/* * Copyright 2011-2020 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "kernel_light_common.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Background Light */ #ifdef __BACKGROUND_MIS__ ccl_device float3 background_map_sample(KernelGlobals kg, float randu, float randv, ccl_private float *pdf) { /* for the following, the CDF values are actually a pair of floats, with the * function value as X and the actual CDF as Y. The last entry's function * value is the CDF total. */ int res_x = kernel_data.background.map_res_x; int res_y = kernel_data.background.map_res_y; int cdf_width = res_x + 1; /* This is basically std::lower_bound as used by PBRT. */ int first = 0; int count = res_y; while (count > 0) { int step = count >> 1; int middle = first + step; if (kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_marginal_cdf, middle).y < randv) { first = middle + 1; count -= step + 1; } else count = step; } int index_v = max(0, first - 1); kernel_assert(index_v >= 0 && index_v < res_y); float2 cdf_v = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_marginal_cdf, index_v); float2 cdf_next_v = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_marginal_cdf, index_v + 1); float2 cdf_last_v = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_marginal_cdf, res_y); /* importance-sampled V direction */ float dv = inverse_lerp(cdf_v.y, cdf_next_v.y, randv); float v = (index_v + dv) / res_y; /* This is basically std::lower_bound as used by PBRT. */ first = 0; count = res_x; while (count > 0) { int step = count >> 1; int middle = first + step; if (kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_conditional_cdf, index_v * cdf_width + middle).y < randu) { first = middle + 1; count -= step + 1; } else count = step; } int index_u = max(0, first - 1); kernel_assert(index_u >= 0 && index_u < res_x); float2 cdf_u = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_conditional_cdf, index_v * cdf_width + index_u); float2 cdf_next_u = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_conditional_cdf, index_v * cdf_width + index_u + 1); float2 cdf_last_u = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_conditional_cdf, index_v * cdf_width + res_x); /* importance-sampled U direction */ float du = inverse_lerp(cdf_u.y, cdf_next_u.y, randu); float u = (index_u + du) / res_x; /* compute pdf */ float sin_theta = sinf(M_PI_F * v); float denom = (M_2PI_F * M_PI_F * sin_theta) * cdf_last_u.x * cdf_last_v.x; if (sin_theta == 0.0f || denom == 0.0f) *pdf = 0.0f; else *pdf = (cdf_u.x * cdf_v.x) / denom; /* compute direction */ return equirectangular_to_direction(u, v); } /* TODO(sergey): Same as above, after the release we should consider using * 'noinline' for all devices. */ ccl_device float background_map_pdf(KernelGlobals kg, float3 direction) { float2 uv = direction_to_equirectangular(direction); int res_x = kernel_data.background.map_res_x; int res_y = kernel_data.background.map_res_y; int cdf_width = res_x + 1; float sin_theta = sinf(uv.y * M_PI_F); if (sin_theta == 0.0f) return 0.0f; int index_u = clamp(float_to_int(uv.x * res_x), 0, res_x - 1); int index_v = clamp(float_to_int(uv.y * res_y), 0, res_y - 1); /* pdfs in V direction */ float2 cdf_last_u = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_conditional_cdf, index_v * cdf_width + res_x); float2 cdf_last_v = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_marginal_cdf, res_y); float denom = (M_2PI_F * M_PI_F * sin_theta) * cdf_last_u.x * cdf_last_v.x; if (denom == 0.0f) return 0.0f; /* pdfs in U direction */ float2 cdf_u = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_conditional_cdf, index_v * cdf_width + index_u); float2 cdf_v = kernel_tex_fetch(__light_background_marginal_cdf, index_v); return (cdf_u.x * cdf_v.x) / denom; } ccl_device_inline bool background_portal_data_fetch_and_check_side( KernelGlobals kg, float3 P, int index, ccl_private float3 *lightpos, ccl_private float3 *dir) { int portal = kernel_data.background.portal_offset + index; const ccl_global KernelLight *klight = &kernel_tex_fetch(__lights, portal); *lightpos = make_float3(klight->co[0], klight->co[1], klight->co[2]); *dir = make_float3(klight->area.dir[0], klight->area.dir[1], klight->area.dir[2]); /* Check whether portal is on the right side. */ if (dot(*dir, P - *lightpos) > 1e-4f) return true; return false; } ccl_device_inline float background_portal_pdf( KernelGlobals kg, float3 P, float3 direction, int ignore_portal, ccl_private bool *is_possible) { float portal_pdf = 0.0f; int num_possible = 0; for (int p = 0; p < kernel_data.background.num_portals; p++) { if (p == ignore_portal) continue; float3 lightpos, dir; if (!background_portal_data_fetch_and_check_side(kg, P, p, &lightpos, &dir)) continue; /* There's a portal that could be sampled from this position. */ if (is_possible) { *is_possible = true; } num_possible++; int portal = kernel_data.background.portal_offset + p; const ccl_global KernelLight *klight = &kernel_tex_fetch(__lights, portal); float3 axisu = make_float3( klight->area.axisu[0], klight->area.axisu[1], klight->area.axisu[2]); float3 axisv = make_float3( klight->area.axisv[0], klight->area.axisv[1], klight->area.axisv[2]); bool is_round = (klight->area.invarea < 0.0f); if (!ray_quad_intersect(P, direction, 1e-4f, FLT_MAX, lightpos, axisu, axisv, dir, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, is_round)) continue; if (is_round) { float t; float3 D = normalize_len(lightpos - P, &t); portal_pdf += fabsf(klight->area.invarea) * lamp_light_pdf(kg, dir, -D, t); } else { portal_pdf += rect_light_sample(P, &lightpos, axisu, axisv, 0.0f, 0.0f, false); } } if (ignore_portal >= 0) { /* We have skipped a portal that could be sampled as well. */ num_possible++; } return (num_possible > 0) ? portal_pdf / num_possible : 0.0f; } ccl_device int background_num_possible_portals(KernelGlobals kg, float3 P) { int num_possible_portals = 0; for (int p = 0; p < kernel_data.background.num_portals; p++) { float3 lightpos, dir; if (background_portal_data_fetch_and_check_side(kg, P, p, &lightpos, &dir)) num_possible_portals++; } return num_possible_portals; } ccl_device float3 background_portal_sample(KernelGlobals kg, float3 P, float randu, float randv, int num_possible, ccl_private int *sampled_portal, ccl_private float *pdf) { /* Pick a portal, then re-normalize randv. */ randv *= num_possible; int portal = (int)randv; randv -= portal; /* TODO(sergey): Some smarter way of finding portal to sample * is welcome. */ for (int p = 0; p < kernel_data.background.num_portals; p++) { /* Search for the sampled portal. */ float3 lightpos, dir; if (!background_portal_data_fetch_and_check_side(kg, P, p, &lightpos, &dir)) continue; if (portal == 0) { /* p is the portal to be sampled. */ int portal = kernel_data.background.portal_offset + p; const ccl_global KernelLight *klight = &kernel_tex_fetch(__lights, portal); float3 axisu = make_float3( klight->area.axisu[0], klight->area.axisu[1], klight->area.axisu[2]); float3 axisv = make_float3( klight->area.axisv[0], klight->area.axisv[1], klight->area.axisv[2]); bool is_round = (klight->area.invarea < 0.0f); float3 D; if (is_round) { lightpos += ellipse_sample(axisu * 0.5f, axisv * 0.5f, randu, randv); float t; D = normalize_len(lightpos - P, &t); *pdf = fabsf(klight->area.invarea) * lamp_light_pdf(kg, dir, -D, t); } else { *pdf = rect_light_sample(P, &lightpos, axisu, axisv, randu, randv, true); D = normalize(lightpos - P); } *pdf /= num_possible; *sampled_portal = p; return D; } portal--; } return zero_float3(); } ccl_device_inline float3 background_sun_sample(KernelGlobals kg, float randu, float randv, ccl_private float *pdf) { float3 D; const float3 N = float4_to_float3(kernel_data.background.sun); const float angle = kernel_data.background.sun.w; sample_uniform_cone(N, angle, randu, randv, &D, pdf); return D; } ccl_device_inline float background_sun_pdf(KernelGlobals kg, float3 D) { const float3 N = float4_to_float3(kernel_data.background.sun); const float angle = kernel_data.background.sun.w; return pdf_uniform_cone(N, D, angle); } ccl_device_inline float3 background_light_sample( KernelGlobals kg, float3 P, float randu, float randv, ccl_private float *pdf) { float portal_method_pdf = kernel_data.background.portal_weight; float sun_method_pdf = kernel_data.background.sun_weight; float map_method_pdf = kernel_data.background.map_weight; int num_portals = 0; if (portal_method_pdf > 0.0f) { /* Check if there are portals in the scene which we can sample. */ num_portals = background_num_possible_portals(kg, P); if (num_portals == 0) { portal_method_pdf = 0.0f; } } float pdf_fac = (portal_method_pdf + sun_method_pdf + map_method_pdf); if (pdf_fac == 0.0f) { /* Use uniform as a fallback if we can't use any strategy. */ *pdf = 1.0f / M_4PI_F; return sample_uniform_sphere(randu, randv); } pdf_fac = 1.0f / pdf_fac; portal_method_pdf *= pdf_fac; sun_method_pdf *= pdf_fac; map_method_pdf *= pdf_fac; /* We have 100% in total and split it between the three categories. * Therefore, we pick portals if randu is between 0 and portal_method_pdf, * sun if randu is between portal_method_pdf and (portal_method_pdf + sun_method_pdf) * and map if randu is between (portal_method_pdf + sun_method_pdf) and 1. */ float sun_method_cdf = portal_method_pdf + sun_method_pdf; int method = 0; float3 D; if (randu < portal_method_pdf) { method = 0; /* Rescale randu. */ if (portal_method_pdf != 1.0f) { randu /= portal_method_pdf; } /* Sample a portal. */ int portal; D = background_portal_sample(kg, P, randu, randv, num_portals, &portal, pdf); if (num_portals > 1) { /* Ignore the chosen portal, its pdf is already included. */ *pdf += background_portal_pdf(kg, P, D, portal, NULL); } /* Skip MIS if this is the only method. */ if (portal_method_pdf == 1.0f) { return D; } *pdf *= portal_method_pdf; } else if (randu < sun_method_cdf) { method = 1; /* Rescale randu. */ if (sun_method_pdf != 1.0f) { randu = (randu - portal_method_pdf) / sun_method_pdf; } D = background_sun_sample(kg, randu, randv, pdf); /* Skip MIS if this is the only method. */ if (sun_method_pdf == 1.0f) { return D; } *pdf *= sun_method_pdf; } else { method = 2; /* Rescale randu. */ if (map_method_pdf != 1.0f) { randu = (randu - sun_method_cdf) / map_method_pdf; } D = background_map_sample(kg, randu, randv, pdf); /* Skip MIS if this is the only method. */ if (map_method_pdf == 1.0f) { return D; } *pdf *= map_method_pdf; } /* MIS weighting. */ if (method != 0 && portal_method_pdf != 0.0f) { *pdf += portal_method_pdf * background_portal_pdf(kg, P, D, -1, NULL); } if (method != 1 && sun_method_pdf != 0.0f) { *pdf += sun_method_pdf * background_sun_pdf(kg, D); } if (method != 2 && map_method_pdf != 0.0f) { *pdf += map_method_pdf * background_map_pdf(kg, D); } return D; } ccl_device float background_light_pdf(KernelGlobals kg, float3 P, float3 direction) { float portal_method_pdf = kernel_data.background.portal_weight; float sun_method_pdf = kernel_data.background.sun_weight; float map_method_pdf = kernel_data.background.map_weight; float portal_pdf = 0.0f; /* Portals are a special case here since we need to compute their pdf in order * to find out if we can sample them. */ if (portal_method_pdf > 0.0f) { /* Evaluate PDF of sampling this direction by portal sampling. */ bool is_possible = false; portal_pdf = background_portal_pdf(kg, P, direction, -1, &is_possible); if (!is_possible) { /* Portal sampling is not possible here because all portals point to the wrong side. * If other methods can be used instead, do so, otherwise uniform sampling is used as a * fallback. */ portal_method_pdf = 0.0f; } } float pdf_fac = (portal_method_pdf + sun_method_pdf + map_method_pdf); if (pdf_fac == 0.0f) { /* Use uniform as a fallback if we can't use any strategy. */ return kernel_data.integrator.pdf_lights / M_4PI_F; } pdf_fac = 1.0f / pdf_fac; portal_method_pdf *= pdf_fac; sun_method_pdf *= pdf_fac; map_method_pdf *= pdf_fac; float pdf = portal_pdf * portal_method_pdf; if (sun_method_pdf != 0.0f) { pdf += background_sun_pdf(kg, direction) * sun_method_pdf; } if (map_method_pdf != 0.0f) { pdf += background_map_pdf(kg, direction) * map_method_pdf; } return pdf * kernel_data.integrator.pdf_lights; } #endif CCL_NAMESPACE_END