/* * Adapted from Open Shading Language with this license: * * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc., et al. * All Rights Reserved. * * Modifications Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ccl_device float fresnel_dielectric(float eta, const float3 N, const float3 I, ccl_private float3 *R, ccl_private float3 *T, #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ const float3 dIdx, const float3 dIdy, ccl_private float3 *dRdx, ccl_private float3 *dRdy, ccl_private float3 *dTdx, ccl_private float3 *dTdy, #endif ccl_private bool *is_inside) { float cos = dot(N, I), neta; float3 Nn; // check which side of the surface we are on if (cos > 0) { // we are on the outside of the surface, going in neta = 1 / eta; Nn = N; *is_inside = false; } else { // we are inside the surface cos = -cos; neta = eta; Nn = -N; *is_inside = true; } // compute reflection *R = (2 * cos) * Nn - I; #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ *dRdx = (2 * dot(Nn, dIdx)) * Nn - dIdx; *dRdy = (2 * dot(Nn, dIdy)) * Nn - dIdy; #endif float arg = 1 - (neta * neta * (1 - (cos * cos))); if (arg < 0) { *T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ *dTdx = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); *dTdy = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); #endif return 1; // total internal reflection } else { float dnp = max(sqrtf(arg), 1e-7f); float nK = (neta * cos) - dnp; *T = -(neta * I) + (nK * Nn); #ifdef __RAY_DIFFERENTIALS__ *dTdx = -(neta * dIdx) + ((neta - neta * neta * cos / dnp) * dot(dIdx, Nn)) * Nn; *dTdy = -(neta * dIdy) + ((neta - neta * neta * cos / dnp) * dot(dIdy, Nn)) * Nn; #endif // compute Fresnel terms float cosTheta1 = cos; // N.R float cosTheta2 = -dot(Nn, *T); float pPara = (cosTheta1 - eta * cosTheta2) / (cosTheta1 + eta * cosTheta2); float pPerp = (eta * cosTheta1 - cosTheta2) / (eta * cosTheta1 + cosTheta2); return 0.5f * (pPara * pPara + pPerp * pPerp); } } ccl_device float fresnel_dielectric_cos(float cosi, float eta) { // compute fresnel reflectance without explicitly computing // the refracted direction float c = fabsf(cosi); float g = eta * eta - 1 + c * c; if (g > 0) { g = sqrtf(g); float A = (g - c) / (g + c); float B = (c * (g + c) - 1) / (c * (g - c) + 1); return 0.5f * A * A * (1 + B * B); } return 1.0f; // TIR(no refracted component) } ccl_device float3 fresnel_conductor(float cosi, const float3 eta, const float3 k) { float3 cosi2 = make_float3(cosi * cosi, cosi * cosi, cosi * cosi); float3 one = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); float3 tmp_f = eta * eta + k * k; float3 tmp = tmp_f * cosi2; float3 Rparl2 = (tmp - (2.0f * eta * cosi) + one) / (tmp + (2.0f * eta * cosi) + one); float3 Rperp2 = (tmp_f - (2.0f * eta * cosi) + cosi2) / (tmp_f + (2.0f * eta * cosi) + cosi2); return (Rparl2 + Rperp2) * 0.5f; } ccl_device float schlick_fresnel(float u) { float m = clamp(1.0f - u, 0.0f, 1.0f); float m2 = m * m; return m2 * m2 * m; // pow(m, 5) } /* Calculate the fresnel color which is a blend between white and the F0 color (cspec0) */ ccl_device_forceinline float3 interpolate_fresnel_color(float3 L, float3 H, float ior, float F0, float3 cspec0) { /* Calculate the fresnel interpolation factor * The value from fresnel_dielectric_cos(...) has to be normalized because * the cspec0 keeps the F0 color */ float F0_norm = 1.0f / (1.0f - F0); float FH = (fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(L, H), ior) - F0) * F0_norm; /* Blend between white and a specular color with respect to the fresnel */ return cspec0 * (1.0f - FH) + make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * FH; } ccl_device float3 ensure_valid_reflection(float3 Ng, float3 I, float3 N) { float3 R = 2 * dot(N, I) * N - I; /* Reflection rays may always be at least as shallow as the incoming ray. */ float threshold = min(0.9f * dot(Ng, I), 0.01f); if (dot(Ng, R) >= threshold) { return N; } /* Form coordinate system with Ng as the Z axis and N inside the X-Z-plane. * The X axis is found by normalizing the component of N that's orthogonal to Ng. * The Y axis isn't actually needed. */ float NdotNg = dot(N, Ng); float3 X = normalize(N - NdotNg * Ng); /* Keep math expressions. */ /* clang-format off */ /* Calculate N.z and N.x in the local coordinate system. * * The goal of this computation is to find a N' that is rotated towards Ng just enough * to lift R' above the threshold (here called t), therefore dot(R', Ng) = t. * * According to the standard reflection equation, * this means that we want dot(2*dot(N', I)*N' - I, Ng) = t. * * Since the Z axis of our local coordinate system is Ng, dot(x, Ng) is just x.z, so we get * 2*dot(N', I)*N'.z - I.z = t. * * The rotation is simple to express in the coordinate system we formed - * since N lies in the X-Z-plane, we know that N' will also lie in the X-Z-plane, * so N'.y = 0 and therefore dot(N', I) = N'.x*I.x + N'.z*I.z . * * Furthermore, we want N' to be normalized, so N'.x = sqrt(1 - N'.z^2). * * With these simplifications, * we get the final equation 2*(sqrt(1 - N'.z^2)*I.x + N'.z*I.z)*N'.z - I.z = t. * * The only unknown here is N'.z, so we can solve for that. * * The equation has four solutions in general: * * N'.z = +-sqrt(0.5*(+-sqrt(I.x^2*(I.x^2 + I.z^2 - t^2)) + t*I.z + I.x^2 + I.z^2)/(I.x^2 + I.z^2)) * We can simplify this expression a bit by grouping terms: * * a = I.x^2 + I.z^2 * b = sqrt(I.x^2 * (a - t^2)) * c = I.z*t + a * N'.z = +-sqrt(0.5*(+-b + c)/a) * * Two solutions can immediately be discarded because they're negative so N' would lie in the * lower hemisphere. */ /* clang-format on */ float Ix = dot(I, X), Iz = dot(I, Ng); float Ix2 = sqr(Ix), Iz2 = sqr(Iz); float a = Ix2 + Iz2; float b = safe_sqrtf(Ix2 * (a - sqr(threshold))); float c = Iz * threshold + a; /* Evaluate both solutions. * In many cases one can be immediately discarded (if N'.z would be imaginary or larger than * one), so check for that first. If no option is viable (might happen in extreme cases like N * being in the wrong hemisphere), give up and return Ng. */ float fac = 0.5f / a; float N1_z2 = fac * (b + c), N2_z2 = fac * (-b + c); bool valid1 = (N1_z2 > 1e-5f) && (N1_z2 <= (1.0f + 1e-5f)); bool valid2 = (N2_z2 > 1e-5f) && (N2_z2 <= (1.0f + 1e-5f)); float2 N_new; if (valid1 && valid2) { /* If both are possible, do the expensive reflection-based check. */ float2 N1 = make_float2(safe_sqrtf(1.0f - N1_z2), safe_sqrtf(N1_z2)); float2 N2 = make_float2(safe_sqrtf(1.0f - N2_z2), safe_sqrtf(N2_z2)); float R1 = 2 * (N1.x * Ix + N1.y * Iz) * N1.y - Iz; float R2 = 2 * (N2.x * Ix + N2.y * Iz) * N2.y - Iz; valid1 = (R1 >= 1e-5f); valid2 = (R2 >= 1e-5f); if (valid1 && valid2) { /* If both solutions are valid, return the one with the shallower reflection since it will be * closer to the input (if the original reflection wasn't shallow, we would not be in this * part of the function). */ N_new = (R1 < R2) ? N1 : N2; } else { /* If only one reflection is valid (= positive), pick that one. */ N_new = (R1 > R2) ? N1 : N2; } } else if (valid1 || valid2) { /* Only one solution passes the N'.z criterium, so pick that one. */ float Nz2 = valid1 ? N1_z2 : N2_z2; N_new = make_float2(safe_sqrtf(1.0f - Nz2), safe_sqrtf(Nz2)); } else { return Ng; } return N_new.x * X + N_new.y * Ng; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END