/* * Adapted from Open Shading Language with this license: * * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc., et al. * All Rights Reserved. * * Modifications Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __BSDF_MICROFACET_H__ #define __BSDF_MICROFACET_H__ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Approximate erf and erfinv implementations. * Implementation comes straight from Wikipedia: * * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_function * * Some constants are baked into the code. */ ccl_device_inline float approx_erff_do(float x) { /* Such a clamp doesn't give much distortion to the output value * and gives quite a few of the speedup. */ if(x > 3.0f) { return 1.0f; } float t = 1.0f / (1.0f + 0.47047f*x); return (1.0f - t*(0.3480242f + t*(-0.0958798f + t*0.7478556f)) * expf(-x*x)); } ccl_device_inline float approx_erff(float x) { if(x >= 0.0f) { return approx_erff_do(x); } else { return -approx_erff_do(-x); } } ccl_device_inline float approx_erfinvf_do(float x) { if(x <= 0.7f) { const float x2 = x * x; const float a1 = 0.886226899f; const float a2 = -1.645349621f; const float a3 = 0.914624893f; const float a4 = -0.140543331f; const float b1 = -2.118377725f; const float b2 = 1.442710462f; const float b3 = -0.329097515f; const float b4 = 0.012229801f; return x * (((a4 * x2 + a3) * x2 + a2) * x2 + a1) / ((((b4 * x2 + b3) * x2 + b2) * x2 + b1) * x2 + 1.0f); } else { const float c1 = -1.970840454f; const float c2 = -1.624906493f; const float c3 = 3.429567803f; const float c4 = 1.641345311f; const float d1 = 3.543889200f; const float d2 = 1.637067800f; const float z = sqrtf(-logf((1.0f - x) * 0.5f)); return (((c4 * z + c3) * z + c2) * z + c1) / ((d2 * z + d1) * z + 1.0f); } } ccl_device_inline float approx_erfinvf(float x) { if(x >= 0.0f) { return approx_erfinvf_do(x); } else { return -approx_erfinvf_do(-x); } } /* Beckmann and GGX microfacet importance sampling from: * * Importance Sampling Microfacet-Based BSDFs using the Distribution of Visible Normals. * E. Heitz and E. d'Eon, EGSR 2014 */ ccl_device_inline void microfacet_beckmann_sample_slopes( KernelGlobals *kg, const float cos_theta_i, const float sin_theta_i, float randu, float randv, float *slope_x, float *slope_y, float *G1i) { /* special case (normal incidence) */ if(cos_theta_i >= 0.99999f) { const float r = sqrtf(-logf(randu)); const float phi = M_2PI_F * randv; *slope_x = r * cosf(phi); *slope_y = r * sinf(phi); *G1i = 1.0f; return; } /* precomputations */ const float tan_theta_i = sin_theta_i/cos_theta_i; const float inv_a = tan_theta_i; const float a = 1.0f/inv_a; const float erf_a = approx_erff(a); const float exp_a2 = expf(-a*a); const float SQRT_PI_INV = 0.56418958354f; const float Lambda = 0.5f*(erf_a - 1.0f) + (0.5f*SQRT_PI_INV)*(exp_a2*inv_a); const float G1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + Lambda); /* masking */ *G1i = G1; #if 0 const float C = 1.0f - G1 * erf_a; /* sample slope X */ if(randu < C) { /* rescale randu */ randu = randu / C; const float w_1 = 0.5f * SQRT_PI_INV * sin_theta_i * exp_a2; const float w_2 = cos_theta_i * (0.5f - 0.5f*erf_a); const float p = w_1 / (w_1 + w_2); if(randu < p) { randu = randu / p; *slope_x = -sqrtf(-logf(randu*exp_a2)); } else { randu = (randu - p) / (1.0f - p); *slope_x = approx_erfinvf(randu - 1.0f - randu*erf_a); } } else { /* rescale randu */ randu = (randu - C) / (1.0f - C); *slope_x = approx_erfinvf((-1.0f + 2.0f*randu)*erf_a); const float p = (-(*slope_x)*sin_theta_i + cos_theta_i) / (2.0f*cos_theta_i); if(randv > p) { *slope_x = -(*slope_x); randv = (randv - p) / (1.0f - p); } else randv = randv / p; } /* sample slope Y */ *slope_y = approx_erfinvf(2.0f*randv - 1.0f); #else /* use precomputed table, because it better preserves stratification * of the random number pattern */ int beckmann_table_offset = kernel_data.tables.beckmann_offset; *slope_x = lookup_table_read_2D(kg, randu, cos_theta_i, beckmann_table_offset, BECKMANN_TABLE_SIZE, BECKMANN_TABLE_SIZE); *slope_y = approx_erfinvf(2.0f*randv - 1.0f); #endif } ccl_device_inline void microfacet_ggx_sample_slopes( const float cos_theta_i, const float sin_theta_i, float randu, float randv, float *slope_x, float *slope_y, float *G1i) { /* special case (normal incidence) */ if(cos_theta_i >= 0.99999f) { const float r = sqrtf(randu/(1.0f - randu)); const float phi = M_2PI_F * randv; *slope_x = r * cosf(phi); *slope_y = r * sinf(phi); *G1i = 1.0f; return; } /* precomputations */ const float tan_theta_i = sin_theta_i/cos_theta_i; const float G1_inv = 0.5f * (1.0f + safe_sqrtf(1.0f + tan_theta_i*tan_theta_i)); *G1i = 1.0f/G1_inv; /* sample slope_x */ const float A = 2.0f*randu*G1_inv - 1.0f; const float AA = A*A; const float tmp = 1.0f/(AA - 1.0f); const float B = tan_theta_i; const float BB = B*B; const float D = safe_sqrtf(BB*(tmp*tmp) - (AA - BB)*tmp); const float slope_x_1 = B*tmp - D; const float slope_x_2 = B*tmp + D; *slope_x = (A < 0.0f || slope_x_2*tan_theta_i > 1.0f)? slope_x_1: slope_x_2; /* sample slope_y */ float S; if(randv > 0.5f) { S = 1.0f; randv = 2.0f*(randv - 0.5f); } else { S = -1.0f; randv = 2.0f*(0.5f - randv); } const float z = (randv*(randv*(randv*0.27385f - 0.73369f) + 0.46341f)) / (randv*(randv*(randv*0.093073f + 0.309420f) - 1.000000f) + 0.597999f); *slope_y = S * z * safe_sqrtf(1.0f + (*slope_x)*(*slope_x)); } ccl_device_inline float3 microfacet_sample_stretched( KernelGlobals *kg, const float3 omega_i, const float alpha_x, const float alpha_y, const float randu, const float randv, bool beckmann, float *G1i) { /* 1. stretch omega_i */ float3 omega_i_ = make_float3(alpha_x * omega_i.x, alpha_y * omega_i.y, omega_i.z); omega_i_ = normalize(omega_i_); /* get polar coordinates of omega_i_ */ float costheta_ = 1.0f; float sintheta_ = 0.0f; float cosphi_ = 1.0f; float sinphi_ = 0.0f; if(omega_i_.z < 0.99999f) { costheta_ = omega_i_.z; sintheta_ = safe_sqrtf(1.0f - costheta_*costheta_); float invlen = 1.0f/sintheta_; cosphi_ = omega_i_.x * invlen; sinphi_ = omega_i_.y * invlen; } /* 2. sample P22_{omega_i}(x_slope, y_slope, 1, 1) */ float slope_x, slope_y; if(beckmann) { microfacet_beckmann_sample_slopes(kg, costheta_, sintheta_, randu, randv, &slope_x, &slope_y, G1i); } else { microfacet_ggx_sample_slopes(costheta_, sintheta_, randu, randv, &slope_x, &slope_y, G1i); } /* 3. rotate */ float tmp = cosphi_*slope_x - sinphi_*slope_y; slope_y = sinphi_*slope_x + cosphi_*slope_y; slope_x = tmp; /* 4. unstretch */ slope_x = alpha_x * slope_x; slope_y = alpha_y * slope_y; /* 5. compute normal */ return normalize(make_float3(-slope_x, -slope_y, 1.0f)); } /* GGX microfacet with Smith shadow-masking from: * * Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces * B. Walter, S. R. Marschner, H. Li, K. E. Torrance, EGSR 2007 * * Anisotropic from: * * Understanding the Masking-Shadowing Function in Microfacet-Based BRDFs * E. Heitz, Research Report 2014 * * Anisotropy is only supported for reflection currently, but adding it for * transmission is just a matter of copying code from reflection if needed. */ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_ggx_setup(ShaderClosure *sc) { sc->data0 = clamp(sc->data0, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = sc->data0; /* alpha_y */ sc->type = CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_ID; return SD_BSDF|SD_BSDF_HAS_EVAL; } ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_ggx_aniso_setup(ShaderClosure *sc) { sc->data0 = clamp(sc->data0, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = clamp(sc->data1, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_y */ sc->type = CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_ANISO_ID; return SD_BSDF|SD_BSDF_HAS_EVAL; } ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_ggx_refraction_setup(ShaderClosure *sc) { sc->data0 = clamp(sc->data0, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = sc->data0; /* alpha_y */ sc->type = CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID; return SD_BSDF|SD_BSDF_HAS_EVAL; } ccl_device void bsdf_microfacet_ggx_blur(ShaderClosure *sc, float roughness) { sc->data0 = fmaxf(roughness, sc->data0); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = fmaxf(roughness, sc->data1); /* alpha_y */ } ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_ggx_eval_reflect(const ShaderClosure *sc, const float3 I, const float3 omega_in, float *pdf) { float alpha_x = sc->data0; float alpha_y = sc->data1; bool m_refractive = sc->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID; float3 N = sc->N; if(m_refractive || fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f) return make_float3(0, 0, 0); float cosNO = dot(N, I); float cosNI = dot(N, omega_in); if(cosNI > 0 && cosNO > 0) { /* get half vector */ float3 m = normalize(omega_in + I); float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float D, G1o, G1i; if(alpha_x == alpha_y) { /* isotropic * eq. 20: (F*G*D)/(4*in*on) * eq. 33: first we calculate D(m) */ float cosThetaM = dot(N, m); float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; float tanThetaM2 = (1 - cosThetaM2) / cosThetaM2; D = alpha2 / (M_PI_F * cosThetaM4 * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2) * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2)); /* eq. 34: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m) */ G1o = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alpha2 * (1 - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO))); G1i = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alpha2 * (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); } else { /* anisotropic */ float3 X, Y, Z = N; make_orthonormals_tangent(Z, sc->T, &X, &Y); /* distribution */ float3 local_m = make_float3(dot(X, m), dot(Y, m), dot(Z, m)); float slope_x = -local_m.x/(local_m.z*alpha_x); float slope_y = -local_m.y/(local_m.z*alpha_y); float slope_len = 1 + slope_x*slope_x + slope_y*slope_y; float cosThetaM = local_m.z; float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; D = 1 / ((slope_len * slope_len) * M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* G1(i,m) and G1(o,m) */ float tanThetaO2 = (1 - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO); float cosPhiO = dot(I, X); float sinPhiO = dot(I, Y); float alphaO2 = (cosPhiO*cosPhiO)*(alpha_x*alpha_x) + (sinPhiO*sinPhiO)*(alpha_y*alpha_y); alphaO2 /= cosPhiO*cosPhiO + sinPhiO*sinPhiO; G1o = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alphaO2 * tanThetaO2)); float tanThetaI2 = (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI); float cosPhiI = dot(omega_in, X); float sinPhiI = dot(omega_in, Y); float alphaI2 = (cosPhiI*cosPhiI)*(alpha_x*alpha_x) + (sinPhiI*sinPhiI)*(alpha_y*alpha_y); alphaI2 /= cosPhiI*cosPhiI + sinPhiI*sinPhiI; G1i = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alphaI2 * tanThetaI2)); } float G = G1o * G1i; /* eq. 20 */ float common = D * 0.25f / cosNO; float out = G * common; /* eq. 2 in distribution of visible normals sampling * pm = Dw = G1o * dot(m, I) * D / dot(N, I); */ /* eq. 38 - but see also: * eq. 17 in http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~bjw/wardnotes.pdf * pdf = pm * 0.25 / dot(m, I); */ *pdf = G1o * common; return make_float3(out, out, out); } return make_float3(0, 0, 0); } ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_ggx_eval_transmit(const ShaderClosure *sc, const float3 I, const float3 omega_in, float *pdf) { float alpha_x = sc->data0; float alpha_y = sc->data1; float m_eta = sc->data2; bool m_refractive = sc->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID; float3 N = sc->N; if(!m_refractive || fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f) return make_float3(0, 0, 0); float cosNO = dot(N, I); float cosNI = dot(N, omega_in); if(cosNO <= 0 || cosNI >= 0) return make_float3(0, 0, 0); /* vectors on same side -- not possible */ /* compute half-vector of the refraction (eq. 16) */ float3 ht = -(m_eta * omega_in + I); float3 Ht = normalize(ht); float cosHO = dot(Ht, I); float cosHI = dot(Ht, omega_in); /* those situations makes chi+ terms in eq. 33, 34 be zero */ if(dot(Ht, N) <= 0.0f || cosHO * cosNO <= 0.0f || cosHI * cosNI <= 0.0f) return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float D, G1o, G1i; /* eq. 33: first we calculate D(m) with m=Ht: */ float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float cosThetaM = dot(N, Ht); float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float tanThetaM2 = (1 - cosThetaM2) / cosThetaM2; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; D = alpha2 / (M_PI_F * cosThetaM4 * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2) * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2)); /* eq. 34: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m) */ G1o = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alpha2 * (1 - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO))); G1i = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alpha2 * (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); float G = G1o * G1i; /* probability */ float Ht2 = dot(ht, ht); /* eq. 2 in distribution of visible normals sampling * pm = Dw = G1o * dot(m, I) * D / dot(N, I); */ /* out = fabsf(cosHI * cosHO) * (m_eta * m_eta) * G * D / (cosNO * Ht2) * pdf = pm * (m_eta * m_eta) * fabsf(cosHI) / Ht2 */ float common = D * (m_eta * m_eta) / (cosNO * Ht2); float out = G * fabsf(cosHI * cosHO) * common; *pdf = G1o * cosHO * fabsf(cosHI) * common; return make_float3(out, out, out); } ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_ggx_sample(KernelGlobals *kg, const ShaderClosure *sc, float3 Ng, float3 I, float3 dIdx, float3 dIdy, float randu, float randv, float3 *eval, float3 *omega_in, float3 *domega_in_dx, float3 *domega_in_dy, float *pdf) { float alpha_x = sc->data0; float alpha_y = sc->data1; bool m_refractive = sc->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID; float3 N = sc->N; float cosNO = dot(N, I); if(cosNO > 0) { float3 X, Y, Z = N; if(alpha_x == alpha_y) make_orthonormals(Z, &X, &Y); else make_orthonormals_tangent(Z, sc->T, &X, &Y); /* importance sampling with distribution of visible normals. vectors are * transformed to local space before and after */ float3 local_I = make_float3(dot(X, I), dot(Y, I), cosNO); float3 local_m; float G1o; local_m = microfacet_sample_stretched(kg, local_I, alpha_x, alpha_y, randu, randv, false, &G1o); float3 m = X*local_m.x + Y*local_m.y + Z*local_m.z; float cosThetaM = local_m.z; /* reflection or refraction? */ if(!m_refractive) { float cosMO = dot(m, I); if(cosMO > 0) { /* eq. 39 - compute actual reflected direction */ *omega_in = 2 * cosMO * m - I; if(dot(Ng, *omega_in) > 0) { if(fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f) { /* some high number for MIS */ *pdf = 1e6f; *eval = make_float3(1e6f, 1e6f, 1e6f); } else { /* microfacet normal is visible to this ray */ /* eq. 33 */ float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float D, G1i; if(alpha_x == alpha_y) { /* isotropic */ float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; float tanThetaM2 = 1/(cosThetaM2) - 1; D = alpha2 / (M_PI_F * cosThetaM4 * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2) * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2)); /* eval BRDF*cosNI */ float cosNI = dot(N, *omega_in); /* eq. 34: now calculate G1(i,m) */ G1i = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alpha2 * (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); } else { /* anisotropic distribution */ float3 local_m = make_float3(dot(X, m), dot(Y, m), dot(Z, m)); float slope_x = -local_m.x/(local_m.z*alpha_x); float slope_y = -local_m.y/(local_m.z*alpha_y); float slope_len = 1 + slope_x*slope_x + slope_y*slope_y; float cosThetaM = local_m.z; float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; D = 1 / ((slope_len * slope_len) * M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* calculate G1(i,m) */ float cosNI = dot(N, *omega_in); float tanThetaI2 = (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI); float cosPhiI = dot(*omega_in, X); float sinPhiI = dot(*omega_in, Y); float alphaI2 = (cosPhiI*cosPhiI)*(alpha_x*alpha_x) + (sinPhiI*sinPhiI)*(alpha_y*alpha_y); alphaI2 /= cosPhiI*cosPhiI + sinPhiI*sinPhiI; G1i = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alphaI2 * tanThetaI2)); } /* see eval function for derivation */ float common = (G1o * D) * 0.25f / cosNO; float out = G1i * common; *pdf = common; *eval = make_float3(out, out, out); } #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ *domega_in_dx = (2 * dot(m, dIdx)) * m - dIdx; *domega_in_dy = (2 * dot(m, dIdy)) * m - dIdy; #endif } } } else { /* CAUTION: the i and o variables are inverted relative to the paper * eq. 39 - compute actual refractive direction */ float3 R, T; #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ float3 dRdx, dRdy, dTdx, dTdy; #endif float m_eta = sc->data2, fresnel; bool inside; fresnel = fresnel_dielectric(m_eta, m, I, &R, &T, #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ dIdx, dIdy, &dRdx, &dRdy, &dTdx, &dTdy, #endif &inside); if(!inside && fresnel != 1.0f) { *omega_in = T; #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ *domega_in_dx = dTdx; *domega_in_dy = dTdy; #endif if(fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f || fabsf(m_eta - 1.0f) < 1e-4f) { /* some high number for MIS */ *pdf = 1e6f; *eval = make_float3(1e6f, 1e6f, 1e6f); } else { /* eq. 33 */ float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; float tanThetaM2 = 1/(cosThetaM2) - 1; float D = alpha2 / (M_PI_F * cosThetaM4 * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2) * (alpha2 + tanThetaM2)); /* eval BRDF*cosNI */ float cosNI = dot(N, *omega_in); /* eq. 34: now calculate G1(i,m) */ float G1i = 2 / (1 + safe_sqrtf(1 + alpha2 * (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); /* eq. 21 */ float cosHI = dot(m, *omega_in); float cosHO = dot(m, I); float Ht2 = m_eta * cosHI + cosHO; Ht2 *= Ht2; /* see eval function for derivation */ float common = (G1o * D) * (m_eta * m_eta) / (cosNO * Ht2); float out = G1i * fabsf(cosHI * cosHO) * common; *pdf = cosHO * fabsf(cosHI) * common; *eval = make_float3(out, out, out); } } } } return (m_refractive) ? LABEL_TRANSMIT|LABEL_GLOSSY : LABEL_REFLECT|LABEL_GLOSSY; } /* Beckmann microfacet with Smith shadow-masking from: * * Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces * B. Walter, S. R. Marschner, H. Li, K. E. Torrance, EGSR 2007 */ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_setup(ShaderClosure *sc) { sc->data0 = clamp(sc->data0, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = sc->data0; /* alpha_y */ sc->type = CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_ID; return SD_BSDF|SD_BSDF_HAS_EVAL; } ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_aniso_setup(ShaderClosure *sc) { sc->data0 = clamp(sc->data0, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = clamp(sc->data1, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_y */ sc->type = CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_ANISO_ID; return SD_BSDF|SD_BSDF_HAS_EVAL; } ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_refraction_setup(ShaderClosure *sc) { sc->data0 = clamp(sc->data0, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = sc->data0; /* alpha_y */ sc->type = CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID; return SD_BSDF|SD_BSDF_HAS_EVAL; } ccl_device void bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_blur(ShaderClosure *sc, float roughness) { sc->data0 = fmaxf(roughness, sc->data0); /* alpha_x */ sc->data1 = fmaxf(roughness, sc->data1); /* alpha_y */ } ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_eval_reflect(const ShaderClosure *sc, const float3 I, const float3 omega_in, float *pdf) { float alpha_x = sc->data0; float alpha_y = sc->data1; bool m_refractive = sc->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID; float3 N = sc->N; if(m_refractive || fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f) return make_float3(0, 0, 0); float cosNO = dot(N, I); float cosNI = dot(N, omega_in); if(cosNO > 0 && cosNI > 0) { /* get half vector */ float3 m = normalize(omega_in + I); float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float D, G1o, G1i; if(alpha_x == alpha_y) { /* isotropic * eq. 20: (F*G*D)/(4*in*on) * eq. 25: first we calculate D(m) */ float cosThetaM = dot(N, m); float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float tanThetaM2 = (1 - cosThetaM2) / cosThetaM2; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; D = expf(-tanThetaM2 / alpha2) / (M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* eq. 26, 27: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m) */ float ao = 1 / (alpha_x * safe_sqrtf((1 - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO))); float ai = 1 / (alpha_x * safe_sqrtf((1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); G1o = ao < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ao + 2.181f * ao * ao) / (1 + 2.276f * ao + 2.577f * ao * ao) : 1.0f; G1i = ai < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ai + 2.181f * ai * ai) / (1 + 2.276f * ai + 2.577f * ai * ai) : 1.0f; } else { /* anisotropic */ float3 X, Y, Z = N; make_orthonormals_tangent(Z, sc->T, &X, &Y); /* distribution */ float3 local_m = make_float3(dot(X, m), dot(Y, m), dot(Z, m)); float slope_x = -local_m.x/(local_m.z*alpha_x); float slope_y = -local_m.y/(local_m.z*alpha_y); float cosThetaM = local_m.z; float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; D = expf(-slope_x*slope_x - slope_y*slope_y) / (M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* G1(i,m) and G1(o,m) */ float tanThetaO2 = (1 - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO); float cosPhiO = dot(I, X); float sinPhiO = dot(I, Y); float alphaO2 = (cosPhiO*cosPhiO)*(alpha_x*alpha_x) + (sinPhiO*sinPhiO)*(alpha_y*alpha_y); alphaO2 /= cosPhiO*cosPhiO + sinPhiO*sinPhiO; float tanThetaI2 = (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI); float cosPhiI = dot(omega_in, X); float sinPhiI = dot(omega_in, Y); float alphaI2 = (cosPhiI*cosPhiI)*(alpha_x*alpha_x) + (sinPhiI*sinPhiI)*(alpha_y*alpha_y); alphaI2 /= cosPhiI*cosPhiI + sinPhiI*sinPhiI; float ao = 1 / (safe_sqrtf(alphaO2 * tanThetaO2)); float ai = 1 / (safe_sqrtf(alphaI2 * tanThetaI2)); G1o = ao < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ao + 2.181f * ao * ao) / (1 + 2.276f * ao + 2.577f * ao * ao) : 1.0f; G1i = ai < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ai + 2.181f * ai * ai) / (1 + 2.276f * ai + 2.577f * ai * ai) : 1.0f; } float G = G1o * G1i; /* eq. 20 */ float common = D * 0.25f / cosNO; float out = G * common; /* eq. 2 in distribution of visible normals sampling * pm = Dw = G1o * dot(m, I) * D / dot(N, I); */ /* eq. 38 - but see also: * eq. 17 in http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~bjw/wardnotes.pdf * pdf = pm * 0.25 / dot(m, I); */ *pdf = G1o * common; return make_float3(out, out, out); } return make_float3(0, 0, 0); } ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_eval_transmit(const ShaderClosure *sc, const float3 I, const float3 omega_in, float *pdf) { float alpha_x = sc->data0; float alpha_y = sc->data1; float m_eta = sc->data2; bool m_refractive = sc->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID; float3 N = sc->N; if(!m_refractive || fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f) return make_float3(0, 0, 0); float cosNO = dot(N, I); float cosNI = dot(N, omega_in); if(cosNO <= 0 || cosNI >= 0) return make_float3(0, 0, 0); /* compute half-vector of the refraction (eq. 16) */ float3 ht = -(m_eta * omega_in + I); float3 Ht = normalize(ht); float cosHO = dot(Ht, I); float cosHI = dot(Ht, omega_in); /* those situations makes chi+ terms in eq. 25, 27 be zero */ if(dot(Ht, N) <= 0.0f || cosHO * cosNO <= 0.0f || cosHI * cosNI <= 0.0f) return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); /* eq. 25: first we calculate D(m) with m=Ht: */ float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float cosThetaM = min(dot(N, Ht), 1.0f); float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float tanThetaM2 = (1 - cosThetaM2) / cosThetaM2; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; float D = expf(-tanThetaM2 / alpha2) / (M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* eq. 26, 27: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m) */ float ao = 1 / (alpha_x * safe_sqrtf((1 - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO))); float ai = 1 / (alpha_x * safe_sqrtf((1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); float G1o = ao < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ao + 2.181f * ao * ao) / (1 + 2.276f * ao + 2.577f * ao * ao) : 1.0f; float G1i = ai < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ai + 2.181f * ai * ai) / (1 + 2.276f * ai + 2.577f * ai * ai) : 1.0f; float G = G1o * G1i; /* probability */ float Ht2 = dot(ht, ht); /* eq. 2 in distribution of visible normals sampling * pm = Dw = G1o * dot(m, I) * D / dot(N, I); */ /* out = fabsf(cosHI * cosHO) * (m_eta * m_eta) * G * D / (cosNO * Ht2) * pdf = pm * (m_eta * m_eta) * fabsf(cosHI) / Ht2 */ float common = D * (m_eta * m_eta) / (cosNO * Ht2); float out = G * fabsf(cosHI * cosHO) * common; *pdf = G1o * cosHO * fabsf(cosHI) * common; return make_float3(out, out, out); } ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_sample(KernelGlobals *kg, const ShaderClosure *sc, float3 Ng, float3 I, float3 dIdx, float3 dIdy, float randu, float randv, float3 *eval, float3 *omega_in, float3 *domega_in_dx, float3 *domega_in_dy, float *pdf) { float alpha_x = sc->data0; float alpha_y = sc->data1; bool m_refractive = sc->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID; float3 N = sc->N; float cosNO = dot(N, I); if(cosNO > 0) { float3 X, Y, Z = N; if(alpha_x == alpha_y) make_orthonormals(Z, &X, &Y); else make_orthonormals_tangent(Z, sc->T, &X, &Y); /* importance sampling with distribution of visible normals. vectors are * transformed to local space before and after */ float3 local_I = make_float3(dot(X, I), dot(Y, I), cosNO); float3 local_m; float G1o; local_m = microfacet_sample_stretched(kg, local_I, alpha_x, alpha_x, randu, randv, true, &G1o); float3 m = X*local_m.x + Y*local_m.y + Z*local_m.z; float cosThetaM = local_m.z; /* reflection or refraction? */ if(!m_refractive) { float cosMO = dot(m, I); if(cosMO > 0) { /* eq. 39 - compute actual reflected direction */ *omega_in = 2 * cosMO * m - I; if(dot(Ng, *omega_in) > 0) { if(fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f) { /* some high number for MIS */ *pdf = 1e6f; *eval = make_float3(1e6f, 1e6f, 1e6f); } else { /* microfacet normal is visible to this ray * eq. 25 */ float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float D, G1i; if(alpha_x == alpha_y) { /* istropic distribution */ float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; float tanThetaM2 = 1/(cosThetaM2) - 1; D = expf(-tanThetaM2 / alpha2) / (M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* eval BRDF*cosNI */ float cosNI = dot(N, *omega_in); /* eq. 26, 27: now calculate G1(i,m) */ float ai = 1 / (alpha_x * safe_sqrtf((1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); G1i = ai < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ai + 2.181f * ai * ai) / (1 + 2.276f * ai + 2.577f * ai * ai) : 1.0f; } else { /* anisotropic distribution */ float3 local_m = make_float3(dot(X, m), dot(Y, m), dot(Z, m)); float slope_x = -local_m.x/(local_m.z*alpha_x); float slope_y = -local_m.y/(local_m.z*alpha_y); float cosThetaM = local_m.z; float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; D = expf(-slope_x*slope_x - slope_y*slope_y) / (M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* G1(i,m) */ float cosNI = dot(N, *omega_in); float tanThetaI2 = (1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI); float cosPhiI = dot(*omega_in, X); float sinPhiI = dot(*omega_in, Y); float alphaI2 = (cosPhiI*cosPhiI)*(alpha_x*alpha_x) + (sinPhiI*sinPhiI)*(alpha_y*alpha_y); alphaI2 /= cosPhiI*cosPhiI + sinPhiI*sinPhiI; float ai = 1 / (safe_sqrtf(alphaI2 * tanThetaI2)); G1i = ai < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ai + 2.181f * ai * ai) / (1 + 2.276f * ai + 2.577f * ai * ai) : 1.0f; } float G = G1o * G1i; /* see eval function for derivation */ float common = D * 0.25f / cosNO; float out = G * common; *pdf = G1o * common; *eval = make_float3(out, out, out); } #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ *domega_in_dx = (2 * dot(m, dIdx)) * m - dIdx; *domega_in_dy = (2 * dot(m, dIdy)) * m - dIdy; #endif } } } else { /* CAUTION: the i and o variables are inverted relative to the paper * eq. 39 - compute actual refractive direction */ float3 R, T; #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ float3 dRdx, dRdy, dTdx, dTdy; #endif float m_eta = sc->data2, fresnel; bool inside; fresnel = fresnel_dielectric(m_eta, m, I, &R, &T, #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ dIdx, dIdy, &dRdx, &dRdy, &dTdx, &dTdy, #endif &inside); if(!inside && fresnel != 1.0f) { *omega_in = T; #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ *domega_in_dx = dTdx; *domega_in_dy = dTdy; #endif if(fmaxf(alpha_x, alpha_y) <= 1e-4f || fabsf(m_eta - 1.0f) < 1e-4f) { /* some high number for MIS */ *pdf = 1e6f; *eval = make_float3(1e6f, 1e6f, 1e6f); } else { /* eq. 33 */ float alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_y; float cosThetaM2 = cosThetaM * cosThetaM; float cosThetaM4 = cosThetaM2 * cosThetaM2; float tanThetaM2 = 1/(cosThetaM2) - 1; float D = expf(-tanThetaM2 / alpha2) / (M_PI_F * alpha2 * cosThetaM4); /* eval BRDF*cosNI */ float cosNI = dot(N, *omega_in); /* eq. 26, 27: now calculate G1(i,m) */ float ai = 1 / (alpha_x * safe_sqrtf((1 - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))); float G1i = ai < 1.6f ? (3.535f * ai + 2.181f * ai * ai) / (1 + 2.276f * ai + 2.577f * ai * ai) : 1.0f; float G = G1o * G1i; /* eq. 21 */ float cosHI = dot(m, *omega_in); float cosHO = dot(m, I); float Ht2 = m_eta * cosHI + cosHO; Ht2 *= Ht2; /* see eval function for derivation */ float common = D * (m_eta * m_eta) / (cosNO * Ht2); float out = G * fabsf(cosHI * cosHO) * common; *pdf = G1o * cosHO * fabsf(cosHI) * common; *eval = make_float3(out, out, out); } } } } return (m_refractive) ? LABEL_TRANSMIT|LABEL_GLOSSY : LABEL_REFLECT|LABEL_GLOSSY; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* __BSDF_MICROFACET_H__ */