/* * Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "camera.h" #include "graph.h" #include "light.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "object.h" #include "scene.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "shader.h" #include "blender_sync.h" #include "blender_util.h" #include "util_foreach.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Utilities */ bool BlenderSync::object_is_modified(BL::Object b_ob) { /* test if we can instance or if the object is modified */ if(ccl::object_is_modified(b_ob, b_scene, preview)) { /* modifiers */ return true; } else { /* object level material links */ BL::Object::material_slots_iterator slot; for(b_ob.material_slots.begin(slot); slot != b_ob.material_slots.end(); ++slot) if(slot->link() == BL::MaterialSlot::link_OBJECT) return true; } return false; } bool BlenderSync::object_is_mesh(BL::Object b_ob) { BL::ID b_ob_data = b_ob.data(); return (b_ob_data && (b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Mesh) || b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Curve) || b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_MetaBall))); } bool BlenderSync::object_is_light(BL::Object b_ob) { BL::ID b_ob_data = b_ob.data(); return (b_ob_data && b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Lamp)); } static uint object_ray_visibility(BL::Object b_ob) { PointerRNA cvisibility = RNA_pointer_get(&b_ob.ptr, "cycles_visibility"); uint flag = 0; flag |= get_boolean(cvisibility, "camera")? PATH_RAY_CAMERA: 0; flag |= get_boolean(cvisibility, "diffuse")? PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE: 0; flag |= get_boolean(cvisibility, "glossy")? PATH_RAY_GLOSSY: 0; flag |= get_boolean(cvisibility, "transmission")? PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT: 0; flag |= get_boolean(cvisibility, "shadow")? PATH_RAY_SHADOW: 0; return flag; } /* Light */ void BlenderSync::sync_light(BL::Object b_parent, int b_index, BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm) { /* test if we need to sync */ Light *light; ObjectKey key(b_parent, b_index, b_ob); if(!light_map.sync(&light, b_ob, b_parent, key)) return; BL::Lamp b_lamp(b_ob.data()); /* type */ switch(b_lamp.type()) { case BL::Lamp::type_POINT: { BL::PointLamp b_point_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_point_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_POINT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SPOT: { BL::SpotLamp b_spot_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_spot_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_POINT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_HEMI: { light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; light->size = 0.0f; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SUN: { BL::SunLamp b_sun_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_sun_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_AREA: { BL::AreaLamp b_area_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = 1.0f; light->axisu = make_float3(tfm.x.x, tfm.y.x, tfm.z.x); light->axisv = make_float3(tfm.x.y, tfm.y.y, tfm.z.y); light->sizeu = b_area_lamp.size(); if(b_area_lamp.shape() == BL::AreaLamp::shape_RECTANGLE) light->sizev = b_area_lamp.size_y(); else light->sizev = light->sizeu; light->type = LIGHT_AREA; break; } } /* location and (inverted!) direction */ light->co = make_float3(tfm.x.w, tfm.y.w, tfm.z.w); light->dir = -make_float3(tfm.x.z, tfm.y.z, tfm.z.z); /* shader */ vector used_shaders; find_shader(b_lamp, used_shaders, scene->default_light); if(used_shaders.size() == 0) used_shaders.push_back(scene->default_light); light->shader = used_shaders[0]; /* shadow */ PointerRNA clamp = RNA_pointer_get(&b_lamp.ptr, "cycles"); light->cast_shadow = get_boolean(clamp, "cast_shadow"); /* tag */ light->tag_update(scene); } void BlenderSync::sync_background_light() { BL::World b_world = b_scene.world(); if(b_world) { PointerRNA cworld = RNA_pointer_get(&b_world.ptr, "cycles"); bool sample_as_light = get_boolean(cworld, "sample_as_light"); if(sample_as_light) { /* test if we need to sync */ Light *light; ObjectKey key(b_world, 0, b_world); if(light_map.sync(&light, b_world, b_world, key) || world_recalc || b_world.ptr.data != world_map) { light->type = LIGHT_BACKGROUND; light->map_resolution = get_int(cworld, "sample_map_resolution"); light->shader = scene->default_background; light->tag_update(scene); light_map.set_recalc(b_world); } } } world_map = b_world.ptr.data; world_recalc = false; } /* Object */ void BlenderSync::sync_object(BL::Object b_parent, int b_index, BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm, uint layer_flag, int motion) { /* light is handled separately */ if(object_is_light(b_ob)) { if(!motion) sync_light(b_parent, b_index, b_ob, tfm); return; } /* only interested in object that we can create meshes from */ if(!object_is_mesh(b_ob)) return; /* key to lookup object */ ObjectKey key(b_parent, b_index, b_ob); Object *object; /* motion vector case */ if(motion) { object = object_map.find(key); if(object) { if(tfm != object->tfm) { if(motion == -1) object->motion.pre = tfm; else object->motion.post = tfm; object->use_motion = true; } sync_mesh_motion(b_ob, object->mesh, motion); } return; } /* test if we need to sync */ bool object_updated = false; if(object_map.sync(&object, b_ob, b_parent, key)) object_updated = true; bool use_holdout = (layer_flag & render_layer.holdout_layer) != 0; /* mesh sync */ object->mesh = sync_mesh(b_ob, object_updated); if(use_holdout != object->use_holdout) { object->use_holdout = use_holdout; scene->object_manager->tag_update(scene); } /* object sync */ if(object_updated || (object->mesh && object->mesh->need_update)) { object->name = b_ob.name().c_str(); object->pass_id = b_ob.pass_index(); object->tfm = tfm; object->motion.pre = tfm; object->motion.post = tfm; object->use_motion = false; /* visibility flags for both parent */ object->visibility = object_ray_visibility(b_ob) & PATH_RAY_ALL; if(b_parent.ptr.data != b_ob.ptr.data) object->visibility &= object_ray_visibility(b_parent); /* camera flag is not actually used, instead is tested against render layer flags */ if(object->visibility & PATH_RAY_CAMERA) { object->visibility |= layer_flag << PATH_RAY_LAYER_SHIFT; object->visibility &= ~PATH_RAY_CAMERA; } object->tag_update(scene); } } /* Object Loop */ void BlenderSync::sync_objects(BL::SpaceView3D b_v3d, int motion) { /* layer data */ uint scene_layer = render_layer.scene_layer; if(!motion) { /* prepare for sync */ light_map.pre_sync(); mesh_map.pre_sync(); object_map.pre_sync(); mesh_synced.clear(); } /* object loop */ BL::Scene::objects_iterator b_ob; for(b_scene.objects.begin(b_ob); b_ob != b_scene.objects.end(); ++b_ob) { bool hide = (b_v3d)? b_ob->hide(): b_ob->hide_render(); uint ob_layer = get_layer(b_ob->layers()); if(!hide && (ob_layer & scene_layer)) { if(b_ob->is_duplicator()) { /* dupli objects */ object_create_duplilist(*b_ob, b_scene); BL::Object::dupli_list_iterator b_dup; int b_index = 0; for(b_ob->dupli_list.begin(b_dup); b_dup != b_ob->dupli_list.end(); ++b_dup) { Transform tfm = get_transform(b_dup->matrix()); BL::Object b_dup_ob = b_dup->object(); bool dup_hide = (b_v3d)? b_dup_ob.hide(): b_dup_ob.hide_render(); if(!(b_dup->hide() || dup_hide)) sync_object(*b_ob, b_index, b_dup_ob, tfm, ob_layer, motion); b_index++; } object_free_duplilist(*b_ob); hide = true; } /* check if we should render or hide particle emitter */ BL::Object::particle_systems_iterator b_psys; bool render_emitter = false; for(b_ob->particle_systems.begin(b_psys); b_psys != b_ob->particle_systems.end(); ++b_psys) { if(b_psys->settings().use_render_emitter()) { hide = false; render_emitter = true; } else if(!render_emitter) hide = true; } if(!hide) { /* object itself */ Transform tfm = get_transform(b_ob->matrix_world()); sync_object(*b_ob, 0, *b_ob, tfm, ob_layer, motion); } } } if(!motion) { sync_background_light(); /* handle removed data and modified pointers */ if(light_map.post_sync()) scene->light_manager->tag_update(scene); if(mesh_map.post_sync()) scene->mesh_manager->tag_update(scene); if(object_map.post_sync()) scene->object_manager->tag_update(scene); mesh_synced.clear(); } } void BlenderSync::sync_motion(BL::SpaceView3D b_v3d, BL::Object b_override) { if(scene->need_motion() == Scene::MOTION_NONE) return; /* get camera object here to deal with camera switch */ BL::Object b_cam = b_scene.camera(); if(b_override) b_cam = b_override; /* go back and forth one frame */ int frame = b_scene.frame_current(); for(int motion = -1; motion <= 1; motion += 2) { scene_frame_set(b_scene, frame + motion); /* camera object */ if(b_cam) sync_camera_motion(b_cam, motion); /* mesh objects */ sync_objects(b_v3d, motion); } scene_frame_set(b_scene, frame); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END