# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation function(cycles_set_solution_folder target) if(IDE_GROUP_PROJECTS_IN_FOLDERS) get_filename_component(folderdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} DIRECTORY) string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} "" folderdir ${folderdir}) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES FOLDER ${folderdir}) endif() endfunction() macro(cycles_add_library target library_deps) add_library(${target} ${ARGN}) # On Windows certain libraries have two sets of binaries: one for debug builds and one for # release builds. The root of this requirement goes into ABI, I believe, but that's outside # of a scope of this comment. # # CMake have a native way of dealing with this, which is specifying what build type the # libraries are provided for: # # target_link_libraries(tagret optimized|debug|general ) # # The build type is to be provided as a separate argument to the function. # # CMake's variables for libraries will contain build type in such cases. For example: # # set(FOO_LIBRARIES optimized libfoo.lib debug libfoo_d.lib) # # Complications starts with a single argument for library_deps: all the elements are being # put to a list: "${FOO_LIBRARIES}" will become "optimized;libfoo.lib;debug;libfoo_d.lib". # This makes it impossible to pass it as-is to target_link_libraries sine it will treat # this argument as a list of libraries to be linked against, causing missing libraries # for optimized.lib. # # What this code does it traverses library_deps and extracts information about whether # library is to provided as general, debug or optimized. This is a little state machine which # keeps track of whiuch build type library is to provided for: # # - If "debug" or "optimized" word is found, the next element in the list is expected to be # a library which will be passed to target_link_libraries() under corresponding build type. # # - If there is no "debug" or "optimized" used library is specified for all build types. # # NOTE: If separated libraries for debug and release ar eneeded every library is the list are # to be prefixed explicitly. # # Use: "optimized libfoo optimized libbar debug libfoo_d debug libbar_d" # NOT: "optimized libfoo libbar debug libfoo_d libbar_d" # # TODO(sergey): This is the same as Blender's side CMake. Find a way to avoid duplication # somehow in a way which allows to have Cycles standalone. if(NOT "${library_deps}" STREQUAL "") set(next_library_mode "") foreach(library ${library_deps}) string(TOLOWER "${library}" library_lower) if(("${library_lower}" STREQUAL "optimized") OR ("${library_lower}" STREQUAL "debug")) set(next_library_mode "${library_lower}") else() if("${next_library_mode}" STREQUAL "optimized") target_link_libraries(${target} optimized ${library}) elseif("${next_library_mode}" STREQUAL "debug") target_link_libraries(${target} debug ${library}) else() target_link_libraries(${target} ${library}) endif() set(next_library_mode "") endif() endforeach() endif() cycles_set_solution_folder(${target}) endmacro() macro(cycles_external_libraries_append libraries) if(APPLE) list(APPEND ${libraries} "-framework Foundation") if(WITH_USD) list(APPEND ${libraries} "-framework CoreVideo -framework Cocoa") endif() if(WITH_CYCLES_STANDALONE_GUI OR WITH_USD) list(APPEND ${libraries} "-framework OpenGL") endif() elseif(UNIX) if(WITH_USD) list(APPEND ${libraries} "X11") endif() endif() if(WITH_CYCLES_LOGGING) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${GLOG_LIBRARIES} ${GFLAGS_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(WITH_CYCLES_OSL) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${OSL_LIBRARIES} ${CLANG_LIBRARIES} ${LLVM_LIBRARY}) endif() if(WITH_CYCLES_EMBREE) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${EMBREE_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(WITH_OPENSUBDIV) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${OPENSUBDIV_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(WITH_OPENCOLORIO) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${OPENCOLORIO_LIBRARIES}) if(APPLE) list(APPEND ${libraries} "-framework IOKit") list(APPEND ${libraries} "-framework Carbon") endif() endif() if(WITH_OPENVDB) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${OPENVDB_LIBRARIES} ${BLOSC_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(WITH_OPENIMAGEDENOISE) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${OPENIMAGEDENOISE_LIBRARIES}) if(APPLE AND "${CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES}" STREQUAL "arm64") list(APPEND ${libraries} "-framework Accelerate") endif() endif() if(WITH_ALEMBIC) list(APPEND ${libraries} ${ALEMBIC_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(WITH_PATH_GUIDING) target_link_libraries(${target} ${OPENPGL_LIBRARIES}) endif() list(APPEND ${libraries} ${OPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARIES} ${PNG_LIBRARIES} ${JPEG_LIBRARIES} ${TIFF_LIBRARY} ${WEBP_LIBRARIES} ${OPENJPEG_LIBRARIES} ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES} ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES} # For circular dependencies between libs. ${PUGIXML_LIBRARIES} ${BOOST_LIBRARIES} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ${PTHREADS_LIBRARIES} ${PLATFORM_LINKLIBS} ) if(WITH_CYCLES_DEVICE_CUDA OR WITH_CYCLES_DEVICE_OPTIX) if(WITH_CUDA_DYNLOAD) list(APPEND ${libraries} extern_cuew) else() list(APPEND ${libraries} ${CUDA_CUDA_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() if(WITH_CYCLES_DEVICE_HIP AND WITH_HIP_DYNLOAD) list(APPEND ${libraries} extern_hipew) endif() if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) if(CYCLES_STANDALONE_REPOSITORY) list(APPEND ${libraries} extern_libc_compat) else() list(APPEND ${libraries} bf_intern_libc_compat) endif() endif() if(NOT CYCLES_STANDALONE_REPOSITORY) list(APPEND ${libraries} bf_intern_guardedalloc) endif() endmacro() macro(cycles_install_libraries target) # Copy DLLs for dynamically linked libraries. if(WIN32) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") install( FILES ${TBB_ROOT_DIR}/bin/tbb_debug${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} ${OPENVDB_ROOT_DIR}/bin/openvdb_d${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) else() install( FILES ${TBB_ROOT_DIR}/bin/tbb${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} ${OPENVDB_ROOT_DIR}/bin/openvdb${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) endif() endif() endmacro()