/* * Copyright 2019, NVIDIA Corporation. * Copyright 2019, Blender Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // clang-format off #include "kernel/device/optix/compat.h" #include "kernel/device/optix/globals.h" #include "kernel/device/gpu/image.h" /* Texture lookup uses normal CUDA intrinsics. */ #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_state.h" #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_state_flow.h" #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_state_util.h" #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_intersect_closest.h" #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_intersect_shadow.h" #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_intersect_subsurface.h" #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_intersect_volume_stack.h" // clang-format on template ccl_device_forceinline T *get_payload_ptr_0() { return (T *)(((uint64_t)optixGetPayload_1() << 32) | optixGetPayload_0()); } template ccl_device_forceinline T *get_payload_ptr_2() { return (T *)(((uint64_t)optixGetPayload_3() << 32) | optixGetPayload_2()); } template ccl_device_forceinline uint get_object_id() { #ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__ /* Always get the the instance ID from the TLAS. * There might be a motion transform node between TLAS and BLAS which does not have one. */ uint object = optixGetInstanceIdFromHandle(optixGetTransformListHandle(0)); #else uint object = optixGetInstanceId(); #endif /* Choose between always returning object ID or only for instances. */ if (always || (object & 1) == 0) /* Can just remove the low bit since instance always contains object ID. */ return object >> 1; else /* Set to OBJECT_NONE if this is not an instanced object. */ return OBJECT_NONE; } extern "C" __global__ void __raygen__kernel_optix_integrator_intersect_closest() { const int global_index = optixGetLaunchIndex().x; const int path_index = (__params.path_index_array) ? __params.path_index_array[global_index] : global_index; integrator_intersect_closest(nullptr, path_index); } extern "C" __global__ void __raygen__kernel_optix_integrator_intersect_shadow() { const int global_index = optixGetLaunchIndex().x; const int path_index = (__params.path_index_array) ? __params.path_index_array[global_index] : global_index; integrator_intersect_shadow(nullptr, path_index); } extern "C" __global__ void __raygen__kernel_optix_integrator_intersect_subsurface() { const int global_index = optixGetLaunchIndex().x; const int path_index = (__params.path_index_array) ? __params.path_index_array[global_index] : global_index; integrator_intersect_subsurface(nullptr, path_index); } extern "C" __global__ void __raygen__kernel_optix_integrator_intersect_volume_stack() { const int global_index = optixGetLaunchIndex().x; const int path_index = (__params.path_index_array) ? __params.path_index_array[global_index] : global_index; integrator_intersect_volume_stack(nullptr, path_index); } extern "C" __global__ void __miss__kernel_optix_miss() { /* 'kernel_path_lamp_emission' checks intersection distance, so need to set it even on a miss. */ optixSetPayload_0(__float_as_uint(optixGetRayTmax())); optixSetPayload_5(PRIMITIVE_NONE); } extern "C" __global__ void __anyhit__kernel_optix_local_hit() { #ifdef __HAIR__ if (!optixIsTriangleHit()) { /* Ignore curves. */ return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } #endif #ifdef __BVH_LOCAL__ const uint object = get_object_id(); if (object != optixGetPayload_4() /* local_object */) { /* Only intersect with matching object. */ return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } const uint max_hits = optixGetPayload_5(); if (max_hits == 0) { /* Special case for when no hit information is requested, just report that something was hit */ optixSetPayload_5(true); return optixTerminateRay(); } int hit = 0; uint *const lcg_state = get_payload_ptr_0(); LocalIntersection *const local_isect = get_payload_ptr_2(); if (lcg_state) { for (int i = min(max_hits, local_isect->num_hits) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (optixGetRayTmax() == local_isect->hits[i].t) { return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } } hit = local_isect->num_hits++; if (local_isect->num_hits > max_hits) { hit = lcg_step_uint(lcg_state) % local_isect->num_hits; if (hit >= max_hits) { return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } } } else { if (local_isect->num_hits && optixGetRayTmax() > local_isect->hits[0].t) { /* Record closest intersection only. * Do not terminate ray here, since there is no guarantee about distance ordering in any-hit. */ return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } local_isect->num_hits = 1; } Intersection *isect = &local_isect->hits[hit]; isect->t = optixGetRayTmax(); isect->prim = optixGetPrimitiveIndex(); isect->object = get_object_id(); isect->type = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_type, isect->prim); const float2 barycentrics = optixGetTriangleBarycentrics(); isect->u = 1.0f - barycentrics.y - barycentrics.x; isect->v = barycentrics.x; /* Record geometric normal. */ const uint tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_index, isect->prim); const float3 tri_a = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 0)); const float3 tri_b = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 1)); const float3 tri_c = float4_to_float3(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_tri_verts, tri_vindex + 2)); local_isect->Ng[hit] = normalize(cross(tri_b - tri_a, tri_c - tri_a)); /* Continue tracing (without this the trace call would return after the first hit). */ optixIgnoreIntersection(); #endif } extern "C" __global__ void __anyhit__kernel_optix_shadow_all_hit() { #ifdef __SHADOW_RECORD_ALL__ bool ignore_intersection = false; const uint prim = optixGetPrimitiveIndex(); # ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ const uint visibility = optixGetPayload_4(); if ((kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, prim) & visibility) == 0) { ignore_intersection = true; } # endif float u = 0.0f, v = 0.0f; if (optixIsTriangleHit()) { const float2 barycentrics = optixGetTriangleBarycentrics(); u = 1.0f - barycentrics.y - barycentrics.x; v = barycentrics.x; } # ifdef __HAIR__ else { u = __uint_as_float(optixGetAttribute_0()); v = __uint_as_float(optixGetAttribute_1()); /* Filter out curve endcaps. */ if (u == 0.0f || u == 1.0f) { ignore_intersection = true; } } # endif int num_hits = optixGetPayload_2(); int record_index = num_hits; const int max_hits = optixGetPayload_3(); if (!ignore_intersection) { optixSetPayload_2(num_hits + 1); } Intersection *const isect_array = get_payload_ptr_0(); # ifdef __TRANSPARENT_SHADOWS__ if (num_hits >= max_hits) { /* If maximum number of hits reached, find a hit to replace. */ const int num_recorded_hits = min(max_hits, num_hits); float max_recorded_t = isect_array[0].t; int max_recorded_hit = 0; for (int i = 1; i < num_recorded_hits; i++) { if (isect_array[i].t > max_recorded_t) { max_recorded_t = isect_array[i].t; max_recorded_hit = i; } } if (optixGetRayTmax() >= max_recorded_t) { /* Accept hit, so that OptiX won't consider any more hits beyond the distance of the current * hit anymore. */ return; } record_index = max_recorded_hit; } # endif if (!ignore_intersection) { Intersection *const isect = isect_array + record_index; isect->u = u; isect->v = v; isect->t = optixGetRayTmax(); isect->prim = prim; isect->object = get_object_id(); isect->type = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_type, prim); # ifdef __TRANSPARENT_SHADOWS__ /* Detect if this surface has a shader with transparent shadows. */ if (!shader_transparent_shadow(NULL, isect) || max_hits == 0) { # endif /* If no transparent shadows, all light is blocked and we can stop immediately. */ optixSetPayload_5(true); return optixTerminateRay(); # ifdef __TRANSPARENT_SHADOWS__ } # endif } /* Continue tracing. */ optixIgnoreIntersection(); #endif } extern "C" __global__ void __anyhit__kernel_optix_volume_test() { #ifdef __HAIR__ if (!optixIsTriangleHit()) { /* Ignore curves. */ return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } #endif #ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ const uint prim = optixGetPrimitiveIndex(); const uint visibility = optixGetPayload_4(); if ((kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, prim) & visibility) == 0) { return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } #endif const uint object = get_object_id(); if ((kernel_tex_fetch(__object_flag, object) & SD_OBJECT_HAS_VOLUME) == 0) { return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } } extern "C" __global__ void __anyhit__kernel_optix_visibility_test() { #ifdef __HAIR__ if (!optixIsTriangleHit()) { /* Filter out curve endcaps. */ const float u = __uint_as_float(optixGetAttribute_0()); if (u == 0.0f || u == 1.0f) { return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } } #endif #ifdef __VISIBILITY_FLAG__ const uint prim = optixGetPrimitiveIndex(); const uint visibility = optixGetPayload_4(); if ((kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_visibility, prim) & visibility) == 0) { return optixIgnoreIntersection(); } /* Shadow ray early termination. */ if (visibility & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_OPAQUE) { return optixTerminateRay(); } #endif } extern "C" __global__ void __closesthit__kernel_optix_hit() { optixSetPayload_0(__float_as_uint(optixGetRayTmax())); /* Intersection distance */ optixSetPayload_3(optixGetPrimitiveIndex()); optixSetPayload_4(get_object_id()); /* Can be PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE and PRIMITIVE_MOTION_TRIANGLE or curve type and segment index. */ optixSetPayload_5(kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_type, optixGetPrimitiveIndex())); if (optixIsTriangleHit()) { const float2 barycentrics = optixGetTriangleBarycentrics(); optixSetPayload_1(__float_as_uint(1.0f - barycentrics.y - barycentrics.x)); optixSetPayload_2(__float_as_uint(barycentrics.x)); } else { optixSetPayload_1(optixGetAttribute_0()); /* Same as 'optixGetCurveParameter()' */ optixSetPayload_2(optixGetAttribute_1()); } } #ifdef __HAIR__ ccl_device_inline void optix_intersection_curve(const uint prim, const uint type) { const uint object = get_object_id(); const uint visibility = optixGetPayload_4(); float3 P = optixGetObjectRayOrigin(); float3 dir = optixGetObjectRayDirection(); /* The direction is not normalized by default, but the curve intersection routine expects that */ float len; dir = normalize_len(dir, &len); # ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__ const float time = optixGetRayTime(); # else const float time = 0.0f; # endif Intersection isect; isect.t = optixGetRayTmax(); /* Transform maximum distance into object space. */ if (isect.t != FLT_MAX) isect.t *= len; if (curve_intersect(NULL, &isect, P, dir, isect.t, visibility, object, prim, time, type)) { optixReportIntersection(isect.t / len, type & PRIMITIVE_ALL, __float_as_int(isect.u), /* Attribute_0 */ __float_as_int(isect.v)); /* Attribute_1 */ } } extern "C" __global__ void __intersection__curve_ribbon() { const uint prim = optixGetPrimitiveIndex(); const uint type = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_type, prim); if (type & (PRIMITIVE_CURVE_RIBBON | PRIMITIVE_MOTION_CURVE_RIBBON)) { optix_intersection_curve(prim, type); } } #endif