/* * Copyright 2011-2016, Blender Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // TODO(sergey): Look into avoid use of full Transform and use 3x3 matrix and // 3-vector which might be faster. ccl_device_forceinline Transform bvh_unaligned_node_fetch_space(KernelGlobals *kg, int node_addr, int child) { Transform space; const int child_addr = node_addr + child * 3; space.x = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, child_addr + 1); space.y = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, child_addr + 2); space.z = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, child_addr + 3); return space; } #if !defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) ccl_device_forceinline int bvh_aligned_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 P, const float3 idir, const float t, const int node_addr, const uint visibility, float dist[2]) { /* fetch node data */ float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr + 0); float4 node0 = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr + 1); float4 node1 = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr + 2); float4 node2 = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr + 3); /* intersect ray against child nodes */ float c0lox = (node0.x - P.x) * idir.x; float c0hix = (node0.z - P.x) * idir.x; float c0loy = (node1.x - P.y) * idir.y; float c0hiy = (node1.z - P.y) * idir.y; float c0loz = (node2.x - P.z) * idir.z; float c0hiz = (node2.z - P.z) * idir.z; float c0min = max4(0.0f, min(c0lox, c0hix), min(c0loy, c0hiy), min(c0loz, c0hiz)); float c0max = min4(t, max(c0lox, c0hix), max(c0loy, c0hiy), max(c0loz, c0hiz)); float c1lox = (node0.y - P.x) * idir.x; float c1hix = (node0.w - P.x) * idir.x; float c1loy = (node1.y - P.y) * idir.y; float c1hiy = (node1.w - P.y) * idir.y; float c1loz = (node2.y - P.z) * idir.z; float c1hiz = (node2.w - P.z) * idir.z; float c1min = max4(0.0f, min(c1lox, c1hix), min(c1loy, c1hiy), min(c1loz, c1hiz)); float c1max = min4(t, max(c1lox, c1hix), max(c1loy, c1hiy), max(c1loz, c1hiz)); dist[0] = c0min; dist[1] = c1min; # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ /* this visibility test gives a 5% performance hit, how to solve? */ return (((c0max >= c0min) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.x) & visibility)) ? 1 : 0) | (((c1max >= c1min) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.y) & visibility)) ? 2 : 0); # else return ((c0max >= c0min) ? 1 : 0) | ((c1max >= c1min) ? 2 : 0); # endif } ccl_device_forceinline bool bvh_unaligned_node_intersect_child(KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 P, const float3 dir, const float t, int node_addr, int child, float dist[2]) { Transform space = bvh_unaligned_node_fetch_space(kg, node_addr, child); float3 aligned_dir = transform_direction(&space, dir); float3 aligned_P = transform_point(&space, P); float3 nrdir = -bvh_inverse_direction(aligned_dir); float3 lower_xyz = aligned_P * nrdir; float3 upper_xyz = lower_xyz - nrdir; const float near_x = min(lower_xyz.x, upper_xyz.x); const float near_y = min(lower_xyz.y, upper_xyz.y); const float near_z = min(lower_xyz.z, upper_xyz.z); const float far_x = max(lower_xyz.x, upper_xyz.x); const float far_y = max(lower_xyz.y, upper_xyz.y); const float far_z = max(lower_xyz.z, upper_xyz.z); const float tnear = max4(0.0f, near_x, near_y, near_z); const float tfar = min4(t, far_x, far_y, far_z); *dist = tnear; return tnear <= tfar; } ccl_device_forceinline int bvh_unaligned_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 P, const float3 dir, const float3 idir, const float t, const int node_addr, const uint visibility, float dist[2]) { int mask = 0; float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr + 0); if (bvh_unaligned_node_intersect_child(kg, P, dir, t, node_addr, 0, &dist[0])) { # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ if ((__float_as_uint(cnodes.x) & visibility)) # endif { mask |= 1; } } if (bvh_unaligned_node_intersect_child(kg, P, dir, t, node_addr, 1, &dist[1])) { # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ if ((__float_as_uint(cnodes.y) & visibility)) # endif { mask |= 2; } } return mask; } ccl_device_forceinline int bvh_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 P, const float3 dir, const float3 idir, const float t, const int node_addr, const uint visibility, float dist[2]) { float4 node = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr); if (__float_as_uint(node.x) & PATH_RAY_NODE_UNALIGNED) { return bvh_unaligned_node_intersect(kg, P, dir, idir, t, node_addr, visibility, dist); } else { return bvh_aligned_node_intersect(kg, P, idir, t, node_addr, visibility, dist); } } #else /* !defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) */ int ccl_device_forceinline bvh_aligned_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 &P, const float3 &dir, const ssef &tsplat, const ssef Psplat[3], const ssef idirsplat[3], const shuffle_swap_t shufflexyz[3], const int node_addr, const uint visibility, float dist[2]) { /* Intersect two child bounding boxes, SSE3 version adapted from Embree */ const ssef pn = cast(ssei(0, 0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000)); /* fetch node data */ const ssef *bvh_nodes = (ssef *)kg->__bvh_nodes.data + node_addr; /* intersect ray against child nodes */ const ssef tminmaxx = (shuffle_swap(bvh_nodes[1], shufflexyz[0]) - Psplat[0]) * idirsplat[0]; const ssef tminmaxy = (shuffle_swap(bvh_nodes[2], shufflexyz[1]) - Psplat[1]) * idirsplat[1]; const ssef tminmaxz = (shuffle_swap(bvh_nodes[3], shufflexyz[2]) - Psplat[2]) * idirsplat[2]; /* calculate { c0min, c1min, -c0max, -c1max} */ ssef minmax = max(max(tminmaxx, tminmaxy), max(tminmaxz, tsplat)); const ssef tminmax = minmax ^ pn; const sseb lrhit = tminmax <= shuffle<2, 3, 0, 1>(tminmax); dist[0] = tminmax[0]; dist[1] = tminmax[1]; int mask = movemask(lrhit); # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ /* this visibility test gives a 5% performance hit, how to solve? */ float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr + 0); int cmask = (((mask & 1) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.x) & visibility)) ? 1 : 0) | (((mask & 2) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.y) & visibility)) ? 2 : 0); return cmask; # else return mask & 3; # endif } ccl_device_forceinline int bvh_unaligned_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 P, const float3 dir, const ssef &isect_near, const ssef &isect_far, const int node_addr, const uint visibility, float dist[2]) { Transform space0 = bvh_unaligned_node_fetch_space(kg, node_addr, 0); Transform space1 = bvh_unaligned_node_fetch_space(kg, node_addr, 1); float3 aligned_dir0 = transform_direction(&space0, dir), aligned_dir1 = transform_direction(&space1, dir); float3 aligned_P0 = transform_point(&space0, P), aligned_P1 = transform_point(&space1, P); float3 nrdir0 = -bvh_inverse_direction(aligned_dir0), nrdir1 = -bvh_inverse_direction(aligned_dir1); ssef lower_x = ssef(aligned_P0.x * nrdir0.x, aligned_P1.x * nrdir1.x, 0.0f, 0.0f), lower_y = ssef(aligned_P0.y * nrdir0.y, aligned_P1.y * nrdir1.y, 0.0f, 0.0f), lower_z = ssef(aligned_P0.z * nrdir0.z, aligned_P1.z * nrdir1.z, 0.0f, 0.0f); ssef upper_x = lower_x - ssef(nrdir0.x, nrdir1.x, 0.0f, 0.0f), upper_y = lower_y - ssef(nrdir0.y, nrdir1.y, 0.0f, 0.0f), upper_z = lower_z - ssef(nrdir0.z, nrdir1.z, 0.0f, 0.0f); ssef tnear_x = min(lower_x, upper_x); ssef tnear_y = min(lower_y, upper_y); ssef tnear_z = min(lower_z, upper_z); ssef tfar_x = max(lower_x, upper_x); ssef tfar_y = max(lower_y, upper_y); ssef tfar_z = max(lower_z, upper_z); const ssef tnear = max4(isect_near, tnear_x, tnear_y, tnear_z); const ssef tfar = min4(isect_far, tfar_x, tfar_y, tfar_z); sseb vmask = tnear <= tfar; dist[0] = tnear.f[0]; dist[1] = tnear.f[1]; int mask = (int)movemask(vmask); # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ /* this visibility test gives a 5% performance hit, how to solve? */ float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr + 0); int cmask = (((mask & 1) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.x) & visibility)) ? 1 : 0) | (((mask & 2) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.y) & visibility)) ? 2 : 0); return cmask; # else return mask & 3; # endif } ccl_device_forceinline int bvh_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 &P, const float3 &dir, const ssef &isect_near, const ssef &isect_far, const ssef &tsplat, const ssef Psplat[3], const ssef idirsplat[3], const shuffle_swap_t shufflexyz[3], const int node_addr, const uint visibility, float dist[2]) { float4 node = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, node_addr); if (__float_as_uint(node.x) & PATH_RAY_NODE_UNALIGNED) { return bvh_unaligned_node_intersect( kg, P, dir, isect_near, isect_far, node_addr, visibility, dist); } else { return bvh_aligned_node_intersect( kg, P, dir, tsplat, Psplat, idirsplat, shufflexyz, node_addr, visibility, dist); } } #endif /* !defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) */