/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */ #pragma once #include "kernel/integrator/shade_volume.h" #include "kernel/integrator/shader_eval.h" #include "kernel/integrator/volume_stack.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ccl_device_inline bool shadow_intersections_has_remaining(const uint num_hits) { return num_hits >= INTEGRATOR_SHADOW_ISECT_SIZE; } #ifdef __TRANSPARENT_SHADOWS__ ccl_device_inline float3 integrate_transparent_surface_shadow(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorShadowState state, const int hit) { PROFILING_INIT(kg, PROFILING_SHADE_SHADOW_SURFACE); /* TODO: does aliasing like this break automatic SoA in CUDA? * Should we instead store closures separate from ShaderData? * * TODO: is it better to declare this outside the loop or keep it local * so the compiler can see there is no dependency between iterations? */ ShaderDataTinyStorage shadow_sd_storage; ccl_private ShaderData *shadow_sd = AS_SHADER_DATA(&shadow_sd_storage); /* Setup shader data at surface. */ Intersection isect ccl_optional_struct_init; integrator_state_read_shadow_isect(state, &isect, hit); Ray ray ccl_optional_struct_init; integrator_state_read_shadow_ray(kg, state, &ray); shader_setup_from_ray(kg, shadow_sd, &ray, &isect); /* Evaluate shader. */ if (!(shadow_sd->flag & SD_HAS_ONLY_VOLUME)) { shader_eval_surface( kg, state, shadow_sd, NULL, PATH_RAY_SHADOW); } # ifdef __VOLUME__ /* Exit/enter volume. */ shadow_volume_stack_enter_exit(kg, state, shadow_sd); # endif /* Compute transparency from closures. */ return shader_bsdf_transparency(kg, shadow_sd); } # ifdef __VOLUME__ ccl_device_inline void integrate_transparent_volume_shadow(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorShadowState state, const int hit, const int num_recorded_hits, ccl_private float3 *ccl_restrict throughput) { PROFILING_INIT(kg, PROFILING_SHADE_SHADOW_VOLUME); /* TODO: deduplicate with surface, or does it not matter for memory usage? */ ShaderDataTinyStorage shadow_sd_storage; ccl_private ShaderData *shadow_sd = AS_SHADER_DATA(&shadow_sd_storage); /* Setup shader data. */ Ray ray ccl_optional_struct_init; integrator_state_read_shadow_ray(kg, state, &ray); ray.self.object = OBJECT_NONE; ray.self.prim = PRIM_NONE; ray.self.light_object = OBJECT_NONE; ray.self.light_prim = PRIM_NONE; /* Modify ray position and length to match current segment. */ const float start_t = (hit == 0) ? 0.0f : INTEGRATOR_STATE_ARRAY(state, shadow_isect, hit - 1, t); const float end_t = (hit < num_recorded_hits) ? INTEGRATOR_STATE_ARRAY(state, shadow_isect, hit, t) : ray.t; ray.P += start_t * ray.D; ray.t = end_t - start_t; shader_setup_from_volume(kg, shadow_sd, &ray); VOLUME_READ_LAMBDA(integrator_state_read_shadow_volume_stack(state, i)); const float step_size = volume_stack_step_size(kg, volume_read_lambda_pass); volume_shadow_heterogeneous(kg, state, &ray, shadow_sd, throughput, step_size); } # endif ccl_device_inline bool integrate_transparent_shadow(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorShadowState state, const uint num_hits) { /* Accumulate shadow for transparent surfaces. */ const uint num_recorded_hits = min(num_hits, INTEGRATOR_SHADOW_ISECT_SIZE); for (uint hit = 0; hit < num_recorded_hits + 1; hit++) { /* Volume shaders. */ if (hit < num_recorded_hits || !shadow_intersections_has_remaining(num_hits)) { # ifdef __VOLUME__ if (!integrator_state_shadow_volume_stack_is_empty(kg, state)) { float3 throughput = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, throughput); integrate_transparent_volume_shadow(kg, state, hit, num_recorded_hits, &throughput); if (is_zero(throughput)) { return true; } INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, shadow_path, throughput) = throughput; } # endif } /* Surface shaders. */ if (hit < num_recorded_hits) { const float3 shadow = integrate_transparent_surface_shadow(kg, state, hit); const float3 throughput = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, throughput) * shadow; if (is_zero(throughput)) { return true; } INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, shadow_path, throughput) = throughput; INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, shadow_path, transparent_bounce) += 1; INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, shadow_path, rng_offset) += PRNG_BOUNCE_NUM; } /* Note we do not need to check max_transparent_bounce here, the number * of intersections is already limited and made opaque in the * INTERSECT_SHADOW kernel. */ } if (shadow_intersections_has_remaining(num_hits)) { /* There are more hits that we could not recorded due to memory usage, * adjust ray to intersect again from the last hit. */ const float last_hit_t = INTEGRATOR_STATE_ARRAY(state, shadow_isect, num_recorded_hits - 1, t); const float3 ray_P = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_ray, P); const float3 ray_D = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_ray, D); INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, shadow_ray, P) = ray_P + last_hit_t * ray_D; INTEGRATOR_STATE_WRITE(state, shadow_ray, t) -= last_hit_t; } return false; } #endif /* __TRANSPARENT_SHADOWS__ */ ccl_device void integrator_shade_shadow(KernelGlobals kg, IntegratorShadowState state, ccl_global float *ccl_restrict render_buffer) { PROFILING_INIT(kg, PROFILING_SHADE_SHADOW_SETUP); const uint num_hits = INTEGRATOR_STATE(state, shadow_path, num_hits); #ifdef __TRANSPARENT_SHADOWS__ /* Evaluate transparent shadows. */ const bool opaque = integrate_transparent_shadow(kg, state, num_hits); if (opaque) { INTEGRATOR_SHADOW_PATH_TERMINATE(DEVICE_KERNEL_INTEGRATOR_SHADE_SHADOW); return; } #endif if (shadow_intersections_has_remaining(num_hits)) { /* More intersections to find, continue shadow ray. */ INTEGRATOR_SHADOW_PATH_NEXT(DEVICE_KERNEL_INTEGRATOR_SHADE_SHADOW, DEVICE_KERNEL_INTEGRATOR_INTERSECT_SHADOW); return; } else { kernel_accum_light(kg, state, render_buffer); INTEGRATOR_SHADOW_PATH_TERMINATE(DEVICE_KERNEL_INTEGRATOR_SHADE_SHADOW); return; } } CCL_NAMESPACE_END