/* * Copyright 2011-2016 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "testing/testing.h" #include "util/path.h" CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* ******** Tests for path_filename() ******** */ #ifndef _WIN32 TEST(util_path_filename, simple_unix) { string str = path_filename("/tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_filename, root_unix) { string str = path_filename("/"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/"); } TEST(util_path_filename, last_slash_unix) { string str = path_filename("/tmp/foo.txt/"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "."); } TEST(util_path_filename, alternate_slash_unix) { string str = path_filename("/tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "tmp\\foo.txt"); } #endif /* !_WIN32 */ TEST(util_path_filename, file_only) { string str = path_filename("foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_filename, empty) { string str = path_filename(""); EXPECT_EQ(str, ""); } #ifdef _WIN32 TEST(util_path_filename, simple_windows) { string str = path_filename("C:\\tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_filename, root_windows) { string str = path_filename("C:\\"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "\\"); } TEST(util_path_filename, last_slash_windows) { string str = path_filename("C:\\tmp\\foo.txt\\"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "."); } TEST(util_path_filename, alternate_slash_windows) { string str = path_filename("C:\\tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo.txt"); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* ******** Tests for path_dirname() ******** */ #ifndef _WIN32 TEST(util_path_dirname, simple_unix) { string str = path_dirname("/tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/tmp"); } TEST(util_path_dirname, root_unix) { string str = path_dirname("/"); EXPECT_EQ(str, ""); } TEST(util_path_dirname, last_slash_unix) { string str = path_dirname("/tmp/foo.txt/"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/tmp/foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_dirname, alternate_slash_unix) { string str = path_dirname("/tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/"); } #endif /* !_WIN32 */ TEST(util_path_dirname, file_only) { string str = path_dirname("foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, ""); } TEST(util_path_dirname, empty) { string str = path_dirname(""); EXPECT_EQ(str, ""); } #ifdef _WIN32 TEST(util_path_dirname, simple_windows) { string str = path_dirname("C:\\tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "C:\\tmp"); } TEST(util_path_dirname, root_windows) { string str = path_dirname("C:\\"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "C:"); } TEST(util_path_dirname, last_slash_windows) { string str = path_dirname("C:\\tmp\\foo.txt\\"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "C:\\tmp\\foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_dirname, alternate_slash_windows) { string str = path_dirname("C:\\tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "C:\\tmp"); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* ******** Tests for path_join() ******** */ TEST(util_path_join, empty_both) { string str = path_join("", ""); EXPECT_EQ(str, ""); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_directory) { string str = path_join("", "foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_filename) { string str = path_join("foo", ""); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo"); } #ifndef _WIN32 TEST(util_path_join, simple_unix) { string str = path_join("foo", "bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, directory_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo/", "bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, filename_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo", "/bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, both_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo/", "/bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo//bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, directory_alternate_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo\\", "bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo\\/bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, filename_alternate_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo", "\\bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/\\bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, both_alternate_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo", "\\bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/\\bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_dir_filename_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("", "/foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_dir_filename_alternate_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("", "\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "\\foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_filename_dir_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo/", ""); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_filename_dir_alternate_slash_unix) { string str = path_join("foo\\", ""); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo\\"); } #else /* !_WIN32 */ TEST(util_path_join, simple_windows) { string str = path_join("foo", "bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo\\bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, directory_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo\\", "bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo\\bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, filename_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo", "\\bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo\\bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, both_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo\\", "\\bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo\\\\bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, directory_alternate_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo/", "bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, filename_alternate_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo", "/bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, both_alternate_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo/", "/bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo//bar"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_dir_filename_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("", "\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "\\foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_dir_filename_alternate_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("", "/foo.txt"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/foo.txt"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_filename_dir_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo\\", ""); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo\\"); } TEST(util_path_join, empty_filename_dir_alternate_slash_windows) { string str = path_join("foo/", ""); EXPECT_EQ(str, "foo/"); } #endif /* !_WIN32 */ /* ******** Tests for path_escape() ******** */ TEST(util_path_escape, no_escape_chars) { string str = path_escape("/tmp/foo/bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/tmp/foo/bar"); } TEST(util_path_escape, simple) { string str = path_escape("/tmp/foo bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/tmp/foo\\ bar"); } TEST(util_path_escape, simple_end) { string str = path_escape("/tmp/foo/bar "); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/tmp/foo/bar\\ "); } TEST(util_path_escape, multiple) { string str = path_escape("/tmp/foo bar"); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/tmp/foo\\ \\ bar"); } TEST(util_path_escape, simple_multiple_end) { string str = path_escape("/tmp/foo/bar "); EXPECT_EQ(str, "/tmp/foo/bar\\ \\ "); } /* ******** Tests for path_is_relative() ******** */ TEST(util_path_is_relative, filename) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("foo.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_relative); } #ifndef _WIN32 TEST(util_path_is_relative, absolute_unix) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("/tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_FALSE(is_relative); } TEST(util_path_is_relative, relative_dir_unix) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_relative); } TEST(util_path_is_relative, absolute_windir_on_unix) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("C:\\tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_relative); } TEST(util_path_is_relative, relative_windir_on_unix) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_relative); } #endif /* !_WIN32 */ #ifdef _WIN32 TEST(util_path_is_relative, absolute_windows) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("C:\\tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_FALSE(is_relative); } TEST(util_path_is_relative, relative_dir_windows) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("tmp\\foo.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_relative); } TEST(util_path_is_relative, absolute_unixdir_on_windows) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("/tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_relative); } TEST(util_path_is_relative, relative_unixdir_on_windows) { bool is_relative = path_is_relative("tmp/foo.txt"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_relative); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ CCL_NAMESPACE_END