/** \file itasc/kdl/frames.cpp * \ingroup itasc */ /*************************************************************************** frames.cxx - description ------------------------- begin : June 2006 copyright : (C) 2006 Erwin Aertbelien email : firstname.lastname@mech.kuleuven.ac.be History (only major changes)( AUTHOR-Description ) : *************************************************************************** * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "frames.hpp" namespace KDL { #ifndef KDL_INLINE #include "frames.inl" #endif void Frame::Make4x4(double * d) { int i; int j; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { for (j=0;j<3;j++) d[i*4+j]=M(i,j); d[i*4+3] = p(i)/1000; } for (j=0;j<3;j++) d[12+j] = 0.; d[15] = 1; } Frame Frame::DH_Craig1989(double a,double alpha,double d,double theta) // returns Modified Denavit-Hartenberg parameters (According to Craig) { double ct,st,ca,sa; ct = cos(theta); st = sin(theta); sa = sin(alpha); ca = cos(alpha); return Frame(Rotation( ct, -st, 0, st*ca, ct*ca, -sa, st*sa, ct*sa, ca ), Vector( a, -sa*d, ca*d ) ); } Frame Frame::DH(double a,double alpha,double d,double theta) // returns Denavit-Hartenberg parameters (Non-Modified DH) { double ct,st,ca,sa; ct = cos(theta); st = sin(theta); sa = sin(alpha); ca = cos(alpha); return Frame(Rotation( ct, -st*ca, st*sa, st, ct*ca, -ct*sa, 0, sa, ca ), Vector( a*ct, a*st, d ) ); } double Vector2::Norm() const { double tmp0 = fabs(data[0]); double tmp1 = fabs(data[1]); if (tmp0 >= tmp1) { if (tmp1 == 0) return 0; return tmp0*sqrt(1+sqr(tmp1/tmp0)); } else { return tmp1*sqrt(1+sqr(tmp0/tmp1)); } } // makes v a unitvector and returns the norm of v. // if v is smaller than eps, Vector(1,0,0) is returned with norm 0. // if this is not good, check the return value of this method. double Vector2::Normalize(double eps) { double v = this->Norm(); if (v < eps) { *this = Vector2(1,0); return v; } else { *this = (*this)/v; return v; } } // do some effort not to lose precision double Vector::Norm() const { double tmp1; double tmp2; tmp1 = fabs(data[0]); tmp2 = fabs(data[1]); if (tmp1 >= tmp2) { tmp2=fabs(data[2]); if (tmp1 >= tmp2) { if (tmp1 == 0) { // only to everything exactly zero case, all other are handled correctly return 0; } return tmp1*sqrt(1+sqr(data[1]/data[0])+sqr(data[2]/data[0])); } else { return tmp2*sqrt(1+sqr(data[0]/data[2])+sqr(data[1]/data[2])); } } else { tmp1=fabs(data[2]); if (tmp2 > tmp1) { return tmp2*sqrt(1+sqr(data[0]/data[1])+sqr(data[2]/data[1])); } else { return tmp1*sqrt(1+sqr(data[0]/data[2])+sqr(data[1]/data[2])); } } } // makes v a unitvector and returns the norm of v. // if v is smaller than eps, Vector(1,0,0) is returned with norm 0. // if this is not good, check the return value of this method. double Vector::Normalize(double eps) { double v = this->Norm(); if (v < eps) { *this = Vector(1,0,0); return v; } else { *this = (*this)/v; return v; } } bool Equal(const Rotation& a,const Rotation& b,double eps) { return (Equal(a.data[0],b.data[0],eps) && Equal(a.data[1],b.data[1],eps) && Equal(a.data[2],b.data[2],eps) && Equal(a.data[3],b.data[3],eps) && Equal(a.data[4],b.data[4],eps) && Equal(a.data[5],b.data[5],eps) && Equal(a.data[6],b.data[6],eps) && Equal(a.data[7],b.data[7],eps) && Equal(a.data[8],b.data[8],eps) ); } void Rotation::Ortho() { double n; n=sqrt(sqr(data[0])+sqr(data[3])+sqr(data[6]));n=(n>1e-10)?1.0/n:0.0;data[0]*=n;data[3]*=n;data[6]*=n; n=sqrt(sqr(data[1])+sqr(data[4])+sqr(data[7]));n=(n>1e-10)?1.0/n:0.0;data[1]*=n;data[4]*=n;data[7]*=n; n=sqrt(sqr(data[2])+sqr(data[5])+sqr(data[8]));n=(n>1e-10)?1.0/n:0.0;data[2]*=n;data[5]*=n;data[8]*=n; } Rotation operator *(const Rotation& lhs,const Rotation& rhs) // Complexity : 27M+27A { return Rotation( lhs.data[0]*rhs.data[0]+lhs.data[1]*rhs.data[3]+lhs.data[2]*rhs.data[6], lhs.data[0]*rhs.data[1]+lhs.data[1]*rhs.data[4]+lhs.data[2]*rhs.data[7], lhs.data[0]*rhs.data[2]+lhs.data[1]*rhs.data[5]+lhs.data[2]*rhs.data[8], lhs.data[3]*rhs.data[0]+lhs.data[4]*rhs.data[3]+lhs.data[5]*rhs.data[6], lhs.data[3]*rhs.data[1]+lhs.data[4]*rhs.data[4]+lhs.data[5]*rhs.data[7], lhs.data[3]*rhs.data[2]+lhs.data[4]*rhs.data[5]+lhs.data[5]*rhs.data[8], lhs.data[6]*rhs.data[0]+lhs.data[7]*rhs.data[3]+lhs.data[8]*rhs.data[6], lhs.data[6]*rhs.data[1]+lhs.data[7]*rhs.data[4]+lhs.data[8]*rhs.data[7], lhs.data[6]*rhs.data[2]+lhs.data[7]*rhs.data[5]+lhs.data[8]*rhs.data[8] ); } Rotation Rotation::RPY(double roll,double pitch,double yaw) { double ca1,cb1,cc1,sa1,sb1,sc1; ca1 = cos(yaw); sa1 = sin(yaw); cb1 = cos(pitch);sb1 = sin(pitch); cc1 = cos(roll);sc1 = sin(roll); return Rotation(ca1*cb1,ca1*sb1*sc1 - sa1*cc1,ca1*sb1*cc1 + sa1*sc1, sa1*cb1,sa1*sb1*sc1 + ca1*cc1,sa1*sb1*cc1 - ca1*sc1, -sb1,cb1*sc1,cb1*cc1); } // Gives back a rotation matrix specified with RPY convention void Rotation::GetRPY(double& roll,double& pitch,double& yaw) const { if (fabs(data[6]) > 1.0 - epsilon ) { roll = -sign(data[6]) * atan2(data[1], data[4]); pitch= -sign(data[6]) * PI / 2; yaw = 0.0 ; } else { roll = atan2(data[7], data[8]); pitch = atan2(-data[6], sqrt( sqr(data[0]) +sqr(data[3]) ) ); yaw = atan2(data[3], data[0]); } } Rotation Rotation::EulerZYZ(double Alfa,double Beta,double Gamma) { double sa,ca,sb,cb,sg,cg; sa = sin(Alfa);ca = cos(Alfa); sb = sin(Beta);cb = cos(Beta); sg = sin(Gamma);cg = cos(Gamma); return Rotation( ca*cb*cg-sa*sg, -ca*cb*sg-sa*cg, ca*sb, sa*cb*cg+ca*sg, -sa*cb*sg+ca*cg, sa*sb, -sb*cg , sb*sg, cb ); } void Rotation::GetEulerZYZ(double& alfa,double& beta,double& gamma) const { if (fabs(data[6]) < epsilon ) { alfa=0.0; if (data[8]>0) { beta = 0.0; gamma= atan2(-data[1],data[0]); } else { beta = PI; gamma= atan2(data[1],-data[0]); } } else { alfa=atan2(data[5], data[2]); beta=atan2(sqrt( sqr(data[6]) +sqr(data[7]) ),data[8]); gamma=atan2(data[7], -data[6]); } } Rotation Rotation::Rot(const Vector& rotaxis,double angle) { // The formula is // V.(V.tr) + st*[V x] + ct*(I-V.(V.tr)) // can be found by multiplying it with an arbitrary vector p // and noting that this vector is rotated. double ct = cos(angle); double st = sin(angle); double vt = 1-ct; Vector rotvec = rotaxis; rotvec.Normalize(); return Rotation( ct + vt*rotvec(0)*rotvec(0), -rotvec(2)*st + vt*rotvec(0)*rotvec(1), rotvec(1)*st + vt*rotvec(0)*rotvec(2), rotvec(2)*st + vt*rotvec(1)*rotvec(0), ct + vt*rotvec(1)*rotvec(1), -rotvec(0)*st + vt*rotvec(1)*rotvec(2), -rotvec(1)*st + vt*rotvec(2)*rotvec(0), rotvec(0)*st + vt*rotvec(2)*rotvec(1), ct + vt*rotvec(2)*rotvec(2) ); } Rotation Rotation::Rot2(const Vector& rotvec,double angle) { // rotvec should be normalized ! // The formula is // V.(V.tr) + st*[V x] + ct*(I-V.(V.tr)) // can be found by multiplying it with an arbitrary vector p // and noting that this vector is rotated. double ct = cos(angle); double st = sin(angle); double vt = 1-ct; return Rotation( ct + vt*rotvec(0)*rotvec(0), -rotvec(2)*st + vt*rotvec(0)*rotvec(1), rotvec(1)*st + vt*rotvec(0)*rotvec(2), rotvec(2)*st + vt*rotvec(1)*rotvec(0), ct + vt*rotvec(1)*rotvec(1), -rotvec(0)*st + vt*rotvec(1)*rotvec(2), -rotvec(1)*st + vt*rotvec(2)*rotvec(0), rotvec(0)*st + vt*rotvec(2)*rotvec(1), ct + vt*rotvec(2)*rotvec(2) ); } Vector Rotation::GetRot() const // Returns a vector with the direction of the equiv. axis // and its norm is angle { Vector axis = Vector((data[7]-data[5]), (data[2]-data[6]), (data[3]-data[1]) )/2; double sa = axis.Norm(); double ca = (data[0]+data[4]+data[8]-1)/2.0; double alfa; if (sa > epsilon) alfa = ::atan2(sa,ca)/sa; else { if (ca < 0.0) { alfa = KDL::PI; axis.data[0] = 0.0; axis.data[1] = 0.0; axis.data[2] = 0.0; if (data[0] > 0.0) { axis.data[0] = 1.0; } else if (data[4] > 0.0) { axis.data[1] = 1.0; } else { axis.data[2] = 1.0; } } else { alfa = 0.0; } } return axis * alfa; } Vector2 Rotation::GetXZRot() const { // [0,1,0] x Y Vector2 axis(data[7], -data[1]); double norm = axis.Normalize(); if (norm < epsilon) { norm = (data[4] < 0.0) ? PI : 0.0; } else { norm = acos(data[4]); } return axis*norm; } /** Returns the rotation angle around the equiv. axis * @param axis the rotation axis is returned in this variable * @param eps : in the case of angle == 0 : rot axis is undefined and choosen * to be +/- Z-axis * in the case of angle == PI : 2 solutions, positive Z-component * of the axis is choosen. * @result returns the rotation angle (between [0..PI] ) * /todo : * Check corresponding routines in rframes and rrframes */ double Rotation::GetRotAngle(Vector& axis,double eps) const { double ca = (data[0]+data[4]+data[8]-1)/2.0; if (ca>1-eps) { // undefined choose the Z-axis, and angle 0 axis = Vector(0,0,1); return 0; } if (ca < -1+eps) { // two solutions, choose a positive Z-component of the axis double z = sqrt( (data[8]+1)/2 ); double x = (data[2])/2/z; double y = (data[5])/2/z; axis = Vector( x,y,z ); return PI; } double angle = acos(ca); double sa = sin(angle); axis = Vector((data[7]-data[5])/2/sa, (data[2]-data[6])/2/sa, (data[3]-data[1])/2/sa ); return angle; } bool operator==(const Rotation& a,const Rotation& b) { #ifdef KDL_USE_EQUAL return Equal(a,b); #else return ( a.data[0]==b.data[0] && a.data[1]==b.data[1] && a.data[2]==b.data[2] && a.data[3]==b.data[3] && a.data[4]==b.data[4] && a.data[5]==b.data[5] && a.data[6]==b.data[6] && a.data[7]==b.data[7] && a.data[8]==b.data[8] ); #endif } }