/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup GHOST */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include "GHOST_Wintab.h" GHOST_Wintab *GHOST_Wintab::loadWintab(HWND hwnd) { /* Load Wintab library if available. */ auto handle = unique_hmodule(::LoadLibrary("Wintab32.dll"), &::FreeLibrary); if (!handle) { return nullptr; } /* Get Wintab functions. */ auto info = (GHOST_WIN32_WTInfo)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTInfoA"); if (!info) { return nullptr; } auto open = (GHOST_WIN32_WTOpen)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTOpenA"); if (!open) { return nullptr; } auto get = (GHOST_WIN32_WTGet)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTGetA"); if (!get) { return nullptr; } auto set = (GHOST_WIN32_WTSet)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTSetA"); if (!set) { return nullptr; } auto close = (GHOST_WIN32_WTClose)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTClose"); if (!close) { return nullptr; } auto packetsGet = (GHOST_WIN32_WTPacketsGet)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTPacketsGet"); if (!packetsGet) { return nullptr; } auto queueSizeGet = (GHOST_WIN32_WTQueueSizeGet)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTQueueSizeGet"); if (!queueSizeGet) { return nullptr; } auto queueSizeSet = (GHOST_WIN32_WTQueueSizeSet)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTQueueSizeSet"); if (!queueSizeSet) { return nullptr; } auto enable = (GHOST_WIN32_WTEnable)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTEnable"); if (!enable) { return nullptr; } auto overlap = (GHOST_WIN32_WTOverlap)::GetProcAddress(handle.get(), "WTOverlap"); if (!overlap) { return nullptr; } /* Build Wintab context. */ LOGCONTEXT lc = {0}; if (!info(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &lc)) { return nullptr; } Coord tablet, system; extractCoordinates(lc, tablet, system); modifyContext(lc); /* The Wintab spec says we must open the context disabled if we are using cursor masks. */ auto hctx = unique_hctx(open(hwnd, &lc, FALSE), close); if (!hctx) { return nullptr; } /* Wintab provides no way to determine the maximum queue size aside from checking if attempts * to change the queue size are successful. */ const int maxQueue = 500; int queueSize = queueSizeGet(hctx.get()); while (queueSize < maxQueue) { int testSize = min(queueSize + 16, maxQueue); if (queueSizeSet(hctx.get(), testSize)) { queueSize = testSize; } else { /* From Windows Wintab Documentation for WTQueueSizeSet: * "If the return value is zero, the context has no queue because the function deletes the * original queue before attempting to create a new one. The application must continue * calling the function with a smaller queue size until the function returns a non - zero * value." * * In our case we start with a known valid queue size and in the event of failure roll * back to the last valid queue size. The Wintab spec dates back to 16 bit Windows, thus * assumes memory recently deallocated may not be available, which is no longer a practical * concern. */ if (!queueSizeSet(hctx.get(), queueSize)) { /* If a previously valid queue size is no longer valid, there is likely something wrong in * the Wintab implementation and we should not use it. */ return nullptr; } break; } } int sanityQueueSize = queueSizeGet(hctx.get()); WINTAB_PRINTF("HCTX %p %s queueSize: %d, queueSizeGet: %d\n", hctx.get(), __func__, queueSize, sanityQueueSize); WINTAB_PRINTF("Loaded Wintab context %p\n", hctx.get()); return new GHOST_Wintab(std::move(handle), info, get, set, packetsGet, enable, overlap, std::move(hctx), tablet, system, queueSize); } void GHOST_Wintab::modifyContext(LOGCONTEXT &lc) { lc.lcPktData = PACKETDATA; lc.lcPktMode = PACKETMODE; lc.lcMoveMask = PACKETDATA; lc.lcOptions |= CXO_CSRMESSAGES | CXO_MESSAGES; /* Tablet scaling is handled manually because some drivers don't handle HIDPI or multi-display * correctly; reset tablet scale factors to un-scaled tablet coordinates. */ lc.lcOutOrgX = lc.lcInOrgX; lc.lcOutOrgY = lc.lcInOrgY; lc.lcOutExtX = lc.lcInExtX; lc.lcOutExtY = lc.lcInExtY; } void GHOST_Wintab::extractCoordinates(LOGCONTEXT &lc, Coord &tablet, Coord &system) { tablet.x.org = lc.lcInOrgX; tablet.x.ext = lc.lcInExtX; tablet.y.org = lc.lcInOrgY; tablet.y.ext = lc.lcInExtY; system.x.org = lc.lcSysOrgX; system.x.ext = lc.lcSysExtX; system.y.org = lc.lcSysOrgY; /* Wintab maps y origin to the tablet's bottom; invert y to match Windows y origin mapping to the * screen top. */ system.y.ext = -lc.lcSysExtY; } GHOST_Wintab::GHOST_Wintab(unique_hmodule handle, GHOST_WIN32_WTInfo info, GHOST_WIN32_WTGet get, GHOST_WIN32_WTSet set, GHOST_WIN32_WTPacketsGet packetsGet, GHOST_WIN32_WTEnable enable, GHOST_WIN32_WTOverlap overlap, unique_hctx hctx, Coord tablet, Coord system, int queueSize) : m_handle{std::move(handle)}, m_fpInfo{info}, m_fpGet{get}, m_fpSet{set}, m_fpPacketsGet{packetsGet}, m_fpEnable{enable}, m_fpOverlap{overlap}, m_context{std::move(hctx)}, m_tabletCoord{tablet}, m_systemCoord{system}, m_pkts{queueSize} { m_fpInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_NDEVICES, &m_numDevices); WINTAB_PRINTF("Wintab Devices: %d\n", m_numDevices); updateCursorInfo(); /* Debug info. */ printContextDebugInfo(); } GHOST_Wintab::~GHOST_Wintab() { WINTAB_PRINTF("Closing Wintab context %p\n", m_context.get()); } void GHOST_Wintab::enable() { m_fpEnable(m_context.get(), true); m_enabled = true; } void GHOST_Wintab::disable() { if (m_focused) { loseFocus(); } m_fpEnable(m_context.get(), false); m_enabled = false; } void GHOST_Wintab::gainFocus() { m_fpOverlap(m_context.get(), true); m_focused = true; } void GHOST_Wintab::loseFocus() { if (m_lastTabletData.Active != GHOST_kTabletModeNone) { leaveRange(); } /* Mouse mode of tablet or display layout may change when Wintab or Window is inactive. Don't * trust for mouse movement until re-verified. */ m_coordTrusted = false; m_fpOverlap(m_context.get(), false); m_focused = false; } void GHOST_Wintab::leaveRange() { /* Button state can't be tracked while out of range, reset it. */ m_buttons = 0; /* Set to none to indicate tablet is inactive. */ m_lastTabletData = GHOST_TABLET_DATA_NONE; /* Clear the packet queue. */ m_fpPacketsGet(m_context.get(), m_pkts.size(), m_pkts.data()); } void GHOST_Wintab::remapCoordinates() { LOGCONTEXT lc = {0}; if (m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &lc)) { extractCoordinates(lc, m_tabletCoord, m_systemCoord); modifyContext(lc); m_fpSet(m_context.get(), &lc); } } void GHOST_Wintab::updateCursorInfo() { AXIS Pressure, Orientation[3]; BOOL pressureSupport = m_fpInfo(WTI_DEVICES, DVC_NPRESSURE, &Pressure); m_maxPressure = pressureSupport ? Pressure.axMax : 0; WINTAB_PRINTF("HCTX %p %s maxPressure: %d\n", m_context.get(), __func__, m_maxPressure); BOOL tiltSupport = m_fpInfo(WTI_DEVICES, DVC_ORIENTATION, &Orientation); /* Check if tablet supports azimuth [0] and altitude [1], encoded in axResolution. */ if (tiltSupport && Orientation[0].axResolution && Orientation[1].axResolution) { m_maxAzimuth = Orientation[0].axMax; m_maxAltitude = Orientation[1].axMax; } else { m_maxAzimuth = m_maxAltitude = 0; } WINTAB_PRINTF("HCTX %p %s maxAzimuth: %d, maxAltitude: %d\n", m_context.get(), __func__, m_maxAzimuth, m_maxAltitude); } void GHOST_Wintab::processInfoChange(LPARAM lParam) { /* Update number of connected Wintab digitizers. */ if (LOWORD(lParam) == WTI_INTERFACE && HIWORD(lParam) == IFC_NDEVICES) { m_fpInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_NDEVICES, &m_numDevices); WINTAB_PRINTF("HCTX %p %s numDevices: %d\n", m_context.get(), __func__, m_numDevices); } } bool GHOST_Wintab::devicesPresent() { return m_numDevices > 0; } GHOST_TabletData GHOST_Wintab::getLastTabletData() { return m_lastTabletData; } void GHOST_Wintab::getInput(std::vector &outWintabInfo) { const int numPackets = m_fpPacketsGet(m_context.get(), m_pkts.size(), m_pkts.data()); outWintabInfo.reserve(numPackets); for (int i = 0; i < numPackets; i++) { const PACKET pkt = m_pkts[i]; GHOST_WintabInfoWin32 out; /* % 3 for multiple devices ("DualTrack"). */ switch (pkt.pkCursor % 3) { case 0: /* Puck - processed as mouse. */ out.tabletData.Active = GHOST_kTabletModeNone; break; case 1: out.tabletData.Active = GHOST_kTabletModeStylus; break; case 2: out.tabletData.Active = GHOST_kTabletModeEraser; break; } out.x = pkt.pkX; out.y = pkt.pkY; if (m_maxPressure > 0) { out.tabletData.Pressure = float(pkt.pkNormalPressure) / float(m_maxPressure); } if ((m_maxAzimuth > 0) && (m_maxAltitude > 0)) { /* From the wintab spec: * orAzimuth: Specifies the clockwise rotation of the cursor about the z axis through a * full circular range. * orAltitude: Specifies the angle with the x-y plane through a signed, semicircular range. * Positive values specify an angle upward toward the positive z axis; negative values * specify an angle downward toward the negative z axis. * * wintab.h defines orAltitude as a `uint` but documents orAltitude as positive for upward * angles and negative for downward angles. WACOM uses negative altitude values to show that * the pen is inverted; therefore we cast orAltitude as an (int) and then use the absolute * value. */ ORIENTATION ort = pkt.pkOrientation; /* Convert raw fixed point data to radians. */ float altRad = float((fabs(float(ort.orAltitude)) / float(m_maxAltitude)) * M_PI_2); float azmRad = float((float(ort.orAzimuth) / float(m_maxAzimuth)) * M_PI * 2.0); /* Find length of the stylus' projected vector on the XY plane. */ float vecLen = cos(altRad); /* From there calculate X and Y components based on azimuth. */ out.tabletData.Xtilt = sin(azmRad) * vecLen; out.tabletData.Ytilt = float(sin(M_PI_2 - azmRad) * vecLen); } out.time = pkt.pkTime; /* Some Wintab libraries don't handle relative button input, so we track button presses * manually. */ DWORD buttonsChanged = m_buttons ^ pkt.pkButtons; /* We only needed the prior button state to compare to current, so we can overwrite it now. */ m_buttons = pkt.pkButtons; /* Iterate over button flag indices until all flags are clear. */ for (WORD buttonIndex = 0; buttonsChanged; buttonIndex++, buttonsChanged >>= 1) { if (buttonsChanged & 1) { GHOST_TButton button = mapWintabToGhostButton(pkt.pkCursor, buttonIndex); if (button != GHOST_kButtonMaskNone) { /* If this is not the first button found, push info for the prior Wintab button. */ if (out.button != GHOST_kButtonMaskNone) { outWintabInfo.push_back(out); } out.button = button; DWORD buttonFlag = 1 << buttonIndex; out.type = pkt.pkButtons & buttonFlag ? GHOST_kEventButtonDown : GHOST_kEventButtonUp; } } } outWintabInfo.push_back(out); } if (!outWintabInfo.empty()) { m_lastTabletData = outWintabInfo.back().tabletData; } } GHOST_TButton GHOST_Wintab::mapWintabToGhostButton(uint cursor, WORD physicalButton) { const WORD numButtons = 32; BYTE logicalButtons[numButtons] = {0}; BYTE systemButtons[numButtons] = {0}; if (!m_fpInfo(WTI_CURSORS + cursor, CSR_BUTTONMAP, &logicalButtons) || !m_fpInfo(WTI_CURSORS + cursor, CSR_SYSBTNMAP, &systemButtons)) { return GHOST_kButtonMaskNone; } if (physicalButton >= numButtons) { return GHOST_kButtonMaskNone; } BYTE lb = logicalButtons[physicalButton]; if (lb >= numButtons) { return GHOST_kButtonMaskNone; } switch (systemButtons[lb]) { case SBN_LCLICK: return GHOST_kButtonMaskLeft; case SBN_RCLICK: return GHOST_kButtonMaskRight; case SBN_MCLICK: return GHOST_kButtonMaskMiddle; default: return GHOST_kButtonMaskNone; } } void GHOST_Wintab::mapWintabToSysCoordinates(int x_in, int y_in, int &x_out, int &y_out) { /* Maps from range [in.org, in.org + abs(in.ext)] to [out.org, out.org + abs(out.ext)], in * reverse if in.ext and out.ext have differing sign. */ auto remap = [](int inPoint, Range in, Range out) -> int { int absInExt = abs(in.ext); int absOutExt = abs(out.ext); /* Translate input from range [in.org, in.org + absInExt] to [0, absInExt] */ int inMagnitude = inPoint - in.org; /* If signs of extents differ, reverse input over range. */ if ((in.ext < 0) != (out.ext < 0)) { inMagnitude = absInExt - inMagnitude; } /* Scale from [0, absInExt] to [0, absOutExt]. */ int outMagnitude = inMagnitude * absOutExt / absInExt; /* Translate from range [0, absOutExt] to [out.org, out.org + absOutExt]. */ int outPoint = outMagnitude + out.org; return outPoint; }; x_out = remap(x_in, m_tabletCoord.x, m_systemCoord.x); y_out = remap(y_in, m_tabletCoord.y, m_systemCoord.y); } bool GHOST_Wintab::trustCoordinates() { return m_coordTrusted; } bool GHOST_Wintab::testCoordinates(int sysX, int sysY, int wtX, int wtY) { mapWintabToSysCoordinates(wtX, wtY, wtX, wtY); /* Allow off by one pixel tolerance in case of rounding error. */ if (abs(sysX - wtX) <= 1 && abs(sysY - wtY) <= 1) { m_coordTrusted = true; return true; } else { m_coordTrusted = false; return false; } } bool GHOST_Wintab::m_debug = false; void GHOST_Wintab::setDebug(bool debug) { m_debug = debug; } bool GHOST_Wintab::getDebug() { return m_debug; } void GHOST_Wintab::printContextDebugInfo() { if (!m_debug) { return; } /* Print button maps. */ BYTE logicalButtons[32] = {0}; BYTE systemButtons[32] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { printf("initializeWintab cursor %d buttons\n", i); uint lbut = m_fpInfo(WTI_CURSORS + i, CSR_BUTTONMAP, &logicalButtons); if (lbut) { printf("%d", logicalButtons[0]); for (int j = 1; j < lbut; j++) { printf(", %d", logicalButtons[j]); } printf("\n"); } else { printf("logical button error\n"); } uint sbut = m_fpInfo(WTI_CURSORS + i, CSR_SYSBTNMAP, &systemButtons); if (sbut) { printf("%d", systemButtons[0]); for (int j = 1; j < sbut; j++) { printf(", %d", systemButtons[j]); } printf("\n"); } else { printf("system button error\n"); } } /* Print context information. */ /* Print open context constraints. */ uint maxcontexts, opencontexts; m_fpInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_NCONTEXTS, &maxcontexts); m_fpInfo(WTI_STATUS, STA_CONTEXTS, &opencontexts); printf("%u max contexts, %u open contexts\n", maxcontexts, opencontexts); /* Print system information. */ printf("left: %d, top: %d, width: %d, height: %d\n", ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN)); auto printContextRanges = [](LOGCONTEXT &lc) { printf("lcInOrgX: %d, lcInOrgY: %d, lcInExtX: %d, lcInExtY: %d\n", lc.lcInOrgX, lc.lcInOrgY, lc.lcInExtX, lc.lcInExtY); printf("lcOutOrgX: %d, lcOutOrgY: %d, lcOutExtX: %d, lcOutExtY: %d\n", lc.lcOutOrgX, lc.lcOutOrgY, lc.lcOutExtX, lc.lcOutExtY); printf("lcSysOrgX: %d, lcSysOrgY: %d, lcSysExtX: %d, lcSysExtY: %d\n", lc.lcSysOrgX, lc.lcSysOrgY, lc.lcSysExtX, lc.lcSysExtY); }; LOGCONTEXT lc; /* Print system context. */ m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &lc); printf("WTI_DEFSYSCTX\n"); printContextRanges(lc); /* Print system context, manually populated. */ m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_INORGX, &lc.lcInOrgX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_INORGY, &lc.lcInOrgY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_INEXTX, &lc.lcInExtX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_INEXTY, &lc.lcInExtY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_OUTORGX, &lc.lcOutOrgX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_OUTORGY, &lc.lcOutOrgY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_OUTEXTX, &lc.lcOutExtX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_OUTEXTY, &lc.lcOutExtY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_SYSORGX, &lc.lcSysOrgX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_SYSORGY, &lc.lcSysOrgY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_SYSEXTX, &lc.lcSysExtX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, CTX_SYSEXTY, &lc.lcSysExtY); printf("WTI_DEFSYSCTX CTX_*\n"); printContextRanges(lc); for (uint i = 0; i < m_numDevices; i++) { /* Print individual device system context. */ m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, 0, &lc); printf("WTI_DSCTXS %u\n", i); printContextRanges(lc); /* Print individual device system context, manually populated. */ m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_INORGX, &lc.lcInOrgX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_INORGY, &lc.lcInOrgY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_INEXTX, &lc.lcInExtX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_INEXTY, &lc.lcInExtY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_OUTORGX, &lc.lcOutOrgX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_OUTORGY, &lc.lcOutOrgY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_OUTEXTX, &lc.lcOutExtX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_OUTEXTY, &lc.lcOutExtY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_SYSORGX, &lc.lcSysOrgX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_SYSORGY, &lc.lcSysOrgY); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_SYSEXTX, &lc.lcSysExtX); m_fpInfo(WTI_DSCTXS + i, CTX_SYSEXTY, &lc.lcSysExtY); printf("WTI_DSCTX %u CTX_*\n", i); printContextRanges(lc); /* Print device axis. */ AXIS axis_x, axis_y; m_fpInfo(WTI_DEVICES + i, DVC_X, &axis_x); m_fpInfo(WTI_DEVICES + i, DVC_Y, &axis_y); printf("WTI_DEVICES %u axis_x org: %d, axis_y org: %d axis_x ext: %d, axis_y ext: %d\n", i, axis_x.axMin, axis_y.axMin, axis_x.axMax - axis_x.axMin + 1, axis_y.axMax - axis_y.axMin + 1); } /* Other stuff while we have a log-context. */ printf("sysmode %d\n", lc.lcSysMode); }