/* * Copyright 2011-2016 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "render/mesh.h" #include "render/mesh_volume.h" #include "render/attribute.h" #ifdef WITH_OPENVDB #include "render/openvdb.h" #endif #include "render/scene.h" #include "util/util_foreach.h" #include "util/util_logging.h" #include "util/util_progress.h" #include "util/util_sparse_grid.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN enum { QUAD_X_MIN = 0, QUAD_X_MAX = 1, QUAD_Y_MIN = 2, QUAD_Y_MAX = 3, QUAD_Z_MIN = 4, QUAD_Z_MAX = 5, }; const int quads_indices[6][4] = { /* QUAD_X_MIN */ { 4, 0, 3, 7 }, /* QUAD_X_MAX */ { 1, 5, 6, 2 }, /* QUAD_Y_MIN */ { 4, 5, 1, 0 }, /* QUAD_Y_MAX */ { 3, 2, 6, 7 }, /* QUAD_Z_MIN */ { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, /* QUAD_Z_MAX */ { 5, 4, 7, 6 }, }; const float3 quads_normals[6] = { /* QUAD_X_MIN */ make_float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), /* QUAD_X_MAX */ make_float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), /* QUAD_Y_MIN */ make_float3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), /* QUAD_Y_MAX */ make_float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), /* QUAD_Z_MIN */ make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), /* QUAD_Z_MAX */ make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), }; static void create_quad(int3 corners[8], vector &vertices, vector &quads, int face_index) { size_t vertex_offset = vertices.size(); QuadData quad; quad.v0 = vertex_offset + 0; quad.v1 = vertex_offset + 1; quad.v2 = vertex_offset + 2; quad.v3 = vertex_offset + 3; quad.normal = quads_normals[face_index]; quads.push_back(quad); vertices.push_back(corners[quads_indices[face_index][0]]); vertices.push_back(corners[quads_indices[face_index][1]]); vertices.push_back(corners[quads_indices[face_index][2]]); vertices.push_back(corners[quads_indices[face_index][3]]); } static const int CUBE_SIZE = 8; VolumeMeshBuilder::VolumeMeshBuilder(VolumeParams *volume_params) { params = volume_params; number_of_nodes = 0; const size_t x = divide_up(params->resolution.x, CUBE_SIZE); const size_t y = divide_up(params->resolution.y, CUBE_SIZE); const size_t z = divide_up(params->resolution.z, CUBE_SIZE); /* Adding 2*pad_size since we pad in both positive and negative directions * along the axis. */ const size_t px = divide_up(params->resolution.x + 2*params->pad_size, CUBE_SIZE); const size_t py = divide_up(params->resolution.y + 2*params->pad_size, CUBE_SIZE); const size_t pz = divide_up(params->resolution.z + 2*params->pad_size, CUBE_SIZE); res = make_int3(px, py, pz); pad_offset = make_int3(px - x, py - y, pz - z); grid.resize(px*py*pz, 0); } void VolumeMeshBuilder::add_node(int x, int y, int z) { /* Map coordinates to index space. */ const int index_x = (x/CUBE_SIZE) + pad_offset.x; const int index_y = (y/CUBE_SIZE) + pad_offset.y; const int index_z = (z/CUBE_SIZE) + pad_offset.z; assert((index_x >= 0) && (index_y >= 0) && (index_z >= 0)); const size_t index = compute_index(index_x, index_y, index_z, res); /* We already have a node here. */ if(grid[index] == 1) { return; } ++number_of_nodes; grid[index] = 1; } void VolumeMeshBuilder::add_node_with_padding(int x, int y, int z) { for(int px = x - params->pad_size; px < x + params->pad_size; ++px) { for(int py = y - params->pad_size; py < y + params->pad_size; ++py) { for(int pz = z - params->pad_size; pz < z + params->pad_size; ++pz) { add_node(px, py, pz); } } } } void VolumeMeshBuilder::create_mesh(vector &vertices, vector &indices, vector &face_normals) { /* We create vertices in index space (is), and only convert them to object * space when done. */ vector vertices_is; vector quads; generate_vertices_and_quads(vertices_is, quads); deduplicate_vertices(vertices_is, quads); convert_object_space(vertices_is, vertices); convert_quads_to_tris(quads, indices, face_normals); } void VolumeMeshBuilder::generate_vertices_and_quads( vector &vertices_is, vector &quads) { /* Overallocation, we could count the number of quads and vertices to create * in a pre-pass if memory becomes an issue. */ vertices_is.reserve(number_of_nodes*8); quads.reserve(number_of_nodes*6); for(int z = 0; z < res.z; ++z) { for(int y = 0; y < res.y; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < res.x; ++x) { size_t voxel_index = compute_index(x, y, z, res); if(grid[voxel_index] == 0) { continue; } /* Compute min and max coords of the node in index space. */ int3 min = make_int3((x - pad_offset.x)*CUBE_SIZE, (y - pad_offset.y)*CUBE_SIZE, (z - pad_offset.z)*CUBE_SIZE); /* Maximum is just CUBE_SIZE voxels away from minimum on each axis. */ int3 max = make_int3(min.x + CUBE_SIZE, min.y + CUBE_SIZE, min.z + CUBE_SIZE); int3 corners[8] = { make_int3(min[0], min[1], min[2]), make_int3(max[0], min[1], min[2]), make_int3(max[0], max[1], min[2]), make_int3(min[0], max[1], min[2]), make_int3(min[0], min[1], max[2]), make_int3(max[0], min[1], max[2]), make_int3(max[0], max[1], max[2]), make_int3(min[0], max[1], max[2]), }; /* Only create a quad if on the border between an active and * an inactive node. */ voxel_index = compute_index(x - 1, y, z, res); if(voxel_index == -1 || grid[voxel_index] == 0) { create_quad(corners, vertices_is, quads, QUAD_X_MIN); } voxel_index = compute_index(x + 1, y, z, res); if(voxel_index == -1 || grid[voxel_index] == 0) { create_quad(corners, vertices_is, quads, QUAD_X_MAX); } voxel_index = compute_index(x, y - 1, z, res); if(voxel_index == -1 || grid[voxel_index] == 0) { create_quad(corners, vertices_is, quads, QUAD_Y_MIN); } voxel_index = compute_index(x, y + 1, z, res); if(voxel_index == -1 || grid[voxel_index] == 0) { create_quad(corners, vertices_is, quads, QUAD_Y_MAX); } voxel_index = compute_index(x, y, z - 1, res); if(voxel_index == -1 || grid[voxel_index] == 0) { create_quad(corners, vertices_is, quads, QUAD_Z_MIN); } voxel_index = compute_index(x, y, z + 1, res); if(voxel_index == -1 || grid[voxel_index] == 0) { create_quad(corners, vertices_is, quads, QUAD_Z_MAX); } } } } } void VolumeMeshBuilder::deduplicate_vertices(vector &vertices, vector &quads) { vector sorted_vertices = vertices; std::sort(sorted_vertices.begin(), sorted_vertices.end()); vector::iterator it = std::unique(sorted_vertices.begin(), sorted_vertices.end()); sorted_vertices.resize(std::distance(sorted_vertices.begin(), it)); vector new_quads = quads; for(size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) { for(size_t j = 0; j < sorted_vertices.size(); ++j) { if(vertices[i] != sorted_vertices[j]) { continue; } for(int k = 0; k < quads.size(); ++k) { if(quads[k].v0 == i) { new_quads[k].v0 = j; } else if(quads[k].v1 == i) { new_quads[k].v1 = j; } else if(quads[k].v2 == i) { new_quads[k].v2 = j; } else if(quads[k].v3 == i) { new_quads[k].v3 = j; } } break; } } vertices = sorted_vertices; quads = new_quads; } void VolumeMeshBuilder::convert_object_space(const vector &vertices, vector &out_vertices) { out_vertices.reserve(vertices.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) { float3 vertex = make_float3(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, vertices[i].z); vertex *= params->cell_size; vertex += params->start_point; out_vertices.push_back(vertex); } } void VolumeMeshBuilder::convert_quads_to_tris(const vector &quads, vector &tris, vector &face_normals) { int index_offset = 0; tris.resize(quads.size()*6); face_normals.reserve(quads.size()*2); for(size_t i = 0; i < quads.size(); ++i) { tris[index_offset++] = quads[i].v0; tris[index_offset++] = quads[i].v2; tris[index_offset++] = quads[i].v1; face_normals.push_back(quads[i].normal); tris[index_offset++] = quads[i].v0; tris[index_offset++] = quads[i].v3; tris[index_offset++] = quads[i].v2; face_normals.push_back(quads[i].normal); } } /* ************************************************************************** */ struct VoxelAttributeGrid { void *data; int *grid_info; int channels; }; void MeshManager::create_volume_mesh(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, Progress& progress) { string msg = string_printf("Computing Volume Mesh %s", mesh->name.c_str()); progress.set_status("Updating Mesh", msg); vector voxel_grids; /* Compute volume parameters. */ VolumeParams volume_params; volume_params.resolution = make_int3(0, 0, 0); bool is_openvdb = false; int grid_mem = -1; foreach(Attribute& attr, mesh->attributes.attributes) { if(attr.element != ATTR_ELEMENT_VOXEL) { continue; } VoxelAttribute *voxel = attr.data_voxel(); device_memory *image_memory = scene->image_manager->image_memory(voxel->slot); device_memory *grid_info = image_memory->grid_info; int3 resolution = make_int3(image_memory->real_width, image_memory->real_height, image_memory->real_depth); if(volume_params.resolution == make_int3(0, 0, 0)) { /* First volume grid. */ volume_params.resolution = resolution; grid_mem = image_memory->memory_size(); } else if(volume_params.resolution != resolution) { VLOG(1) << "Can't create volume mesh, all voxel grid resolutions must be equal\n"; return; } is_openvdb = (image_memory->grid_type == IMAGE_GRID_TYPE_OPENVDB); VoxelAttributeGrid voxel_grid; voxel_grid.data = image_memory->host_pointer; voxel_grid.channels = image_memory->data_elements; voxel_grid.grid_info = grid_info ? static_cast(grid_info->host_pointer) : NULL; voxel_grids.push_back(voxel_grid); } if(voxel_grids.empty()) { return; } /* Compute padding. */ Shader *volume_shader = NULL; int pad_size = 0; foreach(Shader *shader, mesh->used_shaders) { if(!shader->has_volume) { continue; } volume_shader = shader; if(shader->volume_interpolation_method == VOLUME_INTERPOLATION_LINEAR) { pad_size = max(1, pad_size); } else if(shader->volume_interpolation_method == VOLUME_INTERPOLATION_CUBIC) { pad_size = max(2, pad_size); } break; } if(!volume_shader) { return; } /* Compute start point and cell size from transform. */ Attribute *attr = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_GENERATED_TRANSFORM); const int3 resolution = volume_params.resolution; float3 start_point = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float3 cell_size = make_float3(1.0f/resolution.x, 1.0f/resolution.y, 1.0f/resolution.z); const int3 tiled_res = make_int3(get_tile_res(resolution.x), get_tile_res(resolution.y), get_tile_res(resolution.z)); const bool using_cuda = (scene->device->info.type == DEVICE_CUDA); if(attr) { const Transform *tfm = attr->data_transform(); const Transform itfm = transform_inverse(*tfm); start_point = transform_point(&itfm, start_point); cell_size = transform_direction(&itfm, cell_size); } volume_params.start_point = start_point; volume_params.cell_size = cell_size; volume_params.pad_size = pad_size; /* Build bounding mesh around non-empty volume cells. */ VolumeMeshBuilder builder(&volume_params); const float isovalue = mesh->volume_isovalue; for(size_t i = 0; i < voxel_grids.size(); ++i) { const VoxelAttributeGrid &voxel_grid = voxel_grids[i]; const int channels = voxel_grid.channels; if(is_openvdb) { #ifdef WITH_OPENVDB openvdb_build_mesh(&builder, voxel_grid.data, resolution, isovalue, channels > 1); #else assert(0); #endif } else { const int *grid_info = voxel_grid.grid_info; float *data = static_cast(voxel_grid.data); for(int z = 0; z < resolution.z; ++z) { for(int y = 0; y < resolution.y; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < resolution.x; ++x) { int voxel_index; if(grid_info) { voxel_index = using_cuda ? compute_index_cuda(grid_info, x, y, z, resolution.x, resolution.y, resolution.z, tiled_res.x, tiled_res.y, tiled_res.z) : compute_index(grid_info, x, y, z, resolution.x, resolution.y, resolution.z); if(voxel_index < 0) { continue; } } else { voxel_index = compute_index(x, y, z, resolution); } voxel_index *= channels; for(int c = 0; c < channels; c++) { if(data[voxel_index + c] >= isovalue) { builder.add_node_with_padding(x, y, z); break; } } } } } } } /* Create mesh. */ vector vertices; vector indices; vector face_normals; builder.create_mesh(vertices, indices, face_normals); mesh->clear(true); mesh->reserve_mesh(vertices.size(), indices.size()/3); mesh->used_shaders.push_back(volume_shader); for(size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) { mesh->add_vertex(vertices[i]); } for(size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 3) { mesh->add_triangle(indices[i], indices[i + 1], indices[i + 2], 0, false); } Attribute *attr_fN = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_FACE_NORMAL); float3 *fN = attr_fN->data_float3(); for(size_t i = 0; i < face_normals.size(); ++i) { fN[i] = face_normals[i]; } /* Print stats. */ VLOG(1) << "Memory usage volume mesh: " << ((vertices.size() + face_normals.size())*sizeof(float3) + indices.size()*sizeof(int))/(1024.0*1024.0) << "Mb."; VLOG(1) << "Memory usage volume grid: " << grid_mem / (1024.0 * 1024.0) << "Mb."; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END