/* * Copyright 2011-2017 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #define load4_a(buf, ofs) (*((float4 *)((buf) + (ofs)))) #define load4_u(buf, ofs) load_float4((buf) + (ofs)) ccl_device_inline void kernel_filter_nlm_calc_difference(int dx, int dy, const float *ccl_restrict weight_image, const float *ccl_restrict variance_image, const float *ccl_restrict scale_image, float *difference_image, int4 rect, int stride, int channel_offset, int frame_offset, float a, float k_2) { /* Strides need to be aligned to 16 bytes. */ kernel_assert((stride % 4) == 0 && (channel_offset % 4) == 0); int aligned_lowx = rect.x & (~3); const int numChannels = (channel_offset > 0) ? 3 : 1; const float4 channel_fac = make_float4(1.0f / numChannels); for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { int idx_p = y * stride + aligned_lowx; int idx_q = (y + dy) * stride + aligned_lowx + dx + frame_offset; for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4, idx_p += 4, idx_q += 4) { float4 diff = make_float4(0.0f); float4 scale_fac; if (scale_image) { scale_fac = clamp(load4_a(scale_image, idx_p) / load4_u(scale_image, idx_q), make_float4(0.25f), make_float4(4.0f)); } else { scale_fac = make_float4(1.0f); } for (int c = 0, chan_ofs = 0; c < numChannels; c++, chan_ofs += channel_offset) { /* idx_p is guaranteed to be aligned, but idx_q isn't. */ float4 color_p = load4_a(weight_image, idx_p + chan_ofs); float4 color_q = scale_fac * load4_u(weight_image, idx_q + chan_ofs); float4 cdiff = color_p - color_q; float4 var_p = load4_a(variance_image, idx_p + chan_ofs); float4 var_q = sqr(scale_fac) * load4_u(variance_image, idx_q + chan_ofs); diff += (cdiff * cdiff - a * (var_p + min(var_p, var_q))) / (make_float4(1e-8f) + k_2 * (var_p + var_q)); } load4_a(difference_image, idx_p) = diff * channel_fac; } } } ccl_device_inline void kernel_filter_nlm_blur( const float *ccl_restrict difference_image, float *out_image, int4 rect, int stride, int f) { int aligned_lowx = round_down(rect.x, 4); for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { const int low = max(rect.y, y - f); const int high = min(rect.w, y + f + 1); for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4) { load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x) = make_float4(0.0f); } for (int y1 = low; y1 < high; y1++) { for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4) { load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x) += load4_a(difference_image, y1 * stride + x); } } float fac = 1.0f / (high - low); for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4) { load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x) *= fac; } } } ccl_device_inline void nlm_blur_horizontal( const float *ccl_restrict difference_image, float *out_image, int4 rect, int stride, int f) { int aligned_lowx = round_down(rect.x, 4); for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4) { load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x) = make_float4(0.0f); } } for (int dx = -f; dx <= f; dx++) { aligned_lowx = round_down(rect.x - min(0, dx), 4); int highx = rect.z - max(0, dx); int4 lowx4 = make_int4(rect.x - min(0, dx)); int4 highx4 = make_int4(rect.z - max(0, dx)); for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < highx; x += 4) { int4 x4 = make_int4(x) + make_int4(0, 1, 2, 3); int4 active = (x4 >= lowx4) & (x4 < highx4); float4 diff = load4_u(difference_image, y * stride + x + dx); load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x) += mask(active, diff); } } } aligned_lowx = round_down(rect.x, 4); for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4) { float4 x4 = make_float4(x) + make_float4(0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f); float4 low = max(make_float4(rect.x), x4 - make_float4(f)); float4 high = min(make_float4(rect.z), x4 + make_float4(f + 1)); load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x) *= rcp(high - low); } } } ccl_device_inline void kernel_filter_nlm_calc_weight( const float *ccl_restrict difference_image, float *out_image, int4 rect, int stride, int f) { nlm_blur_horizontal(difference_image, out_image, rect, stride, f); int aligned_lowx = round_down(rect.x, 4); for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4) { load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x) = fast_expf4( -max(load4_a(out_image, y * stride + x), make_float4(0.0f))); } } } ccl_device_inline void kernel_filter_nlm_update_output(int dx, int dy, const float *ccl_restrict difference_image, const float *ccl_restrict image, float *temp_image, float *out_image, float *accum_image, int4 rect, int channel_offset, int stride, int f) { nlm_blur_horizontal(difference_image, temp_image, rect, stride, f); int aligned_lowx = round_down(rect.x, 4); for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { for (int x = aligned_lowx; x < rect.z; x += 4) { int4 x4 = make_int4(x) + make_int4(0, 1, 2, 3); int4 active = (x4 >= make_int4(rect.x)) & (x4 < make_int4(rect.z)); int idx_p = y * stride + x, idx_q = (y + dy) * stride + (x + dx); float4 weight = load4_a(temp_image, idx_p); load4_a(accum_image, idx_p) += mask(active, weight); float4 val = load4_u(image, idx_q); if (channel_offset) { val += load4_u(image, idx_q + channel_offset); val += load4_u(image, idx_q + 2 * channel_offset); val *= 1.0f / 3.0f; } load4_a(out_image, idx_p) += mask(active, weight * val); } } } ccl_device_inline void kernel_filter_nlm_construct_gramian(int dx, int dy, int t, const float *ccl_restrict difference_image, const float *ccl_restrict buffer, float *transform, int *rank, float *XtWX, float3 *XtWY, int4 rect, int4 filter_window, int stride, int f, int pass_stride, int frame_offset, bool use_time) { int4 clip_area = rect_clip(rect, filter_window); /* fy and fy are in filter-window-relative coordinates, * while x and y are in feature-window-relative coordinates. */ for (int y = clip_area.y; y < clip_area.w; y++) { for (int x = clip_area.x; x < clip_area.z; x++) { const int low = max(rect.x, x - f); const int high = min(rect.z, x + f + 1); float sum = 0.0f; for (int x1 = low; x1 < high; x1++) { sum += difference_image[y * stride + x1]; } float weight = sum * (1.0f / (high - low)); int storage_ofs = coord_to_local_index(filter_window, x, y); float *l_transform = transform + storage_ofs * TRANSFORM_SIZE; float *l_XtWX = XtWX + storage_ofs * XTWX_SIZE; float3 *l_XtWY = XtWY + storage_ofs * XTWY_SIZE; int *l_rank = rank + storage_ofs; kernel_filter_construct_gramian(x, y, 1, dx, dy, t, stride, pass_stride, frame_offset, use_time, buffer, l_transform, l_rank, weight, l_XtWX, l_XtWY, 0); } } } ccl_device_inline void kernel_filter_nlm_normalize(float *out_image, const float *ccl_restrict accum_image, int4 rect, int w) { for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.w; y++) { for (int x = rect.x; x < rect.z; x++) { out_image[y * w + x] /= accum_image[y * w + x]; } } } #undef load4_a #undef load4_u CCL_NAMESPACE_END