///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc., et al. All Rights Reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef CCL_STDOSL_H #define CCL_STDOSL_H #ifndef M_PI # define M_PI 3.1415926535897932 /* pi */ # define M_PI_2 1.5707963267948966 /* pi/2 */ # define M_PI_4 0.7853981633974483 /* pi/4 */ # define M_2_PI 0.6366197723675813 /* 2/pi */ # define M_2PI 6.2831853071795865 /* 2*pi */ # define M_4PI 12.566370614359173 /* 4*pi */ # define M_2_SQRTPI 1.1283791670955126 /* 2/sqrt(pi) */ # define M_E 2.7182818284590452 /* e (Euler's number) */ # define M_LN2 0.6931471805599453 /* ln(2) */ # define M_LN10 2.3025850929940457 /* ln(10) */ # define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634 /* log_2(e) */ # define M_LOG10E 0.4342944819032518 /* log_10(e) */ # define M_SQRT2 1.4142135623730950 /* sqrt(2) */ # define M_SQRT1_2 0.7071067811865475 /* 1/sqrt(2) */ #endif // Declaration of built-in functions and closures #define BUILTIN [[int builtin = 1]] #define BUILTIN_DERIV [[ int builtin = 1, int deriv = 1 ]] #define PERCOMP1(name) \ normal name(normal x) BUILTIN; \ vector name(vector x) BUILTIN; \ point name(point x) BUILTIN; \ color name(color x) BUILTIN; \ float name(float x) BUILTIN; #define PERCOMP2(name) \ normal name(normal x, normal y) BUILTIN; \ vector name(vector x, vector y) BUILTIN; \ point name(point x, point y) BUILTIN; \ color name(color x, color y) BUILTIN; \ float name(float x, float y) BUILTIN; #define PERCOMP2F(name) \ normal name(normal x, float y) BUILTIN; \ vector name(vector x, float y) BUILTIN; \ point name(point x, float y) BUILTIN; \ color name(color x, float y) BUILTIN; \ float name(float x, float y) BUILTIN; // Basic math normal degrees(normal x) { return x * (180.0 / M_PI); } vector degrees(vector x) { return x * (180.0 / M_PI); } point degrees(point x) { return x * (180.0 / M_PI); } color degrees(color x) { return x * (180.0 / M_PI); } float degrees(float x) { return x * (180.0 / M_PI); } normal radians(normal x) { return x * (M_PI / 180.0); } vector radians(vector x) { return x * (M_PI / 180.0); } point radians(point x) { return x * (M_PI / 180.0); } color radians(color x) { return x * (M_PI / 180.0); } float radians(float x) { return x * (M_PI / 180.0); } PERCOMP1(cos) PERCOMP1(sin) PERCOMP1(tan) PERCOMP1(acos) PERCOMP1(asin) PERCOMP1(atan) PERCOMP2(atan2) PERCOMP1(cosh) PERCOMP1(sinh) PERCOMP1(tanh) PERCOMP2F(pow) PERCOMP1(exp) PERCOMP1(exp2) PERCOMP1(expm1) PERCOMP1(log) point log(point a, float b) { return log(a) / log(b); } vector log(vector a, float b) { return log(a) / log(b); } color log(color a, float b) { return log(a) / log(b); } float log(float a, float b) { return log(a) / log(b); } PERCOMP1(log2) PERCOMP1(log10) PERCOMP1(logb) PERCOMP1(sqrt) PERCOMP1(inversesqrt) float hypot(float a, float b) { return sqrt(a * a + b * b); } float hypot(float a, float b, float c) { return sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c); } PERCOMP1(abs) int abs(int x) BUILTIN; PERCOMP1(fabs) int fabs(int x) BUILTIN; PERCOMP1(sign) PERCOMP1(floor) PERCOMP1(ceil) PERCOMP1(round) PERCOMP1(trunc) PERCOMP2(fmod) PERCOMP2F(fmod) int mod(int a, int b) { return a - b * (int)floor(a / b); } point mod(point a, point b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } vector mod(vector a, vector b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } normal mod(normal a, normal b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } color mod(color a, color b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } point mod(point a, float b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } vector mod(vector a, float b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } normal mod(normal a, float b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } color mod(color a, float b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } float mod(float a, float b) { return a - b * floor(a / b); } PERCOMP2(min) int min(int a, int b) BUILTIN; PERCOMP2(max) int max(int a, int b) BUILTIN; normal clamp(normal x, normal minval, normal maxval) { return max(min(x, maxval), minval); } vector clamp(vector x, vector minval, vector maxval) { return max(min(x, maxval), minval); } point clamp(point x, point minval, point maxval) { return max(min(x, maxval), minval); } color clamp(color x, color minval, color maxval) { return max(min(x, maxval), minval); } float clamp(float x, float minval, float maxval) { return max(min(x, maxval), minval); } int clamp(int x, int minval, int maxval) { return max(min(x, maxval), minval); } #if 0 normal mix(normal x, normal y, normal a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } normal mix(normal x, normal y, float a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } vector mix(vector x, vector y, vector a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } vector mix(vector x, vector y, float a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } point mix(point x, point y, point a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } point mix(point x, point y, float a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } color mix(color x, color y, color a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } color mix(color x, color y, float a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } float mix(float x, float y, float a) { return x * (1 - a) + y * a; } #else normal mix(normal x, normal y, normal a) BUILTIN; normal mix(normal x, normal y, float a) BUILTIN; vector mix(vector x, vector y, vector a) BUILTIN; vector mix(vector x, vector y, float a) BUILTIN; point mix(point x, point y, point a) BUILTIN; point mix(point x, point y, float a) BUILTIN; color mix(color x, color y, color a) BUILTIN; color mix(color x, color y, float a) BUILTIN; float mix(float x, float y, float a) BUILTIN; #endif int isnan(float x) BUILTIN; int isinf(float x) BUILTIN; int isfinite(float x) BUILTIN; float erf(float x) BUILTIN; float erfc(float x) BUILTIN; // Vector functions vector cross(vector a, vector b) BUILTIN; float dot(vector a, vector b) BUILTIN; float length(vector v) BUILTIN; float distance(point a, point b) BUILTIN; float distance(point a, point b, point q) { vector d = b - a; float dd = dot(d, d); if (dd == 0.0) return distance(q, a); float t = dot(q - a, d) / dd; return distance(q, a + clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0) * d); } normal normalize(normal v) BUILTIN; vector normalize(vector v) BUILTIN; vector faceforward(vector N, vector I, vector Nref) BUILTIN; vector faceforward(vector N, vector I) BUILTIN; vector reflect(vector I, vector N) { return I - 2 * dot(N, I) * N; } vector refract(vector I, vector N, float eta) { float IdotN = dot(I, N); float k = 1 - eta * eta * (1 - IdotN * IdotN); return (k < 0) ? vector(0, 0, 0) : (eta * I - N * (eta * IdotN + sqrt(k))); } void fresnel(vector I, normal N, float eta, output float Kr, output float Kt, output vector R, output vector T) { float sqr(float x) { return x * x; } float c = dot(I, N); if (c < 0) c = -c; R = reflect(I, N); float g = 1.0 / sqr(eta) - 1.0 + c * c; if (g >= 0.0) { g = sqrt(g); float beta = g - c; float F = (c * (g + c) - 1.0) / (c * beta + 1.0); F = 0.5 * (1.0 + sqr(F)); F *= sqr(beta / (g + c)); Kr = F; Kt = (1.0 - Kr) * eta * eta; // OPT: the following recomputes some of the above values, but it // gives us the same result as if the shader-writer called refract() T = refract(I, N, eta); } else { // total internal reflection Kr = 1.0; Kt = 0.0; T = vector(0, 0, 0); } } void fresnel(vector I, normal N, float eta, output float Kr, output float Kt) { vector R, T; fresnel(I, N, eta, Kr, Kt, R, T); } normal transform(matrix Mto, normal p) BUILTIN; vector transform(matrix Mto, vector p) BUILTIN; point transform(matrix Mto, point p) BUILTIN; normal transform(string from, string to, normal p) BUILTIN; vector transform(string from, string to, vector p) BUILTIN; point transform(string from, string to, point p) BUILTIN; normal transform(string to, normal p) { return transform("common", to, p); } vector transform(string to, vector p) { return transform("common", to, p); } point transform(string to, point p) { return transform("common", to, p); } float transformu(string tounits, float x) BUILTIN; float transformu(string fromunits, string tounits, float x) BUILTIN; point rotate(point p, float angle, point a, point b) { vector axis = normalize(b - a); float cosang, sinang; /* Older OSX has major issues with sincos() function, * it's likely a big in OSL or LLVM. For until we've * updated to new versions of this libraries we'll * use a workaround to prevent possible crashes on all * the platforms. * * Shouldn't be that bad because it's mainly used for * anisotropic shader where angle is usually constant. */ #if 0 sincos(angle, sinang, cosang); #else sinang = sin(angle); cosang = cos(angle); #endif float cosang1 = 1.0 - cosang; float x = axis[0], y = axis[1], z = axis[2]; matrix M = matrix(x * x + (1.0 - x * x) * cosang, x * y * cosang1 + z * sinang, x * z * cosang1 - y * sinang, 0.0, x * y * cosang1 - z * sinang, y * y + (1.0 - y * y) * cosang, y * z * cosang1 + x * sinang, 0.0, x * z * cosang1 + y * sinang, y * z * cosang1 - x * sinang, z * z + (1.0 - z * z) * cosang, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); return transform(M, p - a) + a; } normal ensure_valid_reflection(normal Ng, vector I, normal N) { /* The implementation here mirrors the one in kernel_montecarlo.h, * check there for an explanation of the algorithm. */ float sqr(float x) { return x * x; } vector R = 2 * dot(N, I) * N - I; float threshold = min(0.9 * dot(Ng, I), 0.01); if (dot(Ng, R) >= threshold) { return N; } float NdotNg = dot(N, Ng); vector X = normalize(N - NdotNg * Ng); float Ix = dot(I, X), Iz = dot(I, Ng); float Ix2 = sqr(Ix), Iz2 = sqr(Iz); float a = Ix2 + Iz2; float b = sqrt(Ix2 * (a - sqr(threshold))); float c = Iz * threshold + a; float fac = 0.5 / a; float N1_z2 = fac * (b + c), N2_z2 = fac * (-b + c); int valid1 = (N1_z2 > 1e-5) && (N1_z2 <= (1.0 + 1e-5)); int valid2 = (N2_z2 > 1e-5) && (N2_z2 <= (1.0 + 1e-5)); float N_new_x, N_new_z; if (valid1 && valid2) { float N1_x = sqrt(1.0 - N1_z2), N1_z = sqrt(N1_z2); float N2_x = sqrt(1.0 - N2_z2), N2_z = sqrt(N2_z2); float R1 = 2 * (N1_x * Ix + N1_z * Iz) * N1_z - Iz; float R2 = 2 * (N2_x * Ix + N2_z * Iz) * N2_z - Iz; valid1 = (R1 >= 1e-5); valid2 = (R2 >= 1e-5); if (valid1 && valid2) { N_new_x = (R1 < R2) ? N1_x : N2_x; N_new_z = (R1 < R2) ? N1_z : N2_z; } else { N_new_x = (R1 > R2) ? N1_x : N2_x; N_new_z = (R1 > R2) ? N1_z : N2_z; } } else if (valid1 || valid2) { float Nz2 = valid1 ? N1_z2 : N2_z2; N_new_x = sqrt(1.0 - Nz2); N_new_z = sqrt(Nz2); } else { return Ng; } return N_new_x * X + N_new_z * Ng; } // Color functions float luminance(color c) BUILTIN; color blackbody(float temperatureK) BUILTIN; color wavelength_color(float wavelength_nm) BUILTIN; color transformc(string to, color x) { color rgb_to_hsv(color rgb) { // See Foley & van Dam float r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2]; float mincomp = min(r, min(g, b)); float maxcomp = max(r, max(g, b)); float delta = maxcomp - mincomp; // chroma float h, s, v; v = maxcomp; if (maxcomp > 0) s = delta / maxcomp; else s = 0; if (s <= 0) h = 0; else { if (r >= maxcomp) h = (g - b) / delta; else if (g >= maxcomp) h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; else h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; h /= 6; if (h < 0) h += 1; } return color(h, s, v); } color rgb_to_hsl(color rgb) { // See Foley & van Dam // First convert rgb to hsv, then to hsl float minval = min(rgb[0], min(rgb[1], rgb[2])); color hsv = rgb_to_hsv(rgb); float maxval = hsv[2]; // v == maxval float h = hsv[0], s, l = (minval + maxval) / 2; if (minval == maxval) s = 0; // special 'achromatic' case, hue is 0 else if (l <= 0.5) s = (maxval - minval) / (maxval + minval); else s = (maxval - minval) / (2 - maxval - minval); return color(h, s, l); } color r; if (to == "rgb" || to == "RGB") r = x; else if (to == "hsv") r = rgb_to_hsv(x); else if (to == "hsl") r = rgb_to_hsl(x); else if (to == "YIQ") r = color(dot(vector(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), (vector)x), dot(vector(0.596, -0.275, -0.321), (vector)x), dot(vector(0.212, -0.523, 0.311), (vector)x)); else if (to == "XYZ") r = color(dot(vector(0.412453, 0.357580, 0.180423), (vector)x), dot(vector(0.212671, 0.715160, 0.072169), (vector)x), dot(vector(0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227), (vector)x)); else { error("Unknown color space \"%s\"", to); r = x; } return r; } color transformc(string from, string to, color x) { color hsv_to_rgb(color c) { // Reference: Foley & van Dam float h = c[0], s = c[1], v = c[2]; color r; if (s < 0.0001) { r = v; } else { h = 6 * (h - floor(h)); // expand to [0..6) int hi = (int)h; float f = h - hi; float p = v * (1 - s); float q = v * (1 - s * f); float t = v * (1 - s * (1 - f)); if (hi == 0) r = color(v, t, p); else if (hi == 1) r = color(q, v, p); else if (hi == 2) r = color(p, v, t); else if (hi == 3) r = color(p, q, v); else if (hi == 4) r = color(t, p, v); else r = color(v, p, q); } return r; } color hsl_to_rgb(color c) { float h = c[0], s = c[1], l = c[2]; // Easiest to convert hsl -> hsv, then hsv -> RGB (per Foley & van Dam) float v = (l <= 0.5) ? (l * (1 + s)) : (l * (1 - s) + s); color r; if (v <= 0) { r = 0; } else { float min = 2 * l - v; s = (v - min) / v; r = hsv_to_rgb(color(h, s, v)); } return r; } color r; if (from == "rgb" || from == "RGB") r = x; else if (from == "hsv") r = hsv_to_rgb(x); else if (from == "hsl") r = hsl_to_rgb(x); else if (from == "YIQ") r = color(dot(vector(1, 0.9557, 0.6199), (vector)x), dot(vector(1, -0.2716, -0.6469), (vector)x), dot(vector(1, -1.1082, 1.7051), (vector)x)); else if (from == "XYZ") r = color(dot(vector(3.240479, -1.537150, -0.498535), (vector)x), dot(vector(-0.969256, 1.875991, 0.041556), (vector)x), dot(vector(0.055648, -0.204043, 1.057311), (vector)x)); else { error("Unknown color space \"%s\"", to); r = x; } return transformc(to, r); } // Matrix functions float determinant(matrix m) BUILTIN; matrix transpose(matrix m) BUILTIN; // Pattern generation color step(color edge, color x) BUILTIN; point step(point edge, point x) BUILTIN; vector step(vector edge, vector x) BUILTIN; normal step(normal edge, normal x) BUILTIN; float step(float edge, float x) BUILTIN; float smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x) BUILTIN; float linearstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x) { float result; if (edge0 != edge1) { float xclamped = clamp(x, edge0, edge1); result = (xclamped - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0); } else { // special case: edges coincide result = step(edge0, x); } return result; } float smooth_linearstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x_, float eps_) { float result; if (edge0 != edge1) { float rampup(float x, float r) { return 0.5 / r * x * x; } float width_inv = 1.0 / (edge1 - edge0); float eps = eps_ * width_inv; float x = (x_ - edge0) * width_inv; if (x <= -eps) result = 0; else if (x >= eps && x <= 1.0 - eps) result = x; else if (x >= 1.0 + eps) result = 1; else if (x < eps) result = rampup(x + eps, 2.0 * eps); else /* if (x < 1.0+eps) */ result = 1.0 - rampup(1.0 + eps - x, 2.0 * eps); } else { result = step(edge0, x_); } return result; } float aastep(float edge, float s, float dedge, float ds) { // Box filtered AA step float width = fabs(dedge) + fabs(ds); float halfwidth = 0.5 * width; float e1 = edge - halfwidth; return (s <= e1) ? 0.0 : ((s >= (edge + halfwidth)) ? 1.0 : (s - e1) / width); } float aastep(float edge, float s, float ds) { return aastep(edge, s, filterwidth(edge), ds); } float aastep(float edge, float s) { return aastep(edge, s, filterwidth(edge), filterwidth(s)); } // Derivatives and area operators // Displacement functions // String functions int strlen(string s) BUILTIN; int hash(string s) BUILTIN; int getchar(string s, int index) BUILTIN; int startswith(string s, string prefix) BUILTIN; int endswith(string s, string suffix) BUILTIN; string substr(string s, int start, int len) BUILTIN; string substr(string s, int start) { return substr(s, start, strlen(s)); } float stof(string str) BUILTIN; int stoi(string str) BUILTIN; // Define concat in terms of shorter concat string concat(string a, string b, string c) { return concat(concat(a, b), c); } string concat(string a, string b, string c, string d) { return concat(concat(a, b, c), d); } string concat(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e) { return concat(concat(a, b, c, d), e); } string concat(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e, string f) { return concat(concat(a, b, c, d, e), f); } // Texture // Closures closure color diffuse(normal N) BUILTIN; closure color oren_nayar(normal N, float sigma) BUILTIN; closure color diffuse_ramp(normal N, color colors[8]) BUILTIN; closure color phong_ramp(normal N, float exponent, color colors[8]) BUILTIN; closure color diffuse_toon(normal N, float size, float smooth) BUILTIN; closure color glossy_toon(normal N, float size, float smooth) BUILTIN; closure color translucent(normal N) BUILTIN; closure color reflection(normal N) BUILTIN; closure color refraction(normal N, float eta) BUILTIN; closure color transparent() BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_ggx(normal N, float ag) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_ggx_aniso(normal N, vector T, float ax, float ay) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_ggx_refraction(normal N, float ag, float eta) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_multi_ggx(normal N, float ag, color C) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_multi_ggx_aniso(normal N, vector T, float ax, float ay, color C) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_multi_ggx_glass(normal N, float ag, float eta, color C) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_ggx_fresnel(normal N, float ag, float eta, color C, color Cspec0) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_ggx_aniso_fresnel( normal N, vector T, float ax, float ay, float eta, color C, color Cspec0) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_multi_ggx_fresnel(normal N, float ag, float eta, color C, color Cspec0) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_multi_ggx_aniso_fresnel( normal N, vector T, float ax, float ay, float eta, color C, color Cspec0) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_fresnel(normal N, float ag, float eta, color C, color Cspec0) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_beckmann(normal N, float ab) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_beckmann_aniso(normal N, vector T, float ax, float ay) BUILTIN; closure color microfacet_beckmann_refraction(normal N, float ab, float eta) BUILTIN; closure color ashikhmin_shirley(normal N, vector T, float ax, float ay) BUILTIN; closure color ashikhmin_velvet(normal N, float sigma) BUILTIN; closure color emission() BUILTIN; closure color background() BUILTIN; closure color holdout() BUILTIN; closure color ambient_occlusion() BUILTIN; closure color principled_diffuse(normal N, float roughness) BUILTIN; closure color principled_sheen(normal N) BUILTIN; closure color principled_clearcoat(normal N, float clearcoat, float clearcoat_roughness) BUILTIN; // BSSRDF closure color bssrdf(string method, normal N, vector radius, color albedo) BUILTIN; // Hair closure color hair_reflection(normal N, float roughnessu, float roughnessv, vector T, float offset) BUILTIN; closure color hair_transmission(normal N, float roughnessu, float roughnessv, vector T, float offset) BUILTIN; closure color principled_hair(normal N, color sigma, float roughnessu, float roughnessv, float coat, float alpha, float eta) BUILTIN; // Volume closure color henyey_greenstein(float g) BUILTIN; closure color absorption() BUILTIN; // OSL 1.5 Microfacet functions closure color microfacet( string distribution, normal N, vector U, float xalpha, float yalpha, float eta, int refract) { /* GGX */ if (distribution == "ggx" || distribution == "default") { if (!refract) { if (xalpha == yalpha) { /* Isotropic */ return microfacet_ggx(N, xalpha); } else { /* Anisotropic */ return microfacet_ggx_aniso(N, U, xalpha, yalpha); } } else { return microfacet_ggx_refraction(N, xalpha, eta); } } /* Beckmann */ else { if (!refract) { if (xalpha == yalpha) { /* Isotropic */ return microfacet_beckmann(N, xalpha); } else { /* Anisotropic */ return microfacet_beckmann_aniso(N, U, xalpha, yalpha); } } else { return microfacet_beckmann_refraction(N, xalpha, eta); } } } closure color microfacet(string distribution, normal N, float alpha, float eta, int refract) { return microfacet(distribution, N, vector(0), alpha, alpha, eta, refract); } // Renderer state int backfacing() BUILTIN; int raytype(string typename) BUILTIN; // the individual 'isFOOray' functions are deprecated int iscameraray() { return raytype("camera"); } int isdiffuseray() { return raytype("diffuse"); } int isglossyray() { return raytype("glossy"); } int isshadowray() { return raytype("shadow"); } int getmatrix(string fromspace, string tospace, output matrix M) BUILTIN; int getmatrix(string fromspace, output matrix M) { return getmatrix(fromspace, "common", M); } // Miscellaneous #undef BUILTIN #undef BUILTIN_DERIV #undef PERCOMP1 #undef PERCOMP2 #undef PERCOMP2F #endif /* CCL_STDOSL_H */