/* * $Id$ * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Original Author: Laurence * Contributor(s): Brecht * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file iksolver/intern/IK_QJacobianSolver.cpp * \ingroup iksolver */ #include #include "IK_QJacobianSolver.h" #include "MT_Quaternion.h" //#include "analyze.h" IK_QJacobianSolver::IK_QJacobianSolver() { m_poleconstraint = false; m_getpoleangle = false; m_rootmatrix.setIdentity(); } MT_Scalar IK_QJacobianSolver::ComputeScale() { std::vector::iterator seg; float length = 0.0f; for (seg = m_segments.begin(); seg != m_segments.end(); seg++) length += (*seg)->MaxExtension(); if(length == 0.0f) return 1.0f; else return 1.0f/length; } void IK_QJacobianSolver::Scale(float scale, std::list& tasks) { std::list::iterator task; std::vector::iterator seg; for (task = tasks.begin(); task != tasks.end(); task++) (*task)->Scale(scale); for (seg = m_segments.begin(); seg != m_segments.end(); seg++) (*seg)->Scale(scale); m_rootmatrix.getOrigin() *= scale; m_goal *= scale; m_polegoal *= scale; } void IK_QJacobianSolver::AddSegmentList(IK_QSegment *seg) { m_segments.push_back(seg); IK_QSegment *child; for (child = seg->Child(); child; child = child->Sibling()) AddSegmentList(child); } bool IK_QJacobianSolver::Setup(IK_QSegment *root, std::list& tasks) { m_segments.clear(); AddSegmentList(root); // assign each segment a unique id for the jacobian std::vector::iterator seg; int num_dof = 0; for (seg = m_segments.begin(); seg != m_segments.end(); seg++) { (*seg)->SetDoFId(num_dof); num_dof += (*seg)->NumberOfDoF(); } if (num_dof == 0) return false; // compute task id's and assing weights to task int primary_size = 0, primary = 0; int secondary_size = 0, secondary = 0; MT_Scalar primary_weight = 0.0, secondary_weight = 0.0; std::list::iterator task; for (task = tasks.begin(); task != tasks.end(); task++) { IK_QTask *qtask = *task; if (qtask->Primary()) { qtask->SetId(primary_size); primary_size += qtask->Size(); primary_weight += qtask->Weight(); primary++; } else { qtask->SetId(secondary_size); secondary_size += qtask->Size(); secondary_weight += qtask->Weight(); secondary++; } } if (primary_size == 0 || MT_fuzzyZero(primary_weight)) return false; m_secondary_enabled = (secondary > 0); // rescale weights of tasks to sum up to 1 MT_Scalar primary_rescale = 1.0/primary_weight; MT_Scalar secondary_rescale; if (MT_fuzzyZero(secondary_weight)) secondary_rescale = 0.0; else secondary_rescale = 1.0/secondary_weight; for (task = tasks.begin(); task != tasks.end(); task++) { IK_QTask *qtask = *task; if (qtask->Primary()) qtask->SetWeight(qtask->Weight()*primary_rescale); else qtask->SetWeight(qtask->Weight()*secondary_rescale); } // set matrix sizes m_jacobian.ArmMatrices(num_dof, primary_size); if (secondary > 0) m_jacobian_sub.ArmMatrices(num_dof, secondary_size); // set dof weights int i; for (seg = m_segments.begin(); seg != m_segments.end(); seg++) for (i = 0; i < (*seg)->NumberOfDoF(); i++) m_jacobian.SetDoFWeight((*seg)->DoFId()+i, (*seg)->Weight(i)); return true; } void IK_QJacobianSolver::SetPoleVectorConstraint(IK_QSegment *tip, MT_Vector3& goal, MT_Vector3& polegoal, float poleangle, bool getangle) { m_poleconstraint = true; m_poletip = tip; m_goal = goal; m_polegoal = polegoal; m_poleangle = (getangle)? 0.0f: poleangle; m_getpoleangle = getangle; } static MT_Scalar safe_acos(MT_Scalar f) { // acos that does not return NaN with rounding errors if (f <= -1.0f) return MT_PI; else if (f >= 1.0f) return 0.0; else return acos(f); } static MT_Vector3 normalize(const MT_Vector3& v) { // a sane normalize function that doesn't give (1, 0, 0) in case // of a zero length vector, like MT_Vector3.normalize MT_Scalar len = v.length(); return MT_fuzzyZero(len)? MT_Vector3(0, 0, 0): v/len; } static float angle(const MT_Vector3& v1, const MT_Vector3& v2) { return safe_acos(v1.dot(v2)); } void IK_QJacobianSolver::ConstrainPoleVector(IK_QSegment *root, std::list& tasks) { // this function will be called before and after solving. calling it before // solving gives predictable solutions by rotating towards the solution, // and calling it afterwards ensures the solution is exact. if(!m_poleconstraint) return; // disable pole vector constraint in case of multiple position tasks std::list::iterator task; int positiontasks = 0; for (task = tasks.begin(); task != tasks.end(); task++) if((*task)->PositionTask()) positiontasks++; if (positiontasks >= 2) { m_poleconstraint = false; return; } // get positions and rotations root->UpdateTransform(m_rootmatrix); const MT_Vector3 rootpos = root->GlobalStart(); const MT_Vector3 endpos = m_poletip->GlobalEnd(); const MT_Matrix3x3& rootbasis = root->GlobalTransform().getBasis(); // construct "lookat" matrices (like gluLookAt), based on a direction and // an up vector, with the direction going from the root to the end effector // and the up vector going from the root to the pole constraint position. MT_Vector3 dir = normalize(endpos - rootpos); MT_Vector3 rootx= rootbasis.getColumn(0); MT_Vector3 rootz= rootbasis.getColumn(2); MT_Vector3 up = rootx*cos(m_poleangle) + rootz*sin(m_poleangle); // in post, don't rotate towards the goal but only correct the pole up MT_Vector3 poledir = (m_getpoleangle)? dir: normalize(m_goal - rootpos); MT_Vector3 poleup = normalize(m_polegoal - rootpos); MT_Matrix3x3 mat, polemat; mat[0] = normalize(MT_cross(dir, up)); mat[1] = MT_cross(mat[0], dir); mat[2] = -dir; polemat[0] = normalize(MT_cross(poledir, poleup)); polemat[1] = MT_cross(polemat[0], poledir); polemat[2] = -poledir; if(m_getpoleangle) { // we compute the pole angle that to rotate towards the target m_poleangle = angle(mat[1], polemat[1]); if(rootz.dot(mat[1]*cos(m_poleangle) + mat[0]*sin(m_poleangle)) > 0.0f) m_poleangle = -m_poleangle; // solve again, with the pole angle we just computed m_getpoleangle = false; ConstrainPoleVector(root, tasks); } else { // now we set as root matrix the difference between the current and // desired rotation based on the pole vector constraint. we use // transpose instead of inverse because we have orthogonal matrices // anyway, and in case of a singular matrix we don't get NaN's. MT_Transform trans(MT_Point3(0, 0, 0), polemat.transposed()*mat); m_rootmatrix = trans*m_rootmatrix; } } bool IK_QJacobianSolver::UpdateAngles(MT_Scalar& norm) { // assing each segment a unique id for the jacobian std::vector::iterator seg; IK_QSegment *qseg, *minseg = NULL; MT_Scalar minabsdelta = 1e10, absdelta; MT_Vector3 delta, mindelta; bool locked = false, clamp[3]; int i, mindof = 0; // here we check if any angle limits were violated. angles whose clamped // position is the same as it was before, are locked immediate. of the // other violation angles the most violating angle is rememberd for (seg = m_segments.begin(); seg != m_segments.end(); seg++) { qseg = *seg; if (qseg->UpdateAngle(m_jacobian, delta, clamp)) { for (i = 0; i < qseg->NumberOfDoF(); i++) { if (clamp[i] && !qseg->Locked(i)) { absdelta = MT_abs(delta[i]); if (absdelta < MT_EPSILON) { qseg->Lock(i, m_jacobian, delta); locked = true; } else if (absdelta < minabsdelta) { minabsdelta = absdelta; mindelta = delta; minseg = qseg; mindof = i; } } } } } // lock most violating angle if (minseg) { minseg->Lock(mindof, m_jacobian, mindelta); locked = true; if (minabsdelta > norm) norm = minabsdelta; } if (locked == false) // no locking done, last inner iteration, apply the angles for (seg = m_segments.begin(); seg != m_segments.end(); seg++) { (*seg)->UnLock(); (*seg)->UpdateAngleApply(); } // signal if another inner iteration is needed return locked; } bool IK_QJacobianSolver::Solve( IK_QSegment *root, std::list tasks, const MT_Scalar, const int max_iterations ) { float scale = ComputeScale(); bool solved = false; //double dt = analyze_time(); Scale(scale, tasks); ConstrainPoleVector(root, tasks); root->UpdateTransform(m_rootmatrix); // iterate for (int iterations = 0; iterations < max_iterations; iterations++) { // update transform root->UpdateTransform(m_rootmatrix); std::list::iterator task; // compute jacobian for (task = tasks.begin(); task != tasks.end(); task++) { if ((*task)->Primary()) (*task)->ComputeJacobian(m_jacobian); else (*task)->ComputeJacobian(m_jacobian_sub); } MT_Scalar norm = 0.0; do { // invert jacobian try { m_jacobian.Invert(); if (m_secondary_enabled) m_jacobian.SubTask(m_jacobian_sub); } catch (...) { fprintf(stderr, "IK Exception\n"); return false; } // update angles and check limits } while (UpdateAngles(norm)); // unlock segments again after locking in clamping loop std::vector::iterator seg; for (seg = m_segments.begin(); seg != m_segments.end(); seg++) (*seg)->UnLock(); // compute angle update norm MT_Scalar maxnorm = m_jacobian.AngleUpdateNorm(); if (maxnorm > norm) norm = maxnorm; // check for convergence if (norm < 1e-3) { solved = true; break; } } if(m_poleconstraint) root->PrependBasis(m_rootmatrix.getBasis()); Scale(1.0f/scale, tasks); //analyze_add_run(max_iterations, analyze_time()-dt); return solved; }