/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Closure Nodes */ ccl_device void svm_node_glass_setup(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf, int type, float eta, float roughness, bool refract) { if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_SHARP_GLASS_ID) { if (refract) { bsdf->alpha_y = 0.0f; bsdf->alpha_x = 0.0f; bsdf->ior = eta; sd->flag |= bsdf_refraction_setup(bsdf); } else { bsdf->alpha_y = 0.0f; bsdf->alpha_x = 0.0f; bsdf->ior = 0.0f; sd->flag |= bsdf_reflection_setup(bsdf); } } else if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_GLASS_ID) { bsdf->alpha_x = roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = roughness; bsdf->ior = eta; if (refract) sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_refraction_setup(bsdf); else sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_setup(bsdf); } else { bsdf->alpha_x = roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = roughness; bsdf->ior = eta; if (refract) sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_refraction_setup(bsdf); else sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_setup(bsdf); } } ccl_device_inline int svm_node_closure_bsdf_skip(KernelGlobals kg, int offset, uint type) { if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_PRINCIPLED_ID) { /* Read all principled BSDF extra data to get the right offset. */ read_node(kg, &offset); read_node(kg, &offset); read_node(kg, &offset); read_node(kg, &offset); } return offset; } template ccl_device_noinline int svm_node_closure_bsdf(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node, uint32_t path_flag, int offset) { uint type, param1_offset, param2_offset; uint mix_weight_offset; svm_unpack_node_uchar4(node.y, &type, ¶m1_offset, ¶m2_offset, &mix_weight_offset); float mix_weight = (stack_valid(mix_weight_offset) ? stack_load_float(stack, mix_weight_offset) : 1.0f); /* note we read this extra node before weight check, so offset is added */ uint4 data_node = read_node(kg, &offset); /* Only compute BSDF for surfaces, transparent variable is shared with volume extinction. */ IF_KERNEL_NODES_FEATURE(BSDF) { if ((shader_type != SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE) || mix_weight == 0.0f) { return svm_node_closure_bsdf_skip(kg, offset, type); } } else { return svm_node_closure_bsdf_skip(kg, offset, type); } float3 N = stack_valid(data_node.x) ? stack_load_float3(stack, data_node.x) : sd->N; if (!(sd->type & PRIMITIVE_ALL_CURVE)) { N = ensure_valid_reflection(sd->Ng, sd->I, N); } float param1 = (stack_valid(param1_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, param1_offset) : __uint_as_float(node.z); float param2 = (stack_valid(param2_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, param2_offset) : __uint_as_float(node.w); switch (type) { #ifdef __PRINCIPLED__ case CLOSURE_BSDF_PRINCIPLED_ID: { uint specular_offset, roughness_offset, specular_tint_offset, anisotropic_offset, sheen_offset, sheen_tint_offset, clearcoat_offset, clearcoat_roughness_offset, eta_offset, transmission_offset, anisotropic_rotation_offset, transmission_roughness_offset; uint4 data_node2 = read_node(kg, &offset); float3 T = stack_load_float3(stack, data_node.y); svm_unpack_node_uchar4(data_node.z, &specular_offset, &roughness_offset, &specular_tint_offset, &anisotropic_offset); svm_unpack_node_uchar4(data_node.w, &sheen_offset, &sheen_tint_offset, &clearcoat_offset, &clearcoat_roughness_offset); svm_unpack_node_uchar4(data_node2.x, &eta_offset, &transmission_offset, &anisotropic_rotation_offset, &transmission_roughness_offset); // get Disney principled parameters float metallic = param1; float subsurface = param2; float specular = stack_load_float(stack, specular_offset); float roughness = stack_load_float(stack, roughness_offset); float specular_tint = stack_load_float(stack, specular_tint_offset); float anisotropic = stack_load_float(stack, anisotropic_offset); float sheen = stack_load_float(stack, sheen_offset); float sheen_tint = stack_load_float(stack, sheen_tint_offset); float clearcoat = stack_load_float(stack, clearcoat_offset); float clearcoat_roughness = stack_load_float(stack, clearcoat_roughness_offset); float transmission = stack_load_float(stack, transmission_offset); float anisotropic_rotation = stack_load_float(stack, anisotropic_rotation_offset); float transmission_roughness = stack_load_float(stack, transmission_roughness_offset); float eta = fmaxf(stack_load_float(stack, eta_offset), 1e-5f); ClosureType distribution = (ClosureType)data_node2.y; ClosureType subsurface_method = (ClosureType)data_node2.z; /* rotate tangent */ if (anisotropic_rotation != 0.0f) T = rotate_around_axis(T, N, anisotropic_rotation * M_2PI_F); /* calculate ior */ float ior = (sd->flag & SD_BACKFACING) ? 1.0f / eta : eta; // calculate fresnel for refraction float cosNO = dot(N, sd->I); float fresnel = fresnel_dielectric_cos(cosNO, ior); // calculate weights of the diffuse and specular part float diffuse_weight = (1.0f - saturatef(metallic)) * (1.0f - saturatef(transmission)); float final_transmission = saturatef(transmission) * (1.0f - saturatef(metallic)); float specular_weight = (1.0f - final_transmission); // get the base color uint4 data_base_color = read_node(kg, &offset); float3 base_color = stack_valid(data_base_color.x) ? stack_load_float3(stack, data_base_color.x) : make_float3(__uint_as_float(data_base_color.y), __uint_as_float(data_base_color.z), __uint_as_float(data_base_color.w)); // get the additional clearcoat normal and subsurface scattering radius uint4 data_cn_ssr = read_node(kg, &offset); float3 clearcoat_normal = stack_valid(data_cn_ssr.x) ? stack_load_float3(stack, data_cn_ssr.x) : sd->N; if (!(sd->type & PRIMITIVE_ALL_CURVE)) { clearcoat_normal = ensure_valid_reflection(sd->Ng, sd->I, clearcoat_normal); } float3 subsurface_radius = stack_valid(data_cn_ssr.y) ? stack_load_float3(stack, data_cn_ssr.y) : make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); float subsurface_ior = stack_valid(data_cn_ssr.z) ? stack_load_float(stack, data_cn_ssr.z) : 1.4f; float subsurface_anisotropy = stack_valid(data_cn_ssr.w) ? stack_load_float(stack, data_cn_ssr.w) : 0.0f; // get the subsurface color uint4 data_subsurface_color = read_node(kg, &offset); float3 subsurface_color = stack_valid(data_subsurface_color.x) ? stack_load_float3(stack, data_subsurface_color.x) : make_float3(__uint_as_float(data_subsurface_color.y), __uint_as_float(data_subsurface_color.z), __uint_as_float(data_subsurface_color.w)); float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; # ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ float3 mixed_ss_base_color = subsurface_color * subsurface + base_color * (1.0f - subsurface); float3 subsurf_weight = weight * mixed_ss_base_color * diffuse_weight; /* disable in case of diffuse ancestor, can't see it well then and * adds considerably noise due to probabilities of continuing path * getting lower and lower */ if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE_ANCESTOR) { subsurface = 0.0f; /* need to set the base color in this case such that the * rays get the correctly mixed color after transmitting * the object */ base_color = mixed_ss_base_color; } /* diffuse */ if (fabsf(average(mixed_ss_base_color)) > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { if (subsurface <= CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF && diffuse_weight > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { float3 diff_weight = weight * base_color * diffuse_weight; ccl_private PrincipledDiffuseBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private PrincipledDiffuseBsdf *) bsdf_alloc(sd, sizeof(PrincipledDiffuseBsdf), diff_weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->roughness = roughness; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_principled_diffuse_setup(bsdf, PRINCIPLED_DIFFUSE_FULL); } } else if (subsurface > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { ccl_private Bssrdf *bssrdf = bssrdf_alloc(sd, subsurf_weight); if (bssrdf) { bssrdf->radius = subsurface_radius * subsurface; bssrdf->albedo = mixed_ss_base_color; bssrdf->N = N; bssrdf->roughness = roughness; /* Clamps protecting against bad/extreme and non physical values. */ subsurface_ior = clamp(subsurface_ior, 1.01f, 3.8f); bssrdf->anisotropy = clamp(subsurface_anisotropy, 0.0f, 0.9f); /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bssrdf_setup(sd, bssrdf, subsurface_method, subsurface_ior); } } } # else /* diffuse */ if (diffuse_weight > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { float3 diff_weight = weight * base_color * diffuse_weight; ccl_private PrincipledDiffuseBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private PrincipledDiffuseBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(PrincipledDiffuseBsdf), diff_weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->roughness = roughness; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_principled_diffuse_setup(bsdf, PRINCIPLED_DIFFUSE_FULL); } } # endif /* sheen */ if (diffuse_weight > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF && sheen > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { float m_cdlum = linear_rgb_to_gray(kg, base_color); float3 m_ctint = m_cdlum > 0.0f ? base_color / m_cdlum : make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // normalize lum. to isolate hue+sat /* color of the sheen component */ float3 sheen_color = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * (1.0f - sheen_tint) + m_ctint * sheen_tint; float3 sheen_weight = weight * sheen * sheen_color * diffuse_weight; ccl_private PrincipledSheenBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private PrincipledSheenBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(PrincipledSheenBsdf), sheen_weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_principled_sheen_setup(sd, bsdf); } } /* specular reflection */ # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective || (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) == 0) { # endif if (specular_weight > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF && (specular > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF || metallic > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF)) { float3 spec_weight = weight * specular_weight; ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), spec_weight); ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *extra = (bsdf != NULL) ? (ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *)closure_alloc_extra(sd, sizeof(MicrofacetExtra)) : NULL; if (bsdf && extra) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->ior = (2.0f / (1.0f - safe_sqrtf(0.08f * specular))) - 1.0f; bsdf->T = T; bsdf->extra = extra; float aspect = safe_sqrtf(1.0f - anisotropic * 0.9f); float r2 = roughness * roughness; bsdf->alpha_x = r2 / aspect; bsdf->alpha_y = r2 * aspect; float m_cdlum = 0.3f * base_color.x + 0.6f * base_color.y + 0.1f * base_color.z; // luminance approx. float3 m_ctint = m_cdlum > 0.0f ? base_color / m_cdlum : make_float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // normalize lum. to isolate hue+sat float3 tmp_col = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * (1.0f - specular_tint) + m_ctint * specular_tint; bsdf->extra->cspec0 = (specular * 0.08f * tmp_col) * (1.0f - metallic) + base_color * metallic; bsdf->extra->color = base_color; bsdf->extra->clearcoat = 0.0f; /* setup bsdf */ if (distribution == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_GLASS_ID || roughness <= 0.075f) /* use single-scatter GGX */ sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_fresnel_setup(bsdf, sd); else /* use multi-scatter GGX */ sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_fresnel_setup(bsdf, sd); } } # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ } # endif /* BSDF */ # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective || kernel_data.integrator.caustics_refractive || (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) == 0) { # endif if (final_transmission > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { float3 glass_weight = weight * final_transmission; float3 cspec0 = base_color * specular_tint + make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * (1.0f - specular_tint); if (roughness <= 5e-2f || distribution == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_GLASS_ID) { /* use single-scatter GGX */ float refl_roughness = roughness; /* reflection */ # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective || (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) == 0) # endif { ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), glass_weight * fresnel); ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *extra = (bsdf != NULL) ? (ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *)closure_alloc_extra( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetExtra)) : NULL; if (bsdf && extra) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra = extra; bsdf->alpha_x = refl_roughness * refl_roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = refl_roughness * refl_roughness; bsdf->ior = ior; bsdf->extra->color = base_color; bsdf->extra->cspec0 = cspec0; bsdf->extra->clearcoat = 0.0f; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_fresnel_setup(bsdf, sd); } } /* refraction */ # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (kernel_data.integrator.caustics_refractive || (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) == 0) # endif { ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), base_color * glass_weight * (1.0f - fresnel)); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra = NULL; if (distribution == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_GLASS_ID) transmission_roughness = 1.0f - (1.0f - refl_roughness) * (1.0f - transmission_roughness); else transmission_roughness = refl_roughness; bsdf->alpha_x = transmission_roughness * transmission_roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = transmission_roughness * transmission_roughness; bsdf->ior = ior; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_refraction_setup(bsdf); } } } else { /* use multi-scatter GGX */ ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), glass_weight); ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *extra = (bsdf != NULL) ? (ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *)closure_alloc_extra( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetExtra)) : NULL; if (bsdf && extra) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->extra = extra; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->alpha_x = roughness * roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = roughness * roughness; bsdf->ior = ior; bsdf->extra->color = base_color; bsdf->extra->cspec0 = cspec0; bsdf->extra->clearcoat = 0.0f; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_fresnel_setup(bsdf, sd); } } } # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ } # endif /* clearcoat */ # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective || (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) == 0) { # endif if (clearcoat > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), weight); ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *extra = (bsdf != NULL) ? (ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *)closure_alloc_extra(sd, sizeof(MicrofacetExtra)) : NULL; if (bsdf && extra) { bsdf->N = clearcoat_normal; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->ior = 1.5f; bsdf->extra = extra; bsdf->alpha_x = clearcoat_roughness * clearcoat_roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = clearcoat_roughness * clearcoat_roughness; bsdf->extra->color = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra->cspec0 = make_float3(0.04f, 0.04f, 0.04f); bsdf->extra->clearcoat = clearcoat; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_clearcoat_setup(bsdf, sd); } } # ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ } # endif break; } #endif /* __PRINCIPLED__ */ case CLOSURE_BSDF_DIFFUSE_ID: { float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private OrenNayarBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private OrenNayarBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(OrenNayarBsdf), weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; float roughness = param1; if (roughness == 0.0f) { sd->flag |= bsdf_diffuse_setup((ccl_private DiffuseBsdf *)bsdf); } else { bsdf->roughness = roughness; sd->flag |= bsdf_oren_nayar_setup(bsdf); } } break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_TRANSLUCENT_ID: { float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private DiffuseBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private DiffuseBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(DiffuseBsdf), weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; sd->flag |= bsdf_translucent_setup(bsdf); } break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_TRANSPARENT_ID: { float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; bsdf_transparent_setup(sd, weight, path_flag); break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_REFLECTION_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_ASHIKHMIN_SHIRLEY_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_ID: { #ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (!kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) break; #endif float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), weight); if (!bsdf) { break; } float roughness = sqr(param1); bsdf->N = N; bsdf->ior = 0.0f; bsdf->extra = NULL; if (data_node.y == SVM_STACK_INVALID) { bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->alpha_x = roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = roughness; } else { bsdf->T = stack_load_float3(stack, data_node.y); /* rotate tangent */ float rotation = stack_load_float(stack, data_node.z); if (rotation != 0.0f) bsdf->T = rotate_around_axis(bsdf->T, bsdf->N, rotation * M_2PI_F); /* compute roughness */ float anisotropy = clamp(param2, -0.99f, 0.99f); if (anisotropy < 0.0f) { bsdf->alpha_x = roughness / (1.0f + anisotropy); bsdf->alpha_y = roughness * (1.0f + anisotropy); } else { bsdf->alpha_x = roughness * (1.0f - anisotropy); bsdf->alpha_y = roughness / (1.0f - anisotropy); } } /* setup bsdf */ if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_REFLECTION_ID) sd->flag |= bsdf_reflection_setup(bsdf); else if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_ID) sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_setup(bsdf); else if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_ID) sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_setup(bsdf); else if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_ID) { kernel_assert(stack_valid(data_node.w)); bsdf->extra = (ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *)closure_alloc_extra(sd, sizeof(MicrofacetExtra)); if (bsdf->extra) { bsdf->extra->color = stack_load_float3(stack, data_node.w); bsdf->extra->cspec0 = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra->clearcoat = 0.0f; sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_setup(bsdf); } } else { sd->flag |= bsdf_ashikhmin_shirley_setup(bsdf); } break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_REFRACTION_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID: { #ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (!kernel_data.integrator.caustics_refractive && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) break; #endif float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra = NULL; float eta = fmaxf(param2, 1e-5f); eta = (sd->flag & SD_BACKFACING) ? 1.0f / eta : eta; /* setup bsdf */ if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_REFRACTION_ID) { bsdf->alpha_x = 0.0f; bsdf->alpha_y = 0.0f; bsdf->ior = eta; sd->flag |= bsdf_refraction_setup(bsdf); } else { float roughness = sqr(param1); bsdf->alpha_x = roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = roughness; bsdf->ior = eta; if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_REFRACTION_ID) sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_beckmann_refraction_setup(bsdf); else sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_ggx_refraction_setup(bsdf); } } break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_SHARP_GLASS_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_GLASS_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_BECKMANN_GLASS_ID: { #ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (!kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective && !kernel_data.integrator.caustics_refractive && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) { break; } #endif float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; /* index of refraction */ float eta = fmaxf(param2, 1e-5f); eta = (sd->flag & SD_BACKFACING) ? 1.0f / eta : eta; /* fresnel */ float cosNO = dot(N, sd->I); float fresnel = fresnel_dielectric_cos(cosNO, eta); float roughness = sqr(param1); /* reflection */ #ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective || (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) == 0) #endif { ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), weight * fresnel); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra = NULL; svm_node_glass_setup(sd, bsdf, type, eta, roughness, false); } } /* refraction */ #ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (kernel_data.integrator.caustics_refractive || (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) == 0) #endif { ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), weight * (1.0f - fresnel)); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra = NULL; svm_node_glass_setup(sd, bsdf, type, eta, roughness, true); } } break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_MULTI_GGX_GLASS_ID: { #ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (!kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective && !kernel_data.integrator.caustics_refractive && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) break; #endif float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetBsdf), weight); if (!bsdf) { break; } ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *extra = (ccl_private MicrofacetExtra *)closure_alloc_extra( sd, sizeof(MicrofacetExtra)); if (!extra) { break; } bsdf->N = N; bsdf->extra = extra; bsdf->T = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float roughness = sqr(param1); bsdf->alpha_x = roughness; bsdf->alpha_y = roughness; float eta = fmaxf(param2, 1e-5f); bsdf->ior = (sd->flag & SD_BACKFACING) ? 1.0f / eta : eta; kernel_assert(stack_valid(data_node.z)); bsdf->extra->color = stack_load_float3(stack, data_node.z); bsdf->extra->cspec0 = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bsdf->extra->clearcoat = 0.0f; /* setup bsdf */ sd->flag |= bsdf_microfacet_multi_ggx_glass_setup(bsdf); break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_ASHIKHMIN_VELVET_ID: { float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private VelvetBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private VelvetBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(VelvetBsdf), weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->sigma = saturatef(param1); sd->flag |= bsdf_ashikhmin_velvet_setup(bsdf); } break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_GLOSSY_TOON_ID: #ifdef __CAUSTICS_TRICKS__ if (!kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) break; ATTR_FALLTHROUGH; #endif case CLOSURE_BSDF_DIFFUSE_TOON_ID: { float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private ToonBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private ToonBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(ToonBsdf), weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->size = param1; bsdf->smooth = param2; if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_DIFFUSE_TOON_ID) sd->flag |= bsdf_diffuse_toon_setup(bsdf); else sd->flag |= bsdf_glossy_toon_setup(bsdf); } break; } #ifdef __HAIR__ case CLOSURE_BSDF_HAIR_PRINCIPLED_ID: { uint4 data_node2 = read_node(kg, &offset); uint4 data_node3 = read_node(kg, &offset); uint4 data_node4 = read_node(kg, &offset); float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; uint offset_ofs, ior_ofs, color_ofs, parametrization; svm_unpack_node_uchar4(data_node.y, &offset_ofs, &ior_ofs, &color_ofs, ¶metrization); float alpha = stack_load_float_default(stack, offset_ofs, data_node.z); float ior = stack_load_float_default(stack, ior_ofs, data_node.w); uint coat_ofs, melanin_ofs, melanin_redness_ofs, absorption_coefficient_ofs; svm_unpack_node_uchar4(data_node2.x, &coat_ofs, &melanin_ofs, &melanin_redness_ofs, &absorption_coefficient_ofs); uint tint_ofs, random_ofs, random_color_ofs, random_roughness_ofs; svm_unpack_node_uchar4( data_node3.x, &tint_ofs, &random_ofs, &random_color_ofs, &random_roughness_ofs); const AttributeDescriptor attr_descr_random = find_attribute(kg, sd, data_node4.y); float random = 0.0f; if (attr_descr_random.offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND) { random = primitive_surface_attribute_float(kg, sd, attr_descr_random, NULL, NULL); } else { random = stack_load_float_default(stack, random_ofs, data_node3.y); } ccl_private PrincipledHairBSDF *bsdf = (ccl_private PrincipledHairBSDF *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(PrincipledHairBSDF), weight); if (bsdf) { ccl_private PrincipledHairExtra *extra = (ccl_private PrincipledHairExtra *) closure_alloc_extra(sd, sizeof(PrincipledHairExtra)); if (!extra) break; /* Random factors range: [-randomization/2, +randomization/2]. */ float random_roughness = stack_load_float_default( stack, random_roughness_ofs, data_node3.w); float factor_random_roughness = 1.0f + 2.0f * (random - 0.5f) * random_roughness; float roughness = param1 * factor_random_roughness; float radial_roughness = param2 * factor_random_roughness; /* Remap Coat value to [0, 100]% of Roughness. */ float coat = stack_load_float_default(stack, coat_ofs, data_node2.y); float m0_roughness = 1.0f - clamp(coat, 0.0f, 1.0f); bsdf->N = N; bsdf->v = roughness; bsdf->s = radial_roughness; bsdf->m0_roughness = m0_roughness; bsdf->alpha = alpha; bsdf->eta = ior; bsdf->extra = extra; switch (parametrization) { case NODE_PRINCIPLED_HAIR_DIRECT_ABSORPTION: { float3 absorption_coefficient = stack_load_float3(stack, absorption_coefficient_ofs); bsdf->sigma = absorption_coefficient; break; } case NODE_PRINCIPLED_HAIR_PIGMENT_CONCENTRATION: { float melanin = stack_load_float_default(stack, melanin_ofs, data_node2.z); float melanin_redness = stack_load_float_default( stack, melanin_redness_ofs, data_node2.w); /* Randomize melanin. */ float random_color = stack_load_float_default(stack, random_color_ofs, data_node3.z); random_color = clamp(random_color, 0.0f, 1.0f); float factor_random_color = 1.0f + 2.0f * (random - 0.5f) * random_color; melanin *= factor_random_color; /* Map melanin 0..inf from more perceptually linear 0..1. */ melanin = -logf(fmaxf(1.0f - melanin, 0.0001f)); /* Benedikt Bitterli's melanin ratio remapping. */ float eumelanin = melanin * (1.0f - melanin_redness); float pheomelanin = melanin * melanin_redness; float3 melanin_sigma = bsdf_principled_hair_sigma_from_concentration(eumelanin, pheomelanin); /* Optional tint. */ float3 tint = stack_load_float3(stack, tint_ofs); float3 tint_sigma = bsdf_principled_hair_sigma_from_reflectance(tint, radial_roughness); bsdf->sigma = melanin_sigma + tint_sigma; break; } case NODE_PRINCIPLED_HAIR_REFLECTANCE: { float3 color = stack_load_float3(stack, color_ofs); bsdf->sigma = bsdf_principled_hair_sigma_from_reflectance(color, radial_roughness); break; } default: { /* Fallback to brownish hair, same as defaults for melanin. */ kernel_assert(!"Invalid Principled Hair parametrization!"); bsdf->sigma = bsdf_principled_hair_sigma_from_concentration(0.0f, 0.8054375f); break; } } sd->flag |= bsdf_principled_hair_setup(sd, bsdf); } break; } case CLOSURE_BSDF_HAIR_REFLECTION_ID: case CLOSURE_BSDF_HAIR_TRANSMISSION_ID: { float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private HairBsdf *bsdf = (ccl_private HairBsdf *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(HairBsdf), weight); if (bsdf) { bsdf->N = N; bsdf->roughness1 = param1; bsdf->roughness2 = param2; bsdf->offset = -stack_load_float(stack, data_node.z); if (stack_valid(data_node.y)) { bsdf->T = normalize(stack_load_float3(stack, data_node.y)); } else if (!(sd->type & PRIMITIVE_ALL_CURVE)) { bsdf->T = normalize(sd->dPdv); bsdf->offset = 0.0f; } else bsdf->T = normalize(sd->dPdu); if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_HAIR_REFLECTION_ID) { sd->flag |= bsdf_hair_reflection_setup(bsdf); } else { sd->flag |= bsdf_hair_transmission_setup(bsdf); } } break; } #endif /* __HAIR__ */ #ifdef __SUBSURFACE__ case CLOSURE_BSSRDF_BURLEY_ID: case CLOSURE_BSSRDF_RANDOM_WALK_ID: case CLOSURE_BSSRDF_RANDOM_WALK_FIXED_RADIUS_ID: { float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight; ccl_private Bssrdf *bssrdf = bssrdf_alloc(sd, weight); if (bssrdf) { /* disable in case of diffuse ancestor, can't see it well then and * adds considerably noise due to probabilities of continuing path * getting lower and lower */ if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE_ANCESTOR) param1 = 0.0f; bssrdf->radius = stack_load_float3(stack, data_node.z) * param1; bssrdf->albedo = sd->svm_closure_weight; bssrdf->N = N; bssrdf->roughness = FLT_MAX; const float subsurface_ior = clamp(param2, 1.01f, 3.8f); const float subsurface_anisotropy = stack_load_float(stack, data_node.w); bssrdf->anisotropy = clamp(subsurface_anisotropy, 0.0f, 0.9f); sd->flag |= bssrdf_setup(sd, bssrdf, (ClosureType)type, subsurface_ior); } break; } #endif default: break; } return offset; } template ccl_device_noinline void svm_node_closure_volume(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node) { #ifdef __VOLUME__ /* Only sum extinction for volumes, variable is shared with surface transparency. */ if (shader_type != SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME) { return; } uint type, density_offset, anisotropy_offset; uint mix_weight_offset; svm_unpack_node_uchar4(node.y, &type, &density_offset, &anisotropy_offset, &mix_weight_offset); float mix_weight = (stack_valid(mix_weight_offset) ? stack_load_float(stack, mix_weight_offset) : 1.0f); if (mix_weight == 0.0f) { return; } float density = (stack_valid(density_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, density_offset) : __uint_as_float(node.z); density = mix_weight * fmaxf(density, 0.0f); /* Compute scattering coefficient. */ float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight; if (type == CLOSURE_VOLUME_ABSORPTION_ID) { weight = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - weight; } weight *= density; /* Add closure for volume scattering. */ if (type == CLOSURE_VOLUME_HENYEY_GREENSTEIN_ID) { ccl_private HenyeyGreensteinVolume *volume = (ccl_private HenyeyGreensteinVolume *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(HenyeyGreensteinVolume), weight); if (volume) { float anisotropy = (stack_valid(anisotropy_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, anisotropy_offset) : __uint_as_float(node.w); volume->g = anisotropy; /* g */ sd->flag |= volume_henyey_greenstein_setup(volume); } } /* Sum total extinction weight. */ volume_extinction_setup(sd, weight); #endif } template ccl_device_noinline int svm_node_principled_volume(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node, uint32_t path_flag, int offset) { #ifdef __VOLUME__ uint4 value_node = read_node(kg, &offset); uint4 attr_node = read_node(kg, &offset); /* Only sum extinction for volumes, variable is shared with surface transparency. */ if (shader_type != SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME) { return offset; } uint density_offset, anisotropy_offset, absorption_color_offset, mix_weight_offset; svm_unpack_node_uchar4( node.y, &density_offset, &anisotropy_offset, &absorption_color_offset, &mix_weight_offset); float mix_weight = (stack_valid(mix_weight_offset) ? stack_load_float(stack, mix_weight_offset) : 1.0f); if (mix_weight == 0.0f) { return offset; } /* Compute density. */ float primitive_density = 1.0f; float density = (stack_valid(density_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, density_offset) : __uint_as_float(value_node.x); density = mix_weight * fmaxf(density, 0.0f); if (density > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { /* Density and color attribute lookup if available. */ const AttributeDescriptor attr_density = find_attribute(kg, sd, attr_node.x); if (attr_density.offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND) { primitive_density = primitive_volume_attribute_float(kg, sd, attr_density); density = fmaxf(density * primitive_density, 0.0f); } } if (density > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { /* Compute scattering color. */ float3 color = sd->svm_closure_weight; const AttributeDescriptor attr_color = find_attribute(kg, sd, attr_node.y); if (attr_color.offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND) { color *= primitive_volume_attribute_float3(kg, sd, attr_color); } /* Add closure for volume scattering. */ ccl_private HenyeyGreensteinVolume *volume = (ccl_private HenyeyGreensteinVolume *)bsdf_alloc( sd, sizeof(HenyeyGreensteinVolume), color * density); if (volume) { float anisotropy = (stack_valid(anisotropy_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, anisotropy_offset) : __uint_as_float(value_node.y); volume->g = anisotropy; sd->flag |= volume_henyey_greenstein_setup(volume); } /* Add extinction weight. */ float3 zero = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float3 one = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); float3 absorption_color = max(sqrt(stack_load_float3(stack, absorption_color_offset)), zero); float3 absorption = max(one - color, zero) * max(one - absorption_color, zero); volume_extinction_setup(sd, (color + absorption) * density); } /* Compute emission. */ if (path_flag & PATH_RAY_SHADOW) { /* Don't need emission for shadows. */ return offset; } uint emission_offset, emission_color_offset, blackbody_offset, temperature_offset; svm_unpack_node_uchar4( node.z, &emission_offset, &emission_color_offset, &blackbody_offset, &temperature_offset); float emission = (stack_valid(emission_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, emission_offset) : __uint_as_float(value_node.z); float blackbody = (stack_valid(blackbody_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, blackbody_offset) : __uint_as_float(value_node.w); if (emission > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { float3 emission_color = stack_load_float3(stack, emission_color_offset); emission_setup(sd, emission * emission_color); } if (blackbody > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { float T = stack_load_float(stack, temperature_offset); /* Add flame temperature from attribute if available. */ const AttributeDescriptor attr_temperature = find_attribute(kg, sd, attr_node.z); if (attr_temperature.offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND) { float temperature = primitive_volume_attribute_float(kg, sd, attr_temperature); T *= fmaxf(temperature, 0.0f); } T = fmaxf(T, 0.0f); /* Stefan-Boltzmann law. */ float T4 = sqr(sqr(T)); float sigma = 5.670373e-8f * 1e-6f / M_PI_F; float intensity = sigma * mix(1.0f, T4, blackbody); if (intensity > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) { float3 blackbody_tint = stack_load_float3(stack, node.w); float3 bb = blackbody_tint * intensity * svm_math_blackbody_color(T); emission_setup(sd, bb); } } #endif return offset; } ccl_device_noinline void svm_node_closure_emission(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node) { uint mix_weight_offset = node.y; float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight; if (stack_valid(mix_weight_offset)) { float mix_weight = stack_load_float(stack, mix_weight_offset); if (mix_weight == 0.0f) return; weight *= mix_weight; } emission_setup(sd, weight); } ccl_device_noinline void svm_node_closure_background(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node) { uint mix_weight_offset = node.y; float3 weight = sd->svm_closure_weight; if (stack_valid(mix_weight_offset)) { float mix_weight = stack_load_float(stack, mix_weight_offset); if (mix_weight == 0.0f) return; weight *= mix_weight; } background_setup(sd, weight); } ccl_device_noinline void svm_node_closure_holdout(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node) { uint mix_weight_offset = node.y; if (stack_valid(mix_weight_offset)) { float mix_weight = stack_load_float(stack, mix_weight_offset); if (mix_weight == 0.0f) return; closure_alloc( sd, sizeof(ShaderClosure), CLOSURE_HOLDOUT_ID, sd->svm_closure_weight * mix_weight); } else closure_alloc(sd, sizeof(ShaderClosure), CLOSURE_HOLDOUT_ID, sd->svm_closure_weight); sd->flag |= SD_HOLDOUT; } /* Closure Nodes */ ccl_device_inline void svm_node_closure_store_weight(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, float3 weight) { sd->svm_closure_weight = weight; } ccl_device void svm_node_closure_set_weight(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, uint r, uint g, uint b) { float3 weight = make_float3(__uint_as_float(r), __uint_as_float(g), __uint_as_float(b)); svm_node_closure_store_weight(sd, weight); } ccl_device void svm_node_closure_weight(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint weight_offset) { float3 weight = stack_load_float3(stack, weight_offset); svm_node_closure_store_weight(sd, weight); } ccl_device_noinline void svm_node_emission_weight(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node) { uint color_offset = node.y; uint strength_offset = node.z; float strength = stack_load_float(stack, strength_offset); float3 weight = stack_load_float3(stack, color_offset) * strength; svm_node_closure_store_weight(sd, weight); } ccl_device_noinline void svm_node_mix_closure(ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint4 node) { /* fetch weight from blend input, previous mix closures, * and write to stack to be used by closure nodes later */ uint weight_offset, in_weight_offset, weight1_offset, weight2_offset; svm_unpack_node_uchar4( node.y, &weight_offset, &in_weight_offset, &weight1_offset, &weight2_offset); float weight = stack_load_float(stack, weight_offset); weight = saturatef(weight); float in_weight = (stack_valid(in_weight_offset)) ? stack_load_float(stack, in_weight_offset) : 1.0f; if (stack_valid(weight1_offset)) stack_store_float(stack, weight1_offset, in_weight * (1.0f - weight)); if (stack_valid(weight2_offset)) stack_store_float(stack, weight2_offset, in_weight * weight); } /* (Bump) normal */ ccl_device void svm_node_set_normal(KernelGlobals kg, ccl_private ShaderData *sd, ccl_private float *stack, uint in_direction, uint out_normal) { float3 normal = stack_load_float3(stack, in_direction); sd->N = normal; stack_store_float3(stack, out_normal, normal); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END