinates from undeformed coordinates */ if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_GENERATED)) { Attribute *attr = attributes.add(ATTR_STD_GENERATED); attr->flags |= ATTR_SUBDIVIDED; float3 loc, size; mesh_texture_space(b_mesh, loc, size); float3 *generated = attr->data_float3(); size_t i = 0; for(b_mesh.vertices.begin(v); v != b_mesh.vertices.end(); ++v) generated[i++] = get_float3(v->undeformed_co())*size - loc; } /* create faces */ vector nverts(numfaces); vector face_flags(numfaces, FACE_FLAG_NONE); int fi = 0; if(!subdivision) { for(b_mesh.tessfaces.begin(f); f != b_mesh.tessfaces.end(); ++f, ++fi) { int4 vi = get_int4(f->vertices_raw()); int n = (vi[3] == 0)? 3: 4; int shader = clamp(f->material_index(), 0, used_shaders.size()-1); bool smooth = f->use_smooth() || use_loop_normals; if(use_loop_normals) { BL::Array loop_normals = f->split_normals(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { N[vi[i]] = make_float3(loop_normals[i * 3], loop_normals[i * 3 + 1], loop_normals[i * 3 + 2]); } } /* Create triangles. * * NOTE: Autosmooth is already taken care about. */ if(n == 4) { if(is_zero(cross(mesh->verts[vi[1]] - mesh->verts[vi[0]], mesh->verts[vi[2]] - mesh->verts[vi[0]])) || is_zero(cross(mesh->verts[vi[2]] - mesh->verts[vi[0]], mesh->verts[vi[3]] - mesh->verts[vi[0]]))) { mesh->add_triangle(vi[0], vi[1], vi[3], shader, smooth); mesh->add_triangle(vi[2], vi[3], vi[1], shader, smooth); face_flags[fi] |= FACE_FLAG_DIVIDE_24; } else { mesh->add_triangle(vi[0], vi[1], vi[2], shader, smooth); mesh->add_triangle(vi[0], vi[2], vi[3], shader, smooth); face_flags[fi] |= FACE_FLAG_DIVIDE_13; } } else { mesh->add_triangle(vi[0], vi[1], vi[2], shader, smooth); } nverts[fi] = n; } } else { vector vi; for(b_mesh.polygons.begin(p); p != b_mesh.polygons.end(); ++p) { int n = p->loop_total(); int shader = clamp(p->material_index(), 0, used_shaders.size()-1); bool smooth = p->use_smooth() || use_loop_normals; vi.resize(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* NOTE: Autosmooth is already taken care about. */ vi[i] = b_mesh.loops[p->loop_start() + i].vertex_index(); } /* create subd faces */ mesh->add_subd_face(&vi[0], n, shader, smooth); } } /* Create all needed attributes. * The calculate functions will check whether they're needed or not. */ attr_create_pointiness(scene, mesh, b_mesh, subdivision); attr_create_vertex_color(scene, mesh, b_mesh, nverts, face_flags, subdivision); attr_create_uv_map(scene, mesh, b_mesh, nverts, face_flags, subdivision, subdivide_uvs); /* for volume objects, create a matrix to transform from object space to * mesh texture space. this does not work with deformations but that can * probably only be done well with a volume grid mapping of coordinates */ if(mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_GENERATED_TRANSFORM)) { Attribute *attr = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_GENERATED_TRANSFORM); Transform *tfm = attr->data_transform(); float3 loc, size; mesh_texture_space(b_mesh, loc, size); *tfm = transform_translate(-loc)*transform_scale(size); } } static void create_subd_mesh(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, BL::Object& b_ob, BL::Mesh& b_mesh, const vector& used_shaders, float dicing_rate, int max_subdivisions) { BL::SubsurfModifier subsurf_mod(b_ob.modifiers[b_ob.modifiers.length()-1]); bool subdivide_uvs = subsurf_mod.use_subsurf_uv(); create_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, used_shaders, true, subdivide_uvs); /* export creases */ size_t num_creases = 0; BL::Mesh::edges_iterator e; for(b_mesh.edges.begin(e); e != b_mesh.edges.end(); ++e) { if(e->crease() != 0.0f) { num_creases++; } } mesh->subd_creases.resize(num_creases); Mesh::SubdEdgeCrease* crease = mesh->subd_creases.data(); for(b_mesh.edges.begin(e); e != b_mesh.edges.end(); ++e) { if(e->crease() != 0.0f) { crease->v[0] = e->vertices()[0]; crease->v[1] = e->vertices()[1]; crease->crease = e->crease(); crease++; } } /* set subd params */ if(!mesh->subd_params) { mesh->subd_params = new SubdParams(mesh); } SubdParams& sdparams = *mesh->subd_params; PointerRNA cobj = RNA_pointer_get(&b_ob.ptr, "cycles"); sdparams.dicing_rate = max(0.1f, RNA_float_get(&cobj, "dicing_rate") * dicing_rate); sdparams.max_level = max_subdivisions; scene->camera->update(); sdparams.camera = scene->camera; sdparams.objecttoworld = get_transform(b_ob.matrix_world()); } /* Sync */ static void sync_mesh_fluid_motion(BL::Object& b_ob, Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh) { if(scene->need_motion() == Scene::MOTION_NONE) return; BL::DomainFluidSettings b_fluid_domain = object_fluid_domain_find(b_ob); if(!b_fluid_domain) return; /* If the mesh has modifiers following the fluid domain we can't export motion. */ if(b_fluid_domain.fluid_mesh_vertices.length() != mesh->verts.size()) return; /* Find or add attribute */ float3 *P = &mesh->verts[0]; Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if(!attr_mP) { attr_mP = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); } /* Only export previous and next frame, we don't have any in between data. */ float motion_times[2] = {-1.0f, 1.0f}; for(int step = 0; step < 2; step++) { float relative_time = motion_times[step] * scene->motion_shutter_time() * 0.5f; float3 *mP = attr_mP->data_float3() + step*mesh->verts.size(); BL::DomainFluidSettings::fluid_mesh_vertices_iterator fvi; int i = 0; for(b_fluid_domain.fluid_mesh_vertices.begin(fvi); fvi != b_fluid_domain.fluid_mesh_vertices.end(); ++fvi, ++i) { mP[i] = P[i] + get_float3(fvi->velocity()) * relative_time; } } } Mesh *BlenderSync::sync_mesh(BL::Object& b_ob, bool object_updated, bool hide_tris) { /* When viewport display is not needed during render we can force some * caches to be releases from blender side in order to reduce peak memory * footprint during synchronization process. */ const bool is_interface_locked = b_engine.render() && b_engine.render().use_lock_interface(); const bool can_free_caches = BlenderSession::headless || is_interface_locked; /* test if we can instance or if the object is modified */ BL::ID b_ob_data = b_ob.data(); BL::ID key = (BKE_object_is_modified(b_ob))? b_ob: b_ob_data; BL::Material material_override = render_layer.material_override; /* find shader indices */ vector used_shaders; BL::Object::material_slots_iterator slot; for(b_ob.material_slots.begin(slot); slot != b_ob.material_slots.end(); ++slot) { if(material_override) { find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface); } else { BL::ID b_material(slot->material()); find_shader(b_material, used_shaders, scene->default_surface); } } if(used_shaders.size() == 0) { if(material_override) find_shader(material_override, used_shaders, scene->default_surface); else used_shaders.push_back(scene->default_surface); } /* test if we need to sync */ int requested_geometry_flags = Mesh::GEOMETRY_NONE; if(render_layer.use_surfaces) { requested_geometry_flags |= Mesh::GEOMETRY_TRIANGLES; } if(render_layer.use_hair) { requested_geometry_flags |= Mesh::GEOMETRY_CURVES; } Mesh *mesh; if(!mesh_map.sync(&mesh, key)) { /* if transform was applied to mesh, need full update */ if(object_updated && mesh->transform_applied); /* test if shaders changed, these can be object level so mesh * does not get tagged for recalc */ else if(mesh->used_shaders != used_shaders); else if(requested_geometry_flags != mesh->geometry_flags); else { /* even if not tagged for recalc, we may need to sync anyway * because the shader needs different mesh attributes */ bool attribute_recalc = false; foreach(Shader *shader, mesh->used_shaders) if(shader->need_update_attributes) attribute_recalc = true; if(!attribute_recalc) return mesh; } } /* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */ if(mesh_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_synced.end()) return mesh; mesh_synced.insert(mesh); /* create derived mesh */ array oldtriangle = mesh->triangles; /* compares curve_keys rather than strands in order to handle quick hair * adjustments in dynamic BVH - other methods could probably do this better*/ array oldcurve_keys = mesh->curve_keys; array oldcurve_radius = mesh->curve_radius; mesh->clear(); mesh->used_shaders = used_shaders; mesh->name = ustring(b_ob_data.name().c_str()); if(requested_geometry_flags != Mesh::GEOMETRY_NONE) { /* mesh objects does have special handle in the dependency graph, * they're ensured to have properly updated. * * updating meshes here will end up having derived mesh referencing * freed data from the blender side. */ if(preview && b_ob.type() != BL::Object::type_MESH) b_ob.update_from_editmode(); bool need_undeformed = mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_GENERATED); mesh->subdivision_type = object_subdivision_type(b_ob, preview, experimental); /* Disable adaptive subdivision while baking as the baking system * currently doesnt support the topology and will crash. */ if(scene->bake_manager->get_baking()) { mesh->subdivision_type = Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE; } BL::Mesh b_mesh = object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_scene, true, !preview, need_undeformed, mesh->subdivision_type); if(b_mesh) { if(render_layer.use_surfaces && !hide_tris) { if(mesh->subdivision_type != Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE) create_subd_mesh(scene, mesh, b_ob, b_mesh, used_shaders, dicing_rate, max_subdivisions); else create_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, used_shaders, false); create_mesh_volume_attributes(scene, b_ob, mesh, b_scene.frame_current()); } if(render_layer.use_hair && mesh->subdivision_type == Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE) sync_curves(mesh, b_mesh, b_ob, false); if(can_free_caches) { b_ob.cache_release(); } /* free derived mesh */ b_data.meshes.remove(b_mesh, false); } } mesh->geometry_flags = requested_geometry_flags; /* fluid motion */ sync_mesh_fluid_motion(b_ob, scene, mesh); /* tag update */ bool rebuild = false; if(oldtriangle.size() != mesh->triangles.size()) rebuild = true; else if(oldtriangle.size()) { if(memcmp(&oldtriangle[0], &mesh->triangles[0], sizeof(int)*oldtriangle.size()) != 0) rebuild = true; } if(oldcurve_keys.size() != mesh->curve_keys.size()) rebuild = true; else if(oldcurve_keys.size()) { if(memcmp(&oldcurve_keys[0], &mesh->curve_keys[0], sizeof(float3)*oldcurve_keys.size()) != 0) rebuild = true; } if(oldcurve_radius.size() != mesh->curve_radius.size()) rebuild = true; else if(oldcurve_radius.size()) { if(memcmp(&oldcurve_radius[0], &mesh->curve_radius[0], sizeof(float)*oldcurve_radius.size()) != 0) rebuild = true; } mesh->tag_update(scene, rebuild); return mesh; } void BlenderSync::sync_mesh_motion(BL::Object& b_ob, Object *object, float motion_time) { /* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */ Mesh *mesh = object->mesh; if(mesh_motion_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_motion_synced.end()) return; mesh_motion_synced.insert(mesh); /* ensure we only motion sync meshes that also had mesh synced, to avoid * unnecessary work and to ensure that its attributes were clear */ if(mesh_synced.find(mesh) == mesh_synced.end()) return; /* for motion pass always compute, for motion blur it can be disabled */ int time_index = 0; if(scene->need_motion() == Scene::MOTION_BLUR) { if(!mesh->use_motion_blur) return; /* see if this mesh needs motion data at this time */ vector object_times = object->motion_times(); bool found = false; foreach(float object_time, object_times) { if(motion_time == object_time) { found = true; break; } else time_index++; } if(!found) return; } else { if(motion_time == -1.0f) time_index = 0; else if(motion_time == 1.0f) time_index = 1; else return; } /* skip empty meshes */ const size_t numverts = mesh->verts.size(); const size_t numkeys = mesh->curve_keys.size(); if(!numverts && !numkeys) return; /* skip objects without deforming modifiers. this is not totally reliable, * would need a more extensive check to see which objects are animated */ BL::Mesh b_mesh(PointerRNA_NULL); /* fluid motion is exported immediate with mesh, skip here */ BL::DomainFluidSettings b_fluid_domain = object_fluid_domain_find(b_ob); if(b_fluid_domain) return; if(ccl::BKE_object_is_deform_modified(b_ob, b_scene, preview)) { /* get derived mesh */ b_mesh = object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_scene, true, !preview, false, Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE); } if(!b_mesh) { /* if we have no motion blur on this frame, but on other frames, copy */ if(numverts) { /* triangles */ Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if(attr_mP) { Attribute *attr_mN = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); Attribute *attr_N = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL); float3 *P = &mesh->verts[0]; float3 *N = (attr_N)? attr_N->data_float3(): NULL; memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + time_index*numverts, P, sizeof(float3)*numverts); if(attr_mN) memcpy(attr_mN->data_float3() + time_index*numverts, N, sizeof(float3)*numverts); } } if(numkeys) { /* curves */ Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->curve_attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if(attr_mP) { float3 *keys = &mesh->curve_keys[0]; memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + time_index*numkeys, keys, sizeof(float3)*numkeys); } } return; } /* TODO(sergey): Perform preliminary check for number of verticies. */ if(numverts) { /* Find attributes. */ Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); Attribute *attr_mN = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); Attribute *attr_N = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL); bool new_attribute = false; /* Add new attributes if they don't exist already. */ if(!attr_mP) { attr_mP = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if(attr_N) attr_mN = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); new_attribute = true; } /* Load vertex data from mesh. */ float3 *mP = attr_mP->data_float3() + time_index*numverts; float3 *mN = (attr_mN)? attr_mN->data_float3() + time_index*numverts: NULL; /* NOTE: We don't copy more that existing amount of vertices to prevent * possible memory corruption. */ BL::Mesh::vertices_iterator v; int i = 0; for(b_mesh.vertices.begin(v); v != b_mesh.vertices.end() && i < numverts; ++v, ++i) { mP[i] = get_float3(v->co()); if(mN) mN[i] = get_float3(v->normal()); } if(new_attribute) { /* In case of new attribute, we verify if there really was any motion. */ if(b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts || memcmp(mP, &mesh->verts[0], sizeof(float3)*numverts) == 0) { /* no motion, remove attributes again */ if(b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts) { VLOG(1) << "Topology differs, disabling motion blur for object " << b_ob.name(); } else { VLOG(1) << "No actual deformation motion for object " << b_ob.name(); } mesh->attributes.remove(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if(attr_mN) mesh->attributes.remove(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); } else if(time_index > 0) { VLOG(1) << "Filling deformation motion for object " << b_ob.name(); /* motion, fill up previous steps that we might have skipped because * they had no motion, but we need them anyway now */ float3 *P = &mesh->verts[0]; float3 *N = (attr_N)? attr_N->data_float3(): NULL; for(int step = 0; step < time_index; step++) { memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + step*numverts, P, sizeof(float3)*numverts); if(attr_mN) memcpy(attr_mN->data_float3() + step*numverts, N, sizeof(float3)*numverts); } } } else { if(b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts) { VLOG(1) << "Topology differs, discarding motion blur for object " << b_ob.name() << " at time " << time_index; memcpy(mP, &mesh->verts[0], sizeof(float3)*numverts); if(mN != NULL) { memcpy(mN, attr_N->data_float3(), sizeof(float3)*numverts); } } } } /* hair motion */ if(numkeys) sync_curves(mesh, b_mesh, b_ob, true, time_index); /* free derived mesh */ b_data.meshes.remove(b_mesh, false); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END