/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2021-2022 Blender Foundation */ #ifdef WITH_METAL # include "scene/hair.h" # include "scene/mesh.h" # include "scene/object.h" # include "scene/pointcloud.h" # include "util/progress.h" # include "device/metal/bvh.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN # define BVH_status(...) \ { \ string str = string_printf(__VA_ARGS__); \ progress.set_substatus(str); \ } BVHMetal::BVHMetal(const BVHParams ¶ms_, const vector &geometry_, const vector &objects_, Device *device) : BVH(params_, geometry_, objects_), stats(device->stats) { } BVHMetal::~BVHMetal() { if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { if (accel_struct) { stats.mem_free(accel_struct.allocatedSize); [accel_struct release]; } } } bool BVHMetal::build_BLAS_mesh(Progress &progress, id device, id queue, Geometry *const geom, bool refit) { if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { /* Build BLAS for triangle primitives */ Mesh *const mesh = static_cast(geom); if (mesh->num_triangles() == 0) { return false; } /*------------------------------------------------*/ BVH_status( "Building mesh BLAS | %7d tris | %s", (int)mesh->num_triangles(), geom->name.c_str()); /*------------------------------------------------*/ const bool use_fast_trace_bvh = (params.bvh_type == BVH_TYPE_STATIC); const array &verts = mesh->get_verts(); const array &tris = mesh->get_triangles(); const size_t num_verts = verts.size(); const size_t num_indices = tris.size(); size_t num_motion_steps = 1; Attribute *motion_keys = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (motion_blur && mesh->get_use_motion_blur() && motion_keys) { num_motion_steps = mesh->get_motion_steps(); } MTLResourceOptions storage_mode; if (device.hasUnifiedMemory) { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeShared; } else { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; } /* Upload the mesh data to the GPU */ id posBuf = nil; id indexBuf = [device newBufferWithBytes:tris.data() length:num_indices * sizeof(tris.data()[0]) options:storage_mode]; if (num_motion_steps == 1) { posBuf = [device newBufferWithBytes:verts.data() length:num_verts * sizeof(verts.data()[0]) options:storage_mode]; } else { posBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:num_verts * num_motion_steps * sizeof(verts.data()[0]) options:storage_mode]; float3 *dest_data = (float3 *)[posBuf contents]; size_t center_step = (num_motion_steps - 1) / 2; for (size_t step = 0; step < num_motion_steps; ++step) { const float3 *verts = mesh->get_verts().data(); /* The center step for motion vertices is not stored in the attribute. */ if (step != center_step) { verts = motion_keys->data_float3() + (step > center_step ? step - 1 : step) * num_verts; } memcpy(dest_data + num_verts * step, verts, num_verts * sizeof(float3)); } if (storage_mode == MTLResourceStorageModeManaged) { [posBuf didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, posBuf.length)]; } } /* Create an acceleration structure. */ MTLAccelerationStructureGeometryDescriptor *geomDesc; if (num_motion_steps > 1) { std::vector vertex_ptrs; vertex_ptrs.reserve(num_motion_steps); for (size_t step = 0; step < num_motion_steps; ++step) { MTLMotionKeyframeData *k = [MTLMotionKeyframeData data]; k.buffer = posBuf; k.offset = num_verts * step * sizeof(float3); vertex_ptrs.push_back(k); } MTLAccelerationStructureMotionTriangleGeometryDescriptor *geomDescMotion = [MTLAccelerationStructureMotionTriangleGeometryDescriptor descriptor]; geomDescMotion.vertexBuffers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:vertex_ptrs.data() count:vertex_ptrs.size()]; geomDescMotion.vertexStride = sizeof(verts.data()[0]); geomDescMotion.indexBuffer = indexBuf; geomDescMotion.indexBufferOffset = 0; geomDescMotion.indexType = MTLIndexTypeUInt32; geomDescMotion.triangleCount = num_indices / 3; geomDescMotion.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 0; geomDesc = geomDescMotion; } else { MTLAccelerationStructureTriangleGeometryDescriptor *geomDescNoMotion = [MTLAccelerationStructureTriangleGeometryDescriptor descriptor]; geomDescNoMotion.vertexBuffer = posBuf; geomDescNoMotion.vertexBufferOffset = 0; geomDescNoMotion.vertexStride = sizeof(verts.data()[0]); geomDescNoMotion.indexBuffer = indexBuf; geomDescNoMotion.indexBufferOffset = 0; geomDescNoMotion.indexType = MTLIndexTypeUInt32; geomDescNoMotion.triangleCount = num_indices / 3; geomDescNoMotion.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 0; geomDesc = geomDescNoMotion; } /* Force a single any-hit call, so shadow record-all behavior works correctly */ /* (Match optix behavior: unsigned int build_flags = * OPTIX_GEOMETRY_FLAG_REQUIRE_SINGLE_ANYHIT_CALL;) */ geomDesc.allowDuplicateIntersectionFunctionInvocation = false; MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor *accelDesc = [MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor descriptor]; accelDesc.geometryDescriptors = @[ geomDesc ]; if (num_motion_steps > 1) { accelDesc.motionStartTime = 0.0f; accelDesc.motionEndTime = 1.0f; accelDesc.motionStartBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeClamp; accelDesc.motionEndBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeClamp; accelDesc.motionKeyframeCount = num_motion_steps; } if (!use_fast_trace_bvh) { accelDesc.usage |= (MTLAccelerationStructureUsageRefit | MTLAccelerationStructureUsagePreferFastBuild); } MTLAccelerationStructureSizes accelSizes = [device accelerationStructureSizesWithDescriptor:accelDesc]; id accel_uncompressed = [device newAccelerationStructureWithSize:accelSizes.accelerationStructureSize]; id scratchBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:accelSizes.buildScratchBufferSize options:MTLResourceStorageModePrivate]; id sizeBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:8 options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared]; id accelCommands = [queue commandBuffer]; id accelEnc = [accelCommands accelerationStructureCommandEncoder]; if (refit) { [accelEnc refitAccelerationStructure:accel_struct descriptor:accelDesc destination:accel_uncompressed scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } else { [accelEnc buildAccelerationStructure:accel_uncompressed descriptor:accelDesc scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } if (use_fast_trace_bvh) { [accelEnc writeCompactedAccelerationStructureSize:accel_uncompressed toBuffer:sizeBuf offset:0 sizeDataType:MTLDataTypeULong]; } [accelEnc endEncoding]; [accelCommands addCompletedHandler:^(id command_buffer) { /* free temp resources */ [scratchBuf release]; [indexBuf release]; [posBuf release]; if (use_fast_trace_bvh) { /* Compact the accel structure */ uint64_t compressed_size = *(uint64_t *)sizeBuf.contents; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ id accelCommands = [queue commandBuffer]; id accelEnc = [accelCommands accelerationStructureCommandEncoder]; id accel = [device newAccelerationStructureWithSize:compressed_size]; [accelEnc copyAndCompactAccelerationStructure:accel_uncompressed toAccelerationStructure:accel]; [accelEnc endEncoding]; [accelCommands addCompletedHandler:^(id command_buffer) { uint64_t allocated_size = [accel allocatedSize]; stats.mem_alloc(allocated_size); accel_struct = accel; [accel_uncompressed release]; accel_struct_building = false; }]; [accelCommands commit]; }); } else { /* set our acceleration structure to the uncompressed structure */ accel_struct = accel_uncompressed; uint64_t allocated_size = [accel_struct allocatedSize]; stats.mem_alloc(allocated_size); accel_struct_building = false; } [sizeBuf release]; }]; accel_struct_building = true; [accelCommands commit]; return true; } return false; } bool BVHMetal::build_BLAS_hair(Progress &progress, id device, id queue, Geometry *const geom, bool refit) { if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { /* Build BLAS for hair curves */ Hair *hair = static_cast(geom); if (hair->num_curves() == 0) { return false; } /*------------------------------------------------*/ BVH_status( "Building hair BLAS | %7d curves | %s", (int)hair->num_curves(), geom->name.c_str()); /*------------------------------------------------*/ const bool use_fast_trace_bvh = (params.bvh_type == BVH_TYPE_STATIC); const size_t num_segments = hair->num_segments(); size_t num_motion_steps = 1; Attribute *motion_keys = hair->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (motion_blur && hair->get_use_motion_blur() && motion_keys) { num_motion_steps = hair->get_motion_steps(); } const size_t num_aabbs = num_segments * num_motion_steps; MTLResourceOptions storage_mode; if (device.hasUnifiedMemory) { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeShared; } else { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; } /* Allocate a GPU buffer for the AABB data and populate it */ id aabbBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:num_aabbs * sizeof(MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox) options:storage_mode]; MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox *aabb_data = (MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox *)[aabbBuf contents]; /* Get AABBs for each motion step */ size_t center_step = (num_motion_steps - 1) / 2; for (size_t step = 0; step < num_motion_steps; ++step) { /* The center step for motion vertices is not stored in the attribute */ const float3 *keys = hair->get_curve_keys().data(); if (step != center_step) { size_t attr_offset = (step > center_step) ? step - 1 : step; /* Technically this is a float4 array, but sizeof(float3) == sizeof(float4) */ keys = motion_keys->data_float3() + attr_offset * hair->get_curve_keys().size(); } for (size_t j = 0, i = 0; j < hair->num_curves(); ++j) { const Hair::Curve curve = hair->get_curve(j); for (int segment = 0; segment < curve.num_segments(); ++segment, ++i) { { BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty; curve.bounds_grow(segment, keys, hair->get_curve_radius().data(), bounds); const size_t index = step * num_segments + i; aabb_data[index].min = (MTLPackedFloat3 &)bounds.min; aabb_data[index].max = (MTLPackedFloat3 &)bounds.max; } } } } if (storage_mode == MTLResourceStorageModeManaged) { [aabbBuf didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, aabbBuf.length)]; } # if 0 for (size_t i=0; i aabb_ptrs; aabb_ptrs.reserve(num_motion_steps); for (size_t step = 0; step < num_motion_steps; ++step) { MTLMotionKeyframeData *k = [MTLMotionKeyframeData data]; k.buffer = aabbBuf; k.offset = step * num_segments * sizeof(MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox); aabb_ptrs.push_back(k); } MTLAccelerationStructureMotionBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor *geomDescMotion = [MTLAccelerationStructureMotionBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor descriptor]; geomDescMotion.boundingBoxBuffers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:aabb_ptrs.data() count:aabb_ptrs.size()]; geomDescMotion.boundingBoxCount = num_segments; geomDescMotion.boundingBoxStride = sizeof(aabb_data[0]); geomDescMotion.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 1; /* Force a single any-hit call, so shadow record-all behavior works correctly */ /* (Match optix behavior: unsigned int build_flags = * OPTIX_GEOMETRY_FLAG_REQUIRE_SINGLE_ANYHIT_CALL;) */ geomDescMotion.allowDuplicateIntersectionFunctionInvocation = false; geomDescMotion.opaque = true; geomDesc = geomDescMotion; } else { MTLAccelerationStructureBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor *geomDescNoMotion = [MTLAccelerationStructureBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor descriptor]; geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxBuffer = aabbBuf; geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxBufferOffset = 0; geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxCount = int(num_aabbs); geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxStride = sizeof(aabb_data[0]); geomDescNoMotion.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 1; /* Force a single any-hit call, so shadow record-all behavior works correctly */ /* (Match optix behavior: unsigned int build_flags = * OPTIX_GEOMETRY_FLAG_REQUIRE_SINGLE_ANYHIT_CALL;) */ geomDescNoMotion.allowDuplicateIntersectionFunctionInvocation = false; geomDescNoMotion.opaque = true; geomDesc = geomDescNoMotion; } MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor *accelDesc = [MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor descriptor]; accelDesc.geometryDescriptors = @[ geomDesc ]; if (motion_blur) { accelDesc.motionStartTime = 0.0f; accelDesc.motionEndTime = 1.0f; accelDesc.motionStartBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeVanish; accelDesc.motionEndBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeVanish; accelDesc.motionKeyframeCount = num_motion_steps; } if (!use_fast_trace_bvh) { accelDesc.usage |= (MTLAccelerationStructureUsageRefit | MTLAccelerationStructureUsagePreferFastBuild); } MTLAccelerationStructureSizes accelSizes = [device accelerationStructureSizesWithDescriptor:accelDesc]; id accel_uncompressed = [device newAccelerationStructureWithSize:accelSizes.accelerationStructureSize]; id scratchBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:accelSizes.buildScratchBufferSize options:MTLResourceStorageModePrivate]; id sizeBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:8 options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared]; id accelCommands = [queue commandBuffer]; id accelEnc = [accelCommands accelerationStructureCommandEncoder]; if (refit) { [accelEnc refitAccelerationStructure:accel_struct descriptor:accelDesc destination:accel_uncompressed scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } else { [accelEnc buildAccelerationStructure:accel_uncompressed descriptor:accelDesc scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } if (use_fast_trace_bvh) { [accelEnc writeCompactedAccelerationStructureSize:accel_uncompressed toBuffer:sizeBuf offset:0 sizeDataType:MTLDataTypeULong]; } [accelEnc endEncoding]; [accelCommands addCompletedHandler:^(id command_buffer) { /* free temp resources */ [scratchBuf release]; [aabbBuf release]; if (use_fast_trace_bvh) { /* Compact the accel structure */ uint64_t compressed_size = *(uint64_t *)sizeBuf.contents; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ id accelCommands = [queue commandBuffer]; id accelEnc = [accelCommands accelerationStructureCommandEncoder]; id accel = [device newAccelerationStructureWithSize:compressed_size]; [accelEnc copyAndCompactAccelerationStructure:accel_uncompressed toAccelerationStructure:accel]; [accelEnc endEncoding]; [accelCommands addCompletedHandler:^(id command_buffer) { uint64_t allocated_size = [accel allocatedSize]; stats.mem_alloc(allocated_size); accel_struct = accel; [accel_uncompressed release]; accel_struct_building = false; }]; [accelCommands commit]; }); } else { /* set our acceleration structure to the uncompressed structure */ accel_struct = accel_uncompressed; uint64_t allocated_size = [accel_struct allocatedSize]; stats.mem_alloc(allocated_size); accel_struct_building = false; } [sizeBuf release]; }]; accel_struct_building = true; [accelCommands commit]; return true; } return false; } bool BVHMetal::build_BLAS_pointcloud(Progress &progress, id device, id queue, Geometry *const geom, bool refit) { if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { /* Build BLAS for point cloud */ PointCloud *pointcloud = static_cast(geom); if (pointcloud->num_points() == 0) { return false; } /*------------------------------------------------*/ BVH_status("Building pointcloud BLAS | %7d points | %s", (int)pointcloud->num_points(), geom->name.c_str()); /*------------------------------------------------*/ const size_t num_points = pointcloud->get_points().size(); const float3 *points = pointcloud->get_points().data(); const float *radius = pointcloud->get_radius().data(); const bool use_fast_trace_bvh = (params.bvh_type == BVH_TYPE_STATIC); size_t num_motion_steps = 1; Attribute *motion_keys = pointcloud->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (motion_blur && pointcloud->get_use_motion_blur() && motion_keys) { num_motion_steps = pointcloud->get_motion_steps(); } const size_t num_aabbs = num_motion_steps; MTLResourceOptions storage_mode; if (device.hasUnifiedMemory) { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeShared; } else { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; } /* Allocate a GPU buffer for the AABB data and populate it */ id aabbBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:num_aabbs * sizeof(MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox) options:storage_mode]; MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox *aabb_data = (MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox *)[aabbBuf contents]; /* Get AABBs for each motion step */ size_t center_step = (num_motion_steps - 1) / 2; for (size_t step = 0; step < num_motion_steps; ++step) { /* The center step for motion vertices is not stored in the attribute */ if (step != center_step) { size_t attr_offset = (step > center_step) ? step - 1 : step; points = motion_keys->data_float3() + attr_offset * num_points; } for (size_t j = 0; j < num_points; ++j) { const PointCloud::Point point = pointcloud->get_point(j); BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty; point.bounds_grow(points, radius, bounds); const size_t index = step * num_points + j; aabb_data[index].min = (MTLPackedFloat3 &)bounds.min; aabb_data[index].max = (MTLPackedFloat3 &)bounds.max; } } if (storage_mode == MTLResourceStorageModeManaged) { [aabbBuf didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, aabbBuf.length)]; } # if 0 for (size_t i=0; i aabb_ptrs; aabb_ptrs.reserve(num_motion_steps); for (size_t step = 0; step < num_motion_steps; ++step) { MTLMotionKeyframeData *k = [MTLMotionKeyframeData data]; k.buffer = aabbBuf; k.offset = step * num_points * sizeof(MTLAxisAlignedBoundingBox); aabb_ptrs.push_back(k); } MTLAccelerationStructureMotionBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor *geomDescMotion = [MTLAccelerationStructureMotionBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor descriptor]; geomDescMotion.boundingBoxBuffers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:aabb_ptrs.data() count:aabb_ptrs.size()]; geomDescMotion.boundingBoxCount = num_points; geomDescMotion.boundingBoxStride = sizeof(aabb_data[0]); geomDescMotion.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 2; /* Force a single any-hit call, so shadow record-all behavior works correctly */ /* (Match optix behavior: unsigned int build_flags = * OPTIX_GEOMETRY_FLAG_REQUIRE_SINGLE_ANYHIT_CALL;) */ geomDescMotion.allowDuplicateIntersectionFunctionInvocation = false; geomDescMotion.opaque = true; geomDesc = geomDescMotion; } else { MTLAccelerationStructureBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor *geomDescNoMotion = [MTLAccelerationStructureBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor descriptor]; geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxBuffer = aabbBuf; geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxBufferOffset = 0; geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxCount = int(num_aabbs); geomDescNoMotion.boundingBoxStride = sizeof(aabb_data[0]); geomDescNoMotion.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 2; /* Force a single any-hit call, so shadow record-all behavior works correctly */ /* (Match optix behavior: unsigned int build_flags = * OPTIX_GEOMETRY_FLAG_REQUIRE_SINGLE_ANYHIT_CALL;) */ geomDescNoMotion.allowDuplicateIntersectionFunctionInvocation = false; geomDescNoMotion.opaque = true; geomDesc = geomDescNoMotion; } MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor *accelDesc = [MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor descriptor]; accelDesc.geometryDescriptors = @[ geomDesc ]; if (motion_blur) { accelDesc.motionStartTime = 0.0f; accelDesc.motionEndTime = 1.0f; accelDesc.motionStartBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeVanish; accelDesc.motionEndBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeVanish; accelDesc.motionKeyframeCount = num_motion_steps; } if (!use_fast_trace_bvh) { accelDesc.usage |= (MTLAccelerationStructureUsageRefit | MTLAccelerationStructureUsagePreferFastBuild); } MTLAccelerationStructureSizes accelSizes = [device accelerationStructureSizesWithDescriptor:accelDesc]; id accel_uncompressed = [device newAccelerationStructureWithSize:accelSizes.accelerationStructureSize]; id scratchBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:accelSizes.buildScratchBufferSize options:MTLResourceStorageModePrivate]; id sizeBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:8 options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared]; id accelCommands = [queue commandBuffer]; id accelEnc = [accelCommands accelerationStructureCommandEncoder]; if (refit) { [accelEnc refitAccelerationStructure:accel_struct descriptor:accelDesc destination:accel_uncompressed scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } else { [accelEnc buildAccelerationStructure:accel_uncompressed descriptor:accelDesc scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } if (use_fast_trace_bvh) { [accelEnc writeCompactedAccelerationStructureSize:accel_uncompressed toBuffer:sizeBuf offset:0 sizeDataType:MTLDataTypeULong]; } [accelEnc endEncoding]; [accelCommands addCompletedHandler:^(id command_buffer) { /* free temp resources */ [scratchBuf release]; [aabbBuf release]; if (use_fast_trace_bvh) { /* Compact the accel structure */ uint64_t compressed_size = *(uint64_t *)sizeBuf.contents; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ id accelCommands = [queue commandBuffer]; id accelEnc = [accelCommands accelerationStructureCommandEncoder]; id accel = [device newAccelerationStructureWithSize:compressed_size]; [accelEnc copyAndCompactAccelerationStructure:accel_uncompressed toAccelerationStructure:accel]; [accelEnc endEncoding]; [accelCommands addCompletedHandler:^(id command_buffer) { uint64_t allocated_size = [accel allocatedSize]; stats.mem_alloc(allocated_size); accel_struct = accel; [accel_uncompressed release]; accel_struct_building = false; }]; [accelCommands commit]; }); } else { /* set our acceleration structure to the uncompressed structure */ accel_struct = accel_uncompressed; uint64_t allocated_size = [accel_struct allocatedSize]; stats.mem_alloc(allocated_size); accel_struct_building = false; } [sizeBuf release]; }]; accel_struct_building = true; [accelCommands commit]; return true; } return false; } bool BVHMetal::build_BLAS(Progress &progress, id device, id queue, bool refit) { if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { assert(objects.size() == 1 && geometry.size() == 1); /* Build bottom level acceleration structures (BLAS) */ Geometry *const geom = geometry[0]; switch (geom->geometry_type) { case Geometry::VOLUME: case Geometry::MESH: return build_BLAS_mesh(progress, device, queue, geom, refit); case Geometry::HAIR: return build_BLAS_hair(progress, device, queue, geom, refit); case Geometry::POINTCLOUD: return build_BLAS_pointcloud(progress, device, queue, geom, refit); default: return false; } } return false; } bool BVHMetal::build_TLAS(Progress &progress, id device, id queue, bool refit) { if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { /* we need to sync here and ensure that all BLAS have completed async generation by both GCD * and Metal */ { __block bool complete_bvh = false; while (!complete_bvh) { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ complete_bvh = true; for (Object *ob : objects) { /* Skip non-traceable objects */ if (!ob->is_traceable()) continue; Geometry const *geom = ob->get_geometry(); BVHMetal const *blas = static_cast(geom->bvh); if (blas->accel_struct_building) { complete_bvh = false; /* We're likely waiting on a command buffer that's in flight to complete. * Queue up a command buffer and wait for it complete before checking the BLAS again */ id command_buffer = [queue commandBuffer]; [command_buffer commit]; [command_buffer waitUntilCompleted]; break; } } }); } } uint32_t num_instances = 0; uint32_t num_motion_transforms = 0; for (Object *ob : objects) { /* Skip non-traceable objects */ if (!ob->is_traceable()) continue; num_instances++; if (ob->use_motion()) { num_motion_transforms += max((size_t)1, ob->get_motion().size()); } else { num_motion_transforms++; } } /*------------------------------------------------*/ BVH_status("Building TLAS | %7d instances", (int)num_instances); /*------------------------------------------------*/ const bool use_fast_trace_bvh = (params.bvh_type == BVH_TYPE_STATIC); NSMutableArray *all_blas = [NSMutableArray array]; unordered_map instance_mapping; /* Lambda function to build/retrieve the BLAS index mapping */ auto get_blas_index = [&](BVHMetal const *blas) { auto it = instance_mapping.find(blas); if (it != instance_mapping.end()) { return it->second; } else { int blas_index = (int)[all_blas count]; instance_mapping[blas] = blas_index; if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { [all_blas addObject:blas->accel_struct]; } return blas_index; } }; MTLResourceOptions storage_mode; if (device.hasUnifiedMemory) { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeShared; } else { storage_mode = MTLResourceStorageModeManaged; } size_t instance_size; if (motion_blur) { instance_size = sizeof(MTLAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceDescriptor); } else { instance_size = sizeof(MTLAccelerationStructureUserIDInstanceDescriptor); } /* Allocate a GPU buffer for the instance data and populate it */ id instanceBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:num_instances * instance_size options:storage_mode]; id motion_transforms_buf = nil; MTLPackedFloat4x3 *motion_transforms = nullptr; if (motion_blur && num_motion_transforms) { motion_transforms_buf = [device newBufferWithLength:num_motion_transforms * sizeof(MTLPackedFloat4x3) options:storage_mode]; motion_transforms = (MTLPackedFloat4x3 *)motion_transforms_buf.contents; } uint32_t instance_index = 0; uint32_t motion_transform_index = 0; for (Object *ob : objects) { /* Skip non-traceable objects */ if (!ob->is_traceable()) continue; Geometry const *geom = ob->get_geometry(); BVHMetal const *blas = static_cast(geom->bvh); uint32_t accel_struct_index = get_blas_index(blas); /* Add some of the object visibility bits to the mask. * __prim_visibility contains the combined visibility bits of all instances, so is not * reliable if they differ between instances. * * METAL_WIP: OptiX visibility mask can only contain 8 bits, so have to trade-off here * and select just a few important ones. */ uint32_t mask = ob->visibility_for_tracing() & 0xFF; /* Have to have at least one bit in the mask, or else instance would always be culled. */ if (0 == mask) { mask = 0xFF; } /* Set user instance ID to object index */ int object_index = ob->get_device_index(); uint32_t user_id = uint32_t(object_index); /* Bake into the appropriate descriptor */ if (motion_blur) { MTLAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceDescriptor *instances = (MTLAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceDescriptor *)[instanceBuf contents]; MTLAccelerationStructureMotionInstanceDescriptor &desc = instances[instance_index++]; desc.accelerationStructureIndex = accel_struct_index; desc.userID = user_id; desc.mask = mask; desc.motionStartTime = 0.0f; desc.motionEndTime = 1.0f; desc.motionTransformsStartIndex = motion_transform_index; desc.motionStartBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeVanish; desc.motionEndBorderMode = MTLMotionBorderModeVanish; desc.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 0; int key_count = ob->get_motion().size(); if (key_count) { desc.motionTransformsCount = key_count; Transform *keys = ob->get_motion().data(); for (int i = 0; i < key_count; i++) { float *t = (float *)&motion_transforms[motion_transform_index++]; /* Transpose transform */ auto src = (float const *)&keys[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { t[i] = src[(i / 3) + 4 * (i % 3)]; } } } else { desc.motionTransformsCount = 1; float *t = (float *)&motion_transforms[motion_transform_index++]; if (ob->get_geometry()->is_instanced()) { /* Transpose transform */ auto src = (float const *)&ob->get_tfm(); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { t[i] = src[(i / 3) + 4 * (i % 3)]; } } else { /* Clear transform to identity matrix */ t[0] = t[4] = t[8] = 1.0f; } } } else { MTLAccelerationStructureUserIDInstanceDescriptor *instances = (MTLAccelerationStructureUserIDInstanceDescriptor *)[instanceBuf contents]; MTLAccelerationStructureUserIDInstanceDescriptor &desc = instances[instance_index++]; desc.accelerationStructureIndex = accel_struct_index; desc.userID = user_id; desc.mask = mask; desc.intersectionFunctionTableOffset = 0; float *t = (float *)&desc.transformationMatrix; if (ob->get_geometry()->is_instanced()) { /* Transpose transform */ auto src = (float const *)&ob->get_tfm(); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { t[i] = src[(i / 3) + 4 * (i % 3)]; } } else { /* Clear transform to identity matrix */ t[0] = t[4] = t[8] = 1.0f; } } } if (storage_mode == MTLResourceStorageModeManaged) { [instanceBuf didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, instanceBuf.length)]; if (motion_transforms_buf) { [motion_transforms_buf didModifyRange:NSMakeRange(0, motion_transforms_buf.length)]; assert(num_motion_transforms == motion_transform_index); } } MTLInstanceAccelerationStructureDescriptor *accelDesc = [MTLInstanceAccelerationStructureDescriptor descriptor]; accelDesc.instanceCount = num_instances; accelDesc.instanceDescriptorType = MTLAccelerationStructureInstanceDescriptorTypeUserID; accelDesc.instanceDescriptorBuffer = instanceBuf; accelDesc.instanceDescriptorBufferOffset = 0; accelDesc.instanceDescriptorStride = instance_size; accelDesc.instancedAccelerationStructures = all_blas; if (motion_blur) { accelDesc.instanceDescriptorType = MTLAccelerationStructureInstanceDescriptorTypeMotion; accelDesc.motionTransformBuffer = motion_transforms_buf; accelDesc.motionTransformCount = num_motion_transforms; } if (!use_fast_trace_bvh) { accelDesc.usage |= (MTLAccelerationStructureUsageRefit | MTLAccelerationStructureUsagePreferFastBuild); } MTLAccelerationStructureSizes accelSizes = [device accelerationStructureSizesWithDescriptor:accelDesc]; id accel = [device newAccelerationStructureWithSize:accelSizes.accelerationStructureSize]; id scratchBuf = [device newBufferWithLength:accelSizes.buildScratchBufferSize options:MTLResourceStorageModePrivate]; id accelCommands = [queue commandBuffer]; id accelEnc = [accelCommands accelerationStructureCommandEncoder]; if (refit) { [accelEnc refitAccelerationStructure:accel_struct descriptor:accelDesc destination:accel scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } else { [accelEnc buildAccelerationStructure:accel descriptor:accelDesc scratchBuffer:scratchBuf scratchBufferOffset:0]; } [accelEnc endEncoding]; [accelCommands commit]; [accelCommands waitUntilCompleted]; if (motion_transforms_buf) { [motion_transforms_buf release]; } [instanceBuf release]; [scratchBuf release]; uint64_t allocated_size = [accel allocatedSize]; stats.mem_alloc(allocated_size); /* Cache top and bottom-level acceleration structs */ accel_struct = accel; blas_array.clear(); blas_array.reserve(all_blas.count); for (id blas in all_blas) { blas_array.push_back(blas); } return true; } return false; } bool BVHMetal::build(Progress &progress, id device, id queue, bool refit) { if (@available(macos 12.0, *)) { if (refit && params.bvh_type != BVH_TYPE_STATIC) { assert(accel_struct); } else { if (accel_struct) { stats.mem_free(accel_struct.allocatedSize); [accel_struct release]; accel_struct = nil; } } } if (!params.top_level) { return build_BLAS(progress, device, queue, refit); } else { return build_TLAS(progress, device, queue, refit); } } CCL_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* WITH_METAL */