/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "kernel/film/film_adaptive_sampling.h" #include "kernel/film/film_write_passes.h" #include "kernel/integrator/integrator_shadow_catcher.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * BSDF Evaluation * * BSDF evaluation result, split between diffuse and glossy. This is used to * accumulate render passes separately. Note that reflection, transmission * and volume scattering are written to different render passes, but we assume * that only one of those can happen at a bounce, and so do not need to accumulate * them separately. */ ccl_device_inline void bsdf_eval_init(ccl_private BsdfEval *eval, const bool is_diffuse, float3 value) { eval->diffuse = zero_float3(); eval->glossy = zero_float3(); if (is_diffuse) { eval->diffuse = value; } else { eval->glossy = value; } } ccl_device_inline void bsdf_eval_accum(ccl_private BsdfEval *eval, const bool is_diffuse, float3 value, float mis_weight) { value *= mis_weight; if (is_diffuse) { eval->diffuse += value; } else { eval->glossy += value; } } ccl_device_inline bool bsdf_eval_is_zero(ccl_private BsdfEval *eval) { return is_zero(eval->diffuse) && is_zero(eval->glossy); } ccl_device_inline void bsdf_eval_mul(ccl_private BsdfEval *eval, float value) { eval->diffuse *= value; eval->glossy *= value; } ccl_device_inline void bsdf_eval_mul3(ccl_private BsdfEval *eval, float3 value) { eval->diffuse *= value; eval->glossy *= value; } ccl_device_inline float3 bsdf_eval_sum(ccl_private const BsdfEval *eval) { return eval->diffuse + eval->glossy; } ccl_device_inline float3 bsdf_eval_diffuse_glossy_ratio(ccl_private const BsdfEval *eval) { /* Ratio of diffuse and glossy to recover proportions for writing to render pass. * We assume reflection, transmission and volume scatter to be exclusive. */ return safe_divide_float3_float3(eval->diffuse, eval->diffuse + eval->glossy); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clamping * * Clamping is done on a per-contribution basis so that we can write directly * to render buffers instead of using per-thread memory, and to avoid the * impact of clamping on other contributions. */ ccl_device_forceinline void kernel_accum_clamp(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private float3 *L, int bounce) { #ifdef __KERNEL_DEBUG_NAN__ if (!isfinite3_safe(*L)) { kernel_assert(!"Cycles sample with non-finite value detected"); } #endif /* Make sure all components are finite, allowing the contribution to be usable by adaptive * sampling convergence check, but also to make it so render result never causes issues with * post-processing. */ *L = ensure_finite3(*L); #ifdef __CLAMP_SAMPLE__ float limit = (bounce > 0) ? kernel_data.integrator.sample_clamp_indirect : kernel_data.integrator.sample_clamp_direct; float sum = reduce_add(fabs(*L)); if (sum > limit) { *L *= limit / sum; } #endif } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pass accumulation utilities. */ /* Get pointer to pixel in render buffer. */ ccl_device_forceinline ccl_global float *kernel_accum_pixel_render_buffer( KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorState state, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { const uint32_t render_pixel_index = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, render_pixel_index); const uint64_t render_buffer_offset = (uint64_t)render_pixel_index * kernel_data.film.pass_stride; return render_buffer + render_buffer_offset; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Adaptive sampling. */ ccl_device_inline int kernel_accum_sample(KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorState state, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer, int sample) { if (kernel_data.film.pass_sample_count == PASS_UNUSED) { return sample; } ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_accum_pixel_render_buffer(kg, state, render_buffer); return atomic_fetch_and_add_uint32((uint *)(buffer) + kernel_data.film.pass_sample_count, 1); } ccl_device void kernel_accum_adaptive_buffer(KernelGlobals kg, const int sample, const float3 contribution, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer) { /* Adaptive Sampling. Fill the additional buffer with the odd samples and calculate our stopping * criteria. This is the heuristic from "A hierarchical automatic stopping condition for Monte * Carlo global illumination" except that here it is applied per pixel and not in hierarchical * tiles. */ if (kernel_data.film.pass_adaptive_aux_buffer == PASS_UNUSED) { return; } if (sample_is_even(kernel_data.integrator.sampling_pattern, sample)) { kernel_write_pass_float4( buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_adaptive_aux_buffer, make_float4(contribution.x * 2.0f, contribution.y * 2.0f, contribution.z * 2.0f, 0.0f)); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Shadow catcher. */ #ifdef __SHADOW_CATCHER__ /* Accumulate contribution to the Shadow Catcher pass. * * Returns truth if the contribution is fully handled here and is not to be added to the other * passes (like combined, adaptive sampling). */ ccl_device bool kernel_accum_shadow_catcher(KernelGlobals kg, const uint32_t path_flag, const float3 contribution, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer) { if (!kernel_data.integrator.has_shadow_catcher) { return false; } kernel_assert(kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher != PASS_UNUSED); kernel_assert(kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher_matte != PASS_UNUSED); /* Matte pass. */ if (kernel_shadow_catcher_is_matte_path(path_flag)) { kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher_matte, contribution); /* NOTE: Accumulate the combined pass and to the samples count pass, so that the adaptive * sampling is based on how noisy the combined pass is as if there were no catchers in the * scene. */ } /* Shadow catcher pass. */ if (kernel_shadow_catcher_is_object_pass(path_flag)) { kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher, contribution); return true; } return false; } ccl_device bool kernel_accum_shadow_catcher_transparent(KernelGlobals kg, const uint32_t path_flag, const float3 contribution, const float transparent, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer) { if (!kernel_data.integrator.has_shadow_catcher) { return false; } kernel_assert(kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher != PASS_UNUSED); kernel_assert(kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher_matte != PASS_UNUSED); if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_CATCHER_BACKGROUND) { return true; } /* Matte pass. */ if (kernel_shadow_catcher_is_matte_path(path_flag)) { kernel_write_pass_float4( buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher_matte, make_float4(contribution.x, contribution.y, contribution.z, transparent)); /* NOTE: Accumulate the combined pass and to the samples count pass, so that the adaptive * sampling is based on how noisy the combined pass is as if there were no catchers in the * scene. */ } /* Shadow catcher pass. */ if (kernel_shadow_catcher_is_object_pass(path_flag)) { /* NOTE: The transparency of the shadow catcher pass is ignored. It is not needed for the * calculation and the alpha channel of the pass contains numbers of samples contributed to a * pixel of the pass. */ kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher, contribution); return true; } return false; } ccl_device void kernel_accum_shadow_catcher_transparent_only(KernelGlobals kg, const uint32_t path_flag, const float transparent, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer) { if (!kernel_data.integrator.has_shadow_catcher) { return; } kernel_assert(kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher_matte != PASS_UNUSED); /* Matte pass. */ if (kernel_shadow_catcher_is_matte_path(path_flag)) { kernel_write_pass_float(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_catcher_matte + 3, transparent); } } #endif /* __SHADOW_CATCHER__ */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Render passes. */ /* Write combined pass. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_combined_pass(KernelGlobals kg, const uint32_t path_flag, const int sample, const float3 contribution, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer) { #ifdef __SHADOW_CATCHER__ if (kernel_accum_shadow_catcher(kg, path_flag, contribution, buffer)) { return; } #endif if (kernel_data.film.light_pass_flag & PASSMASK(COMBINED)) { kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_combined, contribution); } kernel_accum_adaptive_buffer(kg, sample, contribution, buffer); } /* Write combined pass with transparency. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_combined_transparent_pass(KernelGlobals kg, const uint32_t path_flag, const int sample, const float3 contribution, const float transparent, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer) { #ifdef __SHADOW_CATCHER__ if (kernel_accum_shadow_catcher_transparent(kg, path_flag, contribution, transparent, buffer)) { return; } #endif if (kernel_data.film.light_pass_flag & PASSMASK(COMBINED)) { kernel_write_pass_float4( buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_combined, make_float4(contribution.x, contribution.y, contribution.z, transparent)); } kernel_accum_adaptive_buffer(kg, sample, contribution, buffer); } /* Write background or emission to appropriate pass. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_emission_or_background_pass(KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorState state, float3 contribution, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer, const int pass) { if (!(kernel_data.film.light_pass_flag & PASS_ANY)) { return; } #ifdef __PASSES__ const uint32_t path_flag = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, flag); int pass_offset = PASS_UNUSED; /* Denoising albedo. */ # ifdef __DENOISING_FEATURES__ if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DENOISING_FEATURES) { if (kernel_data.film.pass_denoising_albedo != PASS_UNUSED) { const float3 denoising_feature_throughput = INTEGRATOR_STATE( state, path, denoising_feature_throughput); const float3 denoising_albedo = denoising_feature_throughput * contribution; kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_denoising_albedo, denoising_albedo); } } # endif /* __DENOISING_FEATURES__ */ if (!(path_flag & PATH_RAY_ANY_PASS)) { /* Directly visible, write to emission or background pass. */ pass_offset = pass; } else if (path_flag & (PATH_RAY_REFLECT_PASS | PATH_RAY_TRANSMISSION_PASS)) { /* Indirectly visible through reflection. */ const int glossy_pass_offset = (path_flag & PATH_RAY_REFLECT_PASS) ? ((INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, bounce) == 1) ? kernel_data.film.pass_glossy_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_glossy_indirect) : ((INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, bounce) == 1) ? kernel_data.film.pass_transmission_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_transmission_indirect); if (glossy_pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED) { /* Glossy is a subset of the throughput, reconstruct it here using the * diffuse-glossy ratio. */ const float3 ratio = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, diffuse_glossy_ratio); const float3 glossy_contribution = (one_float3() - ratio) * contribution; kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + glossy_pass_offset, glossy_contribution); } /* Reconstruct diffuse subset of throughput. */ pass_offset = (INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, bounce) == 1) ? kernel_data.film.pass_diffuse_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_diffuse_indirect; if (pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED) { contribution *= INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, diffuse_glossy_ratio); } } else if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_VOLUME_PASS) { /* Indirectly visible through volume. */ pass_offset = (INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, bounce) == 1) ? kernel_data.film.pass_volume_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_volume_indirect; } /* Single write call for GPU coherence. */ if (pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED) { kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + pass_offset, contribution); } #endif /* __PASSES__ */ } /* Write light contribution to render buffer. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_light(KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorShadowState state, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { /* The throughput for shadow paths already contains the light shader evaluation. */ float3 contribution = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, throughput); kernel_accum_clamp(kg, &contribution, INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, bounce)); const uint32_t render_pixel_index = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, render_pixel_index); const uint64_t render_buffer_offset = (uint64_t)render_pixel_index * kernel_data.film.pass_stride; ccl_global float *buffer = render_buffer + render_buffer_offset; const uint32_t path_flag = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, flag); const int sample = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, sample); /* Ambient occlusion. */ if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_FOR_AO) { if ((kernel_data.kernel_features & KERNEL_FEATURE_AO_PASS) && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_CAMERA)) { kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_ao, contribution); } if (kernel_data.kernel_features & KERNEL_FEATURE_AO_ADDITIVE) { const float3 ao_weight = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, unshadowed_throughput); kernel_accum_combined_pass(kg, path_flag, sample, contribution * ao_weight, buffer); } return; } /* Direct light shadow. */ kernel_accum_combined_pass(kg, path_flag, sample, contribution, buffer); #ifdef __PASSES__ if (kernel_data.film.light_pass_flag & PASS_ANY) { const uint32_t path_flag = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, flag); int pass_offset = PASS_UNUSED; if (path_flag & (PATH_RAY_REFLECT_PASS | PATH_RAY_TRANSMISSION_PASS)) { /* Indirectly visible through reflection. */ const int glossy_pass_offset = (path_flag & PATH_RAY_REFLECT_PASS) ? ((INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, bounce) == 0) ? kernel_data.film.pass_glossy_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_glossy_indirect) : ((INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, bounce) == 0) ? kernel_data.film.pass_transmission_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_transmission_indirect); if (glossy_pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED) { /* Glossy is a subset of the throughput, reconstruct it here using the * diffuse-glossy ratio. */ const float3 ratio = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, diffuse_glossy_ratio); const float3 glossy_contribution = (one_float3() - ratio) * contribution; kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + glossy_pass_offset, glossy_contribution); } /* Reconstruct diffuse subset of throughput. */ pass_offset = (INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, bounce) == 0) ? kernel_data.film.pass_diffuse_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_diffuse_indirect; if (pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED) { contribution *= INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, diffuse_glossy_ratio); } } else if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_VOLUME_PASS) { /* Indirectly visible through volume. */ pass_offset = (INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, bounce) == 0) ? kernel_data.film.pass_volume_direct : kernel_data.film.pass_volume_indirect; } /* Single write call for GPU coherence. */ if (pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED) { kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + pass_offset, contribution); } /* Write shadow pass. */ if (kernel_data.film.pass_shadow != PASS_UNUSED && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW_FOR_LIGHT) && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_CAMERA)) { const float3 unshadowed_throughput = INTEGRATOR_STATE( state, shadow_path, unshadowed_throughput); const float3 shadowed_throughput = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, throughput); const float3 shadow = safe_divide_float3_float3(shadowed_throughput, unshadowed_throughput) * kernel_data.film.pass_shadow_scale; kernel_write_pass_float3(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_shadow, shadow); } } #endif } /* Write transparency to render buffer. * * Note that we accumulate transparency = 1 - alpha in the render buffer. * Otherwise we'd have to write alpha on path termination, which happens * in many places. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_transparent(KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorState state, const uint32_t path_flag, const float transparent, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict buffer) { if (kernel_data.film.light_pass_flag & PASSMASK(COMBINED)) { kernel_write_pass_float(buffer + kernel_data.film.pass_combined + 3, transparent); } kernel_accum_shadow_catcher_transparent_only(kg, path_flag, transparent, buffer); } /* Write holdout to render buffer. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_holdout(KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorState state, const uint32_t path_flag, const float transparent, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_accum_pixel_render_buffer(kg, state, render_buffer); kernel_accum_transparent(kg, state, path_flag, transparent, buffer); } /* Write background contribution to render buffer. * * Includes transparency, matching kernel_accum_transparent. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_background(KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorState state, const float3 L, const float transparent, const bool is_transparent_background_ray, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { float3 contribution = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, throughput) * L; kernel_accum_clamp(kg, &contribution, INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, bounce) - 1); ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_accum_pixel_render_buffer(kg, state, render_buffer); const uint32_t path_flag = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, flag); if (is_transparent_background_ray) { kernel_accum_transparent(kg, state, path_flag, transparent, buffer); } else { const int sample = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, sample); kernel_accum_combined_transparent_pass( kg, path_flag, sample, contribution, transparent, buffer); } kernel_accum_emission_or_background_pass( kg, state, contribution, buffer, kernel_data.film.pass_background); } /* Write emission to render buffer. */ ccl_device_inline void kernel_accum_emission(KernelGlobals kg, ConstIntegratorState state, const float3 throughput, const float3 L, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { float3 contribution = throughput * L; kernel_accum_clamp(kg, &contribution, INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, bounce) - 1); ccl_global float *buffer = kernel_accum_pixel_render_buffer(kg, state, render_buffer); const uint32_t path_flag = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, flag); const int sample = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, sample); kernel_accum_combined_pass(kg, path_flag, sample, contribution, buffer); kernel_accum_emission_or_background_pass( kg, state, contribution, buffer, kernel_data.film.pass_emission); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END