// Copyright 2021 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // Author: Sergey Sharybin #ifndef OPENSUBDIV_EVAL_OUTPUT_H_ #define OPENSUBDIV_EVAL_OUTPUT_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "internal/base/type.h" #include "internal/evaluator/evaluator_impl.h" using OpenSubdiv::Far::PatchTable; using OpenSubdiv::Far::StencilTable; using OpenSubdiv::Osd::BufferDescriptor; using OpenSubdiv::Osd::CpuPatchTable; using OpenSubdiv::Osd::GLPatchTable; using OpenSubdiv::Osd::PatchCoord; namespace blender { namespace opensubdiv { // Base class for the implementation of the evaluators. class EvalOutputAPI::EvalOutput { public: virtual ~EvalOutput() = default; virtual void updateData(const float *src, int start_vertex, int num_vertices) = 0; virtual void updateVaryingData(const float *src, int start_vertex, int num_vertices) = 0; virtual void updateFaceVaryingData(const int face_varying_channel, const float *src, int start_vertex, int num_vertices) = 0; virtual void refine() = 0; // NOTE: P must point to a memory of at least float[3]*num_patch_coords. virtual void evalPatches(const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float *P) = 0; // NOTE: P, dPdu, dPdv must point to a memory of at least float[3]*num_patch_coords. virtual void evalPatchesWithDerivatives(const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float *P, float *dPdu, float *dPdv) = 0; // NOTE: varying must point to a memory of at least float[3]*num_patch_coords. virtual void evalPatchesVarying(const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float *varying) = 0; virtual void evalPatchesFaceVarying(const int face_varying_channel, const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float face_varying[2]) = 0; // The following interfaces are dependant on the actual evaluator type (CPU, OpenGL, etc.) which // have slightly different APIs to access patch arrays, as well as different types for their // data structure. They need to be overridden in the specific instances of the EvalOutput derived // classes if needed, while the interfaces above are overriden through VolatileEvalOutput. virtual void fillPatchArraysBuffer(OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*patch_arrays_buffer*/) { } virtual void wrapPatchIndexBuffer(OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*patch_index_buffer*/) { } virtual void wrapPatchParamBuffer(OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*patch_param_buffer*/) { } virtual void wrapSrcBuffer(OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*src_buffer*/) { } virtual void fillFVarPatchArraysBuffer(const int /*face_varying_channel*/, OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*patch_arrays_buffer*/) { } virtual void wrapFVarPatchIndexBuffer(const int /*face_varying_channel*/, OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*patch_index_buffer*/) { } virtual void wrapFVarPatchParamBuffer(const int /*face_varying_channel*/, OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*patch_param_buffer*/) { } virtual void wrapFVarSrcBuffer(const int /*face_varying_channel*/, OpenSubdiv_Buffer * /*src_buffer*/) { } }; namespace { // Buffer which implements API required by OpenSubdiv and uses an existing memory as an underlying // storage. template class RawDataWrapperBuffer { public: RawDataWrapperBuffer(T *data) : data_(data) { } T *BindCpuBuffer() { return data_; } int BindVBO() { return 0; } // TODO(sergey): Support UpdateData(). protected: T *data_; }; template class RawDataWrapperVertexBuffer : public RawDataWrapperBuffer { public: RawDataWrapperVertexBuffer(T *data, int num_vertices) : RawDataWrapperBuffer(data), num_vertices_(num_vertices) { } int GetNumVertices() { return num_vertices_; } protected: int num_vertices_; }; class ConstPatchCoordWrapperBuffer : public RawDataWrapperVertexBuffer { public: ConstPatchCoordWrapperBuffer(const PatchCoord *data, int num_vertices) : RawDataWrapperVertexBuffer(data, num_vertices) { } }; } // namespace // Discriminators used in FaceVaryingVolatileEval in order to detect whether we are using adaptive // patches as the CPU and OpenGL PatchTable have different APIs. bool is_adaptive(CpuPatchTable *patch_table); bool is_adaptive(GLPatchTable *patch_table); template class FaceVaryingVolatileEval { public: typedef OpenSubdiv::Osd::EvaluatorCacheT EvaluatorCache; FaceVaryingVolatileEval(int face_varying_channel, const StencilTable *face_varying_stencils, int face_varying_width, PATCH_TABLE *patch_table, EvaluatorCache *evaluator_cache = NULL, DEVICE_CONTEXT *device_context = NULL) : face_varying_channel_(face_varying_channel), src_face_varying_desc_(0, face_varying_width, face_varying_width), patch_table_(patch_table), evaluator_cache_(evaluator_cache), device_context_(device_context) { using OpenSubdiv::Osd::convertToCompatibleStencilTable; num_coarse_face_varying_vertices_ = face_varying_stencils->GetNumControlVertices(); const int num_total_face_varying_vertices = face_varying_stencils->GetNumControlVertices() + face_varying_stencils->GetNumStencils(); src_face_varying_data_ = EVAL_VERTEX_BUFFER::Create( 2, num_total_face_varying_vertices, device_context); face_varying_stencils_ = convertToCompatibleStencilTable(face_varying_stencils, device_context_); } ~FaceVaryingVolatileEval() { delete src_face_varying_data_; delete face_varying_stencils_; } void updateData(const float *src, int start_vertex, int num_vertices) { src_face_varying_data_->UpdateData(src, start_vertex, num_vertices, device_context_); } void refine() { BufferDescriptor dst_face_varying_desc = src_face_varying_desc_; dst_face_varying_desc.offset += num_coarse_face_varying_vertices_ * src_face_varying_desc_.stride; const EVALUATOR *eval_instance = OpenSubdiv::Osd::GetEvaluator( evaluator_cache_, src_face_varying_desc_, dst_face_varying_desc, device_context_); // in and out points to same buffer so output is put directly after coarse vertices, needed in // adaptive mode EVALUATOR::EvalStencils(src_face_varying_data_, src_face_varying_desc_, src_face_varying_data_, dst_face_varying_desc, face_varying_stencils_, eval_instance, device_context_); } // NOTE: face_varying must point to a memory of at least float[2]*num_patch_coords. void evalPatches(const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float *face_varying) { RawDataWrapperBuffer face_varying_data(face_varying); BufferDescriptor face_varying_desc(0, 2, 2); ConstPatchCoordWrapperBuffer patch_coord_buffer(patch_coord, num_patch_coords); const EVALUATOR *eval_instance = OpenSubdiv::Osd::GetEvaluator( evaluator_cache_, src_face_varying_desc_, face_varying_desc, device_context_); BufferDescriptor src_desc = get_src_varying_desc(); EVALUATOR::EvalPatchesFaceVarying(src_face_varying_data_, src_desc, &face_varying_data, face_varying_desc, patch_coord_buffer.GetNumVertices(), &patch_coord_buffer, patch_table_, face_varying_channel_, eval_instance, device_context_); } EVAL_VERTEX_BUFFER *getSrcBuffer() const { return src_face_varying_data_; } int getFVarSrcBufferOffset() const { BufferDescriptor src_desc = get_src_varying_desc(); return src_desc.offset; } PATCH_TABLE *getPatchTable() const { return patch_table_; } private: BufferDescriptor get_src_varying_desc() const { // src_face_varying_data_ always contains coarse vertices at the beginning. // In adaptive mode they are followed by number of blocks for intermediate // subdivision levels, and this is what OSD expects in this mode. // In non-adaptive mode (generateIntermediateLevels == false), // they are followed by max subdivision level, but they break interpolation as OSD // expects only one subd level in this buffer. // So in non-adaptive mode we put offset into buffer descriptor to skip over coarse vertices. BufferDescriptor src_desc = src_face_varying_desc_; if (!is_adaptive(patch_table_)) { src_desc.offset += num_coarse_face_varying_vertices_ * src_face_varying_desc_.stride; } return src_desc; } protected: int face_varying_channel_; BufferDescriptor src_face_varying_desc_; int num_coarse_face_varying_vertices_; EVAL_VERTEX_BUFFER *src_face_varying_data_; const STENCIL_TABLE *face_varying_stencils_; // NOTE: We reference this, do not own it. PATCH_TABLE *patch_table_; EvaluatorCache *evaluator_cache_; DEVICE_CONTEXT *device_context_; }; // Volatile evaluator which can be used from threads. // // TODO(sergey): Make it possible to evaluate coordinates in chunks. // TODO(sergey): Make it possible to evaluate multiple face varying layers. // (or maybe, it's cheap to create new evaluator for existing // topology to evaluate all needed face varying layers?) template class VolatileEvalOutput : public EvalOutputAPI::EvalOutput { public: typedef OpenSubdiv::Osd::EvaluatorCacheT EvaluatorCache; typedef FaceVaryingVolatileEval FaceVaryingEval; VolatileEvalOutput(const StencilTable *vertex_stencils, const StencilTable *varying_stencils, const vector &all_face_varying_stencils, const int face_varying_width, const PatchTable *patch_table, EvaluatorCache *evaluator_cache = NULL, DEVICE_CONTEXT *device_context = NULL) : src_desc_(0, 3, 3), src_varying_desc_(0, 3, 3), face_varying_width_(face_varying_width), evaluator_cache_(evaluator_cache), device_context_(device_context) { // Total number of vertices = coarse points + refined points + local points. int num_total_vertices = vertex_stencils->GetNumControlVertices() + vertex_stencils->GetNumStencils(); num_coarse_vertices_ = vertex_stencils->GetNumControlVertices(); using OpenSubdiv::Osd::convertToCompatibleStencilTable; src_data_ = SRC_VERTEX_BUFFER::Create(3, num_total_vertices, device_context_); src_varying_data_ = SRC_VERTEX_BUFFER::Create(3, num_total_vertices, device_context_); patch_table_ = PATCH_TABLE::Create(patch_table, device_context_); vertex_stencils_ = convertToCompatibleStencilTable(vertex_stencils, device_context_); varying_stencils_ = convertToCompatibleStencilTable(varying_stencils, device_context_); // Create evaluators for every face varying channel. face_varying_evaluators_.reserve(all_face_varying_stencils.size()); int face_varying_channel = 0; for (const StencilTable *face_varying_stencils : all_face_varying_stencils) { face_varying_evaluators_.push_back(new FaceVaryingEval(face_varying_channel, face_varying_stencils, face_varying_width, patch_table_, evaluator_cache_, device_context_)); ++face_varying_channel; } } ~VolatileEvalOutput() override { delete src_data_; delete src_varying_data_; delete patch_table_; delete vertex_stencils_; delete varying_stencils_; for (FaceVaryingEval *face_varying_evaluator : face_varying_evaluators_) { delete face_varying_evaluator; } } // TODO(sergey): Implement binding API. void updateData(const float *src, int start_vertex, int num_vertices) override { src_data_->UpdateData(src, start_vertex, num_vertices, device_context_); } void updateVaryingData(const float *src, int start_vertex, int num_vertices) override { src_varying_data_->UpdateData(src, start_vertex, num_vertices, device_context_); } void updateFaceVaryingData(const int face_varying_channel, const float *src, int start_vertex, int num_vertices) override { assert(face_varying_channel >= 0); assert(face_varying_channel < face_varying_evaluators_.size()); face_varying_evaluators_[face_varying_channel]->updateData(src, start_vertex, num_vertices); } bool hasVaryingData() const { // return varying_stencils_ != NULL; // TODO(sergey): Check this based on actual topology. return false; } bool hasFaceVaryingData() const { return face_varying_evaluators_.size() != 0; } void refine() override { // Evaluate vertex positions. BufferDescriptor dst_desc = src_desc_; dst_desc.offset += num_coarse_vertices_ * src_desc_.stride; const EVALUATOR *eval_instance = OpenSubdiv::Osd::GetEvaluator( evaluator_cache_, src_desc_, dst_desc, device_context_); EVALUATOR::EvalStencils(src_data_, src_desc_, src_data_, dst_desc, vertex_stencils_, eval_instance, device_context_); // Evaluate varying data. if (hasVaryingData()) { BufferDescriptor dst_varying_desc = src_varying_desc_; dst_varying_desc.offset += num_coarse_vertices_ * src_varying_desc_.stride; eval_instance = OpenSubdiv::Osd::GetEvaluator( evaluator_cache_, src_varying_desc_, dst_varying_desc, device_context_); EVALUATOR::EvalStencils(src_varying_data_, src_varying_desc_, src_varying_data_, dst_varying_desc, varying_stencils_, eval_instance, device_context_); } // Evaluate face-varying data. if (hasFaceVaryingData()) { for (FaceVaryingEval *face_varying_evaluator : face_varying_evaluators_) { face_varying_evaluator->refine(); } } } // NOTE: P must point to a memory of at least float[3]*num_patch_coords. void evalPatches(const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float *P) override { RawDataWrapperBuffer P_data(P); // TODO(sergey): Support interleaved vertex-varying data. BufferDescriptor P_desc(0, 3, 3); ConstPatchCoordWrapperBuffer patch_coord_buffer(patch_coord, num_patch_coords); const EVALUATOR *eval_instance = OpenSubdiv::Osd::GetEvaluator( evaluator_cache_, src_desc_, P_desc, device_context_); EVALUATOR::EvalPatches(src_data_, src_desc_, &P_data, P_desc, patch_coord_buffer.GetNumVertices(), &patch_coord_buffer, patch_table_, eval_instance, device_context_); } // NOTE: P, dPdu, dPdv must point to a memory of at least float[3]*num_patch_coords. void evalPatchesWithDerivatives(const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float *P, float *dPdu, float *dPdv) override { assert(dPdu); assert(dPdv); RawDataWrapperBuffer P_data(P); RawDataWrapperBuffer dPdu_data(dPdu), dPdv_data(dPdv); // TODO(sergey): Support interleaved vertex-varying data. BufferDescriptor P_desc(0, 3, 3); BufferDescriptor dpDu_desc(0, 3, 3), pPdv_desc(0, 3, 3); ConstPatchCoordWrapperBuffer patch_coord_buffer(patch_coord, num_patch_coords); const EVALUATOR *eval_instance = OpenSubdiv::Osd::GetEvaluator( evaluator_cache_, src_desc_, P_desc, dpDu_desc, pPdv_desc, device_context_); EVALUATOR::EvalPatches(src_data_, src_desc_, &P_data, P_desc, &dPdu_data, dpDu_desc, &dPdv_data, pPdv_desc, patch_coord_buffer.GetNumVertices(), &patch_coord_buffer, patch_table_, eval_instance, device_context_); } // NOTE: varying must point to a memory of at least float[3]*num_patch_coords. void evalPatchesVarying(const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float *varying) override { RawDataWrapperBuffer varying_data(varying); BufferDescriptor varying_desc(3, 3, 6); ConstPatchCoordWrapperBuffer patch_coord_buffer(patch_coord, num_patch_coords); const EVALUATOR *eval_instance = OpenSubdiv::Osd::GetEvaluator( evaluator_cache_, src_varying_desc_, varying_desc, device_context_); EVALUATOR::EvalPatchesVarying(src_varying_data_, src_varying_desc_, &varying_data, varying_desc, patch_coord_buffer.GetNumVertices(), &patch_coord_buffer, patch_table_, eval_instance, device_context_); } void evalPatchesFaceVarying(const int face_varying_channel, const PatchCoord *patch_coord, const int num_patch_coords, float face_varying[2]) override { assert(face_varying_channel >= 0); assert(face_varying_channel < face_varying_evaluators_.size()); face_varying_evaluators_[face_varying_channel]->evalPatches( patch_coord, num_patch_coords, face_varying); } SRC_VERTEX_BUFFER *getSrcBuffer() const { return src_data_; } PATCH_TABLE *getPatchTable() const { return patch_table_; } SRC_VERTEX_BUFFER *getFVarSrcBuffer(const int face_varying_channel) const { return face_varying_evaluators_[face_varying_channel]->getSrcBuffer(); } int getFVarSrcBufferOffset(const int face_varying_channel) const { return face_varying_evaluators_[face_varying_channel]->getFVarSrcBufferOffset(); } PATCH_TABLE *getFVarPatchTable(const int face_varying_channel) const { return face_varying_evaluators_[face_varying_channel]->getPatchTable(); } private: SRC_VERTEX_BUFFER *src_data_; SRC_VERTEX_BUFFER *src_varying_data_; PATCH_TABLE *patch_table_; BufferDescriptor src_desc_; BufferDescriptor src_varying_desc_; int num_coarse_vertices_; const STENCIL_TABLE *vertex_stencils_; const STENCIL_TABLE *varying_stencils_; int face_varying_width_; vector face_varying_evaluators_; EvaluatorCache *evaluator_cache_; DEVICE_CONTEXT *device_context_; }; } // namespace opensubdiv } // namespace blender #endif // OPENSUBDIV_EVAL_OUTPUT_H_