/** * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Copyright (C) 2001 NaN Technologies B.V. * Simple test file for the GHOST library. * The OpenGL gear code is taken from the Qt sample code which, * in turn, is probably taken from somewhere as well. * @author Maarten Gribnau * @date May 31, 2001 * Stereo code by Raymond de Vries, januari 2002 */ #include #include #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #include #else // WIN32 // __APPLE__ is defined #include #endif // WIN32 #else // defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) #include #endif // defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) #include "STR_String.h" #include "GHOST_Rect.h" #include "GHOST_ISystem.h" #include "GHOST_IEvent.h" #include "GHOST_IEventConsumer.h" #define LEFT_EYE 0 #define RIGHT_EYE 1 static bool nVidiaWindows; // very dirty but hey, it's for testing only static void gearsTimerProc(GHOST_ITimerTask* task, GHOST_TUns64 time); static class Application* fApp; static GLfloat view_rotx=20.0, view_roty=30.0, view_rotz=0.0; static GLfloat fAngle = 0.0; static GHOST_ISystem* fSystem = 0; void StereoProjection(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearplane, float farplane, float zero_plane, float dist, float eye); static void testTimerProc(GHOST_ITimerTask* /*task*/, GHOST_TUns64 time) { std::cout << "timer1, time=" << (int)time << "\n"; } static void gearGL(GLfloat inner_radius, GLfloat outer_radius, GLfloat width, GLint teeth, GLfloat tooth_depth) { GLint i; GLfloat r0, r1, r2; GLfloat angle, da; GLfloat u, v, len; r0 = inner_radius; r1 = outer_radius - tooth_depth/2.0; r2 = outer_radius + tooth_depth/2.0; const double pi = 3.14159264; da = 2.0*pi / teeth / 4.0; glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); /* draw front face */ glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); for (i=0;i<=teeth;i++) { angle = i * 2.0*pi / teeth; glVertex3f(r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), width*0.5); glVertex3f(r1*cos(angle), r1*sin(angle), width*0.5); glVertex3f(r0*cos(angle), r0*sin(angle), width*0.5); glVertex3f(r1*cos(angle+3*da), r1*sin(angle+3*da), width*0.5); } glEnd(); /* draw front sides of teeth */ glBegin(GL_QUADS); da = 2.0*pi / teeth / 4.0; for (i=0;iactivateDrawingContext(); GHOST_Rect bnds; int noOfScanlines = 0, lowerScanline = 0; int verticalBlankingInterval = 32; // hard coded for testing purposes, display device dependant float left, right, bottom, top; float nearplane, farplane, zeroPlane, distance; float eyeSeparation = 0.62f; window->getClientBounds(bnds); // viewport if(stereo) { if(nVidiaWindows) { // handled by nVidia driver so act as normal (explicitly put here since // it -is- stereo) glViewport(0, 0, bnds.getWidth(), bnds.getHeight()); } else { // generic cross platform above-below stereo noOfScanlines = (bnds.getHeight() - verticalBlankingInterval) / 2; switch(eye) { case LEFT_EYE: // upper half of window lowerScanline = bnds.getHeight() - noOfScanlines; break; case RIGHT_EYE: // lower half of window lowerScanline = 0; break; } } } else { noOfScanlines = bnds.getHeight(); lowerScanline = 0; } glViewport(0, lowerScanline, bnds.getWidth(), noOfScanlines); // projection left = -6.0; right = 6.0; bottom = -4.8f; top = 4.8f; nearplane = 5.0; farplane = 60.0; if(stereo) { zeroPlane = 0.0; distance = 14.5; switch(eye) { case LEFT_EYE: StereoProjection(left, right, bottom, top, nearplane, farplane, zeroPlane, distance, -eyeSeparation / 2.0); break; case RIGHT_EYE: StereoProjection(left, right, bottom, top, nearplane, farplane, zeroPlane, distance, eyeSeparation / 2.0); break; } } else { // left = -w; // right = w; // bottom = -h; // top = h; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, 5.0, 60.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -40.0); } glClearColor(.2f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); } void StereoProjection(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float nearplane, float farplane, float zero_plane, float dist, float eye) /* Perform the perspective projection for one eye's subfield. The projection is in the direction of the negative z axis. -6.0, 6.0, -4.8, 4.8, left, right, bottom, top = the coordinate range, in the plane of zero parallax setting, which will be displayed on the screen. The ratio between (right-left) and (top-bottom) should equal the aspect ratio of the display. 6.0, -6.0, near, far = the z-coordinate values of the clipping planes. 0.0, zero_plane = the z-coordinate of the plane of zero parallax setting. 14.5, dist = the distance from the center of projection to the plane of zero parallax. -0.31 eye = half the eye separation; positive for the right eye subfield, negative for the left eye subfield. */ { float xmid, ymid, clip_near, clip_far, topw, bottomw, leftw, rightw, dx, dy, n_over_d; dx = right - left; dy = top - bottom; xmid = (right + left) / 2.0; ymid = (top + bottom) / 2.0; clip_near = dist + zero_plane - nearplane; clip_far = dist + zero_plane - farplane; n_over_d = clip_near / dist; topw = n_over_d * dy / 2.0; bottomw = -topw; rightw = n_over_d * (dx / 2.0 - eye); leftw = n_over_d *(-dx / 2.0 - eye); /* Need to be in projection mode for this. */ glLoadIdentity(); glFrustum(leftw, rightw, bottomw, topw, clip_near, clip_far); glTranslatef(-xmid - eye, -ymid, -zero_plane - dist); return; } /* stereoproj */ class Application : public GHOST_IEventConsumer { public: Application(GHOST_ISystem* system); ~Application(void); virtual bool processEvent(GHOST_IEvent* event); GHOST_ISystem* m_system; GHOST_IWindow* m_mainWindow; GHOST_IWindow* m_secondaryWindow; GHOST_IWindow* m_fullScreenWindow; GHOST_ITimerTask* m_gearsTimer, *m_testTimer; GHOST_TStandardCursor m_cursor; bool m_exitRequested; bool stereo; }; Application::Application(GHOST_ISystem* system) : m_system(system), m_mainWindow(0), m_secondaryWindow(0), m_fullScreenWindow(0), m_gearsTimer(0), m_testTimer(0), m_cursor(GHOST_kStandardCursorFirstCursor), m_exitRequested(false), stereo(false) { fApp = this; // Create the main window STR_String title1 ("gears - main window"); m_mainWindow = system->createWindow(title1, 10, 64, 320, 200, GHOST_kWindowStateNormal, GHOST_kDrawingContextTypeOpenGL, false, false); if (!m_mainWindow) { std::cout << "could not create main window\n"; exit(-1); } // Create a secondary window STR_String title2 ("gears - secondary window"); m_secondaryWindow = system->createWindow(title2, 340, 64, 320, 200, GHOST_kWindowStateNormal, GHOST_kDrawingContextTypeOpenGL, false, false); if (!m_secondaryWindow) { cout << "could not create secondary window\n"; exit(-1); } // Install a timer to have the gears running m_gearsTimer = system->installTimer(0 /*delay*/, 20/*interval*/, gearsTimerProc, m_mainWindow); } Application::~Application(void) { // Dispose windows if (m_system->validWindow(m_mainWindow)) { m_system->disposeWindow(m_mainWindow); } if (m_system->validWindow(m_secondaryWindow)) { m_system->disposeWindow(m_secondaryWindow); } } bool Application::processEvent(GHOST_IEvent* event) { GHOST_IWindow* window = event->getWindow(); bool handled = true; switch (event->getType()) { /* case GHOST_kEventUnknown: break; case GHOST_kEventCursorButton: std::cout << "GHOST_kEventCursorButton"; break; case GHOST_kEventCursorMove: std::cout << "GHOST_kEventCursorMove"; break; */ case GHOST_kEventWheel: { GHOST_TEventWheelData* wheelData = (GHOST_TEventWheelData*) event->getData(); if (wheelData->z > 0) { view_rotz += 5.f; } else { view_rotz -= 5.f; } } break; case GHOST_kEventKeyUp: break; case GHOST_kEventKeyDown: { GHOST_TEventKeyData* keyData = (GHOST_TEventKeyData*) event->getData(); switch (keyData->key) { case GHOST_kKeyC: { int cursor = m_cursor; cursor++; if (cursor >= GHOST_kStandardCursorNumCursors) { cursor = GHOST_kStandardCursorFirstCursor; } m_cursor = (GHOST_TStandardCursor)cursor; window->setCursorShape(m_cursor); } break; case GHOST_kKeyE: { int x = 200, y= 200; m_system->setCursorPosition(x,y); break; } case GHOST_kKeyF: if (!m_system->getFullScreen()) { // Begin fullscreen mode GHOST_DisplaySetting setting; setting.bpp = 16; setting.frequency = 50; setting.xPixels = 640; setting.yPixels = 480; m_system->beginFullScreen(setting, &m_fullScreenWindow, false /* stereo flag */); } else { m_system->endFullScreen(); m_fullScreenWindow = 0; } break; case GHOST_kKeyH: window->setCursorVisibility(!window->getCursorVisibility()); break; case GHOST_kKeyM: { bool down = false; m_system->getModifierKeyState(GHOST_kModifierKeyLeftShift,down); if (down) { std::cout << "left shift down\n"; } m_system->getModifierKeyState(GHOST_kModifierKeyRightShift,down); if (down) { std::cout << "right shift down\n"; } m_system->getModifierKeyState(GHOST_kModifierKeyLeftAlt,down); if (down) { std::cout << "left Alt down\n"; } m_system->getModifierKeyState(GHOST_kModifierKeyRightAlt,down); if (down) { std::cout << "right Alt down\n"; } m_system->getModifierKeyState(GHOST_kModifierKeyLeftControl,down); if (down) { std::cout << "left control down\n"; } m_system->getModifierKeyState(GHOST_kModifierKeyRightControl,down); if (down) { std::cout << "right control down\n"; } } break; case GHOST_kKeyQ: if (m_system->getFullScreen()) { m_system->endFullScreen(); m_fullScreenWindow = 0; } m_exitRequested = true; break; case GHOST_kKeyS: // toggle mono and stereo if(stereo) stereo = false; else stereo = true; break; case GHOST_kKeyT: if (!m_testTimer) { m_testTimer = m_system->installTimer(0, 1000, testTimerProc); } else { m_system->removeTimer(m_testTimer); m_testTimer = 0; } break; case GHOST_kKeyW: if (m_mainWindow) { STR_String title; m_mainWindow->getTitle(title); title += "-"; m_mainWindow->setTitle(title); } break; default: break; } } break; case GHOST_kEventWindowClose: { GHOST_IWindow* window2 = event->getWindow(); if (window2 == m_mainWindow) { m_exitRequested = true; } else { m_system->disposeWindow(window2); } } break; case GHOST_kEventWindowActivate: handled = false; break; case GHOST_kEventWindowDeactivate: handled = false; break; case GHOST_kEventWindowUpdate: { GHOST_IWindow* window2 = event->getWindow(); if(!m_system->validWindow(window2)) break; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if(stereo) { View(window2, stereo, LEFT_EYE); glPushMatrix(); RenderCamera(); RenderScene(); glPopMatrix(); View(window2, stereo, RIGHT_EYE); glPushMatrix(); RenderCamera(); RenderScene(); glPopMatrix(); } else { View(window2, stereo); glPushMatrix(); RenderCamera(); RenderScene(); glPopMatrix(); } window2->swapBuffers(); } break; default: handled = false; break; } return handled; } int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { nVidiaWindows = false; // nVidiaWindows = true; #ifdef WIN32 /* Set a couple of settings in the registry for the nVidia detonator driver. * So this is very specific... */ if(nVidiaWindows) { LONG lresult; HKEY hkey = 0; DWORD dwd = 0; //unsigned char buffer[128]; CRegKey regkey; //DWORD keyValue; // lresult = regkey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Global\\Stereo3D\\StereoEnable"); lresult = regkey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Global\\Stereo3D\\StereoEnable", KEY_ALL_ACCESS); if(lresult == ERROR_SUCCESS) printf("Succesfully opened key\n"); #if 0 lresult = regkey.QueryValue(&keyValue, "StereoEnable"); if(lresult == ERROR_SUCCESS) printf("Succesfully queried key\n"); #endif lresult = regkey.SetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Global\\Stereo3D\\StereoEnable", "1"); if(lresult == ERROR_SUCCESS) printf("Succesfully set value for key\n"); regkey.Close(); if(lresult == ERROR_SUCCESS) printf("Succesfully closed key\n"); // regkey.Write("2"); } #endif // WIN32 // Create the system GHOST_ISystem::createSystem(); fSystem = GHOST_ISystem::getSystem(); if (fSystem) { // Create an application object Application app (fSystem); // Add the application as event consumer fSystem->addEventConsumer(&app); // Enter main loop while (!app.m_exitRequested) { //printf("main: loop\n"); fSystem->processEvents(true); fSystem->dispatchEvents(); } } // Dispose the system GHOST_ISystem::disposeSystem(); return 0; } static void gearsTimerProc(GHOST_ITimerTask* task, GHOST_TUns64 /*time*/) { fAngle += 2.0; view_roty += 1.0; GHOST_IWindow* window = (GHOST_IWindow*)task->getUserData(); if (fApp->m_fullScreenWindow) { // Running full screen fApp->m_fullScreenWindow->invalidate(); } else { if (fSystem->validWindow(window)) { window->invalidate(); } } }