/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */ #pragma once CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* See "Tracing Ray Differentials", Homan Igehy, 1999. */ ccl_device void differential_transfer(ccl_private differential3 *surface_dP, const differential3 ray_dP, float3 ray_D, const differential3 ray_dD, float3 surface_Ng, float ray_t) { /* ray differential transfer through homogeneous medium, to * compute dPdx/dy at a shading point from the incoming ray */ float3 tmp = ray_D / dot(ray_D, surface_Ng); float3 tmpx = ray_dP.dx + ray_t * ray_dD.dx; float3 tmpy = ray_dP.dy + ray_t * ray_dD.dy; surface_dP->dx = tmpx - dot(tmpx, surface_Ng) * tmp; surface_dP->dy = tmpy - dot(tmpy, surface_Ng) * tmp; } ccl_device void differential_incoming(ccl_private differential3 *dI, const differential3 dD) { /* compute dIdx/dy at a shading point, we just need to negate the * differential of the ray direction */ dI->dx = -dD.dx; dI->dy = -dD.dy; } ccl_device void differential_dudv(ccl_private differential *du, ccl_private differential *dv, float3 dPdu, float3 dPdv, differential3 dP, float3 Ng) { /* now we have dPdx/dy from the ray differential transfer, and dPdu/dv * from the primitive, we can compute dudx/dy and dvdx/dy. these are * mainly used for differentials of arbitrary mesh attributes. */ /* find most stable axis to project to 2D */ float xn = fabsf(Ng.x); float yn = fabsf(Ng.y); float zn = fabsf(Ng.z); if (zn < xn || zn < yn) { if (yn < xn || yn < zn) { dPdu.x = dPdu.y; dPdv.x = dPdv.y; dP.dx.x = dP.dx.y; dP.dy.x = dP.dy.y; } dPdu.y = dPdu.z; dPdv.y = dPdv.z; dP.dx.y = dP.dx.z; dP.dy.y = dP.dy.z; } /* using Cramer's rule, we solve for dudx and dvdx in a 2x2 linear system, * and the same for dudy and dvdy. the denominator is the same for both * solutions, so we compute it only once. * * dP.dx = dPdu * dudx + dPdv * dvdx; * dP.dy = dPdu * dudy + dPdv * dvdy; */ float det = (dPdu.x * dPdv.y - dPdv.x * dPdu.y); if (det != 0.0f) det = 1.0f / det; du->dx = (dP.dx.x * dPdv.y - dP.dx.y * dPdv.x) * det; dv->dx = (dP.dx.y * dPdu.x - dP.dx.x * dPdu.y) * det; du->dy = (dP.dy.x * dPdv.y - dP.dy.y * dPdv.x) * det; dv->dy = (dP.dy.y * dPdu.x - dP.dy.x * dPdu.y) * det; } ccl_device differential differential_zero() { differential d; d.dx = 0.0f; d.dy = 0.0f; return d; } ccl_device differential3 differential3_zero() { differential3 d; d.dx = zero_float3(); d.dy = zero_float3(); return d; } /* Compact ray differentials that are just a scale to reduce memory usage and * access cost in GPU. * * See above for more accurate reference implementations. * * TODO: also store the more compact version in ShaderData and recompute where * needed? */ ccl_device_forceinline float differential_zero_compact() { return 0.0f; } ccl_device_forceinline float differential_make_compact(const differential3 D) { return 0.5f * (len(D.dx) + len(D.dy)); } ccl_device_forceinline void differential_transfer_compact(ccl_private differential3 *surface_dP, const float ray_dP, const float3 /* ray_D */, const float ray_dD, const float3 surface_Ng, const float ray_t) { /* ray differential transfer through homogeneous medium, to * compute dPdx/dy at a shading point from the incoming ray */ float scale = ray_dP + ray_t * ray_dD; float3 dx, dy; make_orthonormals(surface_Ng, &dx, &dy); surface_dP->dx = dx * scale; surface_dP->dy = dy * scale; } ccl_device_forceinline void differential_incoming_compact(ccl_private differential3 *dI, const float3 D, const float dD) { /* compute dIdx/dy at a shading point, we just need to negate the * differential of the ray direction */ float3 dx, dy; make_orthonormals(D, &dx, &dy); dI->dx = dD * dx; dI->dy = dD * dy; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END