# Copyright 2011-2020 Blender Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set(INC .. ../../glew-mx ) set(INC_SYS ${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set(SRC aligned_malloc.cpp debug.cpp ies.cpp log.cpp math_cdf.cpp md5.cpp murmurhash.cpp path.cpp profiling.cpp string.cpp simd.cpp system.cpp task.cpp thread.cpp time.cpp transform.cpp windows.cpp ) set(LIB ${TBB_LIBRARIES} ) if(WITH_CYCLES_STANDALONE) if(WITH_CYCLES_STANDALONE_GUI) list(APPEND SRC view.cpp ) endif() endif() if(CYCLES_STANDALONE_REPOSITORY) list(APPEND INC_SYS ../../third_party/numaapi/include ) else() list(APPEND INC_SYS ../../numaapi/include ) endif() set(SRC_HEADERS algorithm.h aligned_malloc.h args.h array.h atomic.h boundbox.h debug.h defines.h deque.h disjoint_set.h guarded_allocator.cpp foreach.h function.h guarded_allocator.h half.h hash.h ies.h image.h image_impl.h list.h log.h map.h math.h math_cdf.h math_fast.h math_intersect.h math_float2.h math_float3.h math_float4.h math_int2.h math_int3.h math_int4.h math_matrix.h md5.h murmurhash.h openimagedenoise.h opengl.h openvdb.h optimization.h param.h path.h profiling.h progress.h projection.h queue.h rect.h set.h simd.h avxf.h avxb.h avxi.h semaphore.h sseb.h ssef.h ssei.h stack_allocator.h static_assert.h stats.h string.h system.h task.h tbb.h texture.h thread.h time.h transform.h types.h types_float2.h types_float2_impl.h types_float3.h types_float3_impl.h types_float4.h types_float4_impl.h types_float8.h types_float8_impl.h types_int2.h types_int2_impl.h types_int3.h types_int3_impl.h types_int4.h types_int4_impl.h types_uchar2.h types_uchar2_impl.h types_uchar3.h types_uchar3_impl.h types_uchar4.h types_uchar4_impl.h types_uint2.h types_uint2_impl.h types_uint3.h types_uint3_impl.h types_uint4.h types_uint4_impl.h types_ushort4.h types_vector3.h types_vector3_impl.h unique_ptr.h vector.h version.h view.h windows.h xml.h ) include_directories(${INC}) include_directories(SYSTEM ${INC_SYS}) add_definitions(${GL_DEFINITIONS}) cycles_add_library(cycles_util "${LIB}" ${SRC} ${SRC_HEADERS})