/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Common utilities. */ /* The input buffer contains transparency = 1 - alpha, this converts it to * alpha. Also clamp since alpha might end up outside of 0..1 due to Russian * roulette. */ ccl_device_forceinline float film_transparency_to_alpha(float transparency) { return saturatef(1.0f - transparency); } ccl_device_inline float film_get_scale(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer) { if (kfilm_convert->pass_sample_count == PASS_UNUSED) { return kfilm_convert->scale; } if (kfilm_convert->pass_use_filter) { const uint sample_count = *( (ccl_global const uint *)(buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_sample_count)); return 1.0f / sample_count; } return 1.0f; } ccl_device_inline float film_get_scale_exposure(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer) { if (kfilm_convert->pass_sample_count == PASS_UNUSED) { return kfilm_convert->scale_exposure; } const float scale = film_get_scale(kfilm_convert, buffer); if (kfilm_convert->pass_use_exposure) { return scale * kfilm_convert->exposure; } return scale; } ccl_device_inline bool film_get_scale_and_scale_exposure( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict scale, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict scale_exposure) { if (kfilm_convert->pass_sample_count == PASS_UNUSED) { *scale = kfilm_convert->scale; *scale_exposure = kfilm_convert->scale_exposure; return true; } const uint sample_count = *( (ccl_global const uint *)(buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_sample_count)); if (!sample_count) { *scale = 0.0f; *scale_exposure = 0.0f; return false; } if (kfilm_convert->pass_use_filter) { *scale = 1.0f / sample_count; } else { *scale = 1.0f; } if (kfilm_convert->pass_use_exposure) { *scale_exposure = *scale * kfilm_convert->exposure; } else { *scale_exposure = *scale; } return true; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Float (scalar) passes. */ ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_depth(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components >= 1); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); const float scale_exposure = film_get_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float f = *in; pixel[0] = (f == 0.0f) ? 1e10f : f * scale_exposure; } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_mist(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components >= 1); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); const float scale_exposure = film_get_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float f = *in; /* Note that we accumulate 1 - mist in the kernel to avoid having to * track the mist values in the integrator state. */ pixel[0] = saturatef(1.0f - f * scale_exposure); } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_sample_count( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { /* TODO(sergey): Consider normalizing into the [0..1] range, so that it is possible to see * meaningful value when adaptive sampler stopped rendering image way before the maximum * number of samples was reached (for examples when number of samples is set to 0 in * viewport). */ kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components >= 1); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float f = *in; pixel[0] = __float_as_uint(f) * kfilm_convert->scale; } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_float(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components >= 1); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); const float scale_exposure = film_get_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float f = *in; pixel[0] = f * scale_exposure; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Float 3 passes. */ ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_light_path( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components >= 3); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); /* Read light pass. */ ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; float3 f = make_float3(in[0], in[1], in[2]); /* Optionally add indirect light pass. */ if (kfilm_convert->pass_indirect != PASS_UNUSED) { ccl_global const float *in_indirect = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_indirect; const float3 f_indirect = make_float3(in_indirect[0], in_indirect[1], in_indirect[2]); f += f_indirect; } /* Optionally divide out color. */ if (kfilm_convert->pass_divide != PASS_UNUSED) { ccl_global const float *in_divide = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_divide; const float3 f_divide = make_float3(in_divide[0], in_divide[1], in_divide[2]); f = safe_divide_even_color(f, f_divide); /* Exposure only, sample scale cancels out. */ f *= kfilm_convert->exposure; } else { /* Sample scale and exposure. */ f *= film_get_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer); } pixel[0] = f.x; pixel[1] = f.y; pixel[2] = f.z; } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_float3(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components >= 3); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); const float scale_exposure = film_get_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float3 f = make_float3(in[0], in[1], in[2]) * scale_exposure; pixel[0] = f.x; pixel[1] = f.y; pixel[2] = f.z; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Float4 passes. */ ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_motion(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components == 4); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_motion_weight != PASS_UNUSED); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; ccl_global const float *in_weight = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_motion_weight; const float weight = in_weight[0]; const float weight_inv = (weight > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / weight : 0.0f; const float4 motion = make_float4(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]) * weight_inv; pixel[0] = motion.x; pixel[1] = motion.y; pixel[2] = motion.z; pixel[3] = motion.w; } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_cryptomatte( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components == 4); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); const float scale = film_get_scale(kfilm_convert, buffer); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float4 f = make_float4(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]); /* x and z contain integer IDs, don't rescale them. * y and w contain matte weights, they get scaled. */ pixel[0] = f.x; pixel[1] = f.y * scale; pixel[2] = f.z; pixel[3] = f.w * scale; } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_float4(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components == 4); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); float scale, scale_exposure; film_get_scale_and_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer, &scale, &scale_exposure); ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float3 color = make_float3(in[0], in[1], in[2]) * scale_exposure; const float alpha = in[3] * scale; pixel[0] = color.x; pixel[1] = color.y; pixel[2] = color.z; pixel[3] = alpha; } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_combined( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components == 4); /* 3rd channel contains transparency = 1 - alpha for the combined pass. */ kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components == 4); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); float scale, scale_exposure; if (!film_get_scale_and_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer, &scale, &scale_exposure)) { pixel[0] = 0.0f; pixel[1] = 0.0f; pixel[2] = 0.0f; pixel[3] = 0.0f; return; } ccl_global const float *in = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_offset; const float3 color = make_float3(in[0], in[1], in[2]) * scale_exposure; const float alpha = in[3] * scale; pixel[0] = color.x; pixel[1] = color.y; pixel[2] = color.z; pixel[3] = film_transparency_to_alpha(alpha); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Shadow catcher. */ ccl_device_inline float3 film_calculate_shadow_catcher_denoised( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher != PASS_UNUSED); float scale, scale_exposure; film_get_scale_and_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer, &scale, &scale_exposure); ccl_global const float *in_catcher = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher; const float3 pixel = make_float3(in_catcher[0], in_catcher[1], in_catcher[2]) * scale_exposure; return pixel; } ccl_device_inline float3 safe_divide_shadow_catcher(float3 a, float3 b) { float x, y, z; x = (b.x != 0.0f) ? a.x / b.x : 1.0f; y = (b.y != 0.0f) ? a.y / b.y : 1.0f; z = (b.z != 0.0f) ? a.z / b.z : 1.0f; return make_float3(x, y, z); } ccl_device_inline float3 film_calculate_shadow_catcher(ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer) { /* For the shadow catcher pass we divide combined pass by the shadow catcher. * Note that denoised shadow catcher pass contains value which only needs ot be scaled (but not * to be calculated as division). */ if (kfilm_convert->is_denoised) { return film_calculate_shadow_catcher_denoised(kfilm_convert, buffer); } kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher_sample_count != PASS_UNUSED); /* If there is no shadow catcher object in this pixel, there is no modification of the light * needed, so return one. */ ccl_global const float *in_catcher_sample_count = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher_sample_count; const float num_samples = in_catcher_sample_count[0]; if (num_samples == 0.0f) { return one_float3(); } kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher != PASS_UNUSED); ccl_global const float *in_catcher = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher; /* NOTE: It is possible that the Shadow Catcher pass is requested as an output without actual * shadow catcher objects in the scene. In this case there will be no auxiliary passes required * for the decision (to save up memory). So delay the asserts to this point so that the number of * samples check handles such configuration. */ kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_combined != PASS_UNUSED); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher_matte != PASS_UNUSED); ccl_global const float *in_combined = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_combined; ccl_global const float *in_matte = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher_matte; /* No scaling needed. The integration works in way that number of samples in the combined and * shadow catcher passes are the same, and exposure is canceled during the division. */ const float3 color_catcher = make_float3(in_catcher[0], in_catcher[1], in_catcher[2]); const float3 color_combined = make_float3(in_combined[0], in_combined[1], in_combined[2]); const float3 color_matte = make_float3(in_matte[0], in_matte[1], in_matte[2]); /* Need to ignore contribution of the matte object when doing division (otherwise there will be * artifacts caused by anti-aliasing). Since combined pass is used for adaptive sampling and need * to contain matte objects, we subtract matte objects contribution here. This is the same as if * the matte objects were not accumulated to the combined pass. */ const float3 combined_no_matte = color_combined - color_matte; const float3 shadow_catcher = safe_divide_shadow_catcher(combined_no_matte, color_catcher); const float scale = film_get_scale(kfilm_convert, buffer); const float transparency = in_combined[3] * scale; const float alpha = film_transparency_to_alpha(transparency); /* Alpha-over on white using transparency of the combined pass. This allows to eliminate * artifacts which are happening on an edge of a shadow catcher when using transparent film. * Note that we treat shadow catcher as straight alpha here because alpha got canceled out * during the division. */ const float3 pixel = (1.0f - alpha) * one_float3() + alpha * shadow_catcher; return pixel; } ccl_device_inline float4 film_calculate_shadow_catcher_matte_with_shadow( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer) { /* The approximation of the shadow is 1 - average(shadow_catcher_pass). A better approximation * is possible. * * The matte is alpha-overed onto the shadow (which is kind of alpha-overing shadow onto footage, * and then alpha-overing synthetic objects on top). */ kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_offset != PASS_UNUSED); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher != PASS_UNUSED); kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher_matte != PASS_UNUSED); float scale, scale_exposure; if (!film_get_scale_and_scale_exposure(kfilm_convert, buffer, &scale, &scale_exposure)) { return make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } ccl_global const float *in_matte = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_shadow_catcher_matte; const float3 shadow_catcher = film_calculate_shadow_catcher(kfilm_convert, buffer); const float3 color_matte = make_float3(in_matte[0], in_matte[1], in_matte[2]) * scale_exposure; const float transparency = in_matte[3] * scale; const float alpha = saturatef(1.0f - transparency); const float alpha_matte = (1.0f - alpha) * (1.0f - saturatef(average(shadow_catcher))) + alpha; if (kfilm_convert->use_approximate_shadow_catcher_background) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->pass_background != PASS_UNUSED); ccl_global const float *in_background = buffer + kfilm_convert->pass_background; const float3 color_background = make_float3( in_background[0], in_background[1], in_background[2]) * scale_exposure; const float3 alpha_over = color_matte + color_background * (1.0f - alpha_matte); return make_float4(alpha_over.x, alpha_over.y, alpha_over.z, 1.0f); } return make_float4(color_matte.x, color_matte.y, color_matte.z, alpha_matte); } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_shadow_catcher( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components >= 3); const float3 pixel_value = film_calculate_shadow_catcher(kfilm_convert, buffer); pixel[0] = pixel_value.x; pixel[1] = pixel_value.y; pixel[2] = pixel_value.z; } ccl_device_inline void film_get_pass_pixel_shadow_catcher_matte_with_shadow( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { kernel_assert(kfilm_convert->num_components == 3 || kfilm_convert->num_components == 4); const float4 pixel_value = film_calculate_shadow_catcher_matte_with_shadow(kfilm_convert, buffer); pixel[0] = pixel_value.x; pixel[1] = pixel_value.y; pixel[2] = pixel_value.z; if (kfilm_convert->num_components == 4) { pixel[3] = pixel_value.w; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Compositing and overlays. */ ccl_device_inline void film_apply_pass_pixel_overlays_rgba( ccl_global const KernelFilmConvert *ccl_restrict kfilm_convert, ccl_global const float *ccl_restrict buffer, ccl_private float *ccl_restrict pixel) { if (kfilm_convert->show_active_pixels && kfilm_convert->pass_adaptive_aux_buffer != PASS_UNUSED) { if (buffer[kfilm_convert->pass_adaptive_aux_buffer + 3] == 0.0f) { const float3 active_rgb = make_float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); const float3 mix_rgb = interp(make_float3(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]), active_rgb, 0.5f); pixel[0] = mix_rgb.x; pixel[1] = mix_rgb.y; pixel[2] = mix_rgb.z; } } } CCL_NAMESPACE_END