/* * Copyright 2011-2020 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "bvh/bvh.h" #include "render/curves.h" #include "render/hair.h" #include "render/object.h" #include "render/scene.h" #include "integrator/shader_eval.h" #include "util/util_progress.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Hair Curve */ void Hair::Curve::bounds_grow(const int k, const float3 *curve_keys, const float *curve_radius, BoundBox &bounds) const { float3 P[4]; P[0] = curve_keys[max(first_key + k - 1, first_key)]; P[1] = curve_keys[first_key + k]; P[2] = curve_keys[first_key + k + 1]; P[3] = curve_keys[min(first_key + k + 2, first_key + num_keys - 1)]; float3 lower; float3 upper; curvebounds(&lower.x, &upper.x, P, 0); curvebounds(&lower.y, &upper.y, P, 1); curvebounds(&lower.z, &upper.z, P, 2); float mr = max(curve_radius[first_key + k], curve_radius[first_key + k + 1]); bounds.grow(lower, mr); bounds.grow(upper, mr); } void Hair::Curve::bounds_grow(const int k, const float3 *curve_keys, const float *curve_radius, const Transform &aligned_space, BoundBox &bounds) const { float3 P[4]; P[0] = curve_keys[max(first_key + k - 1, first_key)]; P[1] = curve_keys[first_key + k]; P[2] = curve_keys[first_key + k + 1]; P[3] = curve_keys[min(first_key + k + 2, first_key + num_keys - 1)]; P[0] = transform_point(&aligned_space, P[0]); P[1] = transform_point(&aligned_space, P[1]); P[2] = transform_point(&aligned_space, P[2]); P[3] = transform_point(&aligned_space, P[3]); float3 lower; float3 upper; curvebounds(&lower.x, &upper.x, P, 0); curvebounds(&lower.y, &upper.y, P, 1); curvebounds(&lower.z, &upper.z, P, 2); float mr = max(curve_radius[first_key + k], curve_radius[first_key + k + 1]); bounds.grow(lower, mr); bounds.grow(upper, mr); } void Hair::Curve::bounds_grow(float4 keys[4], BoundBox &bounds) const { float3 P[4] = { float4_to_float3(keys[0]), float4_to_float3(keys[1]), float4_to_float3(keys[2]), float4_to_float3(keys[3]), }; float3 lower; float3 upper; curvebounds(&lower.x, &upper.x, P, 0); curvebounds(&lower.y, &upper.y, P, 1); curvebounds(&lower.z, &upper.z, P, 2); float mr = max(keys[1].w, keys[2].w); bounds.grow(lower, mr); bounds.grow(upper, mr); } void Hair::Curve::motion_keys(const float3 *curve_keys, const float *curve_radius, const float3 *key_steps, size_t num_curve_keys, size_t num_steps, float time, size_t k0, size_t k1, float4 r_keys[2]) const { /* Figure out which steps we need to fetch and their interpolation factor. */ const size_t max_step = num_steps - 1; const size_t step = min((int)(time * max_step), max_step - 1); const float t = time * max_step - step; /* Fetch vertex coordinates. */ float4 curr_keys[2]; float4 next_keys[2]; keys_for_step( curve_keys, curve_radius, key_steps, num_curve_keys, num_steps, step, k0, k1, curr_keys); keys_for_step( curve_keys, curve_radius, key_steps, num_curve_keys, num_steps, step + 1, k0, k1, next_keys); /* Interpolate between steps. */ r_keys[0] = (1.0f - t) * curr_keys[0] + t * next_keys[0]; r_keys[1] = (1.0f - t) * curr_keys[1] + t * next_keys[1]; } void Hair::Curve::cardinal_motion_keys(const float3 *curve_keys, const float *curve_radius, const float3 *key_steps, size_t num_curve_keys, size_t num_steps, float time, size_t k0, size_t k1, size_t k2, size_t k3, float4 r_keys[4]) const { /* Figure out which steps we need to fetch and their interpolation factor. */ const size_t max_step = num_steps - 1; const size_t step = min((int)(time * max_step), max_step - 1); const float t = time * max_step - step; /* Fetch vertex coordinates. */ float4 curr_keys[4]; float4 next_keys[4]; cardinal_keys_for_step(curve_keys, curve_radius, key_steps, num_curve_keys, num_steps, step, k0, k1, k2, k3, curr_keys); cardinal_keys_for_step(curve_keys, curve_radius, key_steps, num_curve_keys, num_steps, step + 1, k0, k1, k2, k3, next_keys); /* Interpolate between steps. */ r_keys[0] = (1.0f - t) * curr_keys[0] + t * next_keys[0]; r_keys[1] = (1.0f - t) * curr_keys[1] + t * next_keys[1]; r_keys[2] = (1.0f - t) * curr_keys[2] + t * next_keys[2]; r_keys[3] = (1.0f - t) * curr_keys[3] + t * next_keys[3]; } void Hair::Curve::keys_for_step(const float3 *curve_keys, const float *curve_radius, const float3 *key_steps, size_t num_curve_keys, size_t num_steps, size_t step, size_t k0, size_t k1, float4 r_keys[2]) const { k0 = max(k0, 0); k1 = min(k1, num_keys - 1); const size_t center_step = ((num_steps - 1) / 2); if (step == center_step) { /* Center step: regular key location. */ /* TODO(sergey): Consider adding make_float4(float3, float) * function. */ r_keys[0] = make_float4(curve_keys[first_key + k0].x, curve_keys[first_key + k0].y, curve_keys[first_key + k0].z, curve_radius[first_key + k0]); r_keys[1] = make_float4(curve_keys[first_key + k1].x, curve_keys[first_key + k1].y, curve_keys[first_key + k1].z, curve_radius[first_key + k1]); } else { /* Center step is not stored in this array. */ if (step > center_step) { step--; } const size_t offset = first_key + step * num_curve_keys; r_keys[0] = make_float4(key_steps[offset + k0].x, key_steps[offset + k0].y, key_steps[offset + k0].z, curve_radius[first_key + k0]); r_keys[1] = make_float4(key_steps[offset + k1].x, key_steps[offset + k1].y, key_steps[offset + k1].z, curve_radius[first_key + k1]); } } void Hair::Curve::cardinal_keys_for_step(const float3 *curve_keys, const float *curve_radius, const float3 *key_steps, size_t num_curve_keys, size_t num_steps, size_t step, size_t k0, size_t k1, size_t k2, size_t k3, float4 r_keys[4]) const { k0 = max(k0, 0); k3 = min(k3, num_keys - 1); const size_t center_step = ((num_steps - 1) / 2); if (step == center_step) { /* Center step: regular key location. */ r_keys[0] = make_float4(curve_keys[first_key + k0].x, curve_keys[first_key + k0].y, curve_keys[first_key + k0].z, curve_radius[first_key + k0]); r_keys[1] = make_float4(curve_keys[first_key + k1].x, curve_keys[first_key + k1].y, curve_keys[first_key + k1].z, curve_radius[first_key + k1]); r_keys[2] = make_float4(curve_keys[first_key + k2].x, curve_keys[first_key + k2].y, curve_keys[first_key + k2].z, curve_radius[first_key + k2]); r_keys[3] = make_float4(curve_keys[first_key + k3].x, curve_keys[first_key + k3].y, curve_keys[first_key + k3].z, curve_radius[first_key + k3]); } else { /* Center step is not stored in this array. */ if (step > center_step) { step--; } const size_t offset = first_key + step * num_curve_keys; r_keys[0] = make_float4(key_steps[offset + k0].x, key_steps[offset + k0].y, key_steps[offset + k0].z, curve_radius[first_key + k0]); r_keys[1] = make_float4(key_steps[offset + k1].x, key_steps[offset + k1].y, key_steps[offset + k1].z, curve_radius[first_key + k1]); r_keys[2] = make_float4(key_steps[offset + k2].x, key_steps[offset + k2].y, key_steps[offset + k2].z, curve_radius[first_key + k2]); r_keys[3] = make_float4(key_steps[offset + k3].x, key_steps[offset + k3].y, key_steps[offset + k3].z, curve_radius[first_key + k3]); } } /* Hair */ NODE_DEFINE(Hair) { NodeType *type = NodeType::add("hair", create, NodeType::NONE, Geometry::get_node_base_type()); SOCKET_POINT_ARRAY(curve_keys, "Curve Keys", array()); SOCKET_FLOAT_ARRAY(curve_radius, "Curve Radius", array()); SOCKET_INT_ARRAY(curve_first_key, "Curve First Key", array()); SOCKET_INT_ARRAY(curve_shader, "Curve Shader", array()); return type; } Hair::Hair() : Geometry(get_node_type(), Geometry::HAIR) { curve_key_offset = 0; curve_segment_offset = 0; curve_shape = CURVE_RIBBON; } Hair::~Hair() { } void Hair::resize_curves(int numcurves, int numkeys) { curve_keys.resize(numkeys); curve_radius.resize(numkeys); curve_first_key.resize(numcurves); curve_shader.resize(numcurves); attributes.resize(); } void Hair::reserve_curves(int numcurves, int numkeys) { curve_keys.reserve(numkeys); curve_radius.reserve(numkeys); curve_first_key.reserve(numcurves); curve_shader.reserve(numcurves); attributes.resize(true); } void Hair::clear(bool preserve_shaders) { Geometry::clear(preserve_shaders); curve_keys.clear(); curve_radius.clear(); curve_first_key.clear(); curve_shader.clear(); attributes.clear(); } void Hair::add_curve_key(float3 co, float radius) { curve_keys.push_back_reserved(co); curve_radius.push_back_reserved(radius); tag_curve_keys_modified(); tag_curve_radius_modified(); } void Hair::add_curve(int first_key, int shader) { curve_first_key.push_back_reserved(first_key); curve_shader.push_back_reserved(shader); tag_curve_first_key_modified(); tag_curve_shader_modified(); } void Hair::copy_center_to_motion_step(const int motion_step) { Attribute *attr_mP = attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (attr_mP) { float3 *keys = &curve_keys[0]; size_t numkeys = curve_keys.size(); memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + motion_step * numkeys, keys, sizeof(float3) * numkeys); } } void Hair::get_uv_tiles(ustring map, unordered_set &tiles) { Attribute *attr; if (map.empty()) { attr = attributes.find(ATTR_STD_UV); } else { attr = attributes.find(map); } if (attr) { attr->get_uv_tiles(this, ATTR_PRIM_GEOMETRY, tiles); } } void Hair::compute_bounds() { BoundBox bnds = BoundBox::empty; size_t curve_keys_size = curve_keys.size(); if (curve_keys_size > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < curve_keys_size; i++) bnds.grow(curve_keys[i], curve_radius[i]); Attribute *curve_attr = attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (use_motion_blur && curve_attr) { size_t steps_size = curve_keys.size() * (motion_steps - 1); float3 *key_steps = curve_attr->data_float3(); for (size_t i = 0; i < steps_size; i++) bnds.grow(key_steps[i]); } if (!bnds.valid()) { bnds = BoundBox::empty; /* skip nan or inf coordinates */ for (size_t i = 0; i < curve_keys_size; i++) bnds.grow_safe(curve_keys[i], curve_radius[i]); if (use_motion_blur && curve_attr) { size_t steps_size = curve_keys.size() * (motion_steps - 1); float3 *key_steps = curve_attr->data_float3(); for (size_t i = 0; i < steps_size; i++) bnds.grow_safe(key_steps[i]); } } } if (!bnds.valid()) { /* empty mesh */ bnds.grow(zero_float3()); } bounds = bnds; } void Hair::apply_transform(const Transform &tfm, const bool apply_to_motion) { /* compute uniform scale */ float3 c0 = transform_get_column(&tfm, 0); float3 c1 = transform_get_column(&tfm, 1); float3 c2 = transform_get_column(&tfm, 2); float scalar = powf(fabsf(dot(cross(c0, c1), c2)), 1.0f / 3.0f); /* apply transform to curve keys */ for (size_t i = 0; i < curve_keys.size(); i++) { float3 co = transform_point(&tfm, curve_keys[i]); float radius = curve_radius[i] * scalar; /* scale for curve radius is only correct for uniform scale */ curve_keys[i] = co; curve_radius[i] = radius; } tag_curve_keys_modified(); tag_curve_radius_modified(); if (apply_to_motion) { Attribute *curve_attr = attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (curve_attr) { /* apply transform to motion curve keys */ size_t steps_size = curve_keys.size() * (motion_steps - 1); float4 *key_steps = curve_attr->data_float4(); for (size_t i = 0; i < steps_size; i++) { float3 co = transform_point(&tfm, float4_to_float3(key_steps[i])); float radius = key_steps[i].w * scalar; /* scale for curve radius is only correct for uniform scale */ key_steps[i] = float3_to_float4(co); key_steps[i].w = radius; } } } } void Hair::pack_curves(Scene *scene, float4 *curve_key_co, KernelCurve *curves, KernelCurveSegment *curve_segments) { size_t curve_keys_size = curve_keys.size(); /* pack curve keys */ if (curve_keys_size) { float3 *keys_ptr = curve_keys.data(); float *radius_ptr = curve_radius.data(); for (size_t i = 0; i < curve_keys_size; i++) curve_key_co[i] = make_float4(keys_ptr[i].x, keys_ptr[i].y, keys_ptr[i].z, radius_ptr[i]); } /* pack curve segments */ const PrimitiveType type = primitive_type(); size_t curve_num = num_curves(); size_t index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < curve_num; i++) { Curve curve = get_curve(i); int shader_id = curve_shader[i]; Shader *shader = (shader_id < used_shaders.size()) ? static_cast(used_shaders[shader_id]) : scene->default_surface; shader_id = scene->shader_manager->get_shader_id(shader, false); curves[i].shader_id = shader_id; curves[i].first_key = curve_key_offset + curve.first_key; curves[i].num_keys = curve.num_keys; curves[i].type = type; for (int k = 0; k < curve.num_segments(); ++k, ++index) { curve_segments[index].prim = prim_offset + i; curve_segments[index].type = PRIMITIVE_PACK_SEGMENT(type, k); } } } PrimitiveType Hair::primitive_type() const { return has_motion_blur() ? ((curve_shape == CURVE_RIBBON) ? PRIMITIVE_MOTION_CURVE_RIBBON : PRIMITIVE_MOTION_CURVE_THICK) : ((curve_shape == CURVE_RIBBON) ? PRIMITIVE_CURVE_RIBBON : PRIMITIVE_CURVE_THICK); } /* Fill in coordinates for curve transparency shader evaluation on device. */ static int fill_shader_input(const Hair *hair, const int object_index, device_vector &d_input) { int d_input_size = 0; KernelShaderEvalInput *d_input_data = d_input.data(); const int num_curves = hair->num_curves(); for (int i = 0; i < num_curves; i++) { const Hair::Curve curve = hair->get_curve(i); const int num_segments = curve.num_segments(); for (int j = 0; j < num_segments + 1; j++) { KernelShaderEvalInput in; in.object = object_index; in.prim = hair->prim_offset + i; in.u = (j < num_segments) ? 0.0f : 1.0f; in.v = (j < num_segments) ? __int_as_float(j) : __int_as_float(j - 1); d_input_data[d_input_size++] = in; } } return d_input_size; } /* Read back curve transparency shader output. */ static void read_shader_output(float *shadow_transparency, bool &is_fully_opaque, const device_vector &d_output) { const int num_keys = d_output.size(); const float *output_data = d_output.data(); bool is_opaque = true; for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) { shadow_transparency[i] = output_data[i]; if (shadow_transparency[i] > 0.0f) { is_opaque = false; } } is_fully_opaque = is_opaque; } bool Hair::need_shadow_transparency() { for (const Node *node : used_shaders) { const Shader *shader = static_cast(node); if (shader->has_surface_transparent && shader->get_use_transparent_shadow()) { return true; } } return false; } bool Hair::update_shadow_transparency(Device *device, Scene *scene, Progress &progress) { if (!need_shadow_transparency()) { /* If no shaders with shadow transparency, remove attribute. */ Attribute *attr = attributes.find(ATTR_STD_SHADOW_TRANSPARENCY); if (attr) { attributes.remove(attr); return true; } else { return false; } } string msg = string_printf("Computing Shadow Transparency %s", name.c_str()); progress.set_status("Updating Hair", msg); /* Create shadow transparency attribute. */ Attribute *attr = attributes.find(ATTR_STD_SHADOW_TRANSPARENCY); const bool attribute_exists = (attr != nullptr); if (!attribute_exists) { attr = attributes.add(ATTR_STD_SHADOW_TRANSPARENCY); } float *attr_data = attr->data_float(); /* Find object index. */ size_t object_index = OBJECT_NONE; for (size_t i = 0; i < scene->objects.size(); i++) { if (scene->objects[i]->get_geometry() == this) { object_index = i; break; } } /* Evaluate shader on device. */ ShaderEval shader_eval(device, progress); bool is_fully_opaque = false; shader_eval.eval(SHADER_EVAL_CURVE_SHADOW_TRANSPARENCY, num_keys(), 1, function_bind(&fill_shader_input, this, object_index, _1), function_bind(&read_shader_output, attr_data, is_fully_opaque, _1)); if (is_fully_opaque) { attributes.remove(attr); return attribute_exists; } return true; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END