/* * Copyright 2019 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* This file is based on "Progressive Multi-Jittered Sample Sequences" * by Per Christensen, Andrew Kensler and Charlie Kilpatrick. * http://graphics.pixar.com/library/ProgressiveMultiJitteredSampling/paper.pdf * * Performance can be improved in the future by implementing the new * algorithm from Matt Pharr in http://jcgt.org/published/0008/01/04/ * "Efficient Generation of Points that Satisfy Two-Dimensional Elementary Intervals" */ #include "scene/jitter.h" #include #include CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static uint cmj_hash(uint i, uint p) { i ^= p; i ^= i >> 17; i ^= i >> 10; i *= 0xb36534e5; i ^= i >> 12; i ^= i >> 21; i *= 0x93fc4795; i ^= 0xdf6e307f; i ^= i >> 17; i *= 1 | p >> 18; return i; } static float cmj_randfloat(uint i, uint p) { return cmj_hash(i, p) * (1.0f / 4294967808.0f); } class PMJ_Generator { public: static void generate_2D(float2 points[], int size, int rng_seed_in) { PMJ_Generator g(rng_seed_in); points[0].x = g.rnd(); points[0].y = g.rnd(); int N = 1; while (N < size) { g.extend_sequence_even(points, N); g.extend_sequence_odd(points, 2 * N); N = 4 * N; } } protected: PMJ_Generator(int rnd_seed_in) : num_samples(1), rnd_index(2), rnd_seed(rnd_seed_in) { } float rnd() { return cmj_randfloat(++rnd_index, rnd_seed); } virtual void mark_occupied_strata(float2 points[], int N) { int NN = 2 * N; for (int s = 0; s < NN; ++s) { occupied1Dx[s] = occupied1Dy[s] = false; } for (int s = 0; s < N; ++s) { int xstratum = (int)(NN * points[s].x); int ystratum = (int)(NN * points[s].y); occupied1Dx[xstratum] = true; occupied1Dy[ystratum] = true; } } virtual void generate_sample_point( float2 points[], float i, float j, float xhalf, float yhalf, int n, int N) { int NN = 2 * N; float2 pt; int xstratum, ystratum; do { pt.x = (i + 0.5f * (xhalf + rnd())) / n; xstratum = (int)(NN * pt.x); } while (occupied1Dx[xstratum]); do { pt.y = (j + 0.5f * (yhalf + rnd())) / n; ystratum = (int)(NN * pt.y); } while (occupied1Dy[ystratum]); occupied1Dx[xstratum] = true; occupied1Dy[ystratum] = true; points[num_samples] = pt; ++num_samples; } void extend_sequence_even(float2 points[], int N) { int n = (int)sqrtf(N); occupied1Dx.resize(2 * N); occupied1Dy.resize(2 * N); mark_occupied_strata(points, N); for (int s = 0; s < N; ++s) { float2 oldpt = points[s]; float i = floorf(n * oldpt.x); float j = floorf(n * oldpt.y); float xhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.x - i)); float yhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.y - j)); xhalf = 1.0f - xhalf; yhalf = 1.0f - yhalf; generate_sample_point(points, i, j, xhalf, yhalf, n, N); } } void extend_sequence_odd(float2 points[], int N) { int n = (int)sqrtf(N / 2); occupied1Dx.resize(2 * N); occupied1Dy.resize(2 * N); mark_occupied_strata(points, N); std::vector xhalves(N / 2); std::vector yhalves(N / 2); for (int s = 0; s < N / 2; ++s) { float2 oldpt = points[s]; float i = floorf(n * oldpt.x); float j = floorf(n * oldpt.y); float xhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.x - i)); float yhalf = floorf(2.0f * (n * oldpt.y - j)); if (rnd() > 0.5f) { xhalf = 1.0f - xhalf; } else { yhalf = 1.0f - yhalf; } xhalves[s] = xhalf; yhalves[s] = yhalf; generate_sample_point(points, i, j, xhalf, yhalf, n, N); } for (int s = 0; s < N / 2; ++s) { float2 oldpt = points[s]; float i = floorf(n * oldpt.x); float j = floorf(n * oldpt.y); float xhalf = 1.0f - xhalves[s]; float yhalf = 1.0f - yhalves[s]; generate_sample_point(points, i, j, xhalf, yhalf, n, N); } } std::vector occupied1Dx, occupied1Dy; int num_samples; int rnd_index, rnd_seed; }; class PMJ02_Generator : public PMJ_Generator { protected: void generate_sample_point( float2 points[], float i, float j, float xhalf, float yhalf, int n, int N) override { int NN = 2 * N; float2 pt; do { pt.x = (i + 0.5f * (xhalf + rnd())) / n; pt.y = (j + 0.5f * (yhalf + rnd())) / n; } while (is_occupied(pt, NN)); mark_occupied_strata1(pt, NN); points[num_samples] = pt; ++num_samples; } void mark_occupied_strata(float2 points[], int N) override { int NN = 2 * N; int num_shapes = (int)log2f(NN) + 1; occupiedStrata.resize(num_shapes); for (int shape = 0; shape < num_shapes; ++shape) { occupiedStrata[shape].resize(NN); for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) { occupiedStrata[shape][n] = false; } } for (int s = 0; s < N; ++s) { mark_occupied_strata1(points[s], NN); } } void mark_occupied_strata1(float2 pt, int NN) { int shape = 0; int xdivs = NN; int ydivs = 1; do { int xstratum = (int)(xdivs * pt.x); int ystratum = (int)(ydivs * pt.y); size_t index = ystratum * xdivs + xstratum; assert(index < NN); occupiedStrata[shape][index] = true; shape = shape + 1; xdivs = xdivs / 2; ydivs = ydivs * 2; } while (xdivs > 0); } bool is_occupied(float2 pt, int NN) { int shape = 0; int xdivs = NN; int ydivs = 1; do { int xstratum = (int)(xdivs * pt.x); int ystratum = (int)(ydivs * pt.y); size_t index = ystratum * xdivs + xstratum; assert(index < NN); if (occupiedStrata[shape][index]) { return true; } shape = shape + 1; xdivs = xdivs / 2; ydivs = ydivs * 2; } while (xdivs > 0); return false; } private: std::vector> occupiedStrata; }; static void shuffle(float2 points[], int size, int rng_seed) { if (rng_seed == 0) { return; } constexpr int odd[8] = {0, 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15}; constexpr int even[8] = {2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13}; int rng_index = 0; for (int yy = 0; yy < size / 16; ++yy) { for (int xx = 0; xx < 8; ++xx) { int other = (int)(cmj_randfloat(++rng_index, rng_seed) * (8.0f - xx) + xx); float2 tmp = points[odd[other] + yy * 16]; points[odd[other] + yy * 16] = points[odd[xx] + yy * 16]; points[odd[xx] + yy * 16] = tmp; } for (int xx = 0; xx < 8; ++xx) { int other = (int)(cmj_randfloat(++rng_index, rng_seed) * (8.0f - xx) + xx); float2 tmp = points[even[other] + yy * 16]; points[even[other] + yy * 16] = points[even[xx] + yy * 16]; points[even[xx] + yy * 16] = tmp; } } } void progressive_multi_jitter_generate_2D(float2 points[], int size, int rng_seed) { PMJ_Generator::generate_2D(points, size, rng_seed); shuffle(points, size, rng_seed); } void progressive_multi_jitter_02_generate_2D(float2 points[], int size, int rng_seed) { PMJ02_Generator::generate_2D(points, size, rng_seed); shuffle(points, size, rng_seed); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END