/* * Copyright 2011-2021 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef WITH_HIP # include "device/device.h" # include "device/hip/kernel.h" # include "device/hip/queue.h" # include "device/hip/util.h" # include "util/util_map.h" # ifdef WITH_HIP_DYNLOAD # include "hipew.h" # else # include "util/util_opengl.h" # endif CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class DeviceQueue; class HIPDevice : public Device { friend class HIPContextScope; public: hipDevice_t hipDevice; hipCtx_t hipContext; hipModule_t hipModule; size_t device_texture_headroom; size_t device_working_headroom; bool move_texture_to_host; size_t map_host_used; size_t map_host_limit; int can_map_host; int pitch_alignment; int hipDevId; int hipDevArchitecture; bool first_error; struct HIPMem { HIPMem() : texobject(0), array(0), use_mapped_host(false) { } hipTextureObject_t texobject; hArray array; /* If true, a mapped host memory in shared_pointer is being used. */ bool use_mapped_host; }; typedef map HIPMemMap; HIPMemMap hip_mem_map; thread_mutex hip_mem_map_mutex; /* Bindless Textures */ device_vector texture_info; bool need_texture_info; HIPDeviceKernels kernels; static bool have_precompiled_kernels(); virtual bool show_samples() const override; virtual BVHLayoutMask get_bvh_layout_mask() const override; void set_error(const string &error) override; HIPDevice(const DeviceInfo &info, Stats &stats, Profiler &profiler); virtual ~HIPDevice(); bool support_device(const uint /*kernel_features*/); bool check_peer_access(Device *peer_device) override; bool use_adaptive_compilation(); virtual string compile_kernel_get_common_cflags(const uint kernel_features); string compile_kernel(const uint kernel_features, const char *name, const char *base = "hip", bool force_ptx = false); virtual bool load_kernels(const uint kernel_features) override; void reserve_local_memory(const uint kernel_features); void init_host_memory(); void load_texture_info(); void move_textures_to_host(size_t size, bool for_texture); HIPMem *generic_alloc(device_memory &mem, size_t pitch_padding = 0); void generic_copy_to(device_memory &mem); void generic_free(device_memory &mem); void mem_alloc(device_memory &mem) override; void mem_copy_to(device_memory &mem) override; void mem_copy_from(device_memory &mem, size_t y, size_t w, size_t h, size_t elem) override; void mem_zero(device_memory &mem) override; void mem_free(device_memory &mem) override; device_ptr mem_alloc_sub_ptr(device_memory &mem, size_t offset, size_t /*size*/) override; virtual void const_copy_to(const char *name, void *host, size_t size) override; void global_alloc(device_memory &mem); void global_free(device_memory &mem); void tex_alloc(device_texture &mem); void tex_free(device_texture &mem); /* Graphics resources interoperability. */ virtual bool should_use_graphics_interop() override; virtual unique_ptr gpu_queue_create() override; int get_num_multiprocessors(); int get_max_num_threads_per_multiprocessor(); protected: bool get_device_attribute(hipDeviceAttribute_t attribute, int *value); int get_device_default_attribute(hipDeviceAttribute_t attribute, int default_value); }; CCL_NAMESPACE_END #endif