/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** \file * \ingroup GHOST */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "GHOST_C-api.h" #include "GHOST_IXrGraphicsBinding.h" #include "GHOST_XrAction.h" #include "GHOST_XrContext.h" #include "GHOST_XrControllerModel.h" #include "GHOST_XrException.h" #include "GHOST_XrSwapchain.h" #include "GHOST_Xr_intern.h" #include "GHOST_XrSession.h" struct OpenXRSessionData { XrSystemId system_id = XR_NULL_SYSTEM_ID; XrSession session = XR_NULL_HANDLE; XrSessionState session_state = XR_SESSION_STATE_UNKNOWN; /* Use stereo rendering by default. */ XrViewConfigurationType view_type = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO; bool foveation_supported = false; XrSpace reference_space; XrSpace view_space; XrSpace combined_eye_space; std::vector views; std::vector swapchains; std::map action_sets; /* Controller models identified by subaction path. */ std::map controller_models; }; struct GHOST_XrDrawInfo { XrFrameState frame_state; /** Time at frame start to benchmark frame render durations. */ std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point frame_begin_time; /* Time previous frames took for rendering (in ms). */ std::list last_frame_times; /* Whether foveation is active for the frame. */ bool foveation_active; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Create, Initialize and Destruct * \{ */ GHOST_XrSession::GHOST_XrSession(GHOST_XrContext &xr_context) : m_context(&xr_context), m_oxr(std::make_unique()) { } GHOST_XrSession::~GHOST_XrSession() { unbindGraphicsContext(); m_oxr->swapchains.clear(); m_oxr->action_sets.clear(); if (m_oxr->reference_space != XR_NULL_HANDLE) { CHECK_XR_ASSERT(xrDestroySpace(m_oxr->reference_space)); } if (m_oxr->view_space != XR_NULL_HANDLE) { CHECK_XR_ASSERT(xrDestroySpace(m_oxr->view_space)); } if (m_oxr->combined_eye_space != XR_NULL_HANDLE) { CHECK_XR_ASSERT(xrDestroySpace(m_oxr->combined_eye_space)); } if (m_oxr->session != XR_NULL_HANDLE) { CHECK_XR_ASSERT(xrDestroySession(m_oxr->session)); } m_oxr->session = XR_NULL_HANDLE; m_oxr->session_state = XR_SESSION_STATE_UNKNOWN; m_context->getCustomFuncs().session_exit_fn(m_context->getCustomFuncs().session_exit_customdata); } /** * A system in OpenXR the combination of some sort of HMD plus controllers and whatever other * devices are managed through OpenXR. So this attempts to init the HMD and the other devices. */ void GHOST_XrSession::initSystem() { assert(m_context->getInstance() != XR_NULL_HANDLE); assert(m_oxr->system_id == XR_NULL_SYSTEM_ID); XrSystemGetInfo system_info = {}; system_info.type = XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_GET_INFO; system_info.formFactor = XR_FORM_FACTOR_HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY; CHECK_XR(xrGetSystem(m_context->getInstance(), &system_info, &m_oxr->system_id), "Failed to get device information. Is a device plugged in?"); } /** \} */ /* Create, Initialize and Destruct */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name State Management * \{ */ static void create_reference_spaces(OpenXRSessionData &oxr, const GHOST_XrPose &base_pose, bool isDebugMode) { XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo create_info = {XR_TYPE_REFERENCE_SPACE_CREATE_INFO}; create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.orientation.w = 1.0f; create_info.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE; #if 0 /* TODO * * Proper reference space set up is not supported yet. We simply hand OpenXR * the global space as reference space and apply its pose onto the active * camera matrix to get a basic viewing experience going. If there's no active * camera with stick to the world origin. * * Once we have proper reference space set up (i.e. a way to define origin, up- * direction and an initial view rotation perpendicular to the up-direction), * we can hand OpenXR a proper reference pose/space. */ create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.position.x = base_pose->position[0]; create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.position.y = base_pose->position[1]; create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.position.z = base_pose->position[2]; create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.orientation.x = base_pose->orientation_quat[1]; create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.orientation.y = base_pose->orientation_quat[2]; create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.orientation.z = base_pose->orientation_quat[3]; create_info.poseInReferenceSpace.orientation.w = base_pose->orientation_quat[0]; #else (void)base_pose; #endif XrResult result = xrCreateReferenceSpace(oxr.session, &create_info, &oxr.reference_space); if (XR_FAILED(result)) { /* One of the rare cases where we don't want to immediately throw an exception on failure, * since runtimes are not required to support the stage reference space. If the runtime * doesn't support it then just fall back to the local space. */ if (result == XR_ERROR_REFERENCE_SPACE_UNSUPPORTED) { if (isDebugMode) { printf( "Warning: XR runtime does not support stage reference space, falling back to local " "reference space.\n"); } create_info.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_LOCAL; CHECK_XR(xrCreateReferenceSpace(oxr.session, &create_info, &oxr.reference_space), "Failed to create local reference space."); } else { throw GHOST_XrException("Failed to create stage reference space.", result); } } else { /* Check if tracking bounds are valid. Tracking bounds may be invalid if the user did not * define a tracking space via the XR runtime. */ XrExtent2Df extents; CHECK_XR(xrGetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect(oxr.session, XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE, &extents), "Failed to get stage reference space bounds."); if (extents.width == 0.0f || extents.height == 0.0f) { if (isDebugMode) { printf( "Warning: Invalid stage reference space bounds, falling back to local reference " "space. To use the stage reference space, please define a tracking space via the XR " "runtime.\n"); } /* Fallback to local space. */ if (oxr.reference_space != XR_NULL_HANDLE) { CHECK_XR(xrDestroySpace(oxr.reference_space), "Failed to destroy stage reference space."); } create_info.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_LOCAL; CHECK_XR(xrCreateReferenceSpace(oxr.session, &create_info, &oxr.reference_space), "Failed to create local reference space."); } } create_info.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_VIEW; CHECK_XR(xrCreateReferenceSpace(oxr.session, &create_info, &oxr.view_space), "Failed to create view reference space."); /* Foveation reference spaces. */ if (oxr.foveation_supported) { create_info.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_COMBINED_EYE_VARJO; CHECK_XR(xrCreateReferenceSpace(oxr.session, &create_info, &oxr.combined_eye_space), "Failed to create combined eye reference space."); } } void GHOST_XrSession::start(const GHOST_XrSessionBeginInfo *begin_info) { assert(m_context->getInstance() != XR_NULL_HANDLE); assert(m_oxr->session == XR_NULL_HANDLE); if (m_context->getCustomFuncs().gpu_ctx_bind_fn == nullptr) { throw GHOST_XrException( "Invalid API usage: No way to bind graphics context to the XR session. Call " "GHOST_XrGraphicsContextBindFuncs() with valid parameters before starting the " "session (through GHOST_XrSessionStart())."); } initSystem(); bindGraphicsContext(); if (m_gpu_ctx == nullptr) { throw GHOST_XrException( "Invalid API usage: No graphics context returned through the callback set with " "GHOST_XrGraphicsContextBindFuncs(). This is required for session starting (through " "GHOST_XrSessionStart())."); } std::string requirement_str; m_gpu_binding = GHOST_XrGraphicsBindingCreateFromType(m_context->getGraphicsBindingType(), *m_gpu_ctx); if (!m_gpu_binding->checkVersionRequirements( *m_gpu_ctx, m_context->getInstance(), m_oxr->system_id, &requirement_str)) { std::ostringstream strstream; strstream << "Available graphics context version does not meet the following requirements: " << requirement_str; throw GHOST_XrException(strstream.str().data()); } m_gpu_binding->initFromGhostContext(*m_gpu_ctx); XrSessionCreateInfo create_info = {}; create_info.type = XR_TYPE_SESSION_CREATE_INFO; create_info.systemId = m_oxr->system_id; create_info.next = &m_gpu_binding->oxr_binding; CHECK_XR(xrCreateSession(m_context->getInstance(), &create_info, &m_oxr->session), "Failed to create VR session. The OpenXR runtime may have additional requirements for " "the graphics driver that are not met. Other causes are possible too however.\nTip: " "The --debug-xr command line option for Blender might allow the runtime to output " "detailed error information to the command line."); prepareDrawing(); create_reference_spaces(*m_oxr, begin_info->base_pose, m_context->isDebugMode()); /* Create and bind actions here. */ m_context->getCustomFuncs().session_create_fn(); } void GHOST_XrSession::requestEnd() { xrRequestExitSession(m_oxr->session); } void GHOST_XrSession::beginSession() { XrSessionBeginInfo begin_info = {XR_TYPE_SESSION_BEGIN_INFO}; begin_info.primaryViewConfigurationType = m_oxr->view_type; CHECK_XR(xrBeginSession(m_oxr->session, &begin_info), "Failed to cleanly begin the VR session."); } void GHOST_XrSession::endSession() { assert(m_oxr->session != XR_NULL_HANDLE); CHECK_XR(xrEndSession(m_oxr->session), "Failed to cleanly end the VR session."); } GHOST_XrSession::LifeExpectancy GHOST_XrSession::handleStateChangeEvent( const XrEventDataSessionStateChanged &lifecycle) { m_oxr->session_state = lifecycle.state; /* Runtime may send events for apparently destroyed session. Our handle should be NULL then. */ assert(m_oxr->session == XR_NULL_HANDLE || m_oxr->session == lifecycle.session); switch (lifecycle.state) { case XR_SESSION_STATE_READY: beginSession(); break; case XR_SESSION_STATE_STOPPING: endSession(); break; case XR_SESSION_STATE_EXITING: case XR_SESSION_STATE_LOSS_PENDING: return SESSION_DESTROY; default: break; } return SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE; } /** \} */ /* State Management */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Drawing * \{ */ void GHOST_XrSession::prepareDrawing() { assert(m_context->getInstance() != XR_NULL_HANDLE); std::vector view_configs; uint32_t view_count; /* Attempt to use quad view if supported. */ if (m_context->isExtensionEnabled(XR_VARJO_QUAD_VIEWS_EXTENSION_NAME)) { m_oxr->view_type = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_QUAD_VARJO; } m_oxr->foveation_supported = m_context->isExtensionEnabled( XR_VARJO_FOVEATED_RENDERING_EXTENSION_NAME); CHECK_XR( xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews( m_context->getInstance(), m_oxr->system_id, m_oxr->view_type, 0, &view_count, nullptr), "Failed to get count of view configurations."); view_configs.resize(view_count, {XR_TYPE_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_VIEW}); CHECK_XR(xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews(m_context->getInstance(), m_oxr->system_id, m_oxr->view_type, view_configs.size(), &view_count, view_configs.data()), "Failed to get view configurations."); /* If foveated rendering is used, query the foveated views. */ if (m_oxr->foveation_supported) { std::vector request_foveated_config{ view_count, {XR_TYPE_FOVEATED_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_VIEW_VARJO, nullptr, XR_TRUE}}; auto foveated_views = std::vector(view_count, {XR_TYPE_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_VIEW}); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < view_count; i++) { foveated_views[i].next = &request_foveated_config[i]; } CHECK_XR(xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews(m_context->getInstance(), m_oxr->system_id, m_oxr->view_type, view_configs.size(), &view_count, foveated_views.data()), "Failed to get foveated view configurations."); /* Ensure swapchains have correct size even when foveation is being used. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < view_count; i++) { view_configs[i].recommendedImageRectWidth = std::max( view_configs[i].recommendedImageRectWidth, foveated_views[i].recommendedImageRectWidth); view_configs[i].recommendedImageRectHeight = std::max( view_configs[i].recommendedImageRectHeight, foveated_views[i].recommendedImageRectHeight); } } for (const XrViewConfigurationView &view_config : view_configs) { m_oxr->swapchains.emplace_back(*m_gpu_binding, m_oxr->session, view_config); } m_oxr->views.resize(view_count, {XR_TYPE_VIEW}); m_draw_info = std::make_unique(); } void GHOST_XrSession::beginFrameDrawing() { XrFrameWaitInfo wait_info = {XR_TYPE_FRAME_WAIT_INFO}; XrFrameBeginInfo begin_info = {XR_TYPE_FRAME_BEGIN_INFO}; XrFrameState frame_state = {XR_TYPE_FRAME_STATE}; /* TODO Blocking call. Drawing should run on a separate thread to avoid interferences. */ CHECK_XR(xrWaitFrame(m_oxr->session, &wait_info, &frame_state), "Failed to synchronize frame rates between Blender and the device."); /* Check if we have foveation available for the current frame. */ m_draw_info->foveation_active = false; if (m_oxr->foveation_supported) { XrSpaceLocation render_gaze_location{XR_TYPE_SPACE_LOCATION}; CHECK_XR(xrLocateSpace(m_oxr->combined_eye_space, m_oxr->view_space, frame_state.predictedDisplayTime, &render_gaze_location), "Failed to locate combined eye space."); m_draw_info->foveation_active = (render_gaze_location.locationFlags & XR_SPACE_LOCATION_ORIENTATION_TRACKED_BIT) != 0; } CHECK_XR(xrBeginFrame(m_oxr->session, &begin_info), "Failed to submit frame rendering start state."); m_draw_info->frame_state = frame_state; if (m_context->isDebugTimeMode()) { m_draw_info->frame_begin_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } } static void print_debug_timings(GHOST_XrDrawInfo &draw_info) { /** Render time of last 8 frames (in ms) to calculate an average. */ std::chrono::duration duration = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - draw_info.frame_begin_time; const double duration_ms = duration.count(); const int avg_frame_count = 8; double avg_ms_tot = 0.0; if (draw_info.last_frame_times.size() >= avg_frame_count) { draw_info.last_frame_times.pop_front(); assert(draw_info.last_frame_times.size() == avg_frame_count - 1); } draw_info.last_frame_times.push_back(duration_ms); for (double ms_iter : draw_info.last_frame_times) { avg_ms_tot += ms_iter; } printf("VR frame render time: %.0fms - %.2f FPS (%.2f FPS 8 frames average)\n", duration_ms, 1000.0 / duration_ms, 1000.0 / (avg_ms_tot / draw_info.last_frame_times.size())); } void GHOST_XrSession::endFrameDrawing(std::vector &layers) { XrFrameEndInfo end_info = {XR_TYPE_FRAME_END_INFO}; end_info.displayTime = m_draw_info->frame_state.predictedDisplayTime; end_info.environmentBlendMode = XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_OPAQUE; end_info.layerCount = layers.size(); end_info.layers = layers.data(); CHECK_XR(xrEndFrame(m_oxr->session, &end_info), "Failed to submit rendered frame."); if (m_context->isDebugTimeMode()) { print_debug_timings(*m_draw_info); } } void GHOST_XrSession::draw(void *draw_customdata) { std::vector projection_layer_views; /* Keep alive until #xrEndFrame() call! */ XrCompositionLayerProjection proj_layer; std::vector layers; beginFrameDrawing(); if (m_draw_info->frame_state.shouldRender) { proj_layer = drawLayer(projection_layer_views, draw_customdata); layers.push_back(reinterpret_cast(&proj_layer)); } endFrameDrawing(layers); } static void ghost_xr_draw_view_info_from_view(const XrView &view, GHOST_XrDrawViewInfo &r_info) { /* Set and convert to Blender coordinate space. */ copy_openxr_pose_to_ghost_pose(view.pose, r_info.eye_pose); r_info.fov.angle_left = view.fov.angleLeft; r_info.fov.angle_right = view.fov.angleRight; r_info.fov.angle_up = view.fov.angleUp; r_info.fov.angle_down = view.fov.angleDown; } void GHOST_XrSession::drawView(GHOST_XrSwapchain &swapchain, XrCompositionLayerProjectionView &r_proj_layer_view, XrSpaceLocation &view_location, XrView &view, uint32_t view_idx, void *draw_customdata) { XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader *swapchain_image = swapchain.acquireDrawableSwapchainImage(); GHOST_XrDrawViewInfo draw_view_info = {}; r_proj_layer_view.type = XR_TYPE_COMPOSITION_LAYER_PROJECTION_VIEW; r_proj_layer_view.pose = view.pose; r_proj_layer_view.fov = view.fov; swapchain.updateCompositionLayerProjectViewSubImage(r_proj_layer_view.subImage); assert(view_idx < 256); draw_view_info.view_idx = (char)view_idx; draw_view_info.swapchain_format = swapchain.getFormat(); draw_view_info.expects_srgb_buffer = swapchain.isBufferSRGB(); draw_view_info.ofsx = r_proj_layer_view.subImage.imageRect.offset.x; draw_view_info.ofsy = r_proj_layer_view.subImage.imageRect.offset.y; draw_view_info.width = r_proj_layer_view.subImage.imageRect.extent.width; draw_view_info.height = r_proj_layer_view.subImage.imageRect.extent.height; copy_openxr_pose_to_ghost_pose(view_location.pose, draw_view_info.local_pose); ghost_xr_draw_view_info_from_view(view, draw_view_info); /* Draw! */ m_context->getCustomFuncs().draw_view_fn(&draw_view_info, draw_customdata); m_gpu_binding->submitToSwapchainImage(*swapchain_image, draw_view_info); swapchain.releaseImage(); } XrCompositionLayerProjection GHOST_XrSession::drawLayer( std::vector &r_proj_layer_views, void *draw_customdata) { XrViewLocateInfo viewloc_info = {XR_TYPE_VIEW_LOCATE_INFO}; XrViewLocateFoveatedRenderingVARJO foveated_info{ XR_TYPE_VIEW_LOCATE_FOVEATED_RENDERING_VARJO, nullptr, true}; XrViewState view_state = {XR_TYPE_VIEW_STATE}; XrCompositionLayerProjection layer = {XR_TYPE_COMPOSITION_LAYER_PROJECTION}; XrSpaceLocation view_location{XR_TYPE_SPACE_LOCATION}; uint32_t view_count; viewloc_info.viewConfigurationType = m_oxr->view_type; viewloc_info.displayTime = m_draw_info->frame_state.predictedDisplayTime; viewloc_info.space = m_oxr->reference_space; if (m_draw_info->foveation_active) { viewloc_info.next = &foveated_info; } CHECK_XR(xrLocateViews(m_oxr->session, &viewloc_info, &view_state, m_oxr->views.size(), &view_count, m_oxr->views.data()), "Failed to query frame view and projection state."); assert(m_oxr->swapchains.size() == view_count); CHECK_XR( xrLocateSpace( m_oxr->view_space, m_oxr->reference_space, viewloc_info.displayTime, &view_location), "Failed to query frame view space"); r_proj_layer_views.resize(view_count); for (uint32_t view_idx = 0; view_idx < view_count; view_idx++) { drawView(m_oxr->swapchains[view_idx], r_proj_layer_views[view_idx], view_location, m_oxr->views[view_idx], view_idx, draw_customdata); } layer.space = m_oxr->reference_space; layer.viewCount = r_proj_layer_views.size(); layer.views = r_proj_layer_views.data(); return layer; } bool GHOST_XrSession::needsUpsideDownDrawing() const { return m_gpu_binding && m_gpu_binding->needsUpsideDownDrawing(*m_gpu_ctx); } /** \} */ /* Drawing */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name State Queries * \{ */ bool GHOST_XrSession::isRunning() const { if (m_oxr->session == XR_NULL_HANDLE) { return false; } switch (m_oxr->session_state) { case XR_SESSION_STATE_READY: case XR_SESSION_STATE_SYNCHRONIZED: case XR_SESSION_STATE_VISIBLE: case XR_SESSION_STATE_FOCUSED: return true; default: return false; } } /** \} */ /* State Queries */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Graphics Context Injection * * Sessions need access to Ghost graphics context information. Additionally, this API allows * creating contexts on the fly (created on start, destructed on end). For this, callbacks to bind * (potentially create) and unbind (potentially destruct) a Ghost graphics context have to be set, * which will be called on session start and end respectively. * * \{ */ void GHOST_XrSession::bindGraphicsContext() { const GHOST_XrCustomFuncs &custom_funcs = m_context->getCustomFuncs(); assert(custom_funcs.gpu_ctx_bind_fn); m_gpu_ctx = static_cast(custom_funcs.gpu_ctx_bind_fn()); } void GHOST_XrSession::unbindGraphicsContext() { const GHOST_XrCustomFuncs &custom_funcs = m_context->getCustomFuncs(); if (custom_funcs.gpu_ctx_unbind_fn) { custom_funcs.gpu_ctx_unbind_fn((GHOST_ContextHandle)m_gpu_ctx); } m_gpu_ctx = nullptr; } /** \} */ /* Graphics Context Injection */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Actions * * \{ */ static GHOST_XrActionSet *find_action_set(OpenXRSessionData *oxr, const char *action_set_name) { std::map::iterator it = oxr->action_sets.find(action_set_name); if (it == oxr->action_sets.end()) { return nullptr; } return &it->second; } bool GHOST_XrSession::createActionSet(const GHOST_XrActionSetInfo &info) { std::map &action_sets = m_oxr->action_sets; if (action_sets.find(info.name) != action_sets.end()) { return false; } XrInstance instance = m_context->getInstance(); action_sets.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(info.name), std::make_tuple(instance, info)); return true; } void GHOST_XrSession::destroyActionSet(const char *action_set_name) { std::map &action_sets = m_oxr->action_sets; if (action_sets.find(action_set_name) != action_sets.end()) { action_sets.erase(action_set_name); } } bool GHOST_XrSession::createActions(const char *action_set_name, uint32_t count, const GHOST_XrActionInfo *infos) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return false; } XrInstance instance = m_context->getInstance(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (!action_set->createAction(instance, infos[i])) { return false; } } return true; } void GHOST_XrSession::destroyActions(const char *action_set_name, uint32_t count, const char *const *action_names) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { action_set->destroyAction(action_names[i]); } } bool GHOST_XrSession::createActionBindings(const char *action_set_name, uint32_t count, const GHOST_XrActionProfileInfo *infos) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return false; } XrInstance instance = m_context->getInstance(); XrSession session = m_oxr->session; for (uint32_t profile_idx = 0; profile_idx < count; ++profile_idx) { const GHOST_XrActionProfileInfo &info = infos[profile_idx]; GHOST_XrAction *action = action_set->findAction(info.action_name); if (action == nullptr) { continue; } action->createBinding(instance, session, info); } return true; } void GHOST_XrSession::destroyActionBindings(const char *action_set_name, uint32_t count, const char *const *action_names, const char *const *profile_paths) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { GHOST_XrAction *action = action_set->findAction(action_names[i]); if (action == nullptr) { continue; } action->destroyBinding(profile_paths[i]); } } bool GHOST_XrSession::attachActionSets() { /* Suggest action bindings for all action sets. */ std::map> profile_bindings; for (auto &[name, action_set] : m_oxr->action_sets) { action_set.getBindings(profile_bindings); } if (profile_bindings.size() < 1) { return false; } XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding bindings_info{ XR_TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_SUGGESTED_BINDING}; XrInstance instance = m_context->getInstance(); for (auto &[profile, bindings] : profile_bindings) { bindings_info.interactionProfile = profile; bindings_info.countSuggestedBindings = (uint32_t)bindings.size(); bindings_info.suggestedBindings = bindings.data(); CHECK_XR(xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings(instance, &bindings_info), "Failed to suggest interaction profile bindings."); } /* Attach action sets. */ XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo attach_info{XR_TYPE_SESSION_ACTION_SETS_ATTACH_INFO}; attach_info.countActionSets = (uint32_t)m_oxr->action_sets.size(); /* Create an aligned copy of the action sets to pass to xrAttachSessionActionSets(). */ std::vector action_sets(attach_info.countActionSets); uint32_t i = 0; for (auto &[name, action_set] : m_oxr->action_sets) { action_sets[i++] = action_set.getActionSet(); } attach_info.actionSets = action_sets.data(); CHECK_XR(xrAttachSessionActionSets(m_oxr->session, &attach_info), "Failed to attach XR action sets."); return true; } bool GHOST_XrSession::syncActions(const char *action_set_name) { std::map &action_sets = m_oxr->action_sets; XrActionsSyncInfo sync_info{XR_TYPE_ACTIONS_SYNC_INFO}; sync_info.countActiveActionSets = (action_set_name != nullptr) ? 1 : (uint32_t)action_sets.size(); if (sync_info.countActiveActionSets < 1) { return false; } std::vector active_action_sets(sync_info.countActiveActionSets); GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = nullptr; if (action_set_name != nullptr) { action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return false; } XrActiveActionSet &active_action_set = active_action_sets[0]; active_action_set.actionSet = action_set->getActionSet(); active_action_set.subactionPath = XR_NULL_PATH; } else { uint32_t i = 0; for (auto &[name, action_set] : action_sets) { XrActiveActionSet &active_action_set = active_action_sets[i++]; active_action_set.actionSet = action_set.getActionSet(); active_action_set.subactionPath = XR_NULL_PATH; } } sync_info.activeActionSets = active_action_sets.data(); CHECK_XR(xrSyncActions(m_oxr->session, &sync_info), "Failed to synchronize XR actions."); /* Update action states (i.e. Blender custom data). */ XrSession session = m_oxr->session; XrSpace reference_space = m_oxr->reference_space; const XrTime &predicted_display_time = m_draw_info->frame_state.predictedDisplayTime; if (action_set != nullptr) { action_set->updateStates(session, reference_space, predicted_display_time); } else { for (auto &[name, action_set] : action_sets) { action_set.updateStates(session, reference_space, predicted_display_time); } } return true; } bool GHOST_XrSession::applyHapticAction(const char *action_set_name, const char *action_name, const char *subaction_path, const int64_t &duration, const float &frequency, const float &litude) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return false; } GHOST_XrAction *action = action_set->findAction(action_name); if (action == nullptr) { return false; } action->applyHapticFeedback( m_oxr->session, action_name, subaction_path, duration, frequency, amplitude); return true; } void GHOST_XrSession::stopHapticAction(const char *action_set_name, const char *action_name, const char *subaction_path) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return; } GHOST_XrAction *action = action_set->findAction(action_name); if (action == nullptr) { return; } action->stopHapticFeedback(m_oxr->session, action_name, subaction_path); } void *GHOST_XrSession::getActionSetCustomdata(const char *action_set_name) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return action_set->getCustomdata(); } void *GHOST_XrSession::getActionCustomdata(const char *action_set_name, const char *action_name) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return nullptr; } GHOST_XrAction *action = action_set->findAction(action_name); if (action == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return action->getCustomdata(); } uint32_t GHOST_XrSession::getActionCount(const char *action_set_name) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return 0; } return action_set->getActionCount(); } void GHOST_XrSession::getActionCustomdataArray(const char *action_set_name, void **r_customdata_array) { GHOST_XrActionSet *action_set = find_action_set(m_oxr.get(), action_set_name); if (action_set == nullptr) { return; } action_set->getActionCustomdataArray(r_customdata_array); } /** \} */ /* Actions */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Controller Model * * \{ */ bool GHOST_XrSession::loadControllerModel(const char *subaction_path) { if (!m_context->isExtensionEnabled(XR_MSFT_CONTROLLER_MODEL_EXTENSION_NAME)) { return false; } XrSession session = m_oxr->session; std::map &controller_models = m_oxr->controller_models; std::map::iterator it = controller_models.find( subaction_path); if (it == controller_models.end()) { XrInstance instance = m_context->getInstance(); it = controller_models .emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(subaction_path), std::make_tuple(instance, subaction_path)) .first; } it->second.load(session); return true; } void GHOST_XrSession::unloadControllerModel(const char *subaction_path) { std::map &controller_models = m_oxr->controller_models; if (controller_models.find(subaction_path) != controller_models.end()) { controller_models.erase(subaction_path); } } bool GHOST_XrSession::updateControllerModelComponents(const char *subaction_path) { XrSession session = m_oxr->session; std::map::iterator it = m_oxr->controller_models.find( subaction_path); if (it == m_oxr->controller_models.end()) { return false; } it->second.updateComponents(session); return true; } bool GHOST_XrSession::getControllerModelData(const char *subaction_path, GHOST_XrControllerModelData &r_data) { std::map::iterator it = m_oxr->controller_models.find( subaction_path); if (it == m_oxr->controller_models.end()) { return false; } it->second.getData(r_data); return true; } /** \} */ /* Controller Model */