/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "render/camera.h" #include "render/mesh.h" #include "subd/subd_dice.h" #include "subd/subd_patch.h" #include "subd/subd_split.h" #include "util/util_math.h" #include "util/util_types.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* DiagSplit */ DiagSplit::DiagSplit(const SubdParams ¶ms_) : params(params_) { } void DiagSplit::dispatch(QuadDice::SubPatch &sub, QuadDice::EdgeFactors &ef) { subpatches_quad.push_back(sub); edgefactors_quad.push_back(ef); } float3 DiagSplit::to_world(Patch *patch, float2 uv) { float3 P; patch->eval(&P, NULL, NULL, NULL, uv.x, uv.y); if (params.camera) P = transform_point(¶ms.objecttoworld, P); return P; } int DiagSplit::T(Patch *patch, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend) { float3 Plast = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float Lsum = 0.0f; float Lmax = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < params.test_steps; i++) { float t = i / (float)(params.test_steps - 1); float3 P = to_world(patch, Pstart + t * (Pend - Pstart)); if (i > 0) { float L; if (!params.camera) { L = len(P - Plast); } else { Camera *cam = params.camera; float pixel_width = cam->world_to_raster_size((P + Plast) * 0.5f); L = len(P - Plast) / pixel_width; } Lsum += L; Lmax = max(L, Lmax); } Plast = P; } int tmin = (int)ceil(Lsum / params.dicing_rate); int tmax = (int)ceil((params.test_steps - 1) * Lmax / params.dicing_rate); // XXX paper says N instead of N-1, seems wrong? if (tmax - tmin > params.split_threshold) return DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM; return tmax; } void DiagSplit::partition_edge( Patch *patch, float2 *P, int *t0, int *t1, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend, int t) { if (t == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM) { *P = (Pstart + Pend) * 0.5f; *t0 = T(patch, Pstart, *P); *t1 = T(patch, *P, Pend); } else { int I = (int)floor((float)t * 0.5f); *P = interp(Pstart, Pend, (t == 0) ? 0 : I / (float)t); /* XXX is t faces or verts */ *t0 = I; *t1 = t - I; } } static void limit_edge_factors(const QuadDice::SubPatch &sub, QuadDice::EdgeFactors &ef, int max_t) { float2 P00 = sub.P00; float2 P01 = sub.P01; float2 P10 = sub.P10; float2 P11 = sub.P11; int tu0 = int(max_t * len(P10 - P00)); int tu1 = int(max_t * len(P11 - P01)); int tv0 = int(max_t * len(P01 - P00)); int tv1 = int(max_t * len(P11 - P10)); ef.tu0 = tu0 <= 1 ? 1 : min(ef.tu0, tu0); ef.tu1 = tu1 <= 1 ? 1 : min(ef.tu1, tu1); ef.tv0 = tv0 <= 1 ? 1 : min(ef.tv0, tv0); ef.tv1 = tv1 <= 1 ? 1 : min(ef.tv1, tv1); } void DiagSplit::split(QuadDice::SubPatch &sub, QuadDice::EdgeFactors &ef, int depth) { if (depth > 32) { /* We should never get here, but just in case end recursion safely. */ ef.tu0 = 1; ef.tu1 = 1; ef.tv0 = 1; ef.tv1 = 1; dispatch(sub, ef); return; } bool split_u = (ef.tu0 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM || ef.tu1 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM); bool split_v = (ef.tv0 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM || ef.tv1 == DSPLIT_NON_UNIFORM); /* Split subpatches such that the ratio of T for opposite edges doesn't * exceed 1.5, this reduces over tessellation for some patches */ bool tmp_split_v = split_v; if (!split_u && min(ef.tu0, ef.tu1) > 8 && min(ef.tu0, ef.tu1) * 1.5f < max(ef.tu0, ef.tu1)) split_v = true; if (!tmp_split_v && min(ef.tu0, ef.tu1) > 8 && min(ef.tv0, ef.tv1) * 1.5f < max(ef.tv0, ef.tv1)) split_u = true; /* alternate axis */ if (split_u && split_v) { split_u = depth % 2; } if (split_u) { /* partition edges */ QuadDice::EdgeFactors ef0, ef1; float2 Pu0, Pu1; partition_edge(sub.patch, &Pu0, &ef0.tu0, &ef1.tu0, sub.P00, sub.P10, ef.tu0); partition_edge(sub.patch, &Pu1, &ef0.tu1, &ef1.tu1, sub.P01, sub.P11, ef.tu1); /* split */ int tsplit = T(sub.patch, Pu0, Pu1); ef0.tv0 = ef.tv0; ef0.tv1 = tsplit; ef1.tv0 = tsplit; ef1.tv1 = ef.tv1; /* create subpatches */ QuadDice::SubPatch sub0 = {sub.patch, sub.P00, Pu0, sub.P01, Pu1}; QuadDice::SubPatch sub1 = {sub.patch, Pu0, sub.P10, Pu1, sub.P11}; limit_edge_factors(sub0, ef0, 1 << params.max_level); limit_edge_factors(sub1, ef1, 1 << params.max_level); split(sub0, ef0, depth + 1); split(sub1, ef1, depth + 1); } else if (split_v) { /* partition edges */ QuadDice::EdgeFactors ef0, ef1; float2 Pv0, Pv1; partition_edge(sub.patch, &Pv0, &ef0.tv0, &ef1.tv0, sub.P00, sub.P01, ef.tv0); partition_edge(sub.patch, &Pv1, &ef0.tv1, &ef1.tv1, sub.P10, sub.P11, ef.tv1); /* split */ int tsplit = T(sub.patch, Pv0, Pv1); ef0.tu0 = ef.tu0; ef0.tu1 = tsplit; ef1.tu0 = tsplit; ef1.tu1 = ef.tu1; /* create subpatches */ QuadDice::SubPatch sub0 = {sub.patch, sub.P00, sub.P10, Pv0, Pv1}; QuadDice::SubPatch sub1 = {sub.patch, Pv0, Pv1, sub.P01, sub.P11}; limit_edge_factors(sub0, ef0, 1 << params.max_level); limit_edge_factors(sub1, ef1, 1 << params.max_level); split(sub0, ef0, depth + 1); split(sub1, ef1, depth + 1); } else { dispatch(sub, ef); } } void DiagSplit::split_quad(Patch *patch, QuadDice::SubPatch *subpatch) { QuadDice::SubPatch sub_split; QuadDice::EdgeFactors ef_split; if (subpatch) { sub_split = *subpatch; } else { sub_split.patch = patch; sub_split.P00 = make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f); sub_split.P10 = make_float2(1.0f, 0.0f); sub_split.P01 = make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f); sub_split.P11 = make_float2(1.0f, 1.0f); } ef_split.tu0 = T(patch, sub_split.P00, sub_split.P10); ef_split.tu1 = T(patch, sub_split.P01, sub_split.P11); ef_split.tv0 = T(patch, sub_split.P00, sub_split.P01); ef_split.tv1 = T(patch, sub_split.P10, sub_split.P11); limit_edge_factors(sub_split, ef_split, 1 << params.max_level); split(sub_split, ef_split); QuadDice dice(params); for (size_t i = 0; i < subpatches_quad.size(); i++) { QuadDice::SubPatch &sub = subpatches_quad[i]; QuadDice::EdgeFactors &ef = edgefactors_quad[i]; ef.tu0 = max(ef.tu0, 1); ef.tu1 = max(ef.tu1, 1); ef.tv0 = max(ef.tv0, 1); ef.tv1 = max(ef.tv1, 1); dice.dice(sub, ef); } subpatches_quad.clear(); edgefactors_quad.clear(); } CCL_NAMESPACE_END