/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup GHOST * %Main interface file for C++ Api with declaration of GHOST_ISystem interface * class. * Contains the doxygen documentation main page. */ #pragma once #include #include "GHOST_IContext.h" #include "GHOST_ITimerTask.h" #include "GHOST_IWindow.h" #include "GHOST_Types.h" class GHOST_IEventConsumer; /** * \page GHOSTPage GHOST * * \section intro Introduction * * GHOST is yet another acronym. It stands for "Generic Handy Operating System * Toolkit". It has been created to replace the OpenGL utility tool kit * GLUT. * GLUT was used in Blender until the * point that Blender needed to be ported to Apple's Mac OSX. Blender needed a * number of modifications in GLUT to work but the GLUT sources for OSX were * unavailable at the time. The decision was made to build our own replacement * for GLUT. In those days, NaN Technologies BV was the company that developed * Blender. *

* Enough history. What does GHOST have to offer?
* In short: everything that Blender needed from GLUT to run on all its supported * operating systems and some extra's. * This includes : * * - Time(r) management. * - Display/window management (windows are only created on the main display). * - Event management. * - Cursor shape management (no custom cursors for now). * - Access to the state of the mouse buttons and the keyboard. * - Menus for windows with events generated when they are accessed (this is * work in progress). * - Video mode switching. * - Copy/Paste buffers. * - System paths. * * Font management has been moved to a separate library. * * \section platforms Platforms * * GHOST supports the following platforms: * * - OSX Cocoa. * - Windows. * - X11. * - SDL2 (experimental). * - NULL (headless mode). * * \section Building GHOST * * GHOST is not build standalone however there are tests in intern/ghost/test * * \section interface Interface * GHOST has two programming interfaces: * * - The C-API. For programs written in C. * - The C++-API. For programs written in C++. * * GHOST itself is written in C++ and the C-API is a wrapper around the C++ * API. * * \subsection cplusplus_api The C++ API consists of the following files: * * - GHOST_IEvent.h * - GHOST_IEventConsumer.h * - GHOST_ISystem.h * - GHOST_ITimerTask.h * - GHOST_IWindow.h * - GHOST_Rect.h * - GHOST_Types.h * * For an example of using the C++-API, have a look at the GHOST_C-Test.cpp * program in the ?/ghost/test/gears/ directory. * * \subsection c_api The C-API * To use GHOST in programs written in C, include the file GHOST_C-API.h in * your program. This file includes the GHOST_Types.h file for all GHOST types * and defines functions that give you access to the same functionality present * in the C++ API.
* For an example of using the C-API, have a look at the GHOST_C-Test.c program * in the ?/ghost/test/gears/ directory. * * \section work Work in progress * \todo write WIP section */ /** \interface GHOST_ISystem * Interface for classes that provide access to the operating system. * There should be only one system class in an application. * Therefore, the routines to create and dispose the system are static. * Provides: * -# Time(r) management. * -# Display/window management (windows are only created on the main display). * -# Event management. * -# Cursor shape management (no custom cursors for now). * -# Access to the state of the mouse buttons and the keyboard. * -# Menus for windows with events generated when they are accessed (this is * work in progress). */ class GHOST_ISystem { public: /** * Creates the one and only system. * \return An indication of success. */ static GHOST_TSuccess createSystem(); /** * Disposes the one and only system. * \return An indication of success. */ static GHOST_TSuccess disposeSystem(); /** * Returns a pointer to the one and only system (nil if it hasn't been created). * \return A pointer to the system. */ static GHOST_ISystem *getSystem(); static GHOST_TBacktraceFn getBacktraceFn(); static void setBacktraceFn(GHOST_TBacktraceFn backtrace_fn); protected: /** * Constructor. * Protected default constructor to force use of static createSystem member. */ GHOST_ISystem() { } /** * Destructor. * Protected default constructor to force use of static dispose member. */ virtual ~GHOST_ISystem() { } public: /*************************************************************************************** * Time(r) functionality ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Returns the system time. * Returns the number of milliseconds since the start of the system process. * Based on ANSI clock() routine. * \return The number of milliseconds. */ virtual uint64_t getMilliSeconds() const = 0; /** * Installs a timer. * Note that, on most operating systems, messages need to be processed in order * for the timer callbacks to be invoked. * \param delay: The time to wait for the first call to the timerProc (in milliseconds). * \param interval: The interval between calls to the timerProc (in milliseconds). * \param timerProc: The callback invoked when the interval expires. * \param userData: Placeholder for user data. * \return A timer task (0 if timer task installation failed). */ virtual GHOST_ITimerTask *installTimer(uint64_t delay, uint64_t interval, GHOST_TimerProcPtr timerProc, GHOST_TUserDataPtr userData = NULL) = 0; /** * Removes a timer. * \param timerTask: Timer task to be removed. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess removeTimer(GHOST_ITimerTask *timerTask) = 0; /*************************************************************************************** * Display/window management functionality ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Returns the number of displays on this system. * \return The number of displays. */ virtual uint8_t getNumDisplays() const = 0; /** * Returns the dimensions of the main display on this system. * \return The dimension of the main display. */ virtual void getMainDisplayDimensions(uint32_t &width, uint32_t &height) const = 0; /** * Returns the combine dimensions of all monitors. * \return The dimension of the workspace. */ virtual void getAllDisplayDimensions(uint32_t &width, uint32_t &height) const = 0; /** * Create a new window. * The new window is added to the list of windows managed. * Never explicitly delete the window, use disposeWindow() instead. * \param title: The name of the window * (displayed in the title bar of the window if the OS supports it). * \param left: The coordinate of the left edge of the window. * \param top: The coordinate of the top edge of the window. * \param width: The width the window. * \param height: The height the window. * \param state: The state of the window when opened. * \param type: The type of drawing context installed in this window. * \param glSettings: Misc OpenGL settings. * \param exclusive: Use to show the window on top and ignore others (used full-screen). * \param is_dialog: Stay on top of parent window, no icon in taskbar, can't be minimized. * \param parentWindow: Parent (embedder) window * \return The new window (or 0 if creation failed). */ virtual GHOST_IWindow *createWindow(const char *title, int32_t left, int32_t top, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, GHOST_TWindowState state, GHOST_TDrawingContextType type, GHOST_GLSettings glSettings, const bool exclusive = false, const bool is_dialog = false, const GHOST_IWindow *parentWindow = NULL) = 0; /** * Dispose a window. * \param window: Pointer to the window to be disposed. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess disposeWindow(GHOST_IWindow *window) = 0; /** * Create a new off-screen context. * Never explicitly delete the context, use #disposeContext() instead. * \return The new context (or 0 if creation failed). */ virtual GHOST_IContext *createOffscreenContext(GHOST_GLSettings glSettings) = 0; /** * Dispose of a context. * \param context: Pointer to the context to be disposed. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess disposeContext(GHOST_IContext *context) = 0; /** * Returns whether a window is valid. * \param window: Pointer to the window to be checked. * \return Indication of validity. */ virtual bool validWindow(GHOST_IWindow *window) = 0; /** * Begins full screen mode. * \param setting: The new setting of the display. * \param window: Window displayed in full screen. * This window is invalid after full screen has been ended. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess beginFullScreen(const GHOST_DisplaySetting &setting, GHOST_IWindow **window, const bool stereoVisual, const bool alphaBackground = 0) = 0; /** * Updates the resolution while in fullscreen mode. * \param setting: The new setting of the display. * \param window: Window displayed in full screen. * * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess updateFullScreen(const GHOST_DisplaySetting &setting, GHOST_IWindow **window) = 0; /** * Ends full screen mode. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess endFullScreen(void) = 0; /** * Returns current full screen mode status. * \return The current status. */ virtual bool getFullScreen(void) = 0; /** * Native pixel size support (MacBook 'retina'). */ virtual bool useNativePixel(void) = 0; /** * Return true when warping the cursor is supported. */ virtual bool supportsCursorWarp() = 0; /** * Return true getting/setting the window position is supported. */ virtual bool supportsWindowPosition() = 0; /** * Focus window after opening, or put them in the background. */ virtual void useWindowFocus(const bool use_focus) = 0; /** * Get the Window under the cursor. * \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor. * \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor. * \return The window under the cursor or nullptr if none. */ virtual GHOST_IWindow *getWindowUnderCursor(int32_t x, int32_t y) = 0; /*************************************************************************************** * Event management functionality ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Retrieves events from the system and stores them in the queue. * \param waitForEvent: Flag to wait for an event (or return immediately). * \return Indication of the presence of events. */ virtual bool processEvents(bool waitForEvent) = 0; /** * Retrieves events from the queue and send them to the event consumers. */ virtual void dispatchEvents() = 0; /** * Adds the given event consumer to our list. * \param consumer: The event consumer to add. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess addEventConsumer(GHOST_IEventConsumer *consumer) = 0; /** * Removes the given event consumer to our list. * \param consumer: The event consumer to remove. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess removeEventConsumer(GHOST_IEventConsumer *consumer) = 0; /*************************************************************************************** * Cursor management functionality ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Returns the current location of the cursor (location in window coordinates) * \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor. * \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess getCursorPositionClientRelative(const GHOST_IWindow *window, int32_t &x, int32_t &y) const = 0; /** * Updates the location of the cursor (location in window coordinates). * \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor. * \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess setCursorPositionClientRelative(GHOST_IWindow *window, int32_t x, int32_t y) = 0; /** * Returns the current location of the cursor (location in screen coordinates) * \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor. * \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess getCursorPosition(int32_t &x, int32_t &y) const = 0; /** * Updates the location of the cursor (location in screen coordinates). * Not all operating systems allow the cursor to be moved (without the input device being moved). * \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor. * \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess setCursorPosition(int32_t x, int32_t y) = 0; /*************************************************************************************** * Access to mouse button and keyboard states. ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Returns the state of a modifier key (outside the message queue). * \param mask: The modifier key state to retrieve. * \param isDown: The state of a modifier key (true == pressed). * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess getModifierKeyState(GHOST_TModifierKey mask, bool &isDown) const = 0; /** * Returns the state of a mouse button (outside the message queue). * \param mask: The button state to retrieve. * \param isDown: Button state. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess getButtonState(GHOST_TButton mask, bool &isDown) const = 0; /** * Set which tablet API to use. Only affects Windows, other platforms have a single API. * \param api: Enum indicating which API to use. */ virtual void setTabletAPI(GHOST_TTabletAPI api) = 0; #ifdef WITH_INPUT_NDOF /** * Sets 3D mouse deadzone * \param deadzone: Dead-zone of the 3D mouse (both for rotation and pan) relative to full range */ virtual void setNDOFDeadZone(float deadzone) = 0; #endif /** * Set the Console State * \param action: console state * \return current status (1 -visible, 0 - hidden) */ virtual int setConsoleWindowState(GHOST_TConsoleWindowState action) = 0; /*************************************************************************************** * Access to clipboard. ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Returns the selection buffer * \return "unsigned char" from X11 XA_CUT_BUFFER0 buffer * */ virtual char *getClipboard(bool selection) const = 0; /** * Put data to the Clipboard */ virtual void putClipboard(const char *buffer, bool selection) const = 0; /*************************************************************************************** * System Message Box. ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Show a system message box * * \param title: The title of the message box. * \param message: The message to display. * \param help_label: Help button label. * \param continue_label: Continue button label. * \param link: An optional hyperlink. * \param dialog_options: Options how to display the message. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess showMessageBox(const char * /*title*/, const char * /*message*/, const char * /*help_label*/, const char * /*continue_label*/, const char * /*link*/, GHOST_DialogOptions /*dialog_options*/) const = 0; /*************************************************************************************** * Debugging ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Specify whether debug messages are to be shown. * \param debug: Flag for systems to debug. */ virtual void initDebug(GHOST_Debug debug) = 0; /** * Check whether debug messages are to be shown. */ virtual bool isDebugEnabled() = 0; protected: /** * Initialize the system. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess init() = 0; /** * Shut the system down. * \return Indication of success. */ virtual GHOST_TSuccess exit() = 0; /** The one and only system */ static GHOST_ISystem *m_system; /** Function to call that sets the back-trace. */ static GHOST_TBacktraceFn m_backtrace_fn; #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC MEM_CXX_CLASS_ALLOC_FUNCS("GHOST:GHOST_ISystem") #endif };