/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ #include "background.h" #include "blackbody.h" #include "device.h" #include "graph.h" #include "light.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "osl.h" #include "scene.h" #include "shader.h" #include "svm.h" #include "tables.h" #include "util_foreach.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Shader */ Shader::Shader() { name = ""; pass_id = 0; graph = NULL; graph_bump = NULL; use_mis = true; use_transparent_shadow = true; heterogeneous_volume = true; has_surface = false; has_surface_transparent = false; has_surface_emission = false; has_surface_bssrdf = false; has_converter_blackbody = false; has_volume = false; has_displacement = false; has_bssrdf_bump = false; used = false; need_update = true; need_update_attributes = true; } Shader::~Shader() { delete graph; delete graph_bump; } void Shader::set_graph(ShaderGraph *graph_) { /* do this here already so that we can detect if mesh or object attributes * are needed, since the node attribute callbacks check if their sockets * are connected but proxy nodes should not count */ if(graph_) graph_->remove_unneeded_nodes(); /* assign graph */ delete graph; delete graph_bump; graph = graph_; graph_bump = NULL; } void Shader::tag_update(Scene *scene) { /* update tag */ need_update = true; scene->shader_manager->need_update = true; /* if the shader previously was emissive, update light distribution, * if the new shader is emissive, a light manager update tag will be * done in the shader manager device update. */ if(use_mis && has_surface_emission) scene->light_manager->need_update = true; /* quick detection of which kind of shaders we have to avoid loading * e.g. surface attributes when there is only a volume shader. this could * be more fine grained but it's better than nothing */ OutputNode *output = graph->output(); has_surface = has_surface || output->input("Surface")->link; has_volume = has_volume || output->input("Volume")->link; has_displacement = has_displacement || output->input("Displacement")->link; /* get requested attributes. this could be optimized by pruning unused * nodes here already, but that's the job of the shader manager currently, * and may not be so great for interactive rendering where you temporarily * disconnect a node */ AttributeRequestSet prev_attributes = attributes; attributes.clear(); foreach(ShaderNode *node, graph->nodes) node->attributes(this, &attributes); /* compare if the attributes changed, mesh manager will check * need_update_attributes, update the relevant meshes and clear it. */ if(attributes.modified(prev_attributes)) { need_update_attributes = true; scene->mesh_manager->need_update = true; } } void Shader::tag_used(Scene *scene) { /* if an unused shader suddenly gets used somewhere, it needs to be * recompiled because it was skipped for compilation before */ if(!used) { need_update = true; scene->shader_manager->need_update = true; } } /* Shader Manager */ ShaderManager::ShaderManager() { need_update = true; blackbody_table_offset = TABLE_OFFSET_INVALID; } ShaderManager::~ShaderManager() { } ShaderManager *ShaderManager::create(Scene *scene, int shadingsystem) { ShaderManager *manager; #ifdef WITH_OSL if(shadingsystem == SceneParams::OSL) manager = new OSLShaderManager(); else #endif manager = new SVMShaderManager(); add_default(scene); return manager; } uint ShaderManager::get_attribute_id(ustring name) { /* get a unique id for each name, for SVM attribute lookup */ AttributeIDMap::iterator it = unique_attribute_id.find(name); if(it != unique_attribute_id.end()) return it->second; uint id = (uint)ATTR_STD_NUM + unique_attribute_id.size(); unique_attribute_id[name] = id; return id; } uint ShaderManager::get_attribute_id(AttributeStandard std) { return (uint)std; } int ShaderManager::get_shader_id(uint shader, Mesh *mesh, bool smooth) { /* get a shader id to pass to the kernel */ int id = shader*2; /* index depends bump since this setting is not in the shader */ if(mesh && mesh->displacement_method != Mesh::DISPLACE_TRUE) id += 1; /* smooth flag */ if(smooth) id |= SHADER_SMOOTH_NORMAL; /* default flags */ id |= SHADER_CAST_SHADOW|SHADER_AREA_LIGHT; return id; } void ShaderManager::device_update_shaders_used(Scene *scene) { /* figure out which shaders are in use, so SVM/OSL can skip compiling them * for speed and avoid loading image textures into memory */ foreach(Shader *shader, scene->shaders) shader->used = false; scene->shaders[scene->background->shader]->used = true; scene->shaders[scene->default_surface]->used = true; scene->shaders[scene->default_light]->used = true; scene->shaders[scene->default_background]->used = true; scene->shaders[scene->default_empty]->used = true; foreach(Mesh *mesh, scene->meshes) foreach(uint shader, mesh->used_shaders) scene->shaders[shader]->used = true; foreach(Light *light, scene->lights) scene->shaders[light->shader]->used = true; } void ShaderManager::device_update_common(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress) { device->tex_free(dscene->shader_flag); dscene->shader_flag.clear(); if(scene->shaders.size() == 0) return; uint shader_flag_size = scene->shaders.size()*4; uint *shader_flag = dscene->shader_flag.resize(shader_flag_size); uint i = 0; bool has_converter_blackbody = false; bool has_volumes = false; foreach(Shader *shader, scene->shaders) { uint flag = 0; if(shader->use_mis) flag |= SD_USE_MIS; if(shader->has_surface_transparent && shader->use_transparent_shadow) flag |= SD_HAS_TRANSPARENT_SHADOW; if(shader->has_volume) { flag |= SD_HAS_VOLUME; has_volumes = true; /* in this case we can assume transparent surface */ if(!shader->has_surface) flag |= SD_HAS_ONLY_VOLUME; /* todo: this could check more fine grained, to skip useless volumes * enclosed inside an opaque bsdf, although we still need to handle * the case with camera inside volumes too */ flag |= SD_HAS_TRANSPARENT_SHADOW; } if(shader->heterogeneous_volume) flag |= SD_HETEROGENEOUS_VOLUME; if(shader->has_bssrdf_bump) flag |= SD_HAS_BSSRDF_BUMP; if(shader->has_converter_blackbody) has_converter_blackbody = true; /* regular shader */ shader_flag[i++] = flag; shader_flag[i++] = shader->pass_id; /* shader with bump mapping */ if(shader->graph_bump) flag |= SD_HAS_BSSRDF_BUMP; shader_flag[i++] = flag; shader_flag[i++] = shader->pass_id; } device->tex_alloc("__shader_flag", dscene->shader_flag); /* blackbody lookup table */ KernelBlackbody *kblackbody = &dscene->data.blackbody; if(has_converter_blackbody && blackbody_table_offset == TABLE_OFFSET_INVALID) { vector table = blackbody_table(); blackbody_table_offset = scene->lookup_tables->add_table(dscene, table); kblackbody->table_offset = (int)blackbody_table_offset; } else if(!has_converter_blackbody && blackbody_table_offset != TABLE_OFFSET_INVALID) { scene->lookup_tables->remove_table(blackbody_table_offset); blackbody_table_offset = TABLE_OFFSET_INVALID; } /* volumes */ KernelIntegrator *kintegrator = &dscene->data.integrator; kintegrator->use_volumes = has_volumes; } void ShaderManager::device_free_common(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene) { if(blackbody_table_offset != TABLE_OFFSET_INVALID) { scene->lookup_tables->remove_table(blackbody_table_offset); blackbody_table_offset = TABLE_OFFSET_INVALID; } device->tex_free(dscene->shader_flag); dscene->shader_flag.clear(); } void ShaderManager::add_default(Scene *scene) { Shader *shader; ShaderGraph *graph; ShaderNode *closure, *out; /* default surface */ { graph = new ShaderGraph(); closure = graph->add(new DiffuseBsdfNode()); closure->input("Color")->value = make_float3(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f); out = graph->output(); graph->connect(closure->output("BSDF"), out->input("Surface")); shader = new Shader(); shader->name = "default_surface"; shader->graph = graph; scene->shaders.push_back(shader); scene->default_surface = scene->shaders.size() - 1; } /* default light */ { graph = new ShaderGraph(); closure = graph->add(new EmissionNode()); closure->input("Color")->value = make_float3(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f); closure->input("Strength")->value.x = 0.0f; out = graph->output(); graph->connect(closure->output("Emission"), out->input("Surface")); shader = new Shader(); shader->name = "default_light"; shader->graph = graph; scene->shaders.push_back(shader); scene->default_light = scene->shaders.size() - 1; } /* default background */ { graph = new ShaderGraph(); shader = new Shader(); shader->name = "default_background"; shader->graph = graph; scene->shaders.push_back(shader); scene->default_background = scene->shaders.size() - 1; } /* default empty */ { graph = new ShaderGraph(); shader = new Shader(); shader->name = "default_empty"; shader->graph = graph; scene->shaders.push_back(shader); scene->default_empty = scene->shaders.size() - 1; } } CCL_NAMESPACE_END