/* * Adapted from Open Shading Language with this license: * * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc., et al. * All Rights Reserved. * * Modifications Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #ifdef __KERNEL_SSE2__ ccl_device_inline ssei quick_floor_sse(const ssef &x) { ssei b = truncatei(x); ssei isneg = cast((x < ssef(0.0f)).m128); return b + isneg; // unsaturated add 0xffffffff is the same as subtract -1 } #endif #ifdef __KERNEL_SSE2__ ccl_device_inline ssei hash_sse(const ssei &kx, const ssei &ky, const ssei &kz) { # define rot(x, k) (((x) << (k)) | (srl(x, 32 - (k)))) # define xor_rot(a, b, c) \ do { \ a = a ^ b; \ a = a - rot(b, c); \ } while (0) uint len = 3; ssei magic = ssei(0xdeadbeef + (len << 2) + 13); ssei a = magic + kx; ssei b = magic + ky; ssei c = magic + kz; xor_rot(c, b, 14); xor_rot(a, c, 11); xor_rot(b, a, 25); xor_rot(c, b, 16); xor_rot(a, c, 4); xor_rot(b, a, 14); xor_rot(c, b, 24); return c; # undef rot # undef xor_rot } #endif #if 0 // unused ccl_device int imod(int a, int b) { a %= b; return a < 0 ? a + b : a; } ccl_device uint phash(int kx, int ky, int kz, int3 p) { return hash(imod(kx, p.x), imod(ky, p.y), imod(kz, p.z)); } #endif #ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__ ccl_device float floorfrac(float x, int *i) { *i = quick_floor_to_int(x); return x - *i; } #else ccl_device_inline ssef floorfrac_sse(const ssef &x, ssei *i) { *i = quick_floor_sse(x); return x - ssef(*i); } #endif #ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__ ccl_device float fade(float t) { return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6.0f - 15.0f) + 10.0f); } #else ccl_device_inline ssef fade_sse(const ssef *t) { ssef a = madd(*t, ssef(6.0f), ssef(-15.0f)); ssef b = madd(*t, a, ssef(10.0f)); return ((*t) * (*t)) * ((*t) * b); } #endif #ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__ ccl_device float nerp(float t, float a, float b) { return (1.0f - t) * a + t * b; } #else ccl_device_inline ssef nerp_sse(const ssef &t, const ssef &a, const ssef &b) { ssef x1 = (ssef(1.0f) - t) * a; return madd(t, b, x1); } #endif #ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__ ccl_device float grad(int hash, float x, float y, float z) { // use vectors pointing to the edges of the cube int h = hash & 15; float u = h < 8 ? x : y; float vt = ((h == 12) | (h == 14)) ? x : z; float v = h < 4 ? y : vt; return ((h & 1) ? -u : u) + ((h & 2) ? -v : v); } #else ccl_device_inline ssef grad_sse(const ssei &hash, const ssef &x, const ssef &y, const ssef &z) { ssei c1 = ssei(1); ssei c2 = ssei(2); ssei h = hash & ssei(15); // h = hash & 15 sseb case_ux = h < ssei(8); // 0xffffffff if h < 8 else 0 ssef u = select(case_ux, x, y); // u = h<8 ? x : y sseb case_vy = h < ssei(4); // 0xffffffff if h < 4 else 0 sseb case_h12 = h == ssei(12); // 0xffffffff if h == 12 else 0 sseb case_h14 = h == ssei(14); // 0xffffffff if h == 14 else 0 sseb case_vx = case_h12 | case_h14; // 0xffffffff if h == 12 or h == 14 else 0 ssef v = select(case_vy, y, select(case_vx, x, z)); // v = h<4 ? y : h == 12 || h == 14 ? x : z ssei case_uneg = (h & c1) << 31; // 1<<31 if h&1 else 0 ssef case_uneg_mask = cast(case_uneg); // -0.0 if h&1 else +0.0 ssef ru = u ^ case_uneg_mask; // -u if h&1 else u (copy float sign) ssei case_vneg = (h & c2) << 30; // 2<<30 if h&2 else 0 ssef case_vneg_mask = cast(case_vneg); // -0.0 if h&2 else +0.0 ssef rv = v ^ case_vneg_mask; // -v if h&2 else v (copy float sign) ssef r = ru + rv; // ((h&1) ? -u : u) + ((h&2) ? -v : v) return r; } #endif #ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__ ccl_device float scale3(float result) { return 0.9820f * result; } #else ccl_device_inline ssef scale3_sse(const ssef &result) { return ssef(0.9820f) * result; } #endif ccl_device_noinline_cpu float perlin(float x, float y, float z) { #ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__ int X; float fx = floorfrac(x, &X); int Y; float fy = floorfrac(y, &Y); int Z; float fz = floorfrac(z, &Z); float u = fade(fx); float v = fade(fy); float w = fade(fz); float result; result = nerp( w, nerp(v, nerp(u, grad(hash_uint3(X, Y, Z), fx, fy, fz), grad(hash_uint3(X + 1, Y, Z), fx - 1.0f, fy, fz)), nerp(u, grad(hash_uint3(X, Y + 1, Z), fx, fy - 1.0f, fz), grad(hash_uint3(X + 1, Y + 1, Z), fx - 1.0f, fy - 1.0f, fz))), nerp(v, nerp(u, grad(hash_uint3(X, Y, Z + 1), fx, fy, fz - 1.0f), grad(hash_uint3(X + 1, Y, Z + 1), fx - 1.0f, fy, fz - 1.0f)), nerp(u, grad(hash_uint3(X, Y + 1, Z + 1), fx, fy - 1.0f, fz - 1.0f), grad(hash_uint3(X + 1, Y + 1, Z + 1), fx - 1.0f, fy - 1.0f, fz - 1.0f)))); float r = scale3(result); /* can happen for big coordinates, things even out to 0.0 then anyway */ return (isfinite(r)) ? r : 0.0f; #else ssef xyz = ssef(x, y, z, 0.0f); ssei XYZ; ssef fxyz = floorfrac_sse(xyz, &XYZ); ssef uvw = fade_sse(&fxyz); ssef u = shuffle<0>(uvw), v = shuffle<1>(uvw), w = shuffle<2>(uvw); ssei XYZ_ofc = XYZ + ssei(1); ssei vdy = shuffle<1, 1, 1, 1>(XYZ, XYZ_ofc); // +0, +0, +1, +1 ssei vdz = shuffle<0, 2, 0, 2>(shuffle<2, 2, 2, 2>(XYZ, XYZ_ofc)); // +0, +1, +0, +1 ssei h1 = hash_sse(shuffle<0>(XYZ), vdy, vdz); // hash directions 000, 001, 010, 011 ssei h2 = hash_sse(shuffle<0>(XYZ_ofc), vdy, vdz); // hash directions 100, 101, 110, 111 ssef fxyz_ofc = fxyz - ssef(1.0f); ssef vfy = shuffle<1, 1, 1, 1>(fxyz, fxyz_ofc); ssef vfz = shuffle<0, 2, 0, 2>(shuffle<2, 2, 2, 2>(fxyz, fxyz_ofc)); ssef g1 = grad_sse(h1, shuffle<0>(fxyz), vfy, vfz); ssef g2 = grad_sse(h2, shuffle<0>(fxyz_ofc), vfy, vfz); ssef n1 = nerp_sse(u, g1, g2); ssef n1_half = shuffle<2, 3, 2, 3>(n1); // extract 2 floats to a separate vector ssef n2 = nerp_sse( v, n1, n1_half); // process nerp([a, b, _, _], [c, d, _, _]) -> [a', b', _, _] ssef n2_second = shuffle<1>(n2); // extract b to a separate vector ssef result = nerp_sse( w, n2, n2_second); // process nerp([a', _, _, _], [b', _, _, _]) -> [a'', _, _, _] ssef r = scale3_sse(result); ssef infmask = cast(ssei(0x7f800000)); ssef rinfmask = ((r & infmask) == infmask).m128; // 0xffffffff if r is inf/-inf/nan else 0 ssef rfinite = andnot(rinfmask, r); // 0 if r is inf/-inf/nan else r return extract<0>(rfinite); #endif } /* perlin noise in range 0..1 */ ccl_device float noise(float3 p) { float r = perlin(p.x, p.y, p.z); return 0.5f * r + 0.5f; } /* perlin noise in range -1..1 */ ccl_device float snoise(float3 p) { return perlin(p.x, p.y, p.z); } /* cell noise */ ccl_device float cellnoise(float3 p) { int3 ip = quick_floor_to_int3(p); return hash_uint3_to_float(ip.x, ip.y, ip.z); } ccl_device float3 cellnoise3(float3 p) { int3 ip = quick_floor_to_int3(p); #ifndef __KERNEL_SSE__ float r = hash_uint3_to_float(ip.x, ip.y, ip.z); float g = hash_uint3_to_float(ip.y, ip.x, ip.z); float b = hash_uint3_to_float(ip.y, ip.z, ip.x); return make_float3(r, g, b); #else ssei ip_yxz = shuffle<1, 0, 2, 3>(ssei(ip.m128)); ssei ip_xyy = shuffle<0, 1, 1, 3>(ssei(ip.m128)); ssei ip_zzx = shuffle<2, 2, 0, 3>(ssei(ip.m128)); ssei bits = hash_sse(ip_xyy, ip_yxz, ip_zzx); return float3(uint32_to_float(bits) * ssef(1.0f / (float)0xFFFFFFFF)); #endif } CCL_NAMESPACE_END