/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "render/camera.h" #include "render/mesh.h" #include "subd/subd_dice.h" #include "subd/subd_patch.h" #include "subd/subd_split.h" #include "util/util_algorithm.h" #include "util/util_foreach.h" #include "util/util_hash.h" #include "util/util_math.h" #include "util/util_types.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* DiagSplit */ #define DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM -1 #define STITCH_NGON_CENTER_VERT_INDEX_OFFSET 0x60000000 #define STITCH_NGON_SPLIT_EDGE_CENTER_VERT_TAG (0x60000000 - 1) DiagSplit::DiagSplit(const SubdParams ¶ms_) : params(params_) { } float3 DiagSplit::to_world(Patch *patch, float2 uv) { float3 P; patch->eval(&P, NULL, NULL, NULL, uv.x, uv.y); if (params.camera) P = transform_point(¶ms.objecttoworld, P); return P; } static void order_float2(float2 &a, float2 &b) { if (b.x < a.x || b.y < a.y) { swap(a, b); } } int DiagSplit::T(Patch *patch, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend, bool recursive_resolve) { order_float2(Pstart, Pend); /* May not be necessary, but better to be safe. */ float Lsum = 0.0f; float Lmax = 0.0f; float3 Plast = to_world(patch, Pstart); for (int i = 1; i < params.test_steps; i++) { float t = i / (float)(params.test_steps - 1); float3 P = to_world(patch, Pstart + t * (Pend - Pstart)); float L; if (!params.camera) { L = len(P - Plast); } else { Camera *cam = params.camera; float pixel_width = cam->world_to_raster_size((P + Plast) * 0.5f); L = len(P - Plast) / pixel_width; } Lsum += L; Lmax = max(L, Lmax); Plast = P; } int tmin = (int)ceilf(Lsum / params.dicing_rate); int tmax = (int)ceilf((params.test_steps - 1) * Lmax / params.dicing_rate); // XXX paper says N instead of N-1, seems wrong? int res = max(tmax, 1); if (tmax - tmin > params.split_threshold) { if (!recursive_resolve) { res = DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM; } else { float2 P = (Pstart + Pend) * 0.5f; res = T(patch, Pstart, P, true) + T(patch, P, Pend, true); } } limit_edge_factor(res, patch, Pstart, Pend); return res; } void DiagSplit::partition_edge( Patch *patch, float2 *P, int *t0, int *t1, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend, int t) { if (t == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) { *P = (Pstart + Pend) * 0.5f; *t0 = T(patch, Pstart, *P); *t1 = T(patch, *P, Pend); } else { assert(t >= 2); /* Need at least two segments to partition into. */ int I = (int)floorf((float)t * 0.5f); *P = interp(Pstart, Pend, I / (float)t); *t0 = I; *t1 = t - I; } } void DiagSplit::limit_edge_factor(int &T, Patch *patch, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend) { int max_t = 1 << params.max_level; int max_t_for_edge = int(max_t * len(Pstart - Pend)); if (patch->from_ngon) { max_t_for_edge >>= 1; /* Initial split of ngon causes edges to extend half the distance. */ } T = (max_t_for_edge <= 1) ? 1 : min(T, max_t_for_edge); assert(T >= 1 || T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM); } void DiagSplit::resolve_edge_factors(Subpatch &sub) { /* Resolve DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM to actual T value if splitting is no longer possible. */ if (sub.edge_u0.T == 1 && sub.edge_u1.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) { sub.edge_u1.T = T(sub.patch, sub.c01, sub.c11, true); } if (sub.edge_u1.T == 1 && sub.edge_u0.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) { sub.edge_u0.T = T(sub.patch, sub.c00, sub.c10, true); } if (sub.edge_v0.T == 1 && sub.edge_v1.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) { sub.edge_v1.T = T(sub.patch, sub.c11, sub.c10, true); } if (sub.edge_v1.T == 1 && sub.edge_v0.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) { sub.edge_v0.T = T(sub.patch, sub.c01, sub.c00, true); } } void DiagSplit::split(Subpatch &sub, int depth) { if (depth > 32) { /* We should never get here, but just in case end recursion safely. */ assert(!"diagsplit recursion limit reached"); sub.edge_u0.T = 1; sub.edge_u1.T = 1; sub.edge_v0.T = 1; sub.edge_v1.T = 1; subpatches.push_back(sub); return; } bool split_u = (sub.edge_u0.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM || sub.edge_u1.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM); bool split_v = (sub.edge_v0.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM || sub.edge_v1.T == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM); /* Split subpatches such that the ratio of T for opposite edges doesn't * exceed 1.5, this reduces over tessellation for some patches */ /* clang-format off */ if (min(sub.edge_u0.T, sub.edge_u1.T) > 8 && /* Must be uniform and preferably greater than 8 to split. */ min(sub.edge_v0.T, sub.edge_v1.T) >= 2 && /* Must be uniform and at least 2 to split. */ max(sub.edge_u0.T, sub.edge_u1.T) / min(sub.edge_u0.T, sub.edge_u1.T) > 1.5f) { split_v = true; } if (min(sub.edge_v0.T, sub.edge_v1.T) > 8 && min(sub.edge_u0.T, sub.edge_u1.T) >= 2 && max(sub.edge_v0.T, sub.edge_v1.T) / min(sub.edge_v0.T, sub.edge_v1.T) > 1.5f) { split_u = true; } /* clang-format on */ /* Alternate axis. */ if (split_u && split_v) { split_u = depth % 2; } if (!split_u && !split_v) { /* Add the unsplit subpatch. */ subpatches.push_back(sub); Subpatch &subpatch = subpatches[subpatches.size() - 1]; /* Update T values and offsets. */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Subpatch::edge_t &edge = subpatch.edges[i]; edge.offset = edge.edge->T; edge.edge->T += edge.T; } } else { /* Copy into new subpatches. */ Subpatch sub_a = sub; Subpatch sub_b = sub; /* Pointers to various subpatch elements. */ Subpatch::edge_t *sub_across_0, *sub_across_1; Subpatch::edge_t *sub_a_across_0, *sub_a_across_1; Subpatch::edge_t *sub_b_across_0, *sub_b_across_1; Subpatch::edge_t *sub_a_split, *sub_b_split; float2 *Pa, *Pb, *Pc, *Pd; /* Set pointers based on split axis. */ if (split_u) { sub_across_0 = &sub.edge_u0; sub_across_1 = &sub.edge_u1; sub_a_across_0 = &sub_a.edge_u0; sub_a_across_1 = &sub_a.edge_u1; sub_b_across_0 = &sub_b.edge_u0; sub_b_across_1 = &sub_b.edge_u1; sub_a_split = &sub_a.edge_v1; sub_b_split = &sub_b.edge_v0; Pa = &sub_a.c11; Pb = &sub_a.c10; Pc = &sub_b.c01; Pd = &sub_b.c00; } else { sub_across_0 = &sub.edge_v0; sub_across_1 = &sub.edge_v1; sub_a_across_0 = &sub_a.edge_v0; sub_a_across_1 = &sub_a.edge_v1; sub_b_across_0 = &sub_b.edge_v0; sub_b_across_1 = &sub_b.edge_v1; sub_a_split = &sub_a.edge_u0; sub_b_split = &sub_b.edge_u1; Pa = &sub_a.c10; Pb = &sub_a.c00; Pc = &sub_b.c11; Pd = &sub_b.c01; } /* Partition edges */ float2 P0, P1; partition_edge( sub.patch, &P0, &sub_a_across_0->T, &sub_b_across_0->T, *Pd, *Pb, sub_across_0->T); partition_edge( sub.patch, &P1, &sub_a_across_1->T, &sub_b_across_1->T, *Pc, *Pa, sub_across_1->T); /* Split */ *Pa = P1; *Pb = P0; *Pc = P1; *Pd = P0; int tsplit = T(sub.patch, P0, P1); if (depth == -2 && tsplit == 1) { tsplit = 2; /* Ensure we can always split at depth -1. */ } sub_a_split->T = tsplit; sub_b_split->T = tsplit; resolve_edge_factors(sub_a); resolve_edge_factors(sub_b); /* Create new edge */ Edge &edge = *alloc_edge(); sub_a_split->edge = &edge; sub_b_split->edge = &edge; sub_a_split->offset = 0; sub_b_split->offset = 0; sub_a_split->indices_decrease_along_edge = false; sub_b_split->indices_decrease_along_edge = true; sub_a_split->sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = !split_u; sub_b_split->sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = !split_u; edge.top_indices_decrease = sub_across_1->sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order; edge.bottom_indices_decrease = sub_across_0->sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order; /* Recurse */ edge.T = 0; split(sub_a, depth + 1); int edge_t = edge.T; (void)edge_t; edge.top_offset = sub_across_1->edge->T; edge.bottom_offset = sub_across_0->edge->T; edge.T = 0; /* We calculate T twice along each edge. :/ */ split(sub_b, depth + 1); assert(edge.T == edge_t); /* If this fails we will crash at some later point! */ edge.top = sub_across_1->edge; edge.bottom = sub_across_0->edge; } } int DiagSplit::alloc_verts(int n) { int a = num_alloced_verts; num_alloced_verts += n; return a; } Edge *DiagSplit::alloc_edge() { edges.emplace_back(); return &edges.back(); } void DiagSplit::split_patches(Patch *patches, size_t patches_byte_stride) { int patch_index = 0; for (int f = 0; f < params.mesh->get_num_subd_faces(); f++) { Mesh::SubdFace face = params.mesh->get_subd_face(f); Patch *patch = (Patch *)(((char *)patches) + patch_index * patches_byte_stride); if (face.is_quad()) { patch_index++; split_quad(face, patch); } else { patch_index += face.num_corners; split_ngon(face, patch, patches_byte_stride); } } params.mesh->vert_to_stitching_key_map.clear(); params.mesh->vert_stitching_map.clear(); post_split(); } static Edge *create_edge_from_corner(DiagSplit *split, const Mesh *mesh, const Mesh::SubdFace &face, int corner, bool &reversed, int v0, int v1) { int a = mesh->get_subd_face_corners()[face.start_corner + mod(corner + 0, face.num_corners)]; int b = mesh->get_subd_face_corners()[face.start_corner + mod(corner + 1, face.num_corners)]; reversed = !(b < a); if (b < a) { swap(a, b); swap(v0, v1); } Edge *edge = split->alloc_edge(); edge->is_stitch_edge = true; edge->stitch_start_vert_index = a; edge->stitch_end_vert_index = b; edge->start_vert_index = v0; edge->end_vert_index = v1; edge->stitch_edge_key = {a, b}; return edge; } void DiagSplit::split_quad(const Mesh::SubdFace &face, Patch *patch) { Subpatch subpatch(patch); int v = alloc_verts(4); bool v0_reversed, u1_reversed, v1_reversed, u0_reversed; subpatch.edge_v0.edge = create_edge_from_corner( this, params.mesh, face, 3, v0_reversed, v + 3, v + 0); subpatch.edge_u1.edge = create_edge_from_corner( this, params.mesh, face, 2, u1_reversed, v + 2, v + 3); subpatch.edge_v1.edge = create_edge_from_corner( this, params.mesh, face, 1, v1_reversed, v + 1, v + 2); subpatch.edge_u0.edge = create_edge_from_corner( this, params.mesh, face, 0, u0_reversed, v + 0, v + 1); subpatch.edge_v0.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = !v0_reversed; subpatch.edge_u1.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = u1_reversed; subpatch.edge_v1.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = v1_reversed; subpatch.edge_u0.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = !u0_reversed; subpatch.edge_v0.indices_decrease_along_edge = v0_reversed; subpatch.edge_u1.indices_decrease_along_edge = u1_reversed; subpatch.edge_v1.indices_decrease_along_edge = v1_reversed; subpatch.edge_u0.indices_decrease_along_edge = u0_reversed; /* Forces a split in both axis for quads, needed to match split of ngons into quads. */ subpatch.edge_u0.T = DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM; subpatch.edge_u1.T = DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM; subpatch.edge_v0.T = DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM; subpatch.edge_v1.T = DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM; split(subpatch, -2); } static Edge *create_split_edge_from_corner(DiagSplit *split, const Mesh *mesh, const Mesh::SubdFace &face, int corner, int side, bool &reversed, int v0, int v1, int vc) { Edge *edge = split->alloc_edge(); int a = mesh->get_subd_face_corners()[face.start_corner + mod(corner + 0, face.num_corners)]; int b = mesh->get_subd_face_corners()[face.start_corner + mod(corner + 1, face.num_corners)]; if (b < a) { edge->stitch_edge_key = {b, a}; } else { edge->stitch_edge_key = {a, b}; } reversed = !(b < a); if (side == 0) { a = vc; } else { b = vc; } if (!reversed) { swap(a, b); swap(v0, v1); } edge->is_stitch_edge = true; edge->stitch_start_vert_index = a; edge->stitch_end_vert_index = b; edge->start_vert_index = v0; edge->end_vert_index = v1; return edge; } void DiagSplit::split_ngon(const Mesh::SubdFace &face, Patch *patches, size_t patches_byte_stride) { Edge *prev_edge_u0 = nullptr; Edge *first_edge_v0 = nullptr; for (int corner = 0; corner < face.num_corners; corner++) { Patch *patch = (Patch *)(((char *)patches) + corner * patches_byte_stride); Subpatch subpatch(patch); int v = alloc_verts(4); /* Setup edges. */ Edge *edge_u1 = alloc_edge(); Edge *edge_v1 = alloc_edge(); edge_v1->is_stitch_edge = true; edge_u1->is_stitch_edge = true; edge_u1->stitch_start_vert_index = -(face.start_corner + mod(corner + 0, face.num_corners)) - 1; edge_u1->stitch_end_vert_index = STITCH_NGON_CENTER_VERT_INDEX_OFFSET + face.ptex_offset; edge_u1->start_vert_index = v + 3; edge_u1->end_vert_index = v + 2; edge_u1->stitch_edge_key = {edge_u1->stitch_start_vert_index, edge_u1->stitch_end_vert_index}; edge_v1->stitch_start_vert_index = -(face.start_corner + mod(corner + 1, face.num_corners)) - 1; edge_v1->stitch_end_vert_index = STITCH_NGON_CENTER_VERT_INDEX_OFFSET + face.ptex_offset; edge_v1->start_vert_index = v + 1; edge_v1->end_vert_index = v + 2; edge_v1->stitch_edge_key = {edge_v1->stitch_start_vert_index, edge_v1->stitch_end_vert_index}; bool v0_reversed, u0_reversed; subpatch.edge_v0.edge = create_split_edge_from_corner(this, params.mesh, face, corner - 1, 0, v0_reversed, v + 3, v + 0, STITCH_NGON_SPLIT_EDGE_CENTER_VERT_TAG); subpatch.edge_u1.edge = edge_u1; subpatch.edge_v1.edge = edge_v1; subpatch.edge_u0.edge = create_split_edge_from_corner(this, params.mesh, face, corner + 0, 1, u0_reversed, v + 0, v + 1, STITCH_NGON_SPLIT_EDGE_CENTER_VERT_TAG); subpatch.edge_v0.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = !v0_reversed; subpatch.edge_u1.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = false; subpatch.edge_v1.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = true; subpatch.edge_u0.sub_edges_created_in_reverse_order = !u0_reversed; subpatch.edge_v0.indices_decrease_along_edge = v0_reversed; subpatch.edge_u1.indices_decrease_along_edge = false; subpatch.edge_v1.indices_decrease_along_edge = true; subpatch.edge_u0.indices_decrease_along_edge = u0_reversed; /* Perform split. */ { subpatch.edge_u0.T = T(subpatch.patch, subpatch.c00, subpatch.c10); subpatch.edge_u1.T = T(subpatch.patch, subpatch.c01, subpatch.c11); subpatch.edge_v0.T = T(subpatch.patch, subpatch.c00, subpatch.c01); subpatch.edge_v1.T = T(subpatch.patch, subpatch.c10, subpatch.c11); resolve_edge_factors(subpatch); split(subpatch, 0); } /* Update offsets after T is known from split. */ edge_u1->top = subpatch.edge_v0.edge; edge_u1->stitch_top_offset = edge_u1->top->T * (v0_reversed ? -1 : 1); edge_v1->top = subpatch.edge_u0.edge; edge_v1->stitch_top_offset = edge_v1->top->T * (!u0_reversed ? -1 : 1); if (corner == 0) { first_edge_v0 = subpatch.edge_v0.edge; } if (prev_edge_u0) { if (v0_reversed) { subpatch.edge_v0.edge->stitch_offset = prev_edge_u0->T; } else { prev_edge_u0->stitch_offset = subpatch.edge_v0.edge->T; } int T = subpatch.edge_v0.edge->T + prev_edge_u0->T; subpatch.edge_v0.edge->stitch_edge_T = T; prev_edge_u0->stitch_edge_T = T; } if (corner == face.num_corners - 1) { if (v0_reversed) { subpatch.edge_u0.edge->stitch_offset = first_edge_v0->T; } else { first_edge_v0->stitch_offset = subpatch.edge_u0.edge->T; } int T = first_edge_v0->T + subpatch.edge_u0.edge->T; first_edge_v0->stitch_edge_T = T; subpatch.edge_u0.edge->stitch_edge_T = T; } prev_edge_u0 = subpatch.edge_u0.edge; } } void DiagSplit::post_split() { int num_stitch_verts = 0; /* All patches are now split, and all T values known. */ foreach (Edge &edge, edges) { if (edge.second_vert_index < 0) { edge.second_vert_index = alloc_verts(edge.T - 1); } if (edge.is_stitch_edge) { num_stitch_verts = max(num_stitch_verts, max(edge.stitch_start_vert_index, edge.stitch_end_vert_index)); } } num_stitch_verts += 1; /* Map of edge key to edge stitching vert offset. */ struct pair_hasher { size_t operator()(const pair &k) const { return hash_uint2(k.first, k.second); } }; typedef unordered_map, int, pair_hasher> edge_stitch_verts_map_t; edge_stitch_verts_map_t edge_stitch_verts_map; foreach (Edge &edge, edges) { if (edge.is_stitch_edge) { if (edge.stitch_edge_T == 0) { edge.stitch_edge_T = edge.T; } if (edge_stitch_verts_map.find(edge.stitch_edge_key) == edge_stitch_verts_map.end()) { edge_stitch_verts_map[edge.stitch_edge_key] = num_stitch_verts; num_stitch_verts += edge.stitch_edge_T - 1; } } } /* Set start and end indices for edges generated from a split. */ foreach (Edge &edge, edges) { if (edge.start_vert_index < 0) { /* Fix up offsets. */ if (edge.top_indices_decrease) { edge.top_offset = edge.top->T - edge.top_offset; } edge.start_vert_index = edge.top->get_vert_along_edge(edge.top_offset); } if (edge.end_vert_index < 0) { if (edge.bottom_indices_decrease) { edge.bottom_offset = edge.bottom->T - edge.bottom_offset; } edge.end_vert_index = edge.bottom->get_vert_along_edge(edge.bottom_offset); } } int vert_offset = params.mesh->verts.size(); /* Add verts to stitching map. */ foreach (const Edge &edge, edges) { if (edge.is_stitch_edge) { int second_stitch_vert_index = edge_stitch_verts_map[edge.stitch_edge_key]; for (int i = 0; i <= edge.T; i++) { /* Get proper stitching key. */ int key; if (i == 0) { key = edge.stitch_start_vert_index; } else if (i == edge.T) { key = edge.stitch_end_vert_index; } else { key = second_stitch_vert_index + i - 1 + edge.stitch_offset; } if (key == STITCH_NGON_SPLIT_EDGE_CENTER_VERT_TAG) { if (i == 0) { key = second_stitch_vert_index - 1 + edge.stitch_offset; } else if (i == edge.T) { key = second_stitch_vert_index - 1 + edge.T; } } else if (key < 0 && edge.top) { /* ngon spoke edge */ int s = edge_stitch_verts_map[edge.top->stitch_edge_key]; if (edge.stitch_top_offset >= 0) { key = s - 1 + edge.stitch_top_offset; } else { key = s - 1 + edge.top->stitch_edge_T + edge.stitch_top_offset; } } /* Get real vert index. */ int vert = edge.get_vert_along_edge(i) + vert_offset; /* Add to map */ if (params.mesh->vert_to_stitching_key_map.find(vert) == params.mesh->vert_to_stitching_key_map.end()) { params.mesh->vert_to_stitching_key_map[vert] = key; params.mesh->vert_stitching_map.insert({key, vert}); } } } } /* Dice; TODO(mai): Move this out of split. */ QuadDice dice(params); int num_verts = num_alloced_verts; int num_triangles = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < subpatches.size(); i++) { subpatches[i].inner_grid_vert_offset = num_verts; num_verts += subpatches[i].calc_num_inner_verts(); num_triangles += subpatches[i].calc_num_triangles(); } dice.reserve(num_verts, num_triangles); for (size_t i = 0; i < subpatches.size(); i++) { Subpatch &sub = subpatches[i]; sub.edge_u0.T = max(sub.edge_u0.T, 1); sub.edge_u1.T = max(sub.edge_u1.T, 1); sub.edge_v0.T = max(sub.edge_v0.T, 1); sub.edge_v1.T = max(sub.edge_v1.T, 1); dice.dice(sub); } /* Cleanup */ subpatches.clear(); edges.clear(); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END