/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Original Author: Laurence * Contributor(s): Brecht * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file iksolver/intern/IK_QSegment.cpp * \ingroup iksolver */ #include "IK_QSegment.h" #include // Utility functions static MT_Matrix3x3 RotationMatrix(MT_Scalar sine, MT_Scalar cosine, int axis) { if (axis == 0) return MT_Matrix3x3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cosine, -sine, 0.0, sine, cosine); else if (axis == 1) return MT_Matrix3x3(cosine, 0.0, sine, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -sine, 0.0, cosine); else return MT_Matrix3x3(cosine, -sine, 0.0, sine, cosine, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } static MT_Matrix3x3 RotationMatrix(MT_Scalar angle, int axis) { return RotationMatrix(sin(angle), cos(angle), axis); } static MT_Scalar EulerAngleFromMatrix(const MT_Matrix3x3& R, int axis) { MT_Scalar t = sqrt(R[0][0]*R[0][0] + R[0][1]*R[0][1]); if (t > 16.0*MT_EPSILON) { if (axis == 0) return -atan2(R[1][2], R[2][2]); else if(axis == 1) return atan2(-R[0][2], t); else return -atan2(R[0][1], R[0][0]); } else { if (axis == 0) return -atan2(-R[2][1], R[1][1]); else if(axis == 1) return atan2(-R[0][2], t); else return 0.0f; } } static MT_Scalar safe_acos(MT_Scalar f) { if (f <= -1.0f) return MT_PI; else if (f >= 1.0f) return 0.0; else return acos(f); } static MT_Scalar ComputeTwist(const MT_Matrix3x3& R) { // qy and qw are the y and w components of the quaternion from R MT_Scalar qy = R[0][2] - R[2][0]; MT_Scalar qw = R[0][0] + R[1][1] + R[2][2] + 1; MT_Scalar tau = 2*atan2(qy, qw); return tau; } static MT_Matrix3x3 ComputeTwistMatrix(MT_Scalar tau) { return RotationMatrix(tau, 1); } static void RemoveTwist(MT_Matrix3x3& R) { // compute twist parameter MT_Scalar tau = ComputeTwist(R); // compute twist matrix MT_Matrix3x3 T = ComputeTwistMatrix(tau); // remove twist R = R*T.transposed(); } static MT_Vector3 SphericalRangeParameters(const MT_Matrix3x3& R) { // compute twist parameter MT_Scalar tau = ComputeTwist(R); // compute swing parameters MT_Scalar num = 2.0*(1.0 + R[1][1]); // singularity at pi if (MT_abs(num) < MT_EPSILON) // TODO: this does now rotation of size pi over z axis, but could // be any axis, how to deal with this i'm not sure, maybe don't // enforce limits at all then return MT_Vector3(0.0, tau, 1.0); num = 1.0/sqrt(num); MT_Scalar ax = -R[2][1]*num; MT_Scalar az = R[0][1]*num; return MT_Vector3(ax, tau, az); } static MT_Matrix3x3 ComputeSwingMatrix(MT_Scalar ax, MT_Scalar az) { // length of (ax, 0, az) = sin(theta/2) MT_Scalar sine2 = ax*ax + az*az; MT_Scalar cosine2 = sqrt((sine2 >= 1.0)? 0.0: 1.0-sine2); // compute swing matrix MT_Matrix3x3 S(MT_Quaternion(ax, 0.0, az, -cosine2)); return S; } static MT_Vector3 MatrixToAxisAngle(const MT_Matrix3x3& R) { MT_Vector3 delta = MT_Vector3(R[2][1] - R[1][2], R[0][2] - R[2][0], R[1][0] - R[0][1]); MT_Scalar c = safe_acos((R[0][0] + R[1][1] + R[2][2] - 1)/2); MT_Scalar l = delta.length(); if (!MT_fuzzyZero(l)) delta *= c/l; return delta; } static bool EllipseClamp(MT_Scalar& ax, MT_Scalar& az, MT_Scalar *amin, MT_Scalar *amax) { MT_Scalar xlim, zlim, x, z; if (ax < 0.0) { x = -ax; xlim = -amin[0]; } else { x = ax; xlim = amax[0]; } if (az < 0.0) { z = -az; zlim = -amin[1]; } else { z = az; zlim = amax[1]; } if (MT_fuzzyZero(xlim) || MT_fuzzyZero(zlim)) { if (x <= xlim && z <= zlim) return false; if (x > xlim) x = xlim; if (z > zlim) z = zlim; } else { MT_Scalar invx = 1.0/(xlim*xlim); MT_Scalar invz = 1.0/(zlim*zlim); if ((x*x*invx + z*z*invz) <= 1.0) return false; if (MT_fuzzyZero(x)) { x = 0.0; z = zlim; } else { MT_Scalar rico = z/x; MT_Scalar old_x = x; x = sqrt(1.0/(invx + invz*rico*rico)); if (old_x < 0.0) x = -x; z = rico*x; } } ax = (ax < 0.0)? -x: x; az = (az < 0.0)? -z: z; return true; } // IK_QSegment IK_QSegment::IK_QSegment(int num_DoF, bool translational) : m_parent(NULL), m_child(NULL), m_sibling(NULL), m_composite(NULL), m_num_DoF(num_DoF), m_translational(translational) { m_locked[0] = m_locked[1] = m_locked[2] = false; m_weight[0] = m_weight[1] = m_weight[2] = 1.0; m_max_extension = 0.0; m_start = MT_Vector3(0, 0, 0); m_rest_basis.setIdentity(); m_basis.setIdentity(); m_translation = MT_Vector3(0, 0, 0); m_orig_basis = m_basis; m_orig_translation = m_translation; } void IK_QSegment::Reset() { m_locked[0] = m_locked[1] = m_locked[2] = false; m_basis = m_orig_basis; m_translation = m_orig_translation; SetBasis(m_basis); for (IK_QSegment *seg = m_child; seg; seg = seg->m_sibling) seg->Reset(); } void IK_QSegment::SetTransform( const MT_Vector3& start, const MT_Matrix3x3& rest_basis, const MT_Matrix3x3& basis, const MT_Scalar length ) { m_max_extension = start.length() + length; m_start = start; m_rest_basis = rest_basis; m_orig_basis = basis; SetBasis(basis); m_translation = MT_Vector3(0, length, 0); m_orig_translation = m_translation; } MT_Matrix3x3 IK_QSegment::BasisChange() const { return m_orig_basis.transposed()*m_basis; } MT_Vector3 IK_QSegment::TranslationChange() const { return m_translation - m_orig_translation; } IK_QSegment::~IK_QSegment() { if (m_parent) m_parent->RemoveChild(this); for (IK_QSegment *seg = m_child; seg; seg = seg->m_sibling) seg->m_parent = NULL; } void IK_QSegment::SetParent(IK_QSegment *parent) { if (m_parent == parent) return; if (m_parent) m_parent->RemoveChild(this); if (parent) { m_sibling = parent->m_child; parent->m_child = this; } m_parent = parent; } void IK_QSegment::SetComposite(IK_QSegment *seg) { m_composite = seg; } void IK_QSegment::RemoveChild(IK_QSegment *child) { if (m_child == NULL) return; else if (m_child == child) m_child = m_child->m_sibling; else { IK_QSegment *seg = m_child; while (seg->m_sibling != child) seg = seg->m_sibling; if (child == seg->m_sibling) seg->m_sibling = child->m_sibling; } } void IK_QSegment::UpdateTransform(const MT_Transform& global) { // compute the global transform at the end of the segment m_global_start = global.getOrigin() + global.getBasis()*m_start; m_global_transform.setOrigin(m_global_start); m_global_transform.setBasis(global.getBasis() * m_rest_basis * m_basis); m_global_transform.translate(m_translation); // update child transforms for (IK_QSegment *seg = m_child; seg; seg = seg->m_sibling) seg->UpdateTransform(m_global_transform); } void IK_QSegment::PrependBasis(const MT_Matrix3x3& mat) { m_basis = m_rest_basis.inverse() * mat * m_rest_basis * m_basis; } void IK_QSegment::Scale(float scale) { m_start *= scale; m_translation *= scale; m_orig_translation *= scale; m_global_start *= scale; m_global_transform.getOrigin() *= scale; m_max_extension *= scale; } // IK_QSphericalSegment IK_QSphericalSegment::IK_QSphericalSegment() : IK_QSegment(3, false), m_limit_x(false), m_limit_y(false), m_limit_z(false) { } MT_Vector3 IK_QSphericalSegment::Axis(int dof) const { return m_global_transform.getBasis().getColumn(dof); } void IK_QSphericalSegment::SetLimit(int axis, MT_Scalar lmin, MT_Scalar lmax) { if (lmin > lmax) return; if (axis == 1) { lmin = MT_clamp(lmin, -MT_PI, MT_PI); lmax = MT_clamp(lmax, -MT_PI, MT_PI); m_min_y = lmin; m_max_y = lmax; m_limit_y = true; } else { // clamp and convert to axis angle parameters lmin = MT_clamp(lmin, -MT_PI, MT_PI); lmax = MT_clamp(lmax, -MT_PI, MT_PI); lmin = sin(lmin*0.5); lmax = sin(lmax*0.5); if (axis == 0) { m_min[0] = -lmax; m_max[0] = -lmin; m_limit_x = true; } else if (axis == 2) { m_min[1] = -lmax; m_max[1] = -lmin; m_limit_z = true; } } } void IK_QSphericalSegment::SetWeight(int axis, MT_Scalar weight) { m_weight[axis] = weight; } bool IK_QSphericalSegment::UpdateAngle(const IK_QJacobian &jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta, bool *clamp) { if (m_locked[0] && m_locked[1] && m_locked[2]) return false; MT_Vector3 dq; dq.x() = jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id); dq.y() = jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id+1); dq.z() = jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id+2); // Directly update the rotation matrix, with Rodrigues' rotation formula, // to avoid singularities and allow smooth integration. MT_Scalar theta = dq.length(); if (!MT_fuzzyZero(theta)) { MT_Vector3 w = dq*(1.0/theta); MT_Scalar sine = sin(theta); MT_Scalar cosine = cos(theta); MT_Scalar cosineInv = 1-cosine; MT_Scalar xsine = w.x()*sine; MT_Scalar ysine = w.y()*sine; MT_Scalar zsine = w.z()*sine; MT_Scalar xxcosine = w.x()*w.x()*cosineInv; MT_Scalar xycosine = w.x()*w.y()*cosineInv; MT_Scalar xzcosine = w.x()*w.z()*cosineInv; MT_Scalar yycosine = w.y()*w.y()*cosineInv; MT_Scalar yzcosine = w.y()*w.z()*cosineInv; MT_Scalar zzcosine = w.z()*w.z()*cosineInv; MT_Matrix3x3 M( cosine + xxcosine, -zsine + xycosine, ysine + xzcosine, zsine + xycosine, cosine + yycosine, -xsine + yzcosine, -ysine + xzcosine, xsine + yzcosine, cosine + zzcosine); m_new_basis = m_basis*M; } else m_new_basis = m_basis; if (m_limit_y == false && m_limit_x == false && m_limit_z == false) return false; MT_Vector3 a = SphericalRangeParameters(m_new_basis); if (m_locked[0]) a.x() = m_locked_ax; if (m_locked[1]) a.y() = m_locked_ay; if (m_locked[2]) a.z() = m_locked_az; MT_Scalar ax = a.x(), ay = a.y(), az = a.z(); clamp[0] = clamp[1] = clamp[2] = false; if (m_limit_y) { if (a.y() > m_max_y) { ay = m_max_y; clamp[1] = true; } else if (a.y() < m_min_y) { ay = m_min_y; clamp[1] = true; } } if (m_limit_x && m_limit_z) { if (EllipseClamp(ax, az, m_min, m_max)) clamp[0] = clamp[2] = true; } else if (m_limit_x) { if (ax < m_min[0]) { ax = m_min[0]; clamp[0] = true; } else if (ax > m_max[0]) { ax = m_max[0]; clamp[0] = true; } } else if (m_limit_z) { if (az < m_min[1]) { az = m_min[1]; clamp[2] = true; } else if (az > m_max[1]) { az = m_max[1]; clamp[2] = true; } } if (clamp[0] == false && clamp[1] == false && clamp[2] == false) { if (m_locked[0] || m_locked[1] || m_locked[2]) m_new_basis = ComputeSwingMatrix(ax, az)*ComputeTwistMatrix(ay); return false; } m_new_basis = ComputeSwingMatrix(ax, az)*ComputeTwistMatrix(ay); delta = MatrixToAxisAngle(m_basis.transposed()*m_new_basis); if (!(m_locked[0] || m_locked[2]) && (clamp[0] || clamp[2])) { m_locked_ax = ax; m_locked_az = az; } if (!m_locked[1] && clamp[1]) m_locked_ay = ay; return true; } void IK_QSphericalSegment::Lock(int dof, IK_QJacobian& jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta) { if (dof == 1) { m_locked[1] = true; jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id+1, delta[1]); } else { m_locked[0] = m_locked[2] = true; jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id, delta[0]); jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id+2, delta[2]); } } void IK_QSphericalSegment::UpdateAngleApply() { m_basis = m_new_basis; } // IK_QNullSegment IK_QNullSegment::IK_QNullSegment() : IK_QSegment(0, false) { } // IK_QRevoluteSegment IK_QRevoluteSegment::IK_QRevoluteSegment(int axis) : IK_QSegment(1, false), m_axis(axis), m_angle(0.0), m_limit(false) { } void IK_QRevoluteSegment::SetBasis(const MT_Matrix3x3& basis) { if (m_axis == 1) { m_angle = ComputeTwist(basis); m_basis = ComputeTwistMatrix(m_angle); } else { m_angle = EulerAngleFromMatrix(basis, m_axis); m_basis = RotationMatrix(m_angle, m_axis); } } MT_Vector3 IK_QRevoluteSegment::Axis(int) const { return m_global_transform.getBasis().getColumn(m_axis); } bool IK_QRevoluteSegment::UpdateAngle(const IK_QJacobian &jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta, bool *clamp) { if (m_locked[0]) return false; m_new_angle = m_angle + jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id); clamp[0] = false; if (m_limit == false) return false; if (m_new_angle > m_max) delta[0] = m_max - m_angle; else if (m_new_angle < m_min) delta[0] = m_min - m_angle; else return false; clamp[0] = true; m_new_angle = m_angle + delta[0]; return true; } void IK_QRevoluteSegment::Lock(int, IK_QJacobian& jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta) { m_locked[0] = true; jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id, delta[0]); } void IK_QRevoluteSegment::UpdateAngleApply() { m_angle = m_new_angle; m_basis = RotationMatrix(m_angle, m_axis); } void IK_QRevoluteSegment::SetLimit(int axis, MT_Scalar lmin, MT_Scalar lmax) { if (lmin > lmax || m_axis != axis) return; // clamp and convert to axis angle parameters lmin = MT_clamp(lmin, -MT_PI, MT_PI); lmax = MT_clamp(lmax, -MT_PI, MT_PI); m_min = lmin; m_max = lmax; m_limit = true; } void IK_QRevoluteSegment::SetWeight(int axis, MT_Scalar weight) { if (axis == m_axis) m_weight[0] = weight; } // IK_QSwingSegment IK_QSwingSegment::IK_QSwingSegment() : IK_QSegment(2, false), m_limit_x(false), m_limit_z(false) { } void IK_QSwingSegment::SetBasis(const MT_Matrix3x3& basis) { m_basis = basis; RemoveTwist(m_basis); } MT_Vector3 IK_QSwingSegment::Axis(int dof) const { return m_global_transform.getBasis().getColumn((dof==0)? 0: 2); } bool IK_QSwingSegment::UpdateAngle(const IK_QJacobian &jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta, bool *clamp) { if (m_locked[0] && m_locked[1]) return false; MT_Vector3 dq; dq.x() = jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id); dq.y() = 0.0; dq.z() = jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id+1); // Directly update the rotation matrix, with Rodrigues' rotation formula, // to avoid singularities and allow smooth integration. MT_Scalar theta = dq.length(); if (!MT_fuzzyZero(theta)) { MT_Vector3 w = dq*(1.0/theta); MT_Scalar sine = sin(theta); MT_Scalar cosine = cos(theta); MT_Scalar cosineInv = 1-cosine; MT_Scalar xsine = w.x()*sine; MT_Scalar zsine = w.z()*sine; MT_Scalar xxcosine = w.x()*w.x()*cosineInv; MT_Scalar xzcosine = w.x()*w.z()*cosineInv; MT_Scalar zzcosine = w.z()*w.z()*cosineInv; MT_Matrix3x3 M( cosine + xxcosine, -zsine, xzcosine, zsine, cosine, -xsine, xzcosine, xsine, cosine + zzcosine); m_new_basis = m_basis*M; RemoveTwist(m_new_basis); } else m_new_basis = m_basis; if (m_limit_x == false && m_limit_z == false) return false; MT_Vector3 a = SphericalRangeParameters(m_new_basis); MT_Scalar ax = 0, az = 0; clamp[0] = clamp[1] = false; if (m_limit_x && m_limit_z) { ax = a.x(); az = a.z(); if (EllipseClamp(ax, az, m_min, m_max)) clamp[0] = clamp[1] = true; } else if (m_limit_x) { if (ax < m_min[0]) { ax = m_min[0]; clamp[0] = true; } else if (ax > m_max[0]) { ax = m_max[0]; clamp[0] = true; } } else if (m_limit_z) { if (az < m_min[1]) { az = m_min[1]; clamp[1] = true; } else if (az > m_max[1]) { az = m_max[1]; clamp[1] = true; } } if (clamp[0] == false && clamp[1] == false) return false; m_new_basis = ComputeSwingMatrix(ax, az); delta = MatrixToAxisAngle(m_basis.transposed()*m_new_basis); delta[1] = delta[2]; delta[2] = 0.0; return true; } void IK_QSwingSegment::Lock(int, IK_QJacobian& jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta) { m_locked[0] = m_locked[1] = true; jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id, delta[0]); jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id+1, delta[1]); } void IK_QSwingSegment::UpdateAngleApply() { m_basis = m_new_basis; } void IK_QSwingSegment::SetLimit(int axis, MT_Scalar lmin, MT_Scalar lmax) { if (lmin > lmax) return; // clamp and convert to axis angle parameters lmin = MT_clamp(lmin, -MT_PI, MT_PI); lmax = MT_clamp(lmax, -MT_PI, MT_PI); lmin = sin(lmin*0.5); lmax = sin(lmax*0.5); // put center of ellispe in the middle between min and max MT_Scalar offset = 0.5*(lmin + lmax); //lmax = lmax - offset; if (axis == 0) { m_min[0] = -lmax; m_max[0] = -lmin; m_limit_x = true; m_offset_x = offset; m_max_x = lmax; } else if (axis == 2) { m_min[1] = -lmax; m_max[1] = -lmin; m_limit_z = true; m_offset_z = offset; m_max_z = lmax; } } void IK_QSwingSegment::SetWeight(int axis, MT_Scalar weight) { if (axis == 0) m_weight[0] = weight; else if (axis == 2) m_weight[1] = weight; } // IK_QElbowSegment IK_QElbowSegment::IK_QElbowSegment(int axis) : IK_QSegment(2, false), m_axis(axis), m_twist(0.0), m_angle(0.0), m_cos_twist(1.0), m_sin_twist(0.0), m_limit(false), m_limit_twist(false) { } void IK_QElbowSegment::SetBasis(const MT_Matrix3x3& basis) { m_basis = basis; m_twist = ComputeTwist(m_basis); RemoveTwist(m_basis); m_angle = EulerAngleFromMatrix(basis, m_axis); m_basis = RotationMatrix(m_angle, m_axis)*ComputeTwistMatrix(m_twist); } MT_Vector3 IK_QElbowSegment::Axis(int dof) const { if (dof == 0) { MT_Vector3 v; if (m_axis == 0) v = MT_Vector3(m_cos_twist, 0, m_sin_twist); else v = MT_Vector3(-m_sin_twist, 0, m_cos_twist); return m_global_transform.getBasis() * v; } else return m_global_transform.getBasis().getColumn(1); } bool IK_QElbowSegment::UpdateAngle(const IK_QJacobian &jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta, bool *clamp) { if (m_locked[0] && m_locked[1]) return false; clamp[0] = clamp[1] = false; if (!m_locked[0]) { m_new_angle = m_angle + jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id); if (m_limit) { if (m_new_angle > m_max) { delta[0] = m_max - m_angle; m_new_angle = m_max; clamp[0] = true; } else if (m_new_angle < m_min) { delta[0] = m_min - m_angle; m_new_angle = m_min; clamp[0] = true; } } } if (!m_locked[1]) { m_new_twist = m_twist + jacobian.AngleUpdate(m_DoF_id+1); if (m_limit_twist) { if (m_new_twist > m_max_twist) { delta[1] = m_max_twist - m_twist; m_new_twist = m_max_twist; clamp[1] = true; } else if (m_new_twist < m_min_twist) { delta[1] = m_min_twist - m_twist; m_new_twist = m_min_twist; clamp[1] = true; } } } return (clamp[0] || clamp[1]); } void IK_QElbowSegment::Lock(int dof, IK_QJacobian& jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta) { if (dof == 0) { m_locked[0] = true; jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id, delta[0]); } else { m_locked[1] = true; jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id+1, delta[1]); } } void IK_QElbowSegment::UpdateAngleApply() { m_angle = m_new_angle; m_twist = m_new_twist; m_sin_twist = sin(m_twist); m_cos_twist = cos(m_twist); MT_Matrix3x3 A = RotationMatrix(m_angle, m_axis); MT_Matrix3x3 T = RotationMatrix(m_sin_twist, m_cos_twist, 1); m_basis = A*T; } void IK_QElbowSegment::SetLimit(int axis, MT_Scalar lmin, MT_Scalar lmax) { if (lmin > lmax) return; // clamp and convert to axis angle parameters lmin = MT_clamp(lmin, -MT_PI, MT_PI); lmax = MT_clamp(lmax, -MT_PI, MT_PI); if (axis == 1) { m_min_twist = lmin; m_max_twist = lmax; m_limit_twist = true; } else if (axis == m_axis) { m_min = lmin; m_max = lmax; m_limit = true; } } void IK_QElbowSegment::SetWeight(int axis, MT_Scalar weight) { if (axis == m_axis) m_weight[0] = weight; else if (axis == 1) m_weight[1] = weight; } // IK_QTranslateSegment IK_QTranslateSegment::IK_QTranslateSegment(int axis1) : IK_QSegment(1, true) { m_axis_enabled[0] = m_axis_enabled[1] = m_axis_enabled[2] = false; m_axis_enabled[axis1] = true; m_axis[0] = axis1; m_limit[0] = m_limit[1] = m_limit[2] = false; } IK_QTranslateSegment::IK_QTranslateSegment(int axis1, int axis2) : IK_QSegment(2, true) { m_axis_enabled[0] = m_axis_enabled[1] = m_axis_enabled[2] = false; m_axis_enabled[axis1] = true; m_axis_enabled[axis2] = true; m_axis[0] = axis1; m_axis[1] = axis2; m_limit[0] = m_limit[1] = m_limit[2] = false; } IK_QTranslateSegment::IK_QTranslateSegment() : IK_QSegment(3, true) { m_axis_enabled[0] = m_axis_enabled[1] = m_axis_enabled[2] = true; m_axis[0] = 0; m_axis[1] = 1; m_axis[2] = 2; m_limit[0] = m_limit[1] = m_limit[2] = false; } MT_Vector3 IK_QTranslateSegment::Axis(int dof) const { return m_global_transform.getBasis().getColumn(m_axis[dof]); } bool IK_QTranslateSegment::UpdateAngle(const IK_QJacobian &jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta, bool *clamp) { int dof_id = m_DoF_id, dof = 0, i, clamped = false; MT_Vector3 dx(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!m_axis_enabled[i]) { m_new_translation[i] = m_translation[i]; continue; } clamp[dof] = false; if (!m_locked[dof]) { m_new_translation[i] = m_translation[i] + jacobian.AngleUpdate(dof_id); if (m_limit[i]) { if (m_new_translation[i] > m_max[i]) { delta[dof] = m_max[i] - m_translation[i]; m_new_translation[i] = m_max[i]; clamped = clamp[dof] = true; } else if (m_new_translation[i] < m_min[i]) { delta[dof] = m_min[i] - m_translation[i]; m_new_translation[i] = m_min[i]; clamped = clamp[dof] = true; } } } dof_id++; dof++; } return clamped; } void IK_QTranslateSegment::UpdateAngleApply() { m_translation = m_new_translation; } void IK_QTranslateSegment::Lock(int dof, IK_QJacobian& jacobian, MT_Vector3& delta) { m_locked[dof] = true; jacobian.Lock(m_DoF_id+dof, delta[dof]); } void IK_QTranslateSegment::SetWeight(int axis, MT_Scalar weight) { int i; for (i = 0; i < m_num_DoF; i++) if (m_axis[i] == axis) m_weight[i] = weight; } void IK_QTranslateSegment::SetLimit(int axis, MT_Scalar lmin, MT_Scalar lmax) { if (lmax < lmin) return; m_min[axis]= lmin; m_max[axis]= lmax; m_limit[axis]= true; } void IK_QTranslateSegment::Scale(float scale) { int i; IK_QSegment::Scale(scale); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_min[0] *= scale; m_max[1] *= scale; } m_new_translation *= scale; }