/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef WITH_OPENCL # include "device/opencl/device_opencl.h" # include "device/device_intern.h" # include "util/util_debug.h" # include "util/util_logging.h" # include "util/util_md5.h" # include "util/util_path.h" # include "util/util_time.h" # include "util/util_system.h" using std::cerr; using std::endl; CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN OpenCLCache::Slot::ProgramEntry::ProgramEntry() : program(NULL), mutex(NULL) { } OpenCLCache::Slot::ProgramEntry::ProgramEntry(const ProgramEntry &rhs) : program(rhs.program), mutex(NULL) { } OpenCLCache::Slot::ProgramEntry::~ProgramEntry() { delete mutex; } OpenCLCache::Slot::Slot() : context_mutex(NULL), context(NULL) { } OpenCLCache::Slot::Slot(const Slot &rhs) : context_mutex(NULL), context(NULL), programs(rhs.programs) { } OpenCLCache::Slot::~Slot() { delete context_mutex; } OpenCLCache &OpenCLCache::global_instance() { static OpenCLCache instance; return instance; } cl_context OpenCLCache::get_context(cl_platform_id platform, cl_device_id device, thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker) { assert(platform != NULL); OpenCLCache &self = global_instance(); thread_scoped_lock cache_lock(self.cache_lock); pair ins = self.cache.insert( CacheMap::value_type(PlatformDevicePair(platform, device), Slot())); Slot &slot = ins.first->second; /* create slot lock only while holding cache lock */ if (!slot.context_mutex) slot.context_mutex = new thread_mutex; /* need to unlock cache before locking slot, to allow store to complete */ cache_lock.unlock(); /* lock the slot */ slot_locker = thread_scoped_lock(*slot.context_mutex); /* If the thing isn't cached */ if (slot.context == NULL) { /* return with the caller's lock holder holding the slot lock */ return NULL; } /* the item was already cached, release the slot lock */ slot_locker.unlock(); cl_int ciErr = clRetainContext(slot.context); assert(ciErr == CL_SUCCESS); (void)ciErr; return slot.context; } cl_program OpenCLCache::get_program(cl_platform_id platform, cl_device_id device, ustring key, thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker) { assert(platform != NULL); OpenCLCache &self = global_instance(); thread_scoped_lock cache_lock(self.cache_lock); pair ins = self.cache.insert( CacheMap::value_type(PlatformDevicePair(platform, device), Slot())); Slot &slot = ins.first->second; pair ins2 = slot.programs.insert( Slot::EntryMap::value_type(key, Slot::ProgramEntry())); Slot::ProgramEntry &entry = ins2.first->second; /* create slot lock only while holding cache lock */ if (!entry.mutex) entry.mutex = new thread_mutex; /* need to unlock cache before locking slot, to allow store to complete */ cache_lock.unlock(); /* lock the slot */ slot_locker = thread_scoped_lock(*entry.mutex); /* If the thing isn't cached */ if (entry.program == NULL) { /* return with the caller's lock holder holding the slot lock */ return NULL; } /* the item was already cached, release the slot lock */ slot_locker.unlock(); cl_int ciErr = clRetainProgram(entry.program); assert(ciErr == CL_SUCCESS); (void)ciErr; return entry.program; } void OpenCLCache::store_context(cl_platform_id platform, cl_device_id device, cl_context context, thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker) { assert(platform != NULL); assert(device != NULL); assert(context != NULL); OpenCLCache &self = global_instance(); thread_scoped_lock cache_lock(self.cache_lock); CacheMap::iterator i = self.cache.find(PlatformDevicePair(platform, device)); cache_lock.unlock(); Slot &slot = i->second; /* sanity check */ assert(i != self.cache.end()); assert(slot.context == NULL); slot.context = context; /* unlock the slot */ slot_locker.unlock(); /* increment reference count in OpenCL. * The caller is going to release the object when done with it. */ cl_int ciErr = clRetainContext(context); assert(ciErr == CL_SUCCESS); (void)ciErr; } void OpenCLCache::store_program(cl_platform_id platform, cl_device_id device, cl_program program, ustring key, thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker) { assert(platform != NULL); assert(device != NULL); assert(program != NULL); OpenCLCache &self = global_instance(); thread_scoped_lock cache_lock(self.cache_lock); CacheMap::iterator i = self.cache.find(PlatformDevicePair(platform, device)); assert(i != self.cache.end()); Slot &slot = i->second; Slot::EntryMap::iterator i2 = slot.programs.find(key); assert(i2 != slot.programs.end()); Slot::ProgramEntry &entry = i2->second; assert(entry.program == NULL); cache_lock.unlock(); entry.program = program; /* unlock the slot */ slot_locker.unlock(); /* Increment reference count in OpenCL. * The caller is going to release the object when done with it. */ cl_int ciErr = clRetainProgram(program); assert(ciErr == CL_SUCCESS); (void)ciErr; } string OpenCLCache::get_kernel_md5() { OpenCLCache &self = global_instance(); thread_scoped_lock lock(self.kernel_md5_lock); if (self.kernel_md5.empty()) { self.kernel_md5 = path_files_md5_hash(path_get("source")); } return self.kernel_md5; } static string get_program_source(const string &kernel_file) { string source = "#include \"kernel/kernels/opencl/" + kernel_file + "\"\n"; /* We compile kernels consisting of many files. unfortunately OpenCL * kernel caches do not seem to recognize changes in included files. * so we force recompile on changes by adding the md5 hash of all files. */ source = path_source_replace_includes(source, path_get("source")); source += "\n// " + util_md5_string(source) + "\n"; return source; } OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::OpenCLProgram(OpenCLDevice *device, const string &program_name, const string &kernel_file, const string &kernel_build_options, bool use_stdout) : device(device), program_name(program_name), kernel_file(kernel_file), kernel_build_options(kernel_build_options), use_stdout(use_stdout) { loaded = false; needs_compiling = true; program = NULL; } OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::~OpenCLProgram() { release(); } void OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::release() { for (map::iterator kernel = kernels.begin(); kernel != kernels.end(); ++kernel) { if (kernel->second) { clReleaseKernel(kernel->second); kernel->second = NULL; } } if (program) { clReleaseProgram(program); program = NULL; } } void OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::add_log(const string &msg, bool debug) { if (!use_stdout) { log += msg + "\n"; } else if (!debug) { printf("%s\n", msg.c_str()); fflush(stdout); } else { VLOG(2) << msg; } } void OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::add_error(const string &msg) { if (use_stdout) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg.c_str()); } if (error_msg == "") { error_msg += "\n"; } error_msg += msg; } void OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::add_kernel(ustring name) { if (!kernels.count(name)) { kernels[name] = NULL; } } bool OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::build_kernel(const string *debug_src) { string build_options; build_options = device->kernel_build_options(debug_src) + kernel_build_options; VLOG(1) << "Build options passed to clBuildProgram: '" << build_options << "'."; cl_int ciErr = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, build_options.c_str(), NULL, NULL); /* show warnings even if build is successful */ size_t ret_val_size = 0; clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device->cdDevice, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &ret_val_size); if (ciErr != CL_SUCCESS) { add_error(string("OpenCL build failed with error ") + clewErrorString(ciErr) + ", errors in console."); } if (ret_val_size > 1) { vector build_log(ret_val_size + 1); clGetProgramBuildInfo( program, device->cdDevice, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, ret_val_size, &build_log[0], NULL); build_log[ret_val_size] = '\0'; /* Skip meaningless empty output from the NVidia compiler. */ if (!(ret_val_size == 2 && build_log[0] == '\n')) { add_log(string("OpenCL program ") + program_name + " build output: " + string(&build_log[0]), ciErr == CL_SUCCESS); } } return (ciErr == CL_SUCCESS); } bool OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::compile_kernel(const string *debug_src) { string source = get_program_source(kernel_file); if (debug_src) { path_write_text(*debug_src, source); } size_t source_len = source.size(); const char *source_str = source.c_str(); cl_int ciErr; program = clCreateProgramWithSource(device->cxContext, 1, &source_str, &source_len, &ciErr); if (ciErr != CL_SUCCESS) { add_error(string("OpenCL program creation failed: ") + clewErrorString(ciErr)); return false; } double starttime = time_dt(); add_log(string("Cycles: compiling OpenCL program ") + program_name + "...", false); add_log(string("Build flags: ") + kernel_build_options, true); if (!build_kernel(debug_src)) return false; double elapsed = time_dt() - starttime; add_log( string_printf("Kernel compilation of %s finished in %.2lfs.", program_name.c_str(), elapsed), false); return true; } static void escape_python_string(string &str) { /* Escape string to be passed as a Python raw string with '' quotes'. */ string_replace(str, "'", "\'"); } bool OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::compile_separate(const string &clbin) { vector args; args.push_back("--background"); args.push_back("--factory-startup"); args.push_back("--python-expr"); int device_platform_id = device->device_num; string device_name = device->device_name; string platform_name = device->platform_name; string build_options = device->kernel_build_options(NULL) + kernel_build_options; string kernel_file_escaped = kernel_file; string clbin_escaped = clbin; escape_python_string(device_name); escape_python_string(platform_name); escape_python_string(build_options); escape_python_string(kernel_file_escaped); escape_python_string(clbin_escaped); args.push_back(string_printf( "import _cycles; _cycles.opencl_compile(r'%d', r'%s', r'%s', r'%s', r'%s', r'%s')", device_platform_id, device_name.c_str(), platform_name.c_str(), build_options.c_str(), kernel_file_escaped.c_str(), clbin_escaped.c_str())); double starttime = time_dt(); add_log(string("Cycles: compiling OpenCL program ") + program_name + "...", false); add_log(string("Build flags: ") + kernel_build_options, true); if (!system_call_self(args) || !path_exists(clbin)) { return false; } double elapsed = time_dt() - starttime; add_log( string_printf("Kernel compilation of %s finished in %.2lfs.", program_name.c_str(), elapsed), false); return load_binary(clbin); } /* Compile opencl kernel. This method is called from the _cycles Python * module compile kernels. Parameters must match function above. */ bool device_opencl_compile_kernel(const vector ¶meters) { int device_platform_id = std::stoi(parameters[0]); const string &device_name = parameters[1]; const string &platform_name = parameters[2]; const string &build_options = parameters[3]; const string &kernel_file = parameters[4]; const string &binary_path = parameters[5]; if (clewInit() != CLEW_SUCCESS) { return false; } vector usable_devices; OpenCLInfo::get_usable_devices(&usable_devices); if (device_platform_id >= usable_devices.size()) { return false; } OpenCLPlatformDevice &platform_device = usable_devices[device_platform_id]; if (platform_device.platform_name != platform_name || platform_device.device_name != device_name) { return false; } cl_platform_id platform = platform_device.platform_id; cl_device_id device = platform_device.device_id; const cl_context_properties context_props[] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)platform, 0, 0}; cl_int err; cl_context context = clCreateContext(context_props, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, &err); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { return false; } string source = get_program_source(kernel_file); size_t source_len = source.size(); const char *source_str = source.c_str(); cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, &source_str, &source_len, &err); bool result = false; if (err == CL_SUCCESS) { err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, build_options.c_str(), NULL, NULL); if (err == CL_SUCCESS) { size_t size = 0; clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, sizeof(size_t), &size, NULL); if (size > 0) { vector binary(size); uint8_t *bytes = &binary[0]; clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, sizeof(uint8_t *), &bytes, NULL); result = path_write_binary(binary_path, binary); } } clReleaseProgram(program); } clReleaseContext(context); return result; } bool OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::load_binary(const string &clbin, const string *debug_src) { /* read binary into memory */ vector binary; if (!path_read_binary(clbin, binary)) { add_error(string_printf("OpenCL failed to read cached binary %s.", clbin.c_str())); return false; } /* create program */ cl_int status, ciErr; size_t size = binary.size(); const uint8_t *bytes = &binary[0]; program = clCreateProgramWithBinary( device->cxContext, 1, &device->cdDevice, &size, &bytes, &status, &ciErr); if (status != CL_SUCCESS || ciErr != CL_SUCCESS) { add_error(string("OpenCL failed create program from cached binary ") + clbin + ": " + clewErrorString(status) + " " + clewErrorString(ciErr)); return false; } if (!build_kernel(debug_src)) return false; return true; } bool OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::save_binary(const string &clbin) { size_t size = 0; clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, sizeof(size_t), &size, NULL); if (!size) return false; vector binary(size); uint8_t *bytes = &binary[0]; clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, sizeof(uint8_t *), &bytes, NULL); return path_write_binary(clbin, binary); } bool OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::load() { loaded = false; string device_md5 = device->device_md5_hash(kernel_build_options); /* Try to use cached kernel. */ thread_scoped_lock cache_locker; ustring cache_key(program_name + device_md5); program = device->load_cached_kernel(cache_key, cache_locker); if (!program) { add_log(string("OpenCL program ") + program_name + " not found in cache.", true); /* need to create source to get md5 */ string source = get_program_source(kernel_file); string basename = "cycles_kernel_" + program_name + "_" + device_md5 + "_" + util_md5_string(source); basename = path_cache_get(path_join("kernels", basename)); string clbin = basename + ".clbin"; /* If binary kernel exists already, try use it. */ if (path_exists(clbin) && load_binary(clbin)) { /* Kernel loaded from binary, nothing to do. */ add_log(string("Loaded program from ") + clbin + ".", true); /* Cache the program. */ device->store_cached_kernel(program, cache_key, cache_locker); } else { add_log(string("OpenCL program ") + program_name + " not found on disk.", true); cache_locker.unlock(); } } if (program) { create_kernels(); loaded = true; needs_compiling = false; } return loaded; } void OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::compile() { assert(device); string device_md5 = device->device_md5_hash(kernel_build_options); /* Try to use cached kernel. */ thread_scoped_lock cache_locker; ustring cache_key(program_name + device_md5); program = device->load_cached_kernel(cache_key, cache_locker); if (!program) { add_log(string("OpenCL program ") + program_name + " not found in cache.", true); /* need to create source to get md5 */ string source = get_program_source(kernel_file); string basename = "cycles_kernel_" + program_name + "_" + device_md5 + "_" + util_md5_string(source); basename = path_cache_get(path_join("kernels", basename)); string clbin = basename + ".clbin"; /* path to preprocessed source for debugging */ string clsrc, *debug_src = NULL; if (OpenCLInfo::use_debug()) { clsrc = basename + ".cl"; debug_src = &clsrc; } if (DebugFlags().running_inside_blender && compile_separate(clbin)) { add_log(string("Built and loaded program from ") + clbin + ".", true); loaded = true; } else { if (DebugFlags().running_inside_blender) { add_log(string("Separate-process building of ") + clbin + " failed, will fall back to regular building.", true); } /* If does not exist or loading binary failed, compile kernel. */ if (!compile_kernel(debug_src)) { needs_compiling = false; return; } /* Save binary for reuse. */ if (!save_binary(clbin)) { add_log(string("Saving compiled OpenCL kernel to ") + clbin + " failed!", true); } } /* Cache the program. */ device->store_cached_kernel(program, cache_key, cache_locker); } create_kernels(); needs_compiling = false; loaded = true; } void OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::create_kernels() { for (map::iterator kernel = kernels.begin(); kernel != kernels.end(); ++kernel) { assert(kernel->second == NULL); cl_int ciErr; string name = "kernel_ocl_" + kernel->first.string(); kernel->second = clCreateKernel(program, name.c_str(), &ciErr); if (device->opencl_error(ciErr)) { add_error(string("Error getting kernel ") + name + " from program " + program_name + ": " + clewErrorString(ciErr)); return; } } } bool OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::wait_for_availability() { add_log(string("Waiting for availability of ") + program_name + ".", true); while (needs_compiling) { time_sleep(0.1); } return loaded; } void OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::report_error() { /* If loaded is true, there was no error. */ if (loaded) return; /* if use_stdout is true, the error was already reported. */ if (use_stdout) return; cerr << error_msg << endl; if (!compile_output.empty()) { cerr << "OpenCL kernel build output for " << program_name << ":" << endl; cerr << compile_output << endl; } } cl_kernel OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::operator()() { assert(kernels.size() == 1); return kernels.begin()->second; } cl_kernel OpenCLDevice::OpenCLProgram::operator()(ustring name) { assert(kernels.count(name)); return kernels[name]; } cl_device_type OpenCLInfo::device_type() { switch (DebugFlags().opencl.device_type) { case DebugFlags::OpenCL::DEVICE_NONE: return 0; case DebugFlags::OpenCL::DEVICE_ALL: return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL; case DebugFlags::OpenCL::DEVICE_DEFAULT: return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT; case DebugFlags::OpenCL::DEVICE_CPU: return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; case DebugFlags::OpenCL::DEVICE_GPU: return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; case DebugFlags::OpenCL::DEVICE_ACCELERATOR: return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR; default: return CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL; } } bool OpenCLInfo::use_debug() { return DebugFlags().opencl.debug; } bool OpenCLInfo::device_supported(const string &platform_name, const cl_device_id device_id) { cl_device_type device_type; if (!get_device_type(device_id, &device_type)) { return false; } string device_name; if (!get_device_name(device_id, &device_name)) { return false; } int driver_major = 0; int driver_minor = 0; if (!get_driver_version(device_id, &driver_major, &driver_minor)) { return false; } VLOG(3) << "OpenCL driver version " << driver_major << "." << driver_minor; /* It is possible to have Iris GPU on AMD/Apple OpenCL framework * (aka, it will not be on Intel framework). This isn't supported * and needs an explicit blacklist. */ if (strstr(device_name.c_str(), "Iris")) { return false; } if (platform_name == "AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing" && device_type == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { if (driver_major < 2236) { VLOG(1) << "AMD driver version " << driver_major << "." << driver_minor << " not supported."; return false; } const char *blacklist[] = {/* GCN 1 */ "Tahiti", "Pitcairn", "Capeverde", "Oland", "Hainan", NULL}; for (int i = 0; blacklist[i] != NULL; i++) { if (device_name == blacklist[i]) { VLOG(1) << "AMD device " << device_name << " not supported"; return false; } } return true; } if (platform_name == "Apple" && device_type == CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU) { return false; } return false; } bool OpenCLInfo::platform_version_check(cl_platform_id platform, string *error) { const int req_major = 1, req_minor = 1; int major, minor; char version[256]; clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, sizeof(version), &version, NULL); if (sscanf(version, "OpenCL %d.%d", &major, &minor) < 2) { if (error != NULL) { *error = string_printf("OpenCL: failed to parse platform version string (%s).", version); } return false; } if (!((major == req_major && minor >= req_minor) || (major > req_major))) { if (error != NULL) { *error = string_printf( "OpenCL: platform version 1.1 or later required, found %d.%d", major, minor); } return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = ""; } return true; } bool OpenCLInfo::device_version_check(cl_device_id device, string *error) { const int req_major = 1, req_minor = 1; int major, minor; char version[256]; clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, sizeof(version), &version, NULL); if (sscanf(version, "OpenCL C %d.%d", &major, &minor) < 2) { if (error != NULL) { *error = string_printf("OpenCL: failed to parse OpenCL C version string (%s).", version); } return false; } if (!((major == req_major && minor >= req_minor) || (major > req_major))) { if (error != NULL) { *error = string_printf("OpenCL: C version 1.1 or later required, found %d.%d", major, minor); } return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = ""; } return true; } string OpenCLInfo::get_hardware_id(const string &platform_name, cl_device_id device_id) { if (platform_name == "AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing" || platform_name == "Apple") { /* Use cl_amd_device_topology extension. */ cl_char topology[24]; if (clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, 0x4037, sizeof(topology), topology, NULL) == CL_SUCCESS && topology[0] == 1) { return string_printf("%02x:%02x.%01x", (unsigned int)topology[21], (unsigned int)topology[22], (unsigned int)topology[23]); } } else if (platform_name == "NVIDIA CUDA") { /* Use two undocumented options of the cl_nv_device_attribute_query extension. */ cl_int bus_id, slot_id; if (clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, 0x4008, sizeof(cl_int), &bus_id, NULL) == CL_SUCCESS && clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, 0x4009, sizeof(cl_int), &slot_id, NULL) == CL_SUCCESS) { return string_printf("%02x:%02x.%01x", (unsigned int)(bus_id), (unsigned int)(slot_id >> 3), (unsigned int)(slot_id & 0x7)); } } /* No general way to get a hardware ID from OpenCL => give up. */ return ""; } void OpenCLInfo::get_usable_devices(vector *usable_devices, bool force_all) { const cl_device_type device_type = OpenCLInfo::device_type(); static bool first_time = true; # define FIRST_VLOG(severity) \ if (first_time) \ VLOG(severity) usable_devices->clear(); if (device_type == 0) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "OpenCL devices are forced to be disabled."; first_time = false; return; } cl_int error; vector device_ids; vector platform_ids; /* Get platforms. */ if (!get_platforms(&platform_ids, &error)) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Error fetching platforms:" << string(clewErrorString(error)); first_time = false; return; } if (platform_ids.size() == 0) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "No OpenCL platforms were found."; first_time = false; return; } /* Devices are numbered consecutively across platforms. */ for (int platform = 0; platform < platform_ids.size(); platform++) { cl_platform_id platform_id = platform_ids[platform]; string platform_name; if (!get_platform_name(platform_id, &platform_name)) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Failed to get platform name, ignoring."; continue; } FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Enumerating devices for platform " << platform_name << "."; if (!platform_version_check(platform_id)) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Ignoring platform " << platform_name << " due to too old compiler version."; continue; } if (!get_platform_devices(platform_id, device_type, &device_ids, &error)) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Ignoring platform " << platform_name << ", failed to fetch of devices: " << string(clewErrorString(error)); continue; } if (device_ids.size() == 0) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Ignoring platform " << platform_name << ", it has no devices."; continue; } for (int num = 0; num < device_ids.size(); num++) { const cl_device_id device_id = device_ids[num]; string device_name; if (!get_device_name(device_id, &device_name, &error)) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Failed to fetch device name: " << string(clewErrorString(error)) << ", ignoring."; continue; } if (!device_version_check(device_id)) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Ignoring device " << device_name << " due to old compiler version."; continue; } if (force_all || device_supported(platform_name, device_id)) { cl_device_type device_type; if (!get_device_type(device_id, &device_type, &error)) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Ignoring device " << device_name << ", failed to fetch device type:" << string(clewErrorString(error)); continue; } string readable_device_name = get_readable_device_name(device_id); if (readable_device_name != device_name) { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Using more readable device name: " << readable_device_name; } FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Adding new device " << readable_device_name << "."; string hardware_id = get_hardware_id(platform_name, device_id); string device_extensions = get_device_extensions(device_id); usable_devices->push_back(OpenCLPlatformDevice(platform_id, platform_name, device_id, device_type, readable_device_name, hardware_id, device_extensions)); } else { FIRST_VLOG(2) << "Ignoring device " << device_name << ", not officially supported yet."; } } } first_time = false; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_platforms(vector *platform_ids, cl_int *error) { /* Reset from possible previous state. */ platform_ids->resize(0); cl_uint num_platforms; if (!get_num_platforms(&num_platforms, error)) { return false; } /* Get actual platforms. */ cl_int err; platform_ids->resize(num_platforms); if ((err = clGetPlatformIDs(num_platforms, &platform_ids->at(0), NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } return true; } vector OpenCLInfo::get_platforms() { vector platform_ids; get_platforms(&platform_ids); return platform_ids; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_num_platforms(cl_uint *num_platforms, cl_int *error) { cl_int err; if ((err = clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, num_platforms)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } *num_platforms = 0; return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } return true; } cl_uint OpenCLInfo::get_num_platforms() { cl_uint num_platforms; if (!get_num_platforms(&num_platforms)) { return 0; } return num_platforms; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_platform_name(cl_platform_id platform_id, string *platform_name) { char buffer[256]; if (clGetPlatformInfo(platform_id, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, sizeof(buffer), &buffer, NULL) != CL_SUCCESS) { *platform_name = ""; return false; } *platform_name = buffer; return true; } string OpenCLInfo::get_platform_name(cl_platform_id platform_id) { string platform_name; if (!get_platform_name(platform_id, &platform_name)) { return ""; } return platform_name; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_num_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id, cl_device_type device_type, cl_uint *num_devices, cl_int *error) { cl_int err; if ((err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, device_type, 0, NULL, num_devices)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } *num_devices = 0; return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } return true; } cl_uint OpenCLInfo::get_num_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id, cl_device_type device_type) { cl_uint num_devices; if (!get_num_platform_devices(platform_id, device_type, &num_devices)) { return 0; } return num_devices; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id, cl_device_type device_type, vector *device_ids, cl_int *error) { /* Reset from possible previous state. */ device_ids->resize(0); /* Get number of devices to pre-allocate memory. */ cl_uint num_devices; if (!get_num_platform_devices(platform_id, device_type, &num_devices, error)) { return false; } /* Get actual device list. */ device_ids->resize(num_devices); cl_int err; if ((err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, device_type, num_devices, &device_ids->at(0), NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } return true; } vector OpenCLInfo::get_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id, cl_device_type device_type) { vector devices; get_platform_devices(platform_id, device_type, &devices); return devices; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_device_name(cl_device_id device_id, string *device_name, cl_int *error) { char buffer[1024]; cl_int err; if ((err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(buffer), &buffer, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } *device_name = ""; return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } *device_name = buffer; return true; } string OpenCLInfo::get_device_name(cl_device_id device_id) { string device_name; if (!get_device_name(device_id, &device_name)) { return ""; } return device_name; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_device_extensions(cl_device_id device_id, string *device_extensions, cl_int *error) { char buffer[1024]; cl_int err; if ((err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, sizeof(buffer), &buffer, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } *device_extensions = ""; return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } *device_extensions = buffer; return true; } string OpenCLInfo::get_device_extensions(cl_device_id device_id) { string device_extensions; if (!get_device_extensions(device_id, &device_extensions)) { return ""; } return device_extensions; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_device_type(cl_device_id device_id, cl_device_type *device_type, cl_int *error) { cl_int err; if ((err = clGetDeviceInfo( device_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof(cl_device_type), device_type, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } *device_type = 0; return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } return true; } cl_device_type OpenCLInfo::get_device_type(cl_device_id device_id) { cl_device_type device_type; if (!get_device_type(device_id, &device_type)) { return 0; } return device_type; } string OpenCLInfo::get_readable_device_name(cl_device_id device_id) { string name = ""; char board_name[1024]; size_t length = 0; if (clGetDeviceInfo( device_id, CL_DEVICE_BOARD_NAME_AMD, sizeof(board_name), &board_name, &length) == CL_SUCCESS) { if (length != 0 && board_name[0] != '\0') { name = board_name; } } /* Fallback to standard device name API. */ if (name.empty()) { name = get_device_name(device_id); } /* Special exception for AMD Vega, need to be able to tell * Vega 56 from 64 apart. */ if (name == "Radeon RX Vega") { cl_int max_compute_units = 0; if (clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, sizeof(max_compute_units), &max_compute_units, NULL) == CL_SUCCESS) { name += " " + to_string(max_compute_units); } } /* Distinguish from our native CPU device. */ if (get_device_type(device_id) & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU) { name += " (OpenCL)"; } return name; } bool OpenCLInfo::get_driver_version(cl_device_id device_id, int *major, int *minor, cl_int *error) { char buffer[1024]; cl_int err; if ((err = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DRIVER_VERSION, sizeof(buffer), &buffer, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) { if (error != NULL) { *error = err; } return false; } if (error != NULL) { *error = CL_SUCCESS; } if (sscanf(buffer, "%d.%d", major, minor) < 2) { VLOG(1) << string_printf("OpenCL: failed to parse driver version string (%s).", buffer); return false; } return true; } int OpenCLInfo::mem_sub_ptr_alignment(cl_device_id device_id) { int base_align_bits; if (clGetDeviceInfo( device_id, CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN, sizeof(int), &base_align_bits, NULL) == CL_SUCCESS) { return base_align_bits / 8; } return 1; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END #endif