/* * Copyright 2011-2021 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "device/hip/device.h" #include "util/util_logging.h" #ifdef WITH_HIP # include "device/device.h" # include "device/hip/device_impl.h" # include "util/util_string.h" # include "util/util_windows.h" #endif /* WITH_HIP */ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN bool device_hip_init() { #if !defined(WITH_HIP) return false; #elif defined(WITH_HIP_DYNLOAD) static bool initialized = false; static bool result = false; if (initialized) return result; initialized = true; int hipew_result = hipewInit(HIPEW_INIT_HIP); if (hipew_result == HIPEW_SUCCESS) { VLOG(1) << "HIPEW initialization succeeded"; if (HIPDevice::have_precompiled_kernels()) { VLOG(1) << "Found precompiled kernels"; result = true; } else if (hipewCompilerPath() != NULL) { VLOG(1) << "Found HIPCC " << hipewCompilerPath(); result = true; } else { VLOG(1) << "Neither precompiled kernels nor HIPCC was found," << " unable to use HIP"; } } else { VLOG(1) << "HIPEW initialization failed: " << ((hipew_result == HIPEW_ERROR_ATEXIT_FAILED) ? "Error setting up atexit() handler" : "Error opening the library"); } return result; #else /* WITH_HIP_DYNLOAD */ return true; #endif /* WITH_HIP_DYNLOAD */ } Device *device_hip_create(const DeviceInfo &info, Stats &stats, Profiler &profiler) { #ifdef WITH_HIP return new HIPDevice(info, stats, profiler); #else (void)info; (void)stats; (void)profiler; LOG(FATAL) << "Request to create HIP device without compiled-in support. Should never happen."; return nullptr; #endif } #ifdef WITH_HIP static hipError_t device_hip_safe_init() { # ifdef _WIN32 __try { return hipInit(0); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Ignore crashes inside the HIP driver and hope we can * survive even with corrupted HIP installs. */ fprintf(stderr, "Cycles HIP: driver crashed, continuing without HIP.\n"); } return hipErrorNoDevice; # else return hipInit(0); # endif } #endif /* WITH_HIP */ void device_hip_info(vector &devices) { #ifdef WITH_HIP hipError_t result = device_hip_safe_init(); if (result != hipSuccess) { if (result != hipErrorNoDevice) fprintf(stderr, "HIP hipInit: %s\n", hipewErrorString(result)); return; } int count = 0; result = hipGetDeviceCount(&count); if (result != hipSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "HIP hipGetDeviceCount: %s\n", hipewErrorString(result)); return; } vector display_devices; for (int num = 0; num < count; num++) { char name[256]; result = hipDeviceGetName(name, 256, num); if (result != hipSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "HIP :hipDeviceGetName: %s\n", hipewErrorString(result)); continue; } int major; hipDeviceGetAttribute(&major, hipDeviceAttributeComputeCapabilityMajor, num); // TODO : (Arya) What is the last major version we are supporting? DeviceInfo info; info.type = DEVICE_HIP; info.description = string(name); info.num = num; info.has_half_images = (major >= 3); info.has_nanovdb = true; info.denoisers = 0; info.has_gpu_queue = true; /* Check if the device has P2P access to any other device in the system. */ for (int peer_num = 0; peer_num < count && !info.has_peer_memory; peer_num++) { if (num != peer_num) { int can_access = 0; hipDeviceCanAccessPeer(&can_access, num, peer_num); info.has_peer_memory = (can_access != 0); } } int pci_location[3] = {0, 0, 0}; hipDeviceGetAttribute(&pci_location[0], hipDeviceAttributePciDomainID, num); hipDeviceGetAttribute(&pci_location[1], hipDeviceAttributePciBusId, num); hipDeviceGetAttribute(&pci_location[2], hipDeviceAttributePciDeviceId, num); info.id = string_printf("HIP_%s_%04x:%02x:%02x", name, (unsigned int)pci_location[0], (unsigned int)pci_location[1], (unsigned int)pci_location[2]); /* If device has a kernel timeout and no compute preemption, we assume * it is connected to a display and will freeze the display while doing * computations. */ int timeout_attr = 0, preempt_attr = 0; hipDeviceGetAttribute(&timeout_attr, hipDeviceAttributeKernelExecTimeout, num); if (timeout_attr && !preempt_attr) { VLOG(1) << "Device is recognized as display."; info.description += " (Display)"; info.display_device = true; display_devices.push_back(info); } else { VLOG(1) << "Device has compute preemption or is not used for display."; devices.push_back(info); } VLOG(1) << "Added device \"" << name << "\" with id \"" << info.id << "\"."; } if (!display_devices.empty()) devices.insert(devices.end(), display_devices.begin(), display_devices.end()); #else /* WITH_HIP */ (void)devices; #endif /* WITH_HIP */ } string device_hip_capabilities() { #ifdef WITH_HIP hipError_t result = device_hip_safe_init(); if (result != hipSuccess) { if (result != hipErrorNoDevice) { return string("Error initializing HIP: ") + hipewErrorString(result); } return "No HIP device found\n"; } int count; result = hipGetDeviceCount(&count); if (result != hipSuccess) { return string("Error getting devices: ") + hipewErrorString(result); } string capabilities = ""; for (int num = 0; num < count; num++) { char name[256]; if (hipDeviceGetName(name, 256, num) != hipSuccess) { continue; } capabilities += string("\t") + name + "\n"; int value; # define GET_ATTR(attr) \ { \ if (hipDeviceGetAttribute(&value, hipDeviceAttribute##attr, num) == hipSuccess) { \ capabilities += string_printf("\t\thipDeviceAttribute" #attr "\t\t\t%d\n", value); \ } \ } \ (void)0 /* TODO(sergey): Strip all attributes which are not useful for us * or does not depend on the driver. */ GET_ATTR(MaxThreadsPerBlock); GET_ATTR(MaxBlockDimX); GET_ATTR(MaxBlockDimY); GET_ATTR(MaxBlockDimZ); GET_ATTR(MaxGridDimX); GET_ATTR(MaxGridDimY); GET_ATTR(MaxGridDimZ); GET_ATTR(MaxSharedMemoryPerBlock); GET_ATTR(TotalConstantMemory); GET_ATTR(WarpSize); GET_ATTR(MaxPitch); GET_ATTR(MaxRegistersPerBlock); GET_ATTR(ClockRate); GET_ATTR(TextureAlignment); GET_ATTR(MultiprocessorCount); GET_ATTR(KernelExecTimeout); GET_ATTR(Integrated); GET_ATTR(CanMapHostMemory); GET_ATTR(ComputeMode); GET_ATTR(MaxTexture1DWidth); GET_ATTR(MaxTexture2DWidth); GET_ATTR(MaxTexture2DHeight); GET_ATTR(MaxTexture3DWidth); GET_ATTR(MaxTexture3DHeight); GET_ATTR(MaxTexture3DDepth); GET_ATTR(ConcurrentKernels); GET_ATTR(EccEnabled); GET_ATTR(MemoryClockRate); GET_ATTR(MemoryBusWidth); GET_ATTR(L2CacheSize); GET_ATTR(MaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor); GET_ATTR(ComputeCapabilityMajor); GET_ATTR(ComputeCapabilityMinor); GET_ATTR(MaxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor); GET_ATTR(ManagedMemory); GET_ATTR(IsMultiGpuBoard); # undef GET_ATTR capabilities += "\n"; } return capabilities; #else /* WITH_HIP */ return ""; #endif /* WITH_HIP */ } CCL_NAMESPACE_END