/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */ #include "kernel/sample/util.h" #include "util/hash.h" #pragma once CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ccl_device float pmj_sample_1D(KernelGlobals kg, uint sample, const uint rng_hash, const uint dimension) { uint seed = rng_hash; /* Use the same sample sequence seed for all pixels when using * scrambling distance. */ if (kernel_data.integrator.scrambling_distance < 1.0f) { seed = kernel_data.integrator.seed; } /* Shuffle the pattern order and sample index to better decorrelate * dimensions and make the most of the finite patterns we have. * The funky sample mask stuff is to ensure that we only shuffle * *within* the current sample pattern, which is necessary to avoid * early repeat pattern use. */ const uint pattern_i = hash_shuffle_uint(dimension, NUM_PMJ_PATTERNS, seed); /* NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES should be a power of two, so this results in a mask. */ const uint sample_mask = NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES - 1; const uint sample_shuffled = nested_uniform_scramble(sample, hash_wang_seeded_uint(dimension, seed)); sample = (sample & ~sample_mask) | (sample_shuffled & sample_mask); /* Fetch the sample. */ const uint index = ((pattern_i * NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES) + sample) % (NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES * NUM_PMJ_PATTERNS); float x = kernel_data_fetch(sample_pattern_lut, index * 2); /* Do limited Cranley-Patterson rotation when using scrambling distance. */ if (kernel_data.integrator.scrambling_distance < 1.0f) { const float jitter_x = hash_wang_seeded_float(dimension, rng_hash) * kernel_data.integrator.scrambling_distance; x += jitter_x; x -= floorf(x); } return x; } ccl_device float2 pmj_sample_2D(KernelGlobals kg, uint sample, const uint rng_hash, const uint dimension) { uint seed = rng_hash; /* Use the same sample sequence seed for all pixels when using * scrambling distance. */ if (kernel_data.integrator.scrambling_distance < 1.0f) { seed = kernel_data.integrator.seed; } /* Shuffle the pattern order and sample index to better decorrelate * dimensions and make the most of the finite patterns we have. * The funky sample mask stuff is to ensure that we only shuffle * *within* the current sample pattern, which is necessary to avoid * early repeat pattern use. */ const uint pattern_i = hash_shuffle_uint(dimension, NUM_PMJ_PATTERNS, seed); /* NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES should be a power of two, so this results in a mask. */ const uint sample_mask = NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES - 1; const uint sample_shuffled = nested_uniform_scramble(sample, hash_wang_seeded_uint(dimension, seed)); sample = (sample & ~sample_mask) | (sample_shuffled & sample_mask); /* Fetch the sample. */ const uint index = ((pattern_i * NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES) + sample) % (NUM_PMJ_SAMPLES * NUM_PMJ_PATTERNS); float x = kernel_data_fetch(sample_pattern_lut, index * 2); float y = kernel_data_fetch(sample_pattern_lut, index * 2 + 1); /* Do limited Cranley-Patterson rotation when using scrambling distance. */ if (kernel_data.integrator.scrambling_distance < 1.0f) { const float jitter_x = hash_wang_seeded_float(dimension, rng_hash) * kernel_data.integrator.scrambling_distance; const float jitter_y = hash_wang_seeded_float(dimension, rng_hash ^ 0xca0e1151) * kernel_data.integrator.scrambling_distance; x += jitter_x; y += jitter_y; x -= floorf(x); y -= floorf(y); } return make_float2(x, y); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END