/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */ #pragma once #include "kernel/film/accumulate.h" #include "kernel/integrator/shader_eval.h" #include "kernel/light/light.h" #include "kernel/light/sample.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ccl_device_inline void integrate_light(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorState state, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { /* Setup light sample. */ Intersection isect ccl_optional_struct_init; integrator_state_read_isect(kg, state, &isect); float3 ray_P = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, ray, P); const float3 ray_D = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, ray, D); const float ray_time = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, ray, time); /* Advance ray beyond light. */ /* TODO: can we make this more numerically robust to avoid reintersecting the * same light in some cases? Ray should not intersect surface anymore as the * object and prim ids will prevent self intersection. */ const float3 new_ray_P = ray_P + ray_D * isect.t; INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, ray, P) = new_ray_P; INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, ray, t) -= isect.t; /* Set position to where the BSDF was sampled, for correct MIS PDF. */ const float mis_ray_t = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, mis_ray_t); ray_P -= ray_D * mis_ray_t; isect.t += mis_ray_t; INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, path, mis_ray_t) = isect.t; LightSample ls ccl_optional_struct_init; const bool use_light_sample = light_sample_from_intersection(kg, &isect, ray_P, ray_D, &ls); if (!use_light_sample) { return; } /* Use visibility flag to skip lights. */ #ifdef __PASSES__ const uint32_t path_flag = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, flag); if (ls.shader & SHADER_EXCLUDE_ANY) { if (((ls.shader & SHADER_EXCLUDE_DIFFUSE) && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) || ((ls.shader & SHADER_EXCLUDE_GLOSSY) && ((path_flag & (PATH_RAY_GLOSSY | PATH_RAY_REFLECT)) == (PATH_RAY_GLOSSY | PATH_RAY_REFLECT))) || ((ls.shader & SHADER_EXCLUDE_TRANSMIT) && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT)) || ((ls.shader & SHADER_EXCLUDE_SCATTER) && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_VOLUME_SCATTER))) return; } #endif /* Evaluate light shader. */ /* TODO: does aliasing like this break automatic SoA in CUDA? */ ShaderDataTinyStorage emission_sd_storage; ccl_private ShaderData *emission_sd = AS_SHADER_DATA(&emission_sd_storage); float3 light_eval = light_sample_shader_eval(kg, state, emission_sd, &ls, ray_time); if (is_zero(light_eval)) { return; } /* MIS weighting. */ if (!(path_flag & PATH_RAY_MIS_SKIP)) { /* multiple importance sampling, get regular light pdf, * and compute weight with respect to BSDF pdf */ const float mis_ray_pdf = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, mis_ray_pdf); const float mis_weight = light_sample_mis_weight_forward(kg, mis_ray_pdf, ls.pdf); light_eval *= mis_weight; } /* Write to render buffer. */ const float3 throughput = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, throughput); kernel_accum_emission(kg, state, throughput * light_eval, render_buffer, ls.group); } ccl_device void integrator_shade_light(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorState state, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { PROFILING_INIT(kg, PROFILING_SHADE_LIGHT_SETUP); integrate_light(kg, state, render_buffer); /* TODO: we could get stuck in an infinite loop if there are precision issues * and the same light is hit again. * * As a workaround count this as a transparent bounce. It makes some sense * to interpret lights as transparent surfaces (and support making them opaque), * but this needs to be revisited. */ uint32_t transparent_bounce = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, path, transparent_bounce) + 1; INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, path, transparent_bounce) = transparent_bounce; if (transparent_bounce >= kernel_data.integrator.transparent_max_bounce) { INTEGRATOR_PATH_TERMINATE(DEVICE_KERNEL_INTEGRATOR_SHADE_LIGHT); return; } else { INTEGRATOR_PATH_NEXT(DEVICE_KERNEL_INTEGRATOR_SHADE_LIGHT, DEVICE_KERNEL_INTEGRATOR_INTERSECT_CLOSEST); return; } /* TODO: in some cases we could continue directly to SHADE_BACKGROUND, but * probably that optimization is probably not practical if we add lights to * scene geometry. */ } CCL_NAMESPACE_END