/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */ #pragma once CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ccl_device ccl_private ShaderClosure *closure_alloc(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, int size, ClosureType type, Spectrum weight) { kernel_assert(size <= sizeof(ShaderClosure)); if (sd->num_closure_left == 0) return NULL; ccl_private ShaderClosure *sc = &sd->closure[sd->num_closure]; sc->type = type; sc->weight = weight; sd->num_closure++; sd->num_closure_left--; return sc; } ccl_device ccl_private void *closure_alloc_extra(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, int size) { /* Allocate extra space for closure that need more parameters. We allocate * in chunks of sizeof(ShaderClosure) starting from the end of the closure * array. * * This lets us keep the same fast array iteration over closures, as we * found linked list iteration and iteration with skipping to be slower. */ int num_extra = ((size + sizeof(ShaderClosure) - 1) / sizeof(ShaderClosure)); if (num_extra > sd->num_closure_left) { /* Remove previous closure if it was allocated. */ sd->num_closure--; sd->num_closure_left++; return NULL; } sd->num_closure_left -= num_extra; return (ccl_private void *)(sd->closure + sd->num_closure + sd->num_closure_left); } ccl_device_inline ccl_private ShaderClosure *bsdf_alloc(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, int size, Spectrum weight) { kernel_assert(isfinite_safe(weight)); /* No negative weights allowed. */ weight = max(weight, zero_float3()); const float sample_weight = fabsf(average(weight)); /* Use comparison this way to help dealing with non-finite weight: if the average is not finite * we will not allocate new closure. */ if (sample_weight >= CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { ccl_private ShaderClosure *sc = closure_alloc(sd, size, CLOSURE_NONE_ID, weight); if (!sc) { return NULL; } sc->sample_weight = sample_weight; return sc; } return NULL; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END