/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __UTIL_HALF_H__ #define __UTIL_HALF_H__ #include "util/math.h" #include "util/types.h" #if !defined(__KERNEL_GPU__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) # include "util/simd.h" #endif CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Half Floats */ /* CUDA has its own half data type, no need to define then */ #if !defined(__KERNEL_CUDA__) && !defined(__KERNEL_HIP__) /* Implementing this as a class rather than a typedef so that the compiler can tell it apart from * unsigned shorts. */ class half { public: half() : v(0) { } half(const unsigned short &i) : v(i) { } operator unsigned short() { return v; } half &operator=(const unsigned short &i) { v = i; return *this; } private: unsigned short v; }; #endif struct half4 { half x, y, z, w; }; /* Conversion to/from half float for image textures * * Simplified float to half for fast sampling on processor without a native * instruction, and eliminating any NaN and inf values. */ ccl_device_inline half float_to_half_image(float f) { #if defined(__KERNEL_CUDA__) || defined(__KERNEL_HIP__) return __float2half(f); #else const uint u = __float_as_uint(f); /* Sign bit, shifted to its position. */ uint sign_bit = u & 0x80000000; sign_bit >>= 16; /* Exponent. */ uint exponent_bits = u & 0x7f800000; /* Non-sign bits. */ uint value_bits = u & 0x7fffffff; value_bits >>= 13; /* Align mantissa on MSB. */ value_bits -= 0x1c000; /* Adjust bias. */ /* Flush-to-zero. */ value_bits = (exponent_bits < 0x38800000) ? 0 : value_bits; /* Clamp-to-max. */ value_bits = (exponent_bits > 0x47000000) ? 0x7bff : value_bits; /* Denormals-as-zero. */ value_bits = (exponent_bits == 0 ? 0 : value_bits); /* Re-insert sign bit and return. */ return (value_bits | sign_bit); #endif } ccl_device_inline float half_to_float_image(half h) { #if defined(__KERNEL_CUDA__) || defined(__KERNEL_HIP__) return __half2float(h); #else const int x = ((h & 0x8000) << 16) | (((h & 0x7c00) + 0x1C000) << 13) | ((h & 0x03FF) << 13); return __int_as_float(x); #endif } ccl_device_inline float4 half4_to_float4_image(const half4 h) { /* Unable to use because it gives different results half_to_float_image, can we * modify float_to_half_image so the conversion results are identical? */ #if 0 /* defined(__KERNEL_AVX2__) */ /* CPU: AVX. */ __m128i x = _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_load_sd((const double *)&h)); return float4(_mm_cvtph_ps(x)); #endif const float4 f = make_float4(half_to_float_image(h.x), half_to_float_image(h.y), half_to_float_image(h.z), half_to_float_image(h.w)); return f; } /* Conversion to half float texture for display. * * Simplified float to half for fast display texture conversion on processors * without a native instruction. Assumes no negative, no NaN, no inf, and sets * denormal to 0. */ ccl_device_inline half float_to_half_display(const float f) { #if defined(__KERNEL_CUDA__) || defined(__KERNEL_HIP__) return __float2half(f); #else const int x = __float_as_int((f > 0.0f) ? ((f < 65504.0f) ? f : 65504.0f) : 0.0f); const int absolute = x & 0x7FFFFFFF; const int Z = absolute + 0xC8000000; const int result = (absolute < 0x38800000) ? 0 : Z; const int rshift = (result >> 13); return (rshift & 0x7FFF); #endif } ccl_device_inline half4 float4_to_half4_display(const float4 f) { #ifdef __KERNEL_SSE2__ /* CPU: SSE and AVX. */ ssef x = min(max(load4f(f), 0.0f), 65504.0f); # ifdef __KERNEL_AVX2__ ssei rpack = _mm_cvtps_ph(x, 0); # else ssei absolute = cast(x) & 0x7FFFFFFF; ssei Z = absolute + 0xC8000000; ssei result = andnot(absolute < 0x38800000, Z); ssei rshift = (result >> 13) & 0x7FFF; ssei rpack = _mm_packs_epi32(rshift, rshift); # endif half4 h; _mm_storel_pi((__m64 *)&h, _mm_castsi128_ps(rpack)); return h; #else /* GPU and scalar fallback. */ const half4 h = {float_to_half_display(f.x), float_to_half_display(f.y), float_to_half_display(f.z), float_to_half_display(f.w)}; return h; #endif } CCL_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* __UTIL_HALF_H__ */