/* Blender OpenColorIO implementation */ uniform sampler1D curve_mapping_texture; uniform sampler2D image_texture; uniform sampler2D overlay_texture; uniform sampler3D lut3d_texture; uniform sampler3D lut3d_display_texture; uniform float dither; uniform bool predivide; uniform bool curve_mapping; uniform bool overlay; layout(std140) uniform OCIO_GLSLCurveMappingParameters { /* Curve mapping parameters * * See documentation for OCIO_CurveMappingSettings to get fields descriptions. * (this ones pretty much copies stuff from C structure.) */ vec4 curve_mapping_mintable; vec4 curve_mapping_range; vec4 curve_mapping_ext_in_x; vec4 curve_mapping_ext_in_y; vec4 curve_mapping_ext_out_x; vec4 curve_mapping_ext_out_y; vec4 curve_mapping_first_x; vec4 curve_mapping_first_y; vec4 curve_mapping_last_x; vec4 curve_mapping_last_y; vec4 curve_mapping_black; vec4 curve_mapping_bwmul; int curve_mapping_lut_size; int curve_mapping_use_extend_extrapolate; }; float read_curve_mapping(int table, int index) { return texelFetch(curve_mapping_texture, index, 0)[table]; } float curvemap_calc_extend(int table, float x, vec2 first, vec2 last) { if (x <= first[0]) { if (curve_mapping_use_extend_extrapolate == 0) { /* horizontal extrapolation */ return first[1]; } else { float fac = (curve_mapping_ext_in_x[table] != 0.0) ? ((x - first[0]) / curve_mapping_ext_in_x[table]) : 10000.0; return first[1] + curve_mapping_ext_in_y[table] * fac; } } else if (x >= last[0]) { if (curve_mapping_use_extend_extrapolate == 0) { /* horizontal extrapolation */ return last[1]; } else { float fac = (curve_mapping_ext_out_x[table] != 0.0) ? ((x - last[0]) / curve_mapping_ext_out_x[table]) : -10000.0; return last[1] + curve_mapping_ext_out_y[table] * fac; } } return 0.0; } float curvemap_evaluateF(int table, float value) { float mintable_ = curve_mapping_mintable[table]; float range = curve_mapping_range[table]; float mintable = 0.0; int CM_TABLE = curve_mapping_lut_size - 1; float fi; int i; /* index in table */ fi = (value - mintable) * range; i = int(fi); /* fi is table float index and should check against table range i.e. [0.0 CM_TABLE] */ if (fi < 0.0 || fi > float(CM_TABLE)) { return curvemap_calc_extend(table, value, vec2(curve_mapping_first_x[table], curve_mapping_first_y[table]), vec2(curve_mapping_last_x[table], curve_mapping_last_y[table])); } else { if (i < 0) { return read_curve_mapping(table, 0); } if (i >= CM_TABLE) { return read_curve_mapping(table, CM_TABLE); } fi = fi - float(i); float cm1 = read_curve_mapping(table, i); float cm2 = read_curve_mapping(table, i + 1); return mix(cm1, cm2, fi); } } vec4 curvemapping_evaluate_premulRGBF(vec4 col) { col.rgb = (col.rgb - curve_mapping_black.rgb) * curve_mapping_bwmul.rgb; vec4 result; result.r = curvemap_evaluateF(0, col.r); result.g = curvemap_evaluateF(1, col.g); result.b = curvemap_evaluateF(2, col.b); result.a = col.a; return result; } float dither_random_value(vec2 co) { return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453) * 0.005 * dither; } vec2 round_to_pixel(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) { vec2 size = textureSize(tex, 0); return vec2(ivec2(uv * size)) / size; } vec4 apply_dither(vec4 col, vec2 uv) { col.rgb += dither_random_value(uv); return col; } vec4 OCIO_ProcessColor(vec4 col, vec4 col_overlay, vec2 noise_uv) { if (curve_mapping) { col = curvemapping_evaluate_premulRGBF(col); } if (predivide) { if (col.a > 0.0 && col.a < 1.0) { col.rgb *= 1.0 / col.a; } } /* NOTE: This is true we only do de-premul here and NO premul * and the reason is simple -- opengl is always configured * for straight alpha at this moment */ col = OCIO_to_display_linear_with_look(col, lut3d_texture); if (dither > 0.0) { col = apply_dither(col, noise_uv); } if (overlay) { col *= 1.0 - col_overlay.a; col += col_overlay; /* Assumed unassociated alpha. */ } col = OCIO_to_display_encoded(col, lut3d_display_texture); return col; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ in vec2 texCoord_interp; out vec4 fragColor; void main() { vec4 col = texture(image_texture, texCoord_interp.st); vec4 col_overlay = texture(overlay_texture, texCoord_interp.st); vec2 noise_uv = round_to_pixel(image_texture, texCoord_interp.st); fragColor = OCIO_ProcessColor(col, col_overlay, noise_uv); }