/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */ #include "session/tile.h" #include #include "graph/node.h" #include "scene/background.h" #include "scene/film.h" #include "scene/integrator.h" #include "scene/scene.h" #include "session/session.h" #include "util/algorithm.h" #include "util/foreach.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/path.h" #include "util/string.h" #include "util/system.h" #include "util/time.h" #include "util/types.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Internal functions. */ static const char *ATTR_PASSES_COUNT = "cycles.passes.count"; static const char *ATTR_PASS_SOCKET_PREFIX_FORMAT = "cycles.passes.%d."; static const char *ATTR_BUFFER_SOCKET_PREFIX = "cycles.buffer."; static const char *ATTR_DENOISE_SOCKET_PREFIX = "cycles.denoise."; /* Global counter of ToleManager object instances. */ static std::atomic g_instance_index = 0; /* Construct names of EXR channels which will ensure order of all channels to match exact offsets * in render buffers corresponding to the given passes. * * Returns `std` datatypes so that it can be assigned directly to the OIIO's `ImageSpec`. */ static std::vector exr_channel_names_for_passes(const BufferParams &buffer_params) { static const char *component_suffixes[] = {"R", "G", "B", "A"}; int pass_index = 0; std::vector channel_names; for (const BufferPass &pass : buffer_params.passes) { if (pass.offset == PASS_UNUSED) { continue; } const PassInfo pass_info = pass.get_info(); /* EXR canonically expects first part of channel names to be sorted alphabetically, which is * not guaranteed to be the case with passes names. Assign a prefix based on the pass index * with a fixed width to ensure ordering. This makes it possible to dump existing render * buffers memory to disk and read it back without doing extra mapping. */ const string prefix = string_printf("%08d", pass_index); const string channel_name_prefix = prefix + string(pass.name) + "."; for (int i = 0; i < pass_info.num_components; ++i) { channel_names.push_back(channel_name_prefix + component_suffixes[i]); } ++pass_index; } return channel_names; } inline string node_socket_attribute_name(const SocketType &socket, const string &attr_name_prefix) { return attr_name_prefix + string(socket.name); } template static bool node_socket_generic_to_image_spec_atttributes( ImageSpec *image_spec, const Node *node, const SocketType &socket, const string &attr_name_prefix, const ValidateValueFunc &validate_value_func, const GetValueFunc &get_value_func) { if (!validate_value_func(node, socket)) { return false; } image_spec->attribute(node_socket_attribute_name(socket, attr_name_prefix), get_value_func(node, socket)); return true; } static bool node_socket_to_image_spec_atttributes(ImageSpec *image_spec, const Node *node, const SocketType &socket, const string &attr_name_prefix) { const string attr_name = node_socket_attribute_name(socket, attr_name_prefix); switch (socket.type) { case SocketType::ENUM: { const ustring value = node->get_string(socket); /* Validate that the node is consistent with the node type definition. */ const NodeEnum &enum_values = *socket.enum_values; if (!enum_values.exists(value)) { LOG(DFATAL) << "Node enum contains invalid value " << value; return false; } image_spec->attribute(attr_name, value); return true; } case SocketType::STRING: image_spec->attribute(attr_name, node->get_string(socket)); return true; case SocketType::INT: image_spec->attribute(attr_name, node->get_int(socket)); return true; case SocketType::FLOAT: image_spec->attribute(attr_name, node->get_float(socket)); return true; case SocketType::BOOLEAN: image_spec->attribute(attr_name, node->get_bool(socket)); return true; default: LOG(DFATAL) << "Unhandled socket type " << socket.type << ", should never happen."; return false; } } static bool node_socket_from_image_spec_atttributes(Node *node, const SocketType &socket, const ImageSpec &image_spec, const string &attr_name_prefix) { const string attr_name = node_socket_attribute_name(socket, attr_name_prefix); switch (socket.type) { case SocketType::ENUM: { /* TODO(sergey): Avoid construction of `ustring` by using `string_view` in the Node API. */ const ustring value(image_spec.get_string_attribute(attr_name, "")); /* Validate that the node is consistent with the node type definition. */ const NodeEnum &enum_values = *socket.enum_values; if (!enum_values.exists(value)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid enumerator value " << value; return false; } node->set(socket, enum_values[value]); return true; } case SocketType::STRING: /* TODO(sergey): Avoid construction of `ustring` by using `string_view` in the Node API. */ node->set(socket, ustring(image_spec.get_string_attribute(attr_name, ""))); return true; case SocketType::INT: node->set(socket, image_spec.get_int_attribute(attr_name, 0)); return true; case SocketType::FLOAT: node->set(socket, image_spec.get_float_attribute(attr_name, 0)); return true; case SocketType::BOOLEAN: node->set(socket, static_cast(image_spec.get_int_attribute(attr_name, 0))); return true; default: LOG(DFATAL) << "Unhandled socket type " << socket.type << ", should never happen."; return false; } } static bool node_to_image_spec_atttributes(ImageSpec *image_spec, const Node *node, const string &attr_name_prefix) { for (const SocketType &socket : node->type->inputs) { if (!node_socket_to_image_spec_atttributes(image_spec, node, socket, attr_name_prefix)) { return false; } } return true; } static bool node_from_image_spec_atttributes(Node *node, const ImageSpec &image_spec, const string &attr_name_prefix) { for (const SocketType &socket : node->type->inputs) { if (!node_socket_from_image_spec_atttributes(node, socket, image_spec, attr_name_prefix)) { return false; } } return true; } static bool buffer_params_to_image_spec_atttributes(ImageSpec *image_spec, const BufferParams &buffer_params) { if (!node_to_image_spec_atttributes(image_spec, &buffer_params, ATTR_BUFFER_SOCKET_PREFIX)) { return false; } /* Passes storage is not covered by the node socket. so "expand" the loop manually. */ const int num_passes = buffer_params.passes.size(); image_spec->attribute(ATTR_PASSES_COUNT, num_passes); for (int pass_index = 0; pass_index < num_passes; ++pass_index) { const string attr_name_prefix = string_printf(ATTR_PASS_SOCKET_PREFIX_FORMAT, pass_index); const BufferPass *pass = &buffer_params.passes[pass_index]; if (!node_to_image_spec_atttributes(image_spec, pass, attr_name_prefix)) { return false; } } return true; } static bool buffer_params_from_image_spec_atttributes(BufferParams *buffer_params, const ImageSpec &image_spec) { if (!node_from_image_spec_atttributes(buffer_params, image_spec, ATTR_BUFFER_SOCKET_PREFIX)) { return false; } /* Passes storage is not covered by the node socket. so "expand" the loop manually. */ const int num_passes = image_spec.get_int_attribute(ATTR_PASSES_COUNT, 0); if (num_passes == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Missing passes count attribute."; return false; } for (int pass_index = 0; pass_index < num_passes; ++pass_index) { const string attr_name_prefix = string_printf(ATTR_PASS_SOCKET_PREFIX_FORMAT, pass_index); BufferPass pass; if (!node_from_image_spec_atttributes(&pass, image_spec, attr_name_prefix)) { return false; } buffer_params->passes.emplace_back(std::move(pass)); } buffer_params->update_passes(); return true; } /* Configure image specification for the given buffer parameters and passes. * * Image channels will be strictly ordered to match content of corresponding buffer, and the * metadata will be set so that the render buffers and passes can be reconstructed from it. * * If the tile size different from (0, 0) the image specification will be configured to use the * given tile size for tiled IO. */ static bool configure_image_spec_from_buffer(ImageSpec *image_spec, const BufferParams &buffer_params, const int2 tile_size = make_int2(0, 0)) { const std::vector channel_names = exr_channel_names_for_passes(buffer_params); const int num_channels = channel_names.size(); *image_spec = ImageSpec( buffer_params.width, buffer_params.height, num_channels, TypeDesc::FLOAT); image_spec->channelnames = move(channel_names); if (!buffer_params_to_image_spec_atttributes(image_spec, buffer_params)) { return false; } if (tile_size.x != 0 || tile_size.y != 0) { DCHECK_GT(tile_size.x, 0); DCHECK_GT(tile_size.y, 0); image_spec->tile_width = min(TileManager::IMAGE_TILE_SIZE, tile_size.x); image_spec->tile_height = min(TileManager::IMAGE_TILE_SIZE, tile_size.y); } return true; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tile Manager. */ TileManager::TileManager() { /* Use process ID to separate different processes. * To ensure uniqueness from within a process use combination of object address and instance * index. This solves problem of possible object re-allocation at the same time, and solves * possible conflict when the counter overflows while there are still active instances of the * class. */ const int tile_manager_id = g_instance_index.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); tile_file_unique_part_ = to_string(system_self_process_id()) + "-" + to_string(reinterpret_cast(this)) + "-" + to_string(tile_manager_id); } TileManager::~TileManager() { } int TileManager::compute_render_tile_size(const int suggested_tile_size) const { /* Must be a multiple of IMAGE_TILE_SIZE so that we can write render tiles into the image file * aligned on image tile boundaries. We can't set IMAGE_TILE_SIZE equal to the render tile size * because too big tile size leads to integer overflow inside OpenEXR. */ const int computed_tile_size = (suggested_tile_size <= IMAGE_TILE_SIZE) ? suggested_tile_size : align_up(suggested_tile_size, IMAGE_TILE_SIZE); return min(computed_tile_size, MAX_TILE_SIZE); } void TileManager::reset_scheduling(const BufferParams ¶ms, int2 tile_size) { VLOG_WORK << "Using tile size of " << tile_size; close_tile_output(); tile_size_ = tile_size; tile_state_.num_tiles_x = divide_up(params.width, tile_size_.x); tile_state_.num_tiles_y = divide_up(params.height, tile_size_.y); tile_state_.num_tiles = tile_state_.num_tiles_x * tile_state_.num_tiles_y; tile_state_.next_tile_index = 0; tile_state_.current_tile = Tile(); } void TileManager::update(const BufferParams ¶ms, const Scene *scene) { DCHECK_NE(params.pass_stride, -1); buffer_params_ = params; if (has_multiple_tiles()) { /* TODO(sergey): Proper Error handling, so that if configuration has failed we don't attempt to * write to a partially configured file. */ configure_image_spec_from_buffer(&write_state_.image_spec, buffer_params_, tile_size_); const DenoiseParams denoise_params = scene->integrator->get_denoise_params(); const AdaptiveSampling adaptive_sampling = scene->integrator->get_adaptive_sampling(); node_to_image_spec_atttributes( &write_state_.image_spec, &denoise_params, ATTR_DENOISE_SOCKET_PREFIX); if (adaptive_sampling.use) { overscan_ = 4; } else { overscan_ = 0; } } else { write_state_.image_spec = ImageSpec(); overscan_ = 0; } } void TileManager::set_temp_dir(const string &temp_dir) { temp_dir_ = temp_dir; } bool TileManager::done() { return tile_state_.next_tile_index == tile_state_.num_tiles; } bool TileManager::next() { if (done()) { return false; } tile_state_.current_tile = get_tile_for_index(tile_state_.next_tile_index); ++tile_state_.next_tile_index; return true; } Tile TileManager::get_tile_for_index(int index) const { /* TODO(sergey): Consider using hilbert spiral, or. maybe, even configurable. Not sure this * brings a lot of value since this is only applicable to BIG tiles. */ const int tile_index_y = index / tile_state_.num_tiles_x; const int tile_index_x = index - tile_index_y * tile_state_.num_tiles_x; const int tile_window_x = tile_index_x * tile_size_.x; const int tile_window_y = tile_index_y * tile_size_.y; Tile tile; tile.x = max(0, tile_window_x - overscan_); tile.y = max(0, tile_window_y - overscan_); tile.window_x = tile_window_x - tile.x; tile.window_y = tile_window_y - tile.y; tile.window_width = min(tile_size_.x, buffer_params_.width - tile_window_x); tile.window_height = min(tile_size_.y, buffer_params_.height - tile_window_y); tile.width = min(buffer_params_.width - tile.x, tile.window_x + tile.window_width + overscan_); tile.height = min(buffer_params_.height - tile.y, tile.window_y + tile.window_height + overscan_); return tile; } const Tile &TileManager::get_current_tile() const { return tile_state_.current_tile; } const int2 TileManager::get_size() const { return make_int2(buffer_params_.width, buffer_params_.height); } bool TileManager::open_tile_output() { write_state_.filename = path_join(temp_dir_, "cycles-tile-buffer-" + tile_file_unique_part_ + "-" + to_string(write_state_.tile_file_index) + ".exr"); write_state_.tile_out = ImageOutput::create(write_state_.filename); if (!write_state_.tile_out) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating image output for " << write_state_.filename; return false; } if (!write_state_.tile_out->supports("tiles")) { LOG(ERROR) << "Progress tile file format does not support tiling."; return false; } if (!write_state_.tile_out->open(write_state_.filename, write_state_.image_spec)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error opening tile file: " << write_state_.tile_out->geterror(); write_state_.tile_out = nullptr; return false; } write_state_.num_tiles_written = 0; VLOG_WORK << "Opened tile file " << write_state_.filename; return true; } bool TileManager::close_tile_output() { if (!write_state_.tile_out) { return true; } const bool success = write_state_.tile_out->close(); write_state_.tile_out = nullptr; if (!success) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error closing tile file."; return false; } VLOG_WORK << "Tile output is closed."; return true; } bool TileManager::write_tile(const RenderBuffers &tile_buffers) { if (!write_state_.tile_out) { if (!open_tile_output()) { return false; } } const double time_start = time_dt(); DCHECK_EQ(tile_buffers.params.pass_stride, buffer_params_.pass_stride); const BufferParams &tile_params = tile_buffers.params; const int tile_x = tile_params.full_x - buffer_params_.full_x + tile_params.window_x; const int tile_y = tile_params.full_y - buffer_params_.full_y + tile_params.window_y; const int64_t pass_stride = tile_params.pass_stride; const int64_t tile_row_stride = tile_params.width * pass_stride; vector pixel_storage; const float *pixels = tile_buffers.buffer.data() + tile_params.window_x * pass_stride + tile_params.window_y * tile_row_stride; /* If there is an overscan used for the tile copy pixels into single continuous block of memory * without any "gaps". * This is a workaround for bug in OIIO (https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio/pull/3176). * Our task reference: T93008. */ if (tile_params.window_x || tile_params.window_y || tile_params.window_width != tile_params.width || tile_params.window_height != tile_params.height) { pixel_storage.resize(pass_stride * tile_params.window_width * tile_params.window_height); float *pixels_continuous = pixel_storage.data(); const int64_t pixels_row_stride = pass_stride * tile_params.width; const int64_t pixels_continuous_row_stride = pass_stride * tile_params.window_width; for (int i = 0; i < tile_params.window_height; ++i) { memcpy(pixels_continuous, pixels, sizeof(float) * pixels_continuous_row_stride); pixels += pixels_row_stride; pixels_continuous += pixels_continuous_row_stride; } pixels = pixel_storage.data(); } VLOG_WORK << "Write tile at " << tile_x << ", " << tile_y; /* The image tile sizes in the OpenEXR file are different from the size of our big tiles. The * write_tiles() method expects a contiguous image region that will be split into tiles * internally. OpenEXR expects the size of this region to be a multiple of the tile size, * however OpenImageIO automatically adds the required padding. * * The only thing we have to ensure is that the tile_x and tile_y are a multiple of the * image tile size, which happens in compute_render_tile_size. */ const int64_t xstride = pass_stride * sizeof(float); const int64_t ystride = xstride * tile_params.window_width; const int64_t zstride = ystride * tile_params.window_height; if (!write_state_.tile_out->write_tiles(tile_x, tile_x + tile_params.window_width, tile_y, tile_y + tile_params.window_height, 0, 1, TypeDesc::FLOAT, pixels, xstride, ystride, zstride)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error writing tile " << write_state_.tile_out->geterror(); return false; } ++write_state_.num_tiles_written; VLOG_WORK << "Tile written in " << time_dt() - time_start << " seconds."; return true; } void TileManager::finish_write_tiles() { if (!write_state_.tile_out) { /* None of the tiles were written hence the file was not created. * Avoid creation of fully empty file since it is redundant. */ return; } /* EXR expects all tiles to present in file. So explicitly write missing tiles as all-zero. */ if (write_state_.num_tiles_written < tile_state_.num_tiles) { vector pixel_storage(tile_size_.x * tile_size_.y * buffer_params_.pass_stride); for (int tile_index = write_state_.num_tiles_written; tile_index < tile_state_.num_tiles; ++tile_index) { const Tile tile = get_tile_for_index(tile_index); const int tile_x = tile.x + tile.window_x; const int tile_y = tile.y + tile.window_y; VLOG_WORK << "Write dummy tile at " << tile_x << ", " << tile_y; write_state_.tile_out->write_tiles(tile_x, tile_x + tile.window_width, tile_y, tile_y + tile.window_height, 0, 1, TypeDesc::FLOAT, pixel_storage.data()); } } close_tile_output(); if (full_buffer_written_cb) { full_buffer_written_cb(write_state_.filename); } VLOG_WORK << "Tile file size is " << string_human_readable_number(path_file_size(write_state_.filename)) << " bytes."; /* Advance the counter upon explicit finish of the file. * Makes it possible to re-use tile manager for another scene, and avoids unnecessary increments * of the tile-file-within-session index. */ ++write_state_.tile_file_index; write_state_.filename = ""; } bool TileManager::read_full_buffer_from_disk(const string_view filename, RenderBuffers *buffers, DenoiseParams *denoise_params) { unique_ptr in(ImageInput::open(filename)); if (!in) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error opening tile file " << filename; return false; } const ImageSpec &image_spec = in->spec(); BufferParams buffer_params; if (!buffer_params_from_image_spec_atttributes(&buffer_params, image_spec)) { return false; } buffers->reset(buffer_params); if (!node_from_image_spec_atttributes(denoise_params, image_spec, ATTR_DENOISE_SOCKET_PREFIX)) { return false; } if (!in->read_image(TypeDesc::FLOAT, buffers->buffer.data())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading pixels from the tile file " << in->geterror(); return false; } if (!in->close()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error closing tile file " << in->geterror(); return false; } return true; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END