/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */ #ifdef __MNEE__ # include "kernel/light/sample.h" /* * Manifold Next Event Estimation * * This code adds manifold next event estimation through refractive surface(s) as a new sampling * technique for direct lighting, i.e. finding the point on the refractive surface(s) along the * path to a light sample, which satisfies fermat's principle for a given microfacet normal and * the path's end points. This technique involves walking on the "specular manifold" using a pseudo * newton solver. Such a manifold is defined by the specular constraint matrix from the manifold * exploration framework [2]. For each refractive interface, this constraint is defined by * enforcing that the generalized half-vector projection onto the interface local tangent plane is * null. The newton solver guides the walk by linearizing the manifold locally before reprojecting * the linear solution onto the refractive surface. See paper [1] for more details about * the technique itself and [3] for the half-vector light transport formulation, from which it is * derived. * * [1] Manifold Next Event Estimation * Johannes Hanika, Marc Droske, and Luca Fascione. 2015. * Comput. Graph. Forum 34, 4 (July 2015), 87–97. * https://jo.dreggn.org/home/2015_mnee.pdf * * [2] Manifold exploration: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique for rendering scenes with * difficult specular transport Wenzel Jakob and Steve Marschner. 2012. ACM Trans. Graph. 31, 4, * Article 58 (July 2012), 13 pages. * https://www.cs.cornell.edu/projects/manifolds-sg12/ * * [3] The Natural-Constraint Representation of the Path Space for Efficient Light Transport * Simulation Anton S. Kaplanyan, Johannes Hanika, and Carsten Dachsbacher. 2014. ACM Trans. Graph. * 33, 4, Article 102 (July 2014), 13 pages. * https://cg.ivd.kit.edu/english/HSLT.php */ # define MNEE_MAX_ITERATIONS 64 # define MNEE_MAX_INTERSECTION_COUNT 10 # define MNEE_SOLVER_THRESHOLD 0.001f # define MNEE_MINIMUM_STEP_SIZE 0.0001f # define MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS 6 # define MNEE_MIN_DISTANCE 0.001f # define MNEE_MIN_PROGRESS_DISTANCE 0.0001f # define MNEE_MIN_DETERMINANT 0.0001f # define MNEE_PROJECTION_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER 2.f CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Manifold struct containing the local differential geometry quantity */ typedef ccl_private struct ManifoldVertex { /* Position and partials */ float3 p; float3 dp_du; float3 dp_dv; /* Normal and partials */ float3 n; float3 ng; float3 dn_du; float3 dn_dv; /* geometric info */ float2 uv; int object; int prim; int shader; /* closure info */ float eta; ccl_private ShaderClosure *bsdf; float2 n_offset; /* constraint and its derivative matrices */ float2 constraint; float4 a; float4 b; float4 c; } ManifoldVertex; /* Multiplication of a 2x2 matrix encoded in a row-major order float4 by a vector */ ccl_device_inline float2 mat22_mult(const float4 a, const float2 b) { return make_float2(a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y, a.z * b.x + a.w * b.y); } /* Multiplication of 2x2 matrices encoded in a row-major order float4 */ ccl_device_inline float4 mat22_mult(const float4 a, const float4 b) { return make_float4( a.x * b.x + a.y * b.z, a.x * b.y + a.y * b.w, a.z * b.x + a.w * b.z, a.z * b.y + a.w * b.w); } /* Determinant of a 2x2 matrix encoded in a row-major order float4 */ ccl_device_inline float mat22_determinant(const float4 m) { return m.x * m.w - m.y * m.z; } /* Inverse of a 2x2 matrix encoded in a row-major order float4 */ ccl_device_inline float mat22_inverse(const float4 m, ccl_private float4 &m_inverse) { float det = mat22_determinant(m); if (fabsf(det) < MNEE_MIN_DETERMINANT) return 0.f; m_inverse = make_float4(m.w, -m.y, -m.z, m.x) / det; return det; } /* Update light sample */ ccl_device_forceinline void mnee_update_light_sample(KernelGlobals kg, const float3 P, ccl_private LightSample *ls) { /* correct light sample position/direction and pdf * NOTE: preserve pdf in area measure */ const ccl_global KernelLight *klight = &kernel_tex_fetch(__lights, ls->lamp); if (ls->type == LIGHT_POINT || ls->type == LIGHT_SPOT) { ls->D = normalize_len(ls->P - P, &ls->t); ls->Ng = -ls->D; float2 uv = map_to_sphere(ls->Ng); ls->u = uv.x; ls->v = uv.y; float invarea = klight->spot.invarea; ls->eval_fac = (0.25f * M_1_PI_F) * invarea; ls->pdf = invarea; if (ls->type == LIGHT_SPOT) { /* spot light attenuation */ float3 dir = make_float3(klight->spot.dir[0], klight->spot.dir[1], klight->spot.dir[2]); ls->eval_fac *= spot_light_attenuation( dir, klight->spot.spot_angle, klight->spot.spot_smooth, ls->Ng); } } else if (ls->type == LIGHT_AREA) { ls->D = normalize_len(ls->P - P, &ls->t); ls->pdf = fabsf(klight->area.invarea); } ls->pdf *= kernel_data.integrator.pdf_lights; } /* Manifold vertex setup from ray and intersection data */ ccl_device_forceinline void mnee_setup_manifold_vertex(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private ManifoldVertex *vtx, ccl_private ShaderClosure *bsdf, const float eta, const float2 n_offset, ccl_private const Ray *ray, ccl_private const Intersection *isect, ccl_private ShaderData *sd_vtx) { sd_vtx->object = (isect->object == OBJECT_NONE) ? kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, isect->prim) : isect->object; sd_vtx->type = isect->type; sd_vtx->flag = 0; sd_vtx->object_flag = kernel_tex_fetch(__object_flag, sd_vtx->object); /* Matrices and time. */ shader_setup_object_transforms(kg, sd_vtx, ray->time); sd_vtx->time = ray->time; sd_vtx->prim = isect->prim; sd_vtx->ray_length = isect->t; sd_vtx->u = isect->u; sd_vtx->v = isect->v; sd_vtx->shader = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_shader, sd_vtx->prim); float3 verts[3]; float3 normals[3]; if (sd_vtx->type & PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE) { /* Load triangle vertices and normals. */ triangle_vertices_and_normals(kg, sd_vtx->prim, verts, normals); /* Compute refined position (same code as in triangle_point_from_uv). */ sd_vtx->P = isect->u * verts[0] + isect->v * verts[1] + (1.f - isect->u - isect->v) * verts[2]; if (!(sd_vtx->object_flag & SD_OBJECT_TRANSFORM_APPLIED)) { const Transform tfm = object_get_transform(kg, sd_vtx); sd_vtx->P = transform_point(&tfm, sd_vtx->P); } } else { /* if (sd_vtx->type & PRIMITIVE_MOTION_TRIANGLE) */ /* Load triangle vertices and normals. */ motion_triangle_vertices_and_normals( kg, sd_vtx->object, sd_vtx->prim, sd_vtx->time, verts, normals); /* Compute refined position. */ sd_vtx->P = motion_triangle_point_from_uv( kg, sd_vtx, isect->object, isect->prim, isect->u, isect->v, verts); } /* Instance transform. */ if (!(sd_vtx->object_flag & SD_OBJECT_TRANSFORM_APPLIED)) { object_position_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &verts[0]); object_position_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &verts[1]); object_position_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &verts[2]); object_normal_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &normals[0]); object_normal_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &normals[1]); object_normal_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &normals[2]); } /* Tangent space (position derivatives) WRT barycentric (u, v). */ float3 dp_du = verts[0] - verts[2]; float3 dp_dv = verts[1] - verts[2]; /* Geometric normal. */ vtx->ng = normalize(cross(dp_du, dp_dv)); if (sd_vtx->object_flag & SD_OBJECT_NEGATIVE_SCALE_APPLIED) vtx->ng = -vtx->ng; /* Shading normals: Interpolate normals between vertices. */ float n_len; vtx->n = normalize_len(normals[0] * sd_vtx->u + normals[1] * sd_vtx->v + normals[2] * (1.0f - sd_vtx->u - sd_vtx->v), &n_len); /* Shading normal derivatives WRT barycentric (u, v) * we calculate the derivative of n = |u*n0 + v*n1 + (1-u-v)*n2| using: * d/du [f(u)/|f(u)|] = [d/du f(u)]/|f(u)| - f(u)/|f(u)|^3 . */ const float inv_n_len = 1.f / n_len; float3 dn_du = inv_n_len * (normals[0] - normals[2]); float3 dn_dv = inv_n_len * (normals[1] - normals[2]); dn_du -= vtx->n * dot(vtx->n, dn_du); dn_dv -= vtx->n * dot(vtx->n, dn_dv); /* Orthonormalize (dp_du,dp_dv) using a linear transformation, which * we use on (dn_du,dn_dv) as well so the new (u,v) are consistent. */ const float inv_len_dp_du = 1.f / len(dp_du); dp_du *= inv_len_dp_du; dn_du *= inv_len_dp_du; const float dpdu_dot_dpdv = dot(dp_du, dp_dv); dp_dv -= dpdu_dot_dpdv * dp_du; dn_dv -= dpdu_dot_dpdv * dn_du; const float inv_len_dp_dv = 1.f / len(dp_dv); dp_dv *= inv_len_dp_dv; dn_dv *= inv_len_dp_dv; /* Find consistent tangent frame for every point on the surface. */ make_orthonormals(vtx->ng, &vtx->dp_du, &vtx->dp_dv); /* Apply the equivalent rotation to the normal derivatives. */ const float cos_theta = dot(dp_du, vtx->dp_du); const float sin_theta = -dot(dp_dv, vtx->dp_du); vtx->dn_du = cos_theta * dn_du - sin_theta * dn_dv; vtx->dn_dv = sin_theta * dn_du + cos_theta * dn_dv; /* Manifold vertex position. */ vtx->p = sd_vtx->P; /* Initialize constraint and its derivates. */ vtx->a = vtx->c = zero_float4(); vtx->b = make_float4(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); vtx->constraint = zero_float2(); vtx->n_offset = n_offset; /* Closure information. */ vtx->bsdf = bsdf; vtx->eta = eta; /* Geometric information. */ vtx->uv = make_float2(isect->u, isect->v); vtx->object = sd_vtx->object; vtx->prim = sd_vtx->prim; vtx->shader = sd_vtx->shader; } /* Compute constraint derivatives. */ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_compute_constraint_derivatives( int vertex_count, ccl_private ManifoldVertex *vertices, ccl_private const float3 &surface_sample_pos, const bool light_fixed_direction, const float3 light_sample) { for (int vi = 0; vi < vertex_count; vi++) { ccl_private ManifoldVertex &v = vertices[vi]; /* Direction toward surface sample. */ float3 wi = (vi == 0) ? surface_sample_pos - v.p : vertices[vi - 1].p - v.p; float ili = len(wi); if (ili < MNEE_MIN_DISTANCE) return false; ili = 1.f / ili; wi *= ili; /* Direction toward light sample. */ float3 wo = (vi == vertex_count - 1) ? (light_fixed_direction ? light_sample : light_sample - v.p) : vertices[vi + 1].p - v.p; float ilo = len(wo); if (ilo < MNEE_MIN_DISTANCE) return false; ilo = 1.f / ilo; wo *= ilo; /* Invert ior if coming from inside. */ float eta = v.eta; if (dot(wi, v.ng) < .0f) eta = 1.f / eta; /* Half vector. */ float3 H = -(wi + eta * wo); float ilh = 1.f / len(H); H *= ilh; ilo *= eta * ilh; ili *= ilh; /* Local shading frame. */ float dp_du_dot_n = dot(v.dp_du, v.n); float3 s = v.dp_du - dp_du_dot_n * v.n; float inv_len_s = 1.f / len(s); s *= inv_len_s; float3 t = cross(v.n, s); float3 dH_du, dH_dv; /* Constraint derivatives WRT previous vertex. */ if (vi > 0) { ccl_private ManifoldVertex &v_prev = vertices[vi - 1]; dH_du = (v_prev.dp_du - wi * dot(wi, v_prev.dp_du)) * ili; dH_dv = (v_prev.dp_dv - wi * dot(wi, v_prev.dp_dv)) * ili; dH_du -= H * dot(dH_du, H); dH_dv -= H * dot(dH_dv, H); dH_du = -dH_du; dH_dv = -dH_dv; v.a = make_float4(dot(dH_du, s), dot(dH_dv, s), dot(dH_du, t), dot(dH_dv, t)); } /* Constraint derivatives WRT current vertex. */ if (vi == vertex_count - 1 && light_fixed_direction) { dH_du = ili * (-v.dp_du + wi * dot(wi, v.dp_du)); dH_dv = ili * (-v.dp_dv + wi * dot(wi, v.dp_dv)); } else { dH_du = -v.dp_du * (ili + ilo) + wi * (dot(wi, v.dp_du) * ili) + wo * (dot(wo, v.dp_du) * ilo); dH_dv = -v.dp_dv * (ili + ilo) + wi * (dot(wi, v.dp_dv) * ili) + wo * (dot(wo, v.dp_dv) * ilo); } dH_du -= H * dot(dH_du, H); dH_dv -= H * dot(dH_dv, H); dH_du = -dH_du; dH_dv = -dH_dv; float3 ds_du = -inv_len_s * (dot(v.dp_du, v.dn_du) * v.n + dp_du_dot_n * v.dn_du); float3 ds_dv = -inv_len_s * (dot(v.dp_du, v.dn_dv) * v.n + dp_du_dot_n * v.dn_dv); ds_du -= s * dot(s, ds_du); ds_dv -= s * dot(s, ds_dv); float3 dt_du = cross(v.dn_du, s) + cross(v.n, ds_du); float3 dt_dv = cross(v.dn_dv, s) + cross(v.n, ds_dv); v.b = make_float4(dot(dH_du, s) + dot(H, ds_du), dot(dH_dv, s) + dot(H, ds_dv), dot(dH_du, t) + dot(H, dt_du), dot(dH_dv, t) + dot(H, dt_dv)); /* Constraint derivatives WRT next vertex. */ if (vi < vertex_count - 1) { ccl_private ManifoldVertex &v_next = vertices[vi + 1]; dH_du = (v_next.dp_du - wo * dot(wo, v_next.dp_du)) * ilo; dH_dv = (v_next.dp_dv - wo * dot(wo, v_next.dp_dv)) * ilo; dH_du -= H * dot(dH_du, H); dH_dv -= H * dot(dH_dv, H); dH_du = -dH_du; dH_dv = -dH_dv; v.c = make_float4(dot(dH_du, s), dot(dH_dv, s), dot(dH_du, t), dot(dH_dv, t)); } /* Constraint vector WRT. the local shading frame. */ v.constraint = make_float2(dot(s, H), dot(t, H)) - v.n_offset; } return true; } /* Invert (block) constraint derivative matrix and solve linear system so we can map dh back to dx: * dh / dx = A * dx = inverse(A) x dh * to use for specular specular manifold walk * (See for example http://faculty.washington.edu/finlayso/ebook/algebraic/advanced/LUtri.htm * for block tridiagonal matrix based linear system solve) */ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_solve_matrix_h_to_x(int vertex_count, ccl_private ManifoldVertex *vertices, ccl_private float2 *dx) { float4 Li[MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS]; float2 C[MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS]; /* Block tridiagonal LU factorization. */ float4 Lk = vertices[0].b; if (mat22_inverse(Lk, Li[0]) == 0.f) return false; C[0] = vertices[0].constraint; for (int k = 1; k < vertex_count; k++) { float4 A = mat22_mult(vertices[k].a, Li[k - 1]); Lk = vertices[k].b - mat22_mult(A, vertices[k - 1].c); if (mat22_inverse(Lk, Li[k]) == 0.f) return false; C[k] = vertices[k].constraint - mat22_mult(A, C[k - 1]); } dx[vertex_count - 1] = mat22_mult(Li[vertex_count - 1], C[vertex_count - 1]); for (int k = vertex_count - 2; k > -1; k--) dx[k] = mat22_mult(Li[k], C[k] - mat22_mult(vertices[k].c, dx[k + 1])); return true; } /* Newton solver to walk on specular manifold. */ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_newton_solver(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private const ShaderData *sd, ccl_private ShaderData *sd_vtx, ccl_private const LightSample *ls, int vertex_count, ccl_private ManifoldVertex *vertices) { float2 dx[MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS]; ManifoldVertex tentative[MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS]; Ray projection_ray; projection_ray.self.light_object = OBJECT_NONE; projection_ray.self.light_prim = PRIM_NONE; projection_ray.dP = differential_make_compact(sd->dP); projection_ray.dD = differential_zero_compact(); projection_ray.time = sd->time; Intersection projection_isect; const bool light_fixed_direction = (ls->t == FLT_MAX); const float3 light_sample = light_fixed_direction ? ls->D : ls->P; /* We start gently, potentially ramping up to beta = 1, since target configurations * far from the seed path can send the proposed solution further than the linearized * local differential geometric quantities are meant for (especially dn/du and dn/dv). */ float beta = .1f; bool reduce_stepsize = false; bool resolve_constraint = true; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < MNEE_MAX_ITERATIONS; iteration++) { if (resolve_constraint) { /* Calculate constraint and its derivatives for vertices. */ if (!mnee_compute_constraint_derivatives( vertex_count, vertices, sd->P, light_fixed_direction, light_sample)) return false; /* Calculate constraint norm. */ float constraint_norm = 0.f; for (int vi = 0; vi < vertex_count; vi++) constraint_norm = fmaxf(constraint_norm, len(vertices[vi].constraint)); /* Return if solve successful. */ if (constraint_norm < MNEE_SOLVER_THRESHOLD) return true; /* Invert derivative matrix. */ if (!mnee_solve_matrix_h_to_x(vertex_count, vertices, dx)) return false; } /* Construct tentative new vertices and project back onto surface. */ for (int vi = 0; vi < vertex_count; vi++) { ccl_private ManifoldVertex &mv = vertices[vi]; /* Tentative new position on linearized manifold (tangent plane). */ float3 tentative_p = mv.p - beta * (dx[vi].x * mv.dp_du + dx[vi].y * mv.dp_dv); /* For certain configs, the first solve ends up below the receiver. */ if (vi == 0) { const float3 wo = tentative_p - sd->P; if (dot(sd->Ng, wo) <= 0.f) { /* Change direction for the 1st interface. */ tentative_p = mv.p + beta * (dx[vi].x * mv.dp_du + dx[vi].y * mv.dp_dv); } } /* Project tentative point from tangent plane back to surface * we ignore all other intersections since this tentative path could lead * valid to a valid path even if occluded. */ if (vi == 0) { projection_ray.self.object = sd->object; projection_ray.self.prim = sd->prim; projection_ray.P = sd->P; } else { ccl_private const ManifoldVertex &pv = vertices[vi - 1]; projection_ray.self.object = pv.object; projection_ray.self.prim = pv.prim; projection_ray.P = pv.p; } projection_ray.D = normalize_len(tentative_p - projection_ray.P, &projection_ray.t); projection_ray.t *= MNEE_PROJECTION_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER; bool projection_success = false; for (int isect_count = 0; isect_count < MNEE_MAX_INTERSECTION_COUNT; isect_count++) { bool hit = scene_intersect(kg, &projection_ray, PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT, &projection_isect); if (!hit) break; int hit_object = (projection_isect.object == OBJECT_NONE) ? kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, projection_isect.prim) : projection_isect.object; if (hit_object == mv.object) { projection_success = true; break; } projection_ray.self.object = projection_isect.object; projection_ray.self.prim = projection_isect.prim; projection_ray.P += projection_isect.t * projection_ray.D; projection_ray.t -= projection_isect.t; } if (!projection_success) { reduce_stepsize = true; break; } /* Initialize tangent frame, which will be used as reference. */ ccl_private ManifoldVertex &tv = tentative[vi]; tv.p = mv.p; tv.dp_du = mv.dp_du; tv.dp_dv = mv.dp_dv; /* Setup corrected manifold vertex. */ mnee_setup_manifold_vertex( kg, &tv, mv.bsdf, mv.eta, mv.n_offset, &projection_ray, &projection_isect, sd_vtx); /* Fail newton solve if we are not making progress, probably stuck trying to move off the * edge of the mesh. */ const float distance = len(tv.p - mv.p); if (distance < MNEE_MIN_PROGRESS_DISTANCE) return false; } /* Check that tentative path is still transmissive. */ if (!reduce_stepsize) { for (int vi = 0; vi < vertex_count; vi++) { ccl_private ManifoldVertex &tv = tentative[vi]; /* Direction toward surface sample. */ const float3 wi = (vi == 0 ? sd->P : tentative[vi - 1].p) - tv.p; /* Direction toward light sample. */ const float3 wo = (vi == vertex_count - 1) ? light_fixed_direction ? ls->D : ls->P - tv.p : tentative[vi + 1].p - tv.p; if (dot(tv.n, wi) * dot(tv.n, wo) >= 0.f) { reduce_stepsize = true; break; } } } if (reduce_stepsize) { /* Adjust step if can't land on right surface. */ reduce_stepsize = false; resolve_constraint = false; beta *= .5f; /* Fail newton solve if the stepsize is too small. */ if (beta < MNEE_MINIMUM_STEP_SIZE) return false; continue; } /* Copy tentative vertices to main vertex list. */ for (int vi = 0; vi < vertex_count; vi++) vertices[vi] = tentative[vi]; /* Increase the step to get back to 1. */ resolve_constraint = true; beta = min(1.f, 2.f * beta); } return false; } /* Sample bsdf in half-vector measure. */ ccl_device_forceinline float2 mnee_sample_bsdf_dh(ClosureType type, float alpha_x, float alpha_y, float sample_u, float sample_v) { float alpha2; float cos_phi, sin_phi; if (alpha_x == alpha_y) { float phi = sample_v * M_2PI_F; fast_sincosf(phi, &sin_phi, &cos_phi); alpha2 = alpha_x * alpha_x; } else { float phi = atanf(alpha_y / alpha_x * tanf(M_2PI_F * sample_v + M_PI_2_F)); if (sample_v > .5f) phi += M_PI_F; fast_sincosf(phi, &sin_phi, &cos_phi); float alpha_x2 = alpha_x * alpha_x; float alpha_y2 = alpha_y * alpha_y; alpha2 = 1.f / (cos_phi * cos_phi / alpha_x2 + sin_phi * sin_phi / alpha_y2); } /* Map sampled angles to micro-normal direction h. */ float tan2_theta = alpha2; if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID) { tan2_theta *= -logf(1.0f - sample_u); } else { /* type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID assumed */ tan2_theta *= sample_u / (1.0f - sample_u); } float cos2_theta = 1.0f / (1.0f + tan2_theta); float sin_theta = safe_sqrtf(1.0f - cos2_theta); return make_float2(cos_phi * sin_theta, sin_phi * sin_theta); } /* Evaluate product term inside eq.6 at solution interface vi * divided by corresponding sampled pdf: * fr(vi)_do / pdf_dh(vi) x |do/dh| x |n.wo / n.h| * We assume here that the pdf (in half-vector measure) is the same as * the one calculation when sampling the microfacet normals from the * specular chain above: this allows us to simplify the bsdf weight */ ccl_device_forceinline float3 mnee_eval_bsdf_contribution(ccl_private ShaderClosure *closure, float3 wi, float3 wo) { ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)closure; float cosNO = dot(bsdf->N, wi); float cosNI = dot(bsdf->N, wo); float3 Ht = normalize(-(bsdf->ior * wo + wi)); float cosHO = dot(Ht, wi); float alpha2 = bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y; float cosThetaM = dot(bsdf->N, Ht); float G; if (bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID) { /* Eq. 26, 27: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m). */ G = bsdf_beckmann_G1(bsdf->alpha_x, cosNO) * bsdf_beckmann_G1(bsdf->alpha_x, cosNI); } else { /* bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID assumed */ /* Eq. 34: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m). */ G = (2.f / (1.f + safe_sqrtf(1.f + alpha2 * (1.f - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO)))) * (2.f / (1.f + safe_sqrtf(1.f + alpha2 * (1.f - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI)))); } /* * bsdf_do = (1 - F) * D_do * G * |h.wi| / (n.wi * n.wo) * pdf_dh = D_dh * cosThetaM * D_do = D_dh * |dh/do| * * contribution = bsdf_do * |do/dh| * |n.wo / n.h| / pdf_dh * = (1 - F) * G * |h.wi / (n.wi * n.h^2)| */ return bsdf->weight * G * fabsf(cosHO / (cosNO * sqr(cosThetaM))); } /* Compute transfer matrix determinant |T1| = |dx1/dxn| (and |dh/dx| in the process) */ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_compute_transfer_matrix(ccl_private const ShaderData *sd, ccl_private const LightSample *ls, int vertex_count, ccl_private ManifoldVertex *vertices, ccl_private float *dx1_dxlight, ccl_private float *dh_dx) { /* Simplified block tridiagonal LU factorization. */ float4 Li; float4 U[MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS - 1]; float4 Lk = vertices[0].b; float Lk_det = mat22_inverse(Lk, Li); if (Lk_det == 0.f) return false; float det_dh_dx = Lk_det; for (int k = 1; k < vertex_count; k++) { U[k - 1] = mat22_mult(Li, vertices[k - 1].c); Lk = vertices[k].b - mat22_mult(vertices[k].a, U[k - 1]); Lk_det = mat22_inverse(Lk, Li); if (Lk_det == 0.f) return false; det_dh_dx *= Lk_det; } /* Fill out constraint derivatives WRT light vertex param. */ /* Local shading frame at last free vertex. */ int mi = vertex_count - 1; ccl_private const ManifoldVertex &m = vertices[mi]; float3 s = normalize(m.dp_du - dot(m.dp_du, m.n) * m.n); float3 t = cross(m.n, s); /* Local differential geometry. */ float3 dp_du, dp_dv; make_orthonormals(ls->Ng, &dp_du, &dp_dv); /* Direction toward surface sample. */ float3 wi = vertex_count == 1 ? sd->P - m.p : vertices[mi - 1].p - m.p; float ili = 1.f / len(wi); wi *= ili; /* Invert ior if coming from inside. */ float eta = m.eta; if (dot(wi, m.ng) < .0f) eta = 1.f / eta; float dxn_dwn; float4 dc_dlight; if (ls->t == FLT_MAX) { /* Constant direction toward light sample. */ float3 wo = ls->D; /* Half vector. */ float3 H = -(wi + eta * wo); float ilh = 1.f / len(H); H *= ilh; float ilo = -eta * ilh; float cos_theta = dot(wo, m.n); float sin_theta = safe_sqrtf(1.f - sqr(cos_theta)); float cos_phi = dot(wo, s); float sin_phi = safe_sqrtf(1.f - sqr(cos_phi)); /* Wo = (cos_phi * sin_theta) * s + (sin_phi * sin_theta) * t + cos_theta * n. */ float3 dH_dtheta = ilo * (cos_theta * (cos_phi * s + sin_phi * t) - sin_theta * m.n); float3 dH_dphi = ilo * sin_theta * (-sin_phi * s + cos_phi * t); dH_dtheta -= H * dot(dH_dtheta, H); dH_dphi -= H * dot(dH_dphi, H); /* Constraint derivatives WRT light direction expressed * in spherical coordinates (theta, phi). */ dc_dlight = make_float4( dot(dH_dtheta, s), dot(dH_dphi, s), dot(dH_dtheta, t), dot(dH_dphi, t)); /* Jacobian to convert dtheta x dphi to dw measure. */ dxn_dwn = 1.f / fmaxf(MNEE_MIN_DISTANCE, fabsf(sin_theta)); } else { /* Direction toward light sample. */ float3 wo = ls->P - m.p; float ilo = 1.f / len(wo); wo *= ilo; /* Half vector. */ float3 H = -(wi + eta * wo); float ilh = 1.f / len(H); H *= ilh; ilo *= eta * ilh; float3 dH_du = (dp_du - wo * dot(wo, dp_du)) * ilo; float3 dH_dv = (dp_dv - wo * dot(wo, dp_dv)) * ilo; dH_du -= H * dot(dH_du, H); dH_dv -= H * dot(dH_dv, H); dH_du = -dH_du; dH_dv = -dH_dv; dc_dlight = make_float4(dot(dH_du, s), dot(dH_dv, s), dot(dH_du, t), dot(dH_dv, t)); /* Neutral value since dc_dlight is already in the desired vertex area measure. */ dxn_dwn = 1.f; } /* Compute transfer matrix. */ float4 Tp = -mat22_mult(Li, dc_dlight); for (int k = vertex_count - 2; k > -1; k--) Tp = -mat22_mult(U[k], Tp); *dx1_dxlight = fabsf(mat22_determinant(Tp)) * dxn_dwn; *dh_dx = fabsf(det_dh_dx); return true; } /* Calculate the path contribution. */ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_path_contribution(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorState state, ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private ShaderData *sd_mnee, ccl_private LightSample *ls, int vertex_count, ccl_private ManifoldVertex *vertices, ccl_private BsdfEval *throughput) { float wo_len; float3 wo = normalize_len(vertices[0].p - sd->P, &wo_len); /* Initialize throughput and evaluate receiver bsdf * |n.wo|. */ shader_bsdf_eval(kg, sd, wo, false, throughput, ls->shader); /* Update light sample with new position / direct.ion * and keep pdf in vertex area measure */ mnee_update_light_sample(kg, vertices[vertex_count - 1].p, ls); /* Evaluate light sample * in case the light has a node-based shader: * 1. sd_mnee will be used to store light data, which is why we need to do * this evaluation here. sd_mnee needs to contain the solution's last * interface data at the end of the call for the shadow ray setup to work. * 2. ls needs to contain the last interface data for the light shader to * evaluate properly */ float3 light_eval = light_sample_shader_eval(kg, state, sd_mnee, ls, sd->time); bsdf_eval_mul3(throughput, light_eval / ls->pdf); /* Generalized geometry term. */ float dh_dx; float dx1_dxlight; if (!mnee_compute_transfer_matrix(sd, ls, vertex_count, vertices, &dx1_dxlight, &dh_dx)) return false; /* Receiver bsdf eval above already contains |n.wo|. */ const float dw0_dx1 = fabsf(dot(wo, vertices[0].n)) / sqr(wo_len); /* Clamp since it has a tendency to be unstable. */ const float G = fminf(dw0_dx1 * dx1_dxlight, 2.f); bsdf_eval_mul(throughput, G); /* Specular reflectance. */ /* Probe ray / isect. */ Ray probe_ray; probe_ray.self.light_object = ls->object; probe_ray.self.light_prim = ls->prim; probe_ray.dP = differential_make_compact(sd->dP); probe_ray.dD = differential_zero_compact(); probe_ray.time = sd->time; Intersection probe_isect; probe_ray.self.object = sd->object; probe_ray.self.prim = sd->prim; probe_ray.P = sd->P; float3 wi; float wi_len; for (int vi = 0; vi < vertex_count; vi++) { ccl_private const ManifoldVertex &v = vertices[vi]; /* Check visibility. */ probe_ray.D = normalize_len(v.p - probe_ray.P, &probe_ray.t); if (scene_intersect(kg, &probe_ray, PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT, &probe_isect)) { int hit_object = (probe_isect.object == OBJECT_NONE) ? kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, probe_isect.prim) : probe_isect.object; /* Test whether the ray hit the appropriate object at its intended location. */ if (hit_object != v.object || fabsf(probe_ray.t - probe_isect.t) > MNEE_MIN_DISTANCE) return false; } probe_ray.self.object = v.object; probe_ray.self.prim = v.prim; probe_ray.P = v.p; /* Set view looking dir. */ wi = -wo; wi_len = wo_len; /* Setup shader data for vertex vi. */ shader_setup_from_sample(kg, sd_mnee, v.p, v.n, wi, v.shader, v.object, v.prim, v.uv.x, v.uv.y, wi_len, sd->time, false, LAMP_NONE); /* Evaluate shader nodes at solution vi. */ shader_eval_surface( kg, state, sd_mnee, NULL, PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE, true); /* Set light looking dir. */ wo = (vi == vertex_count - 1) ? (ls->t == FLT_MAX ? ls->D : ls->P - v.p) : vertices[vi + 1].p - v.p; wo = normalize_len(wo, &wo_len); /* Evaluate product term inside eq.6 at solution interface. vi * divided by corresponding sampled pdf: * fr(vi)_do / pdf_dh(vi) x |do/dh| x |n.wo / n.h| */ float3 bsdf_contribution = mnee_eval_bsdf_contribution(v.bsdf, wi, wo); bsdf_eval_mul3(throughput, bsdf_contribution); } return true; } /* Manifold next event estimation path sampling. */ ccl_device_forceinline int kernel_path_mnee_sample(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorState state, ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private ShaderData *sd_mnee, ccl_private const RNGState *rng_state, ccl_private LightSample *ls, ccl_private BsdfEval *throughput) { /* * 1. send seed ray from shading point to light sample position (or along sampled light * direction), making sure it intersects a caustic caster at least once, ignoring all other * intersections (the final path could be valid even though objects could occlude the light * this seed point), building an array of manifold vertices. */ /* Setup probe ray. */ Ray probe_ray; probe_ray.self.object = sd->object; probe_ray.self.prim = sd->prim; probe_ray.self.light_object = ls->object; probe_ray.self.light_prim = ls->prim; probe_ray.P = sd->P; if (ls->t == FLT_MAX) { /* Distant / env light. */ probe_ray.D = ls->D; probe_ray.t = ls->t; } else { /* Other lights, avoid self-intersection. */ probe_ray.D = ls->P - probe_ray.P; probe_ray.D = normalize_len(probe_ray.D, &probe_ray.t); } probe_ray.dP = differential_make_compact(sd->dP); probe_ray.dD = differential_zero_compact(); probe_ray.time = sd->time; Intersection probe_isect; ManifoldVertex vertices[MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS]; int vertex_count = 0; for (int isect_count = 0; isect_count < MNEE_MAX_INTERSECTION_COUNT; isect_count++) { bool hit = scene_intersect(kg, &probe_ray, PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT, &probe_isect); if (!hit) break; const int object_flags = intersection_get_object_flags(kg, &probe_isect); if (object_flags & SD_OBJECT_CAUSTICS_CASTER) { /* Do we have enough slots. */ if (vertex_count >= MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS) return 0; /* Reject caster if it is not a triangles mesh. */ if (!(probe_isect.type & PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE)) return 0; ccl_private ManifoldVertex &mv = vertices[vertex_count++]; /* Setup shader data on caustic caster and evaluate context. */ shader_setup_from_ray(kg, sd_mnee, &probe_ray, &probe_isect); /* Reject caster if smooth normals are not available: Manifold exploration assumes local * differential geometry can be created at any point on the surface which is not possible if * normals are not smooth. */ if (!(sd_mnee->shader & SHADER_SMOOTH_NORMAL)) return 0; /* Last bool argument is the MNEE flag (for TINY_MAX_CLOSURE cap in kernel_shader.h). */ shader_eval_surface( kg, state, sd_mnee, NULL, PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE, true); /* Get and sample refraction bsdf */ bool found_transimissive_microfacet_bsdf = false; for (int ci = 0; ci < sd_mnee->num_closure; ci++) { ccl_private ShaderClosure *bsdf = &sd_mnee->closure[ci]; if (bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID || bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID || bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_GLASS_ID || bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_GLASS_FRESNEL_ID || bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_REFRACTION_ID || bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_SHARP_GLASS_ID) { /* Note that CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_GLASS_ID and * CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_GLASS_FRESNEL_ID are treated as * CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID further below. */ found_transimissive_microfacet_bsdf = true; ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *microfacet_bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf; /* Figure out appropriate index of refraction ratio. */ const float eta = (sd_mnee->flag & SD_BACKFACING) ? 1.0f / microfacet_bsdf->ior : microfacet_bsdf->ior; float2 h = zero_float2(); if (microfacet_bsdf->alpha_x > 0.f && microfacet_bsdf->alpha_y > 0.f) { /* Sample transmissive microfacet bsdf. */ float bsdf_u, bsdf_v; path_state_rng_2D(kg, rng_state, PRNG_BSDF_U, &bsdf_u, &bsdf_v); h = mnee_sample_bsdf_dh( bsdf->type, microfacet_bsdf->alpha_x, microfacet_bsdf->alpha_y, bsdf_u, bsdf_v); } /* Setup differential geometry on vertex. */ mnee_setup_manifold_vertex(kg, &mv, bsdf, eta, h, &probe_ray, &probe_isect, sd_mnee); break; } } if (!found_transimissive_microfacet_bsdf) return 0; } probe_ray.self.object = probe_isect.object; probe_ray.self.prim = probe_isect.prim; probe_ray.P += probe_isect.t * probe_ray.D; if (ls->t != FLT_MAX) probe_ray.t -= probe_isect.t; }; /* Mark the manifold walk invalid to keep mollification on by default. */ INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, path, mnee) &= ~PATH_MNEE_VALID; if (vertex_count == 0) return 0; /* Check whether the transmission depth limit is reached before continuing. */ if (INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, transmission_bounce) + vertex_count >= kernel_data.integrator.max_transmission_bounce) return 0; /* Check whether the diffuse depth limit is reached before continuing. */ if (INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, diffuse_bounce) + 1 >= kernel_data.integrator.max_diffuse_bounce) return 0; /* Check whether the overall depth limit is reached before continuing. */ if (INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, bounce) + 1 + vertex_count >= kernel_data.integrator.max_bounce) return 0; /* Mark the manifold walk valid to turn off mollification regardless of how successful the walk * is: this is noticeable when another mnee is performed deeper in the path, for an internally * reflected ray for example. If mollification was active for the reflection, a clear * discontinuity is visible between direct and indirect contributions */ INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, path, mnee) |= PATH_MNEE_VALID; /* 2. Walk on the specular manifold to find vertices on the * casters that satisfy snell's law for each interface */ if (mnee_newton_solver(kg, sd, sd_mnee, ls, vertex_count, vertices)) { /* 3. If a solution exists, calculate contribution of the corresponding path */ if (!mnee_path_contribution(kg, state, sd, sd_mnee, ls, vertex_count, vertices, throughput)) return 0; return vertex_count; } return 0; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* __MNEE__ */